"Doom 4 had a "Call of Doom" feel to it, producer says."
..so did Doom 2016.
I played the demo and didn't enjoy it. It didn't feel like Doom 3, which I enjoyed heavily. It felt like a floaty arcadey shooter, which I suppose was trying to emulate Doom 1&2, but it just missed the mark and made it feel like a CoD game, which I despise.
They don't give us the Nova co-op commander for pre-purchasing the entire covert ops campaign before it was even released (8 months wait), but now they're giving us a free commander voice pack if we purchased BOTH the commander and the covert-ops campaign?
Unless it's Overwatch, where the director (Jeff Kaplan) is astoundingly ignorant to technology and disrespectful to their 21:9 users.
Meanwhile ever single other modern FPS supports 21:9 just fine, while most of them also support multi-monitor, not to mention having an FoV slider that goes far higher than 103.
Also, what kind of joke is this video? Shows 21:9 footage yet it's shrunk to 16:9. The video should be 21:9 displaying everything in full. Instead there's both pillarboxing and letterboxing on 21:9 displays instead of just letterboxing on 16:9 displays, which would happen either way.
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