@Attitude2000: Most FILMS are FILMED in 21:9. I'd know, I've watched hundreds of movies over the years. Even LONG before 21:9 monitors existed, movies were 21:9.
Low budget or amateur films are done in 16:9.
But that's beside the point; I'm referencing emerging technologies people or companies thought would never catch on as technology developed over humanity's lifespan, yet here we are in modern time and all of them are mainstream, some even deprecated for better technology, many times over.
I personally feel the same way about 21:9. If you've ever used a 21:9 monitor, you'll understand. There is absolutely no reason for 16:9 to exist anymore when you've experienced 21:9.
The best aspect ratio would be 21:10 which would properly support "SD" (4:3, old PC and TV) and "HD" (16:9, TV) content and also the PC aspect ratio (16:10), but that doesn't exist... yet.
But again, all of this is irrelevant to Blizzard refusing to support an aspect ratio because they think it's "cheating" and deliberately disabled, lying to us about "the UI being broken" before people found out you could hex edit it in.. which silently was hotfixed out on release, then it blew up into the mess today.
The irony that WoW and D3 has support for 21:9 since release and they implemented it in Heroes of the Storm near the beginning of this year. Yep, it's sure cheating when over half of your company's modern games support it, including one that's purely competitive.
@Attitude2000: Widescreen is a niche market, who's going to use it?
4K is a niche market, who's going to use it?
Mobile phones are a niche market, who's going to use them?
Smartphones are a niche market, who's going to use them?
Have I made the point clear yet?
This is entirely irrelevant to how much of a "market share" or "niche" something is. It's about a company's reluctance to support a monitor aspect ratio that's been in existence for over 5 years that many other game companies support. Look at any other FPS; all support 21:9 and multi-monitor no problem, ON RELEASE. Overwatch? Jeff Kaplan and his ignorance and consumer disrespect stands in the way.
If you seriously don't understand, then go read about Vert- and Hor+ scaling, along with one of my other comments: http://www.pcgamer.com/overwatchs-new-219-support-actually-reduces-field-of-view/#comment-2789635722
Cool, I can play a game that doesn't support 21:9 because the director is an ignorant bigot.
I guess I can use it to confirm if it's still running nausea inducing Vert- seeing as I haven't read anything all about the game since they 'implemented' 21:9 'support'.
@Mogan: Sounds to me like I'm just speaking objective facts.
There was one subjective sentence, and it's obvious, but still states a fact that the latency has been tripled from east -> central server, which causes a negative playing experience.
Go find my posts on the official forum if you care to read more, along with the swathe of other people's words.
@Mogan: Gotta budget out those east coast servers and make their online-only games an objectively worse experience for us living on the east coast. Amirite?
Starcraft 2 is the only game with an east coast server left, and aside from D3 (west coast only server, unlike the other games having central; sans hearthstone), it's their least played game. How does this make any sense?
I quit playing Heroes of the Storm competitively because of the tripling in latency (causes me to fail skill combos because the server doesn't respond in time). Does Blizzard care about us? No, they just provide bullshit excuses so they can cut down on operating costs (which are trivial compared to their revenue) at the expensive of their playerbase.
DAOWAce's comments