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Dark_Priestess Blog

OMGZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ~! It's still here~! O.o

Guess who's back... back again... DP's back... tell a friend...

I can't believe that I still remember my bleemin' password to get into this here joint :P This blog is in serious need of some Martha Stewart magic, and not the type that will produce a poncho ^_^

Anyhoo, it's good to see the ol' place still around and kickin', so I'll start by askin'... how've y'all been!? O.o It's been, like, a while since I've written in here (understatements FTW~! :lol: ) Things have been kinda coo coo with me.

Last year I made the move to the big city, but due to the insanity of the last few months caused by the recession (having my hours cut from work = NOT FUN!), high rent that ate away at my chequing account, and the amount of money I owe on my taxes, I had little choice but to move back home with meh folks. That happened a couple of weeks ago at the end of July. My parents don't mind; they've been really cool about the whole thing (they were the ones who insisted that I come back home). So here I am, in my old room, plotting my revenge on the world with chocolate-covered tatter tots... er, I mean, figuring out how to get my massive amount of debt down and regrouping for my next assault on the real world :P Been hunting for another part time job, but so far no luck. :( I hope to find something soon, though... just don't know what T_T

As far as gaming goes... I haven't made much progress in that huge pile over there I call a backlog *stares at Mighty Mountain of Gaming* >_> I place the blame solely on Final Fantasy XI. OK, maybe my laziness played a bit of a role in it... but mostly FFXI. This is why I hate MMOs. They're such a time suck! You tell yourself that you'll play for, oh, 2 hours. next thing you know, you're growing hair in places you had no idea could grow hair and suffering from the worst case of halitosis the world has ever known.

So why am I still playing this thing!? Dang you, Squeenix! You and your little chocobo too!

But I digress... sorta :P I have been making more of an effort to play other games nowadays, but that mountain of games keeps growing ever so bigger. Times like this I could take an entire month off from work and do nothing but play games (of course, I can't afford to do that NOW, but t'would be nice nonetheless).

I can't think of anything else right now besides chocolate covered tatter tots... that's a sign that I should make myself scarce.

This is DP signing off. And remember: don't trust the Matrix Moogles :P

Toodles! :D

Change... is... GOOD!

Hello my lil' humide hot dogs of joy!

So... it's been awhile. Quite awhile :P So I hope y'all have been enjoying yourselves, eating your vitamins, etc., etc. So, let's begin my bizarre rant :P

Year of Creati-w00t-met: Self-Assess-m00t

I should've done it last month, but meh :P As some of you may remember I issued the DP New Year Challenge near the beginning of the year: to get more in touch with your creative side. So now's the time to check in and show me some progress! No cheating, no "the Nintendog ate my l33+ pic" hoopla. Seriously, have you guys been unleashing your inner Picasso? Bringing out your Beethoven? I've been keeping up with me Correspondance School Art course and I'm almost done, too (by almost, I mean I only have 2 units left. YAYS!). I've also bought 2 books on animation and even invested in a personal light box to use for animation purposes. I haven't used it yet (I'll explain why in a minute), but it's nice to set down the fondation for my future plans. Anyhoo, if you haven't created something yet... get crackin'! :P

Ch-ch-ch-change is GRAND!

Ah, change... the pieces of copper that jingles in your pocket... the event that represents some sort of transition in your life. Both are nice things to have. And I gots them. w00t!

So, I resigned my contract with RD (gonna be my 3rd year with them). All is well, too: I'm officially full-time and I got a raise. Workin' hard for the money! (do-do-do-dooooo). Right now, I'm workin' summer hours: I have to stay an extra 45 minutes Monday to Thursday, and on Friday I get to go home at noon! :D Feels like the days back at university when I only had one course in the morning on Friday and that'll be it. It's nice to get to go home early :lol:

Speaking of going home early, in a couple of weeks I'll be getting home even earlier than I do now. That's because... I'm moving out! Yes, this lil' bird is finally leavin' the nest and moving into my first apartment! Probably would've done so sooner, but I've never had asteady job'till this one, and thus haven't been able to save up enough money. It'sin a great place too; quite happy with the location indeed, as I'll be much closer to work (I'll be able to... *gasp* walk to work! HUGE change from taking the bus and metro). I started packing since I'm leaving the 1st of August. It's kinda weird seeing my life packed away in boxes like that :? But I'm quite excited and can't wait for the big day. :) Any moving tips you lovely peeps can give me (especially how to properly pack away my consoles) are greatly welcomed.

I need to plan my day tomorrow, so it's time to say adieu.

This is DP signing off. And remember: find a penny, pick it up. All day long pennies will rain on your head like Thor's Hammer! :P

Toodles! :D

27 years of smushing Goombas, impulse buys and shameless addictions

Hello my lil' Hulkamaniacs (yeah, I'm running out of names... bah :P )

Well, it was on this day in 1981 that I popped out of my mommy's belly in what has been described as "the shortest labour ever" :P And today was a great day. Work was nice; it went by fast, but it was lunch time that was the highlight of my day. I went out to Game Buzz to sell a couple of games that are in need of a good home (an extra copy of Breath of Fire IV that I had for some reason, and Suikoden V still in shrink wrap). The guy who usually buys the games wasn't in, so I didn't get that done.

Next, I headed off to my Alma Mater to pick up my Diploma. After finally remembering to fill out the registration papers, I officially graduated last November. I didn't bother going to the Graduation, though. I thought today was a good day to pick up that lil' piece of paper that I busted my tail off to earn. It's puuurdy :P

Headed off to HMV to get some Microsoft Points (4200 points total) and rechargeable battery pack. They cost about $101, but a co-worker gave me a $50 gift card before Christmas and I put it to good use: cut the total in half. Sweet! :D Last stop was to Sushi Shop to buy some lunch. They have a Loyalty Card Program, where you'll get a stamp on a card every time you buy some sushi. You get some free food every 6th stamp. I just so happened to be entitled to some free sushi, so... yeah. Sushi tastes good when it's free :P

Anyhoo, today was a good day. I'm still thinking of what to buy on the Marketplace (Puzzle Quest is a given; I don't know if I should get anything else). Any suggestions, hmmm? :)

Temptation, thy name is Dante

Yeah, I wanted to write this a while ago, but I forgot :P So, the day after Valentine's Day I went off to look for the Wi-Fi Adapter for my 360. And I got it. Then I did the one thing I shouldn't have done after picking out my intended prey... I looked aroudn the store some more. And instead of spending $110, I spent $256.18! :? I bought the Adapter... and Halo, Halo 2, and Devil May Cry 4: Collector's Edition. Ah, temptation... but, but, but, I have an excuse! Really! Oh, don't look at me like that, it's the truth! I never played any of the Halo games before, so I had to get caught up before diving into Halo 3. And as for DMC 4... well... it's Dante, for Pete's Sake! DANTE! And Nero... but DANTE!

Hell yeah, baby! You boys can have your Kasumi Ultra-Soft Heat-and-Massage Inducing Mouse Pad and Full Length Body Pillows, I have my Dante! And I'll hug him, and squeeze him, and pet him, and pat him, and name him Big Daddy D... 'cause I don't think he'll want to be called George... or Big Daddy D for that matter :P Heck, Kevin Nash might come after me for for using one of his old nicknames :P Meh. All this to say that those games were impulse buys and while I had no plans to buy them right there and then, I'm still quite happy with my purchases.

I... have a problem...

Yeah... so... the first step in conquering a problem is to admit that you have one. And I feel that with the support of my lovely peeps, I can get through this...

*sigh* Okay... so... I didn't think it would grow to be such a big deal at first. I play a game, I accomplish a little goal, hear a sound, get a badge and some points on my Gamer Profile. Cool, I thought, and with that I kept playing. And playing. And hearing more chimes, and seeing a couple of more badges. Now, I'm obssessed and can't seem to stop.

Yes, kiddies... I'm... an Achievement Points Junkie! :cry:

I haven't stumbled down the path of playing multiple games at once to get as many points as possible; rather, I'm taking my time and trying to earn all the achievements in a game before moving on. I only have 2 more Achievements to eanr on Hexic HD, and... well, a lot on Marvel: Ultimate Alliance :P Who would've thought something so simple could be so... addictive? Next thing you know, I'm gonna import a Japanese 360 just so I can get Achievement Points for Japanese games... oh, dear God NOOOO! :cry:

Anyhoo, this is DP signing off. And remember: Dante Plushie > Kasumi Body Pillow.

*blows out Birthday Cake candles* w00t! :D

It's here! My XBOX 360 Eliiiiiiiite!

w00t, w00t, w00t, w00t! w00t, w00t, w00t, w00t!

*ahem* Good evening, my lil' online gaming freaks of Luuuuv.

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you treated your respected sweeties nicely... and gave 'em lots of chocolate, 'cause everyone knows that Valentine's Day is all about the chocolate :P

Well, as you can tell from the title of my entry and my Xbox Gamer Card to the side over there, I got my Xbox 360 Elite today. Much sooner than expected too!:? I was told it would come in 3 weeks; it came in a week and a couple of days :D I was hoping to have this elaborate ritual where I would do the Sacred Purification Cleansing of the Gaming Area (a.k.a vaccum and use the Swiffer Duster :P), then do the HD Hook-UP Hokey-Pokey and enjoy the lovely sight of causing carnage in 1080i... or 1080p. But it came early... so I don't have an HDTV yet. Alas, and alack and woe as me; I was too impatient and couldn't wait until the weekend to hook everything up! :lol: I'll have to make a trip to EB tomorrow and see if I can track down the Wireless Adapter so i can get online (I forgot there's no Wi-Fi out of the box :P). Anyhoo, now I'm tied to my ISP, Bell Canada, for another 3 years since, as I explained in my previous post, the 360 was part of one of their special Internet bundles (not that that's a problem: I've never had any trouble with them in all these 8 years that I've been with them). If I opt out before the 3 years is up, I'll have to pony up the balance of what I owe on the console.

Anyhoo, I really can't wait to dive in. Along with the Xbox came 3 lovely games: Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, Forza Motorsport 2 and Halo 3! Annnnnd, I have a 13-month membership to Xbox Live Gold. Sweetness, I say! At the end of the month I plan to get my HDTV, by hook or by crook (maybe more hook than crook... bah). So far, I only have 2 suggestions (thanks to davideric1 and Kazona for feedback). I need more suggestions! MORE! O.o I might just go with that Sharp model, though. Just because it looks sweet and the features that it has aren't so bad. I'll poke around some stores this weekend and see if anything else strikes my fancy.

*sigh* I'm still so giddy; like a kid at Christmas who hit pay dirt. I'm so excited to be playing new games on a new system. More importantly, I can't wait to get online and play with all of you! :) This is DP signing off. And remember: Work Hard, Play Harder.

See you online, kids! :)

Year of Creati-w00t-ment; HDTV recommendations needed

G'day my lil' gummi bears of the future!

Well, the year is now about 6 weeks old, so that's enough for most of us to get back to Ye Ol' Routine (or settle into new ones). Me? I've been settling into waking up hella early to workout (I find it's easier to do cardio early in the morning instead of after work; I'm just too dang tired to do anything! O.o). Also, I've been tackling my backlog of games and books. Finished 2 games thus far (only 92 to go... God help us all :cry: ), and 3 books (12 to go... huzzah!). I plan to take a week off next month to do taxes and other spring things, so maybe I'll cause some damage then, yeah?

So how've y'all been? Working hard, playing harder? ... yeah? Good. :)

The Year of Creati-w00t-ment

All right gang, pay attention. Now... hey, you! Yeah, you! *points to dude picking his nose* We don't want no slackers, here! Now pay attention *bops with Mighty Mallet*

*Ahem* Now, where were we? Ah yes... grab your pencils and notebooks, kids, 'cause it's time for...

DP's New Year Challenge!!!!

Ah yes, the New Year Challenge. It's been awhile since I've done this. First time, it was to make the best year ever. Then it was to do things that you used to do when you were a kid. Didn't have one last year... mainly 'cause I didn't show up again 'till late March! Well, I ain't going to wait that long anymore! Yeah, yeah, I gave you a month to do whatever, but now it's time to whip you into shape! Bwa, ha, ha!

This year, I want you to tap into your inner Picasso; your mighty Mozart; your sensational Shakespeare. I want you to spend more of your time being creative. All work and no creative play makes you a dull boy (or gal). Plus, tapping into your creative side leads to happier, longer lives :D So, go out there and write that Halo fanfic you've been iching to do or that poem about the sea. Draw a picture... maybe three! Do something that intrigues and stimulates that right side of the brain. I'll check in on your progress around mid-July.

Any questions? Good.. get crackin' :P

Welcome to the Next Gen... grab your helmet, foo'!

As some of y'all know, my birthday's at the end of the month. So, I've been thinking about something to get for myself. And I ordered it: a new system. That's right kiddies: DP's entering the next gen, head first and armed with gulloshes (again... God help us all :P).

I called up Bell yesterday (my happy ISP), and asked to upgrade my Internet service. I had their Sympatico Ultra High Speed (which was, at the time, one of their fastest services), and thought I should step it up a notch. That's when I noticed their special bundle offers and I knew the one to get: the Total Internet Gaming package, which consists of their Total Internet Performance service... and an XBox 360 Elite with... a game (or games). On the site it says it comes with Halo 3, Forza Motorsport 2, and Marvel Ultimate Alliance, however the sales reps I spoke with on the phone didn't confirm which games I'd actually be getting. Bah. :P The newest member of my happy family will be arriving in about 3 weeks (around my birthday, give or take a couple of days).

So here's where I need the help. I know to ge the most out of my happy lil' bundle of joy, I'll need an HDTV. All good timing, since I've been itchin' to get a new one. I mean, my 13" Samsung GXTV has served me well for the last 9 years, but it's time to let her go (besides... sometimes the picture flickers out :? ). I actually had my eye on this one (yeah, the site says there's no more available; so if I do go for that one, I'll get it from Best Buy me thinks):

Sharp Aquos 32" 1080p LCD HDTV

It looks like the right size and it has 1080p (all the rage, as I hear), but I'll shop around some more. So this is where I must call upon the aid of my lovely peeps (yes, that means YOU!) What HDTVs do you guys recomend? Keep in mind that this is for my bedroom and doesn't have a whole lot of space left without some MAJOR re-arrangement. So nothing bigger than a 32" pretty please :P Thanks in advance for any suggestions :)

Well, that's it for me. Time for me to take it easy before I hit the hay (the consequence for getting up early... ugh :P). This is DP signing off. And remember: The future is now... no wait... now. No.... now. Really. :| Bah, forget it. :P

Toodles~! :lol:

Prepare to meet your RPG Maker!

Hello my lil' creative blocks :P

I'm officially on vacation for one week! Yays! And I've been planning on what to do with all of this free time. Aside from playing through the 70 games on my To Play list (no, that's not a typo: I have a bunch of games to get through that I didn't put on my Now Playing list over there), I have many other projects that I would like to get done... like making RPGs :P

Some of you may be familiar with the RPG Maker series by ASCII (later by Enterbrain). We got our first taste of it here in the West a few years back with the PlayStation version, with PS2 and PC versions creeping out of the blue. I do prefer the PC versions to the consoles, only because they aren't as limiting in terms of importing your own graphics, music and such (although, to be fair, I've only played the original PS version and not the PS2 versions, so I don't know if anything's different).

So, yeah, I have RPG Maker 2000, 2002 and XP which I purchased a couple of months ago. I was hyped and ready to get to work on that Breath of Fire fangame that I've been planning since forever... when I saw this a couple of weeks ago:

Yeah... there's another RPG Maker coming to the PC: RPG Maker VX for Windows XP and Vista. And quite soon, too! I'm actually excited about this. From what I read, it will improve on some of the things introduced in RPGMaker XP as well as bring back some things from 2000 and 2k2.

Vehicles! Oh hellz ya!

Multiple tilesets for maps. w00t!

I could show more, but I'm too lazy to put them here. So, check out my Images page for more :P Besides, still shots can only tell you so much. So, here's a promo video from Enterbrain that'll give you an idea of what to expect:


Our friends in the East are going to get their hands on this on Thursday. I'm sorely tempted to import this, as there's some bonus content on the CD, such as special portraits and tiles, not to mention the various demo games (2 of which were shown in that vid). I'm hoping that when the English version becomes available for download, the folks at Enterbrain will be kind enough to translate and package those games as well. They look great! :)

So, aside from playing through a large backlog of games, I'm currently learning Ruby, the programming language that's being used in the RGSS system that was mentioned in the Promo. Again, you don't need to learn programming; you can fire it up and start ploping things here and there and make a good game. But to do some truly crazy and amazing things, knowing how to use Ruby to manipulate the program is the way to go.

For those who want to try it out early, Enterbrain has released a demo of the program here:

Unlike the English demo for RPGMaker XP, there is no time limit on this: you can have this on your system for all eternity if you want. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't have any restrictions (kudos to the folks at RPG RPG Revolution for the translation):

  1. You cannot make a game disk
    The only way you can play games is by using the "Test Play" feature.
  2. Limits on the number of items, skills, etc in the database
    This will not be limited in the trial version, but in the trial version you cannot change the default number of items, skills, etc. in the database.
  3. 10 maps per game
    You cannot create more than 10 maps in this trial version.
  4. 10 events per map
    You cannot have more than 10 events created in a single map.
  5. Limited Runtime Package (RTP)
    In the complete version, there are 104 characters, 56 monsters, 80 face graphics, 80 animations, 1024 map tiles, 238 icons, 42 BGMs, 10 BGS, 10 MEs, and 200 SEs. There are considerably less in this lightweight trial.
  6. Scripts cannot be edited
    You can take a look at the scripts, but not edit them. However, you can call scripts from the event command, on page 3, so feel free to try out scripting using RGSS2!
  7. Games cannot be opened
    Not like there are any games you can open yet, but it's for thefuture RPG Maker VX games.
  8. Games cannot be saved
    Your project will be deleted when you exit RPG Maker VX. You will still be able to save the game while you are in the editor, so you can test play all you want.
  9. Updates not supported
    The trial version does not support released updates.
  10. You do not need to install RTP separately
    Everything is included in this trial version, but in the full version you will need to install RTP separately like previous editions of RPG Maker.

It's quite fun. :) Some of you might have a little trouble navigating through the menus since everything's in Japanese, but that shouldn't deter you from giving it a whirl.

That's about all. I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Take care, and I'll see y'all in 2008!

This is DP signing off. And remember: Pixel art is awesome! :P

Toodles! :)

Good grief, it's dusty! Time to update!

Hello my lil' drips of November Rain! It's certainly been a long time since I last wrote in this thing I call a blog (March!? Ya gotta be kidding me!) I've been on vacation from work this week (returning to my precious ( :roll: ) paperwork on Monday). Let's start with the obvious: How are you? Are you taking your vitamins and eating your veggies like the good gamers that you are? Hope all is going well with y'all :) Alrighty then, now that the formalities are done, it's time to give mini-updates... for great justice.

More work = less play

There's been some shake-ups at work the last few months. In the interest of incresing efficiency at the workplace, a number of task have been outsourced to folks in other departments who would normally never do them. As a result, a lot of people are losing their jobs (or as the company puts it "their position in the company has been abolished"... O.o' ). I had to say good bye to a people whom I've been working with on an almost daily basis since I started working there 2 years ago. And it isn't that these people were doing poorly on the job -- some of them have been there for 20+ years! -- there just wasn't room for them after all the changes were made. Makes me sad to see them go.

One of the people who left was the Magazine Administrator (who's, like, uber-secretary extraordinaire). She's been there for 25 years and they let her go. The other Administrator decided to retire; after 20 years of working hard, I say she deserves to leave on her own terms, so good for her! :) So, the 2 Administrators were gone and... well, the new Administrator and I had to work hard to keep all the paper work in order, so I've been working full time since September. I don't mind really, but I no longer have all that free time that I used to have when I was working only 3 days a week. On the plus side, I make more money and can go buy more things, so it all works out :P Speaking of buying...


Really, I do! And it's slick and black and glows blue like TRON!!!!

As for the specs:

  • Intel Core 2 Duo Conroe E6600 2.4GHz
  • 4 Gigs DDRII 667 Memory
  • ASUS P5N32-E SLI Motherboard
  • Western Digital 320GB Hard Drive
  • eVGA 8400 GS 512MB
  • Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Extreme Music Sound Card
  • LG 18X DVDRW Dual Layer with Lightscribe
  • 7 in 1 Card Reader with Floppy Drive
  • Windows XP Pro

I love my PC since it's sooooooo much stronger than my old poopy PC (those who know me for a while know my misery with the poopy PC). Now I can actually do stuff... like play PC games! :lol: I have new speakers, and a keyboard, as well as a drawing tablet. The only thing that remains from my old PC is my 19-inch CRT monitor, which is still working pretty well. But, I 'll get an LCD soon, as the ol' girl is starting to flicker somewhat :(

New PSP! New Camera!

So I gave in and bought a PSP... not just any PSP... the Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core PSP!

I imported it from Play Asia. It came all pretty and shiny... and with complementary candy that has since gone to a better place :P I haven't touched Crisis Core, as I've been spending late nights playing Monster Hunter Freedom 2. For someone who's never played any of the previous installments, I'm having a blast. It's a little tough at first but once you get used to the controls and such, it's quite addictive. I rearly play games uber-late nowadays, but I find myself staying up 'til 1 in the morning playing this. I picked up Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles and Guilty Gear Accent Core today, and I can't wait to get into them. :)

I also snagged a FujiFilm FinePix 9 Megapixel camera for $170. Considering the quality and the price, I think it's a pretty decent deal. I hope to get a lot of use out of it... itchy trigger finger :P

Other plans...?

Next year, I'm gonna have my own website. I know, I've been harping about this for, like, forever (kinda like with getting a new PC and world domination), but things are looking good and I might actually do it within the next couple of months. I just need to schedule some time for myself to sit down and get things in order.

Gee, that was a lot :? I'll try to come back more often to post blogs, since I really do enjoy posting rants and checking up on you guys :) So until next time, this is DP signing off. And remember: if the Garlic doesn't keep Dracula away, the Axe flying straight for his head certainly will.

Toodles! :P

Sony May Not Cry, but I certainly am...

Good mornin' my lil cough drops of joy!

Well, I've had this cold for the last few days and decided to take a break from ye ole Interweb, only to find out today that things have gone to hell and back again.

A couple of weeks ago, GameSpot did a feature article about the 10 Things to Make the PS3 Worth Buying. And while all the points that were discussed were valid, the one that I agreed with the most was the exclusives. If there were more games available that could only be found on the PS3, then I would go spend my $600+ on that system. My general rule of thumb is to wait for at least 3 games that I want to play badly to justify my purchase. And a lil' while ago, I actually had three games in mind that I want to play that I couldn't get anywhere else:

  • Final Fantasy XIII
  • LittleBigPlanet
  • Devil May Cry 4

Seems like a rag-tag lil' group, don't it? But the thought of them only coming out on the PS3 made me feel like I could swallow the price and be happy with it. That is until this morning when I woke up and read the news that Devil May Cry 4 is coming to the PC AND Xbox 360. Oy vey.

I can't say I blame Capcom for doing this; PS3 doesn't have a large install base at the moment and who knows when the situation will improve. If they want to recoop the costs for making the game, they would want it as widely available as possible. That said, it still is disappointing for Sony to lose another exclusive.

I have much love for all 3 platforms from the Big 3, and nothing would make me happier than to see all of them prosper with many awesome games available for them (that way, there's somethin' for everyone, ya know?). But I also feel that every platform should have games that's unique to them; that you can't get anywhere else. Those all-important exclusives. Yet as of late, I can't even sneeze without hearing news of another game that was supposed to be only for the PS3 making the leap to another platform as well. At this rate, FFXIII and Metal Gear Solid 4 will follow suit (you say that won't happen? It very well could if things don't start changing).

So, here we are, one exclusive less and the cold medicine starting to kick in and making me sleepy O_o' I'll just end by saying that I hope Sony tries harder to make exclusives stay on their platform *cough*lower teh price so more people will buy a PS3*cough*, then maybe it won't suffer the fate of being nothing more than a cheap Blu-Ray Player that doubles as a game playing device.

I'm DP, this was my blog, and I'm beginning to wonder if there's any real point in being a part of Sony's Gamer Advisory Panel if they don't really listen to what we want to begin with (LOWER THE BLOODY PRICE, FOR THE LOVE OF BISCUITS!!!!)

Toodles! *sniff, sniff* :cry:

I have a new PC!!!!


kinda. :P But more on that later.

How have you been, my lil' beany babies? Has the time change affected you in any way? For some reason, I feel perfectly fine. I ain't tired in the slightest. And I usually complain about changing the clocks back ahead an hour :? Bah.

Teh New PC

So, yeah, I have a new PC. Well, it's actually my dad's. You see, my dad had to go back to work today after spending 3 months at home. He wanted to buy a new laptop so that he can continue his writing while on the ship. So he went out to finish up some last mintue things and he came back home around 10 to 2 this afternoon... laptop in tow. He asked me to set it up for him.

"So DP, why do you have teh uber-laptop?" you ask. Well, dad was leaving home at 2:30, meaning I had about half an hour to get this thing ready for him. Nedless, to say, I couldn't do it in time, what with Vista taking its' sweet time an' all... combined with all the pre-installed software that had to do updates. So, dad left to catch the ship, and I'm here baby-sitting the newest addition to the tech family :P All the better, I suppose, since my bro recently got a new tech toy of his own (a digital camera! It's pretty :) ). It's pretty sweet, watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II while surfing the web :P

Oh, and in case you're wondering, I'll be getting my own PC soon, since I'm almost done paying off my Visa. But I ain't going to go spending after finally getting it under control, so I'll give myself a couple of months to save up. So... yeah, end of May/June, I'll have my Megatron. (Insert maniacal laugh here).

In other news...

I cut my hair. How short? Well, I'm now rockin' an afro. :D The front was long, the back was long AND short... it was frustrating! So, I cut it. It's pretty cool and easy to manage. And if I ever get tired, I'll just get extensions.

So, that's about it. Hope y'all are havin' fun, workin' hard, and playing' harder. Don't be a stranger; drop a line and just say hi! And I'll give you a cookie :P

I'm DP, this is my blog, and I'm a hero in a half shell. Turtle Power! :D

26 years of heaven, 26 years of hell... let's rock!

Good morning, my lil' birthday cakes!

Well, it was on this day that I popped out of my mom's tummy, got spanked by the doctor and said "I'm gonna rock this world!!!! YEAAAAAAAH!" And chocolate around the world never felt safe again... Yeah, it's my birthday. I'm 26. And gummi bears don't taste the same. I don't really have any big plans. I wanted to go out and have some Japanese food, but I'm feelin' a little tired so I might not. I don't want to buy any more new games... for obvious reason ('sup uber-long gaming backlog!?) I have been tempted, however, to go buy Castlevania: Curse of Darkness and Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow online since I can't find them at my local EB Games. Mom gave me my pressies last night: new clothes! :D So, I'm pimpin' some of them out today at work. Oh, and no more hair extension :O No one seemed to noticed. Then again, it's hard not to notice that I had long hair yesterday and short hair today :P Oh well :P

I need more hours!
Well, as you may know (and if you don't, I'm gonna tell you anyway so there), I have a whooooooole lot of stuff on my plate at home. But, my responsibilities at work have... well... they've increased. A lot. Right now, I'm closing the April Issue of Reader's Digest all by my lonesome since the Rights Administrator is on vacation. Usually when we're both working on it, it takes a day. This is the THIRD day I'm working on it @_@ I didn't know that it was this much work. And over at Our Canada, I'm a full-blown Administrative Assistant... meaning I have lots of power :P Kinda :P I hope I get more hours soon, 'cause right now I feel swamped O_o' I'll have to wait 'til June to find out.

Hate to write an' run, but since this work won't get itself done (unless I hire a helper monkey... maybe I should look into that...), I'm gonna have to go. Sorry peeps! :(

I'm DP, this was my blog, and this cake is going in my tummy. Delicious! :P
Toodles! :D