Hello once again, fellow Gamespotters. Darrogamer06 with another blog for all your fans out there.
Anyway, I know this is a bit late but I didn't watch the show live and only finished watching it there now. Since I did predictions for Denis' video, I decided to give you my thoughts on each match with a rating out of 5 and the overall show so here we go.
Money In The Bank
Well, what can I say. They quite frankly opened the show with the best match of the night in my humble opinion. Even though it was probably not as action-packed as the last two MITB matches were, it was still great although the match didn't have its je ne sais quoi with the exclusion of Shelton Benjamin. It had good spots, finisher off ladder (which I always like), Hornswoggle was over and MISSSTTTEERRRRRR KENNEDY!! won the match.
Rating: 4/5
Kane vs The Great Khali
Coming into this match, you knew it wasn't going to be anything special and what do you know, I was right. Granted, it was somewhat better than I expected but by no means it wasn't any good at all. The way they went on about Kane bodyslamming Khali in similarity to Hogan bodyslamming Andre was ridiculous but they had to put it somewhere since it was the 20th anniversary. Poor match of course and the blumbering idiot won of course.
Rating: 1/5
US Championship: Chris Benoit vs MVP
I have always been a fan of Chris Benoit and although I predicted he will lose, he still goes and gives it his all (even though his credibility was severely damaged after tapping out to Cena's STFU of all things). This match was actually pretty good and shows that MVP can actually wrestle pretty well with him reversing Benoit multiple times and also surprised the match ended with a diving headbutt (when was the last time that happened). Anyway, didn't mind Benoit retaining the title although his reign will be over soon and hopefully they put it on somewhere worthy. After this, MVP is a pretty good candidate although not spectactular.
Rating: 3/5
World Heavyweight Championship: Batista vs The Undertaker
The title vs the Streak. Well, I wouldn't have liked to been in that arena had Batista actually ended the Undertaker's streak and don't think it was going to happen either. Again, this match actually surpassed my expectations as I was expecting just some sort of dull drawn-out match with the majority of moves being punches and it was still there but not as much. The running powerslam onto the table was pretty cool although we seen that kind of thing done before countless times. The diving over the top rope by Taker never gets old and is just great to look at for his size and weight in my opinion. It had some good spots and of course, Taker kept his streak alive and a belt as his prize.
Rating: 3.5/5
ECW Originals vs New Breed
This match wasn't any good and I couldn't care less about it anyway since the name of ECW has been tarnished forever after that disgrace of a PPV known as December to Dismember. Still think people who paid for that deserve a refund. Nothing memorable, nothing too exciting and the Originals won, which is nice to see anyway even though I predicted the New Breed will win even if they do suck big time.
Rating: 1/5
Battle of the Billionaires Hair vs Hair: Bobby Lashley w/ Donald Trump vs Umaga w/ Vince McMahon. Special Guest Referee Stone Cold Steve Austin
The most hyped match of the card. Did it live up to expectations? Well, if the expectations were that the match wasn't going to be that great, was going to be a run-in or two and Austin was going to use the stunner for Lashley to win the match? Then yeah it did. Considering the fact that the wrestlers in the match weren't that great to begin with, you knew it was going to be anything special. It was not the worst match of the night by all means, as the following match had that honour but it was alright by all means. Highlight was the hilariously bad stunner that Austin gave Trump after the match. He bent over then fell over, he actualy didn't take the stunner but Denis told me that he didn't want to hurt him so it seemed that way by the look of things. The shaving of the hair went ahead and was a bit surprised it did but McMahon has a nice chrome dome now. BTW, I like Trump since I watch the Apprentice so sue me.
Rating: 2/5
Women's Championship Lumberjill match: Melina vs Ashley
Nearly every year, they always have the women's match the penultimate bout of the biggest show of the year and yet it always sucks and this was no exception. Absolute rotten match from start to finish and just goes to show that this kind of match shouldn't be on a Wrestlemania let alone the penultimate bout. Worst match of the night. Might take back what I said about Melina but then again she was fighting someone worse.
Ratiing: 0/5
WWE Championship: John Cena vs Shawn Michaels
For the 4th year in a row, the main event of the show is a RAW brand match because of course it is the premier show. We have John "Never Loses" Cena and Shawn "Heartbreak Kid" Michaels. I was expecting a pretty decent match at best and to my surprise, it wasn't. It went above that to good but still not brilliant now by all means. If the first half was anything like the second half, then it would have been a great match but the first part was so dragging or whatever, I assumed it was going to be crap. But it got good towards the end of it with all the counters and that but once again, John Cena wins with the all-mighty, the all-powerful STFU. Little bit of Deja-vu seems since the exact same thing happened last year with Triple H. Anyway, Michaels shows that he can still put a good effort when its there and carried the match practically anyway since John Cena simply went through his same motions and oh so predictabe ways but he was better though than before but still hate the guy. 20 out of 24 months now he has had that belt. Give it to someone else for pete's sake and don't let him have it back for at least a year.
Rating: 3.5/5
So there you go people. Wrestlemana 23 has come and gone and although it was a decent show at best, it was better than I expected although wouldn't have wasted the money on it like most WWE PPVs nowadays. It had a couple of good matches and some bad matches and 1 awful match. I got 4 out of my 8 predictions, which is pretty good. Anyway I give the show overall a 3/5. Decent to good but not worth the money.
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