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Darrogamer06 Blog

"Is it cold in these isles, I'm shivering!"

Hello once again fellow Gamespotters. Darrogamer06 here bringing you another text blog full of the same old stuff (whether you like it or not).

As far as what I have been playing for the last few days, not a whole lot to tell you the truth. I played a bit more RS:V with Denis, Rich and Ish on Sunday there so that was cool and SOTN for the last couple of days also. I somewhat starting to like SOTN more and more as I play it and looking forward to getting into the Inverted castle when the time comes but want to explore every nook and cranny of the normal castle before I do that since I plan to get the seeker achievement (explore 200.6% of the castle).

Also, it will come to a shock to some of you or maybe all but I haven't touched God of War II since Sunday I believe and just don't really know the reason why. Maybe its because I am dreading getting to the point where it could end up going horribly wrong for me and that the next layer/part won't work hence the copy I burned was all for nothing in the end. Will try it out later today (it is now Thursday as I type this), as I believe I am close to the point it occurs.

Also, as for Darro's Delights. As you may know that the feature started off on Thursdays but for the last few weeks they have been on different days. Well, I have decided I am going to move it to Fridays now since I don't have work that day and thus have time to do it. Once again, please leave your questions for Psychonauts if you have any, as I have received a few thus far. I also will be doing a video review on Wario Ware: Smooth Moves for Kenshin's new gaming show, which you you guys should check out since I think it is cool and has the potential to be something great. It will be on here also for you guys to watch as well as the next episdoe of Mega Ultimate Gaming Show.

Anyway, today I decided to get the expansion pack for my favourite game of 2006, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion entitled The Shivering Isles. It was 2400 points and had to spend £21.25 in order to get it. Had to first get the 2000 points for £17 and unfortunately, since I was still 80 points short, had to fork out another £4.25 to get 500 points so I would have enough then to get it. I have now come to realise how bogus and screwed up this whole marketplace points business is. What is the matter in just having normal prices on the games instead of points? Sony did it anyway and believe that is fine. But an ideal solution for this in my eyes is that you enter in the amount of points they want and the price for those points is calculated then and thus you pay whatever those points cost. Sure some people would like to get 5000 points for so many pounds but it would be nice to have that point input option too.

Anyway, got it this morning and left it on for it to download, as I went into work and thankfully, it downloaded ok when I got home. To tell you the truth, I hardly played the Shivering Isles content as of now since I decided to finish off the Knights of the Nine questline (which I enjoyed) first so I have that out of the way. I played around 10 mins or so of the Shivering Isles and the world looks pretty cool (especially the sky) and totally different to what Tamriel looks like. Unfortunately, the game froze on me anyway but I have a save somewhere nearby anyway. Its a good enough reason for me to get back into Oblivion anyway since I loved playing that game and playing it for around 4 hours today just goes to show that 1 year on I still like it as much as I did a year ago.

Before I go, I probably be doing a video blog this weekend showing off the PS3 console and talking about with some gameplay footage. Don't expect it to be long, as I kind of want it under the 15 min mark at most. So anyway, DD episode 9 Friday, a video review for Wario Ware: Smooth Moves and a video blog all coming in the next few days. Man, am I spoiling you guys?

Until then, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!

The Journey is complete! UPDATE

Hello, fellow Gamespotters. Darrogamer06 bringing you just a regular text blog on how my weekend is going and that.

Well, at this moment if everything occurs according to plan, my household will have the all mighty, the all powerful, the conquerer of consoles, the rip-off of rip-offs. Yes, people, it is none other than the Sony Playstation 3! Before you go all over me saying you sold out because of what I said about the PS3 and all that before. I am not the one getting it and no, it ain't my mother getting it for me or anything like that. It is none other than my spendthrift of a brother, Christopher who is getting it.

You can say I am both happy in a way and just annoyed. Happy that I didn't need to get it myself or get my mother to waste the big bucks on it. Annoyed that my brother is wasting over 400 quid on a console that has basically no WOW-factor games at the moment and that it is less powerful and more expensive than the US/Japanese version of it. Well, maybe he will change his mind at the last second but I doubt that. As for the games he is getting, he is getting Virtua Tennis 3 and something else (hopefully Resistance or Motorstorm) and I believe another controller. Knowing him, he will probably get something like Fight Night or something along those lines. He is trading in his old slim PS2 towards it. So, my journey into the next-gen or current-gen now is complete with the Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3 in the household.

In other news, I have been playing God of War II and I have not come to the part yet where it is supposed to screw up on you but I stated I will let you know if everything turns out alright so stay tuned for that. As for the game itself, it is just full of action-packed, gorefest awesomeness. I loved the first game to death basically and this one turns it up but not by a whole lot since the first one was so good but it does have better graphics, some cooler enemies and of course, awesome kill animations. The scenery in the game is just breathtaking and certain parts are just bloody massive in that you just have to stare in wonder for a moment and say to yourself "If this is on the PS2, how much better will it be on the PS3?" or somewhere along the lines of that. As far as where I am at, Hall of Antropos, which I think is like around 2 thirds into the game maybe less. But it is awesome and if you loved the first one, then you will love this one just the same.

Symphony of the Night came out this week on XBLA and of course, being somewhat of a Vania fan and wanting to play this game since I loved the GBA and DS ones, as they have this one to thank since it was the one that started the whole Metroidvania theme. Personally, thus far I am having a blast and it is a great game even if it is 10 years old and you can't say that about a lot of old games. Some people I know on here have been disappointed with it, as they expected more from it what with all the praise this game has got over the past 10 years. In a way, I am a bit disappointed too but I still think it is a great game and the music is awesome.

Yesterday, I played some Rainbow Six Vegas online with my good buddy Denis, Rich and Ryan and we played co-op story and some team sharpshooter for a couple of hours until I got disconnected from Xbox Live for some reason. I have to say that game is really a lot of fun playing 4-player co-op and the game looks gorgeous as well especially looking at Vegas from the helicopter. I would like if more people I talk to on GS had this since this game supports 16 players online while Gears is half that and there are waiting lists for that sometimes for pete's sake.

Anyway, that is really all I have to say now. Thanks for the comments to my last Darro's Delights and don't forget leave questions about Psychonauts for this week's episode. Until then, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!

EDIT: Well, my brother indeed got his PS3 along with Virtua Tennis 3, Resistance and an extra controller. Well have been playing it for the last hour and a half or so and Virtua Tennis 3 is a good tennis game anyway but pity there is no online.  Like seriously if Top Spin can have it, why can't this.  Was going to try some Resistance online but had to download an update, which took ages only for it to screw up at the 90 percent mark and had to do it all over again and just said, "Screw this, let's play co-operative!" Played the first 3 missions I believe and thus far, its a pretty intense game although quite hard. So going to play some more of that over the week and see what online is all about.  So, anyway that is my first experience with the PS3.  Will probably have a video or so about it sometime over the next week or so stay tuned and take care.


Darro's Delights Episode 8


Hello fellow GSers. It is Darrogamer06 bringing you a somewhate late edition of the feature known as Darro's Delights. Read the blog below to find out why.

Anyway, what is on this week's edition? Well, it is my second favourite FPS (next to COD2), the best one in the series in my honest opinion and a game that somewhat in its day, showed what the PS2 can do. It is Medal of Honor Frontline.

Hope you enjoy the show and also, please leave questions for me to answer associated with Psychonauts for next week's show thanks.

Until then, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!

God of War II Update!

Hey guys.  If you seen the blog yesterday before I deleted it then you would know that I got the NTSC versio of GoWII and basically came across a problem to the sound of not compatible with Swap Magic due to it being a dual-layer disc.

 I didn't really play any games at all yesterday whatsover hence no SOTN or anything, as I was looking on places to see if there was a way of getting the game to work with Swap Magic(yeah I know it is ridiculous but this is GoWII for pete's sake).  Well I found several way and all of them had to resolve to burning a dvd-r. Some of them were not really solutions in a way, as they would only let you play the first half of the game and then it will freeze a t a certain point because the second layer content is missing.  I did come across one on a forum that basically does all this malarkey of merging the 2 part paks together and other mumbo-jumbo like that and did all that, burned it to a DVD-R and thus far, it is working just fine.

Right before you blast me for doing this technique saying it is illegal and yeah it is, if you are planning to share this here by uploading it on a torrent or ripping copies of it and selling them to people etc.  But the deal is I have a retail copy of the game, which wouldn't work with it, the PAL version is not out now until 20th April (why is this, I will never know) and I really, really wanted to play it. Its just like ROMS in that you have to have the original copy of it in order to have the ROM (don't have so I am bad here) and this is just the same as I have an original copy and just burned it to make it work.

Thus far, it is just plain awesome and really hope it doesn't screw up on me at the part its supposed to happen (fighting Icarus I believe) but since all the main game and that is on the dvd-r, I should see why not.  Will let you know what happens. 

No Perfectly Awesome Day for me!

Yeah, unfortunately the game I am dying to play known as God of War II still hasn't come around to my grasp just yet and its because of the stupid post and the fact that it was like a holiday weekend with St.Patrick's Day, Mother's Day and Bank Holiday hence it will take longer for my copy to get here.

I was really hoping it would come today since Castlevania: SOTN was released on XBLA today but alas it has not. Better come before Friday or else, I am one unhappy gamer.

Damn this download is bloody SLOW as hell! Maybe because half the world is downloading it as I speak hence screwing up for everyone else. Sure it will be worth it in the end.

EDIT: Have been playing SOTN for the majority of the day thus far and it is awesome, as I would hope it would be.  Alucard is really cool looking and the music is really good and catchy.  Will have more impressions of it and God of War II (when it arrives) this weekend.  Also, DD episode 8 tomorrow featuring Medal of Honor Frontline.

Okami Video and Darro's Delights Schedule!

Hey, I am just basically giving you guys a little update on any other videos besides my Darro's Delight and I will be doing an Okami video on the final boss on the game since I have a save there so those ones who don't mind spoilers at all, feel free to watch.  But those who do, stay far, far away indeed.

Anyway, depending on how well or crappy I do in this video, it might be in 2 parts or just the one.  Also, here are the plans for the next 5 episodes of Darro's Delights so I hope you enjoy the schedule coming up:

Episode 8: Medal of Honor Frontline (Great  FPS)
Episode 9: Psychonauts (big underappreciated game)
Episode 10: Shenmue I and II (excellent, wonderful, charming series. Need I say more)
Episode 11: Metroid Prime (an excellent edition to the series)
Episode 12: Mischief Makers (a not well-known N64 game)

Anyway, that is all the updates I have in mind at the moment.  SOTN in 1 day WOO HOO!! Until next time, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!


Hey guys.  First of all, thanks for the comments/feedback to my text blog yesterday and no, none of the comments offended me in anyway because they were quite true anyway so to those ones who think they offended me on what they had to say, rest assure you did not.

Anyway, for those you want to know what is happening with my video blogs.  I will still be doing them but not on a regular basis, as I used to do them (every week).  Instead, I will probably do one every month or more or when I feel like I have something important to talk about and it has to be via video blog. 

Anyway, enough about that.  I would just like to give a big shout-out to my man, Ish (ffgothic) for doing the God of War profile layout for me. Decided I needed a change and since I was done with Okami and getting God of War 2 this week, I couldn't think of a better themed layout than that.  So once again, thanks Ish and will holla at ya if I need another profile or so done in the future.

Anyway, not much else to talk about.  Played Gears for a few hours yesterday with the gang and had a blast as always and kind of addicted to YouTube watching other people's videos.  I know I am sad but its true.

Until next time, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!

No more video blogs!

Hello. Unfortunately it has come to this but I think I am going to stop doing Darro's blogs for the time being. I know I am being a bit selfish in a way or so, as the reason for this is views. Back when I started out, I got a decent enough no of views or so but now it has gotten so bad that I barely even get 10 views nowadays and I presume the reason why is length.

I really try to shorten my blogs down but I basically fail every time and it always goes around the 19 minute+ mark and hence no one really has the time to watch long blogs except for a certain few who I thank for still watching my blogs even if everyone else who i know doesn't.

Then again, it could be that the views system on Gamespot could be broken and that I got more views that it states but I get more views for my Darro's Delights feature than my blogs so I don't believe it is that. But it could be that my blogs don't really be a lot different from each other apart from the intro and credits with the stuff in between being the same nearly al the time.

I just don't really like to give an half an hour or so out of my week to do this when I hardly get any feedback or anything in return. I know I am not one of the more popular people on here like NeoJedi (who deserves it because he does great blogs) but I would like a bit of recognition in a way. Also, guys who I am friends with here online, I presume I watch or read their blogs yet I don't think they watch or read mine. I could be mistaken but for me that seems to be the case.

Unless I hear an uproar of people begging me to continue my weekly blogs, I am just going to ditch it and just do a normal text blog instead but might go back to doing them in a few months time.

Darro's Delights will still continue since people seem to view it and like it, which I am happy about.

So for the time being perhaps, yesterday's video blog will be the last. Sorry about this, until then, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!

Best News of the Week!

Castlevania: SOTN Out Next Week

Yes, next week is going to be awesome for yours truly. First of all, I will be getting God of War II sometime next week if all goes according to plan and now this and that it is only 800 points means it is even more cool.

Considering the fact that this game goes for like over 50 quid or so on ebay here, this is an absolute bargain.  That is one of the games I am dying to play as I never got to experience what many people consider to be the greatest Castlevania game of all.  Well, come next Wednesday, I will see if that is the case and if Super CVIV will be knocked off its throne.

Darro's Blog 16/3/07


Well hello once again fellow GSers.  Darro here with another edition of Darro's Blog where I go through my week and answer questions along the way.

Been a pretty good week.  Got some new games, traded in games to get those games and so on.  Talk about Dead Rising and my thoughts on the ending (not good) and a strange ending indeed.

Anyway, sit back and enjoy the 25 mins of yours truly.Until next time, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!