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Darrogamer06 Blog

I guess I got a FFXII Collector's edition after all + Goemon

Yesterday, I basically chatted with good old GS buddies on Skype and just basically was telling them how annoyed I was at Square Enix for not releasing the cool Collector's Edition Box of Final Fantasy XII here in the UK and Europe and the only way to get it (if there are any left) is to import it. But, I seen last Friday when I was renting out Crackdown that they actually have something limited/collector's edition associated with Final Fantasy XII.  It ain't the game itself but the strategy guide that was released for it.  I am not sure if the US got this guide or not but here is a picture of it anyway.

The guide came in at £17.99, which I still think is expensive (guides tend to be only £12.99 or less here) but since it was a limited edition guide, it was priced at that.  I have several FF guides in my collection (VII VIII, IX, X, X-2, CC and now XII) and I like the guides because they tell you all about the side-quests and what are inside the treasure chests that you encounter in areas and that. 

In other news, the game I told you guys about several blogs back arrived today.  It was shipped last Tuesday or Wednesday thus it only took several days to come here from Hong Kong I believe so that was good service.  I haven't played it yet but tried it out to see if it will work with my disc and fortunately, it does.  Here is a picture of the box and the disc itself below.

Anyway, that is all I wanted to let you guys know.  I will give you guys an update of my life tomorrow and DD Episode 5 to come on Thursday.  So keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!

Two parts for the price of one!

Hello once again, fellow Gamespotters, it is Darren "Darrogamer06" Moore bringing you another dose of my weekly video blog.

Well, due to me taking some time with the questions and that, the weekly blog is spilt into two parts.  Why is this, you guys ask?  Well, the reason is I uploaded as a whole and the encoding failed because it says that I was over the time limit, I believe of 30 mins.  So, I have come to the conclusion (could be wrong) in that plus members cannot go over the 30 min mark like basic members cannot go over the 10 min mark.  So I had to spilt it into 2 parts.

Anyway, I talk about a range of topics including God of War, graphics, PS3, OTS and more so enjoy.  So until next time, Darrogamer06 signing out telling you to keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!!

Part 1

Part 2

Getting to know.. (what can't hear you!) UPDATED!

Hello. This is just basically stating that the Getting to Know episode I am featured is not really going down so well and the reason for this is that the music is too loud at some points for viewers to actually hear me and they are right because it does.

So, I am going to get Denis to repost it with the music turned down and the voice turned up and hopefully you guys will be able to hear me a lot better than you did before.

Some of you may have heard me alright but the majority I believe couldn't at some points. So, hopefully by the end of the day this gets all taken care of and that the fixed feature is reposted by Denis.

Anyway, here is the fixed version of my GTK with the music down and voice up so some of you who complained about the music should hear me properly now hopefully. So enjoy it without the problems.


Darro's Delights Episode


HELLO once again fellow Gamespotters. It is Darren here bringing you another dose of Darro's Delights.

This episode marks the 4th episode of the weeky feature and features a hack and slash game for Sega's last console, the Sega Dreamcast. It is published by Eidos Interactive and developed by Yuke's who have done the Smackdown series on PSX, PS2 and 360. It is known as Sword of the Berserk: Guts Rage.

Watch and enjoy!

Going back to Retro!

Hey guys, your Irish blogger is here again.

Yesterday, I was thinking of going back to the good old days playing the NES, SNES and Mega-Drive/Genesis games on their actual systems and not the ROMs because having said game makes you somewhat feel special in a certain way.

I used to have a NES and Mega-Drive but unfortunately, they died on me and went to the gaming heaven in the sky.  I remember fondly playing games like Bubble Bobble, Castlevania, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Vectorman on these two systems and I think it is time for me to experience that again without having to resort to ways that are just bad.

So, yours truly is going to get a NES and a Mega-Drive again sometime during the year when I have the cash because I barely have any at the moment and just want to have those memories again I had when I was a child.  Also, want to get a Sega Master System II (one with Alex Kidd in Miracle World in it), as I used to have it also but gave it to my cousin, who unfortunately is no longer with us.

So, I am just wondering what games do you guys recommend I should get for the NES, Mega-Drive/Genesis, SNES and Master System.  I have some in mind already and two of them were never released here (but thanks to a little converter, I can play them).  Retro games are really great for gamers like myself who just want to relive those memories they had when they were children and you will have a big smile on your face when you get the chance to play them the way they are meant to be played.

Anyway, before I go, here are some of the games I would like to get for these old consoles and add on any that you recommend:

Donkey Kong Country 1 and 3, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Bubble Bobble, Castlevania 1, 2(Simon's Quest I think) and 3, Megaman 1 and 2 (and the others if they were released here).

River City Ransom (I believe this will be hard to get for me), Sonic The Hedgehog 1, 2, 3 & Knuckles, Vectorman, Sonic The Hedgehog 1 and 2 (SMS versions), Castle of Illusion (SMD & SMS), Land of Illusion.

Super Bomberman 2 & 3, Castlevania: A New Generation (Bloodlines in US), Zelda and Zelda 2: Adventures of Link (although I have these already on the Zelda Collector's edition for the Gamecube), Rainbow Island Adventure, Super Probotector (Contra III), Legend of the Mystical Ninja

There is more I would like to play anyway but there are some of the games I would really like to play on their original consoles. So let me know what you guys think and recommend some for me please.  Until then, Darrogamer06 signing out telling you to keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!! 

GTK, Gears and more

I am here once again, fellow Gamespotters.  Just giving you updates and whatnot.

Yesterday, I spent around 4 hours or so doing my GTK (Getting To Know) feature for this week and I hope you guys like it when Denis puts it up for your viewing pleasure this Thursday.  It could have been somewhat better but overall, I am happy with what I did anyway.

Last Sunday I once again played some Gears of War.  First, I helped Stephanie (Princesszelda) by doing co-op with her in the first two acts on Insane and we made a good team I have to say so I hope to play with her again on it during the week.  Then of course, I played some good old multiplayer action with the GS crew and that night was probably the best I did in the multiplayer, as I got the highest number of kills and points in one match and got some great kills overall.

I played some God hand earlier today and still really like that game and it is just insanely mad but it is a great beat-em-up game nonetheless and will be on my "to buy" list after I give it back.  I just hope that this Friday, I am able to rent out Crackdown, as I do not really want to buy it, as there ain't a whole lot in it.  I might have to resort that way if it is not out for rent and thus have to buy it anyway since I would like to play it though.

I am hoping to complete Okami by Sunday so that is a task I have set myself to do this week and when I do that, I will probably go back to Bully and finish it since I stopped with it a while back and recently played it there again for a short tme.

So anyway, that is all I need to talk about.  Look out for Darro's Delights this Thursday with Sword of the Berserk: Guts Rage for the Sega Dreamcast.  Until then, Darrogamer06 (stupid name, I wanna change it but can't) signing out telling you to keep on gaming and to ROCK ONNNNNNNNN!!!!!

VBlog coming at you!


Yes, it is that time of week again where I present you with a video blog going through games played, questions answered and so on.

Not really much in this one, just going through impressions of God Hand, OTS and thoughts on Wolfenstein etc.

So this might be one of the more dull of my video blogs, so there is the warning.

Anyway, enjoy, leave questions, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!!

Bought the game!

Hey, I decided to get the game I told you about yesterday, as it really interests me and plus, it wasn't necessarily that expensive.

The postage method I chose for it indicates that it should come within 5-10 days meaning I will probably get it within a couple of weeks so I will let you know when it arrives and what my impressions are.

BTW, there is a lot of Goemon games in the series and a lot of them didn't make it to here or the US especially this one but Working Designs, which is not operating anymore tried to get this game over to the US but alas it was not to be.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know about this now.  Leave questions for tomorrow's blog since I did not get any at all this week.  If not, then it's cool.

Until then, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!

I want this game!

Hey, after playing Mystical Ninja for my Darro's Delights feature (check it out below), I went on YouTube just to see if there is videos for it in terms of speed runs and the like and I came across a video for a Goemon game for the PS2. I never knew there was one for the PS2 but that came to be because of the fact that it never was released outside of Japan.  In terms of graphics, the game doesn't look great but in terms of how fun it looks, then to me it looks great.  If you want to check it out, the link is below:

Goemon PS2 Trailer

So I checked out to see if it was there and to my happiness, it is and in stock AND at a pretty cheap price. So, next week when I get the money I get monthly from my mother, I am going to get this game and hopefully it will work alright through my swapmagic3 disc thing.  If you want to know about it, click on the link below again:

Bouken Jidai Katsugeki: Goemon (Konami Palace Selection)

Anyway, I will let you know what happens within the next few weeks but needless to say, my importing is back!

Darro's Delights Episode 3


Hello fellow Gamespotters, it is I once again, Darrogamer06 bringing you the 3rd episode of my weekly feature, Darro's Delights.

So once again it is a Nintendo game but for the N64 and it is made by Konami, who done last week's featured game and stars a blue spiked hair fellow named Goemon. It is the game known as Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon and like Castelvania, it spawned from the NES and progressed onwards.

So hope you enjoy it even if the gameplay footage is crappy and leave questions for the weekend blog, as I have received none.

The Oblivion video review is going happen next week instead of tomorrow so look forward to that and my usual video blog will occur Saturday.

Until then, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!!

EDIT:  Before anyone says about it, I know the quality went REALLY bad at the end after the gameplay footage with my face going all censored-like.  Don't know why tha happen but hopefully it doesn't do that again.