I've been a longtime fan of Resident Evil, and know I'm in the minority when I say that I had a good enough time with 6, but I thoroughly agree that the series needs a reboot. The stories and characters are exhausted beyond the point of redemption, and going back to the drawing board is really the only option I can see in terms of reviving the series to the big seller Capcom wants it to be.
In the meantime, they can work on driving Dragon's Dogma into the ground, because I definitley didn't get enough of that gaming bliss.
@Hellhound30x @Mrod1212 @M3o5nster @grey_fox1984 PROTIP: The gameplay mechanic in the original Devil May Cry was conceived when the dev team was experimenting with the physics in Onimusha.
I don't think anyone at Capcom took the DmC series seriously.
While I would have given Too Human a thousands times over for a current console follow up to Eternal Darkness, Too Human was a decent game. The product never really comes close to the ideas and concepts behind it, but I don't regret spending the time to play through it.
I just finished the game myself, and in my opinion, the "fan outrage" the game is getting hit by is damn silly.
First off, Devil May Cry, and any of it's characters or mechanics have never personally struck me as something so amazingly awesome that whatever structure the series' following deemed "THE WAY IT MUST BE" should only be deviated to great peril. I enjoyed the first and third games because they were good action games, but neither blew my mind. The second and fourth games were the epitome of pedestrian. Again, this is my opinion.
Second, with all the outsourcing going on with established series these days, most to less than favorable results by developers that we don't even know why they were given the name to work with in the first place, be thankful that DMC was given to a dev that knows how to make decent action games, because regardless of how big of a blasphemy you think this game is, I can guarantee you, it could have been a hell of a lot worse.
Finally, in regards to the "extreme deviation" in part of the story, characters, and narrative of the game, perhaps I'm missing something, but besides Dante being a stereotypical badass and him being the one who should have "filled Trish's soul with light", I can't recall there being much of any kind of story or motive in any of the prior four games, and I played through them all. The aesthetic collectively is a plausible action game troupe. Ninja Theory, again solely in my opinion, has stirred in more personality and character in their reboot than I can ever recall seeing in any of the other games.
Yeah, really confused about this item myself. Besides it saying "DEAD ISLAND" on the base, it really doesn't convey much of the zombie theme. I would see this, and not think zombies. I would think "what the fu...k".
DinoBuster's comments