Iwinski's words are truly that of a game dev that cares about their games and the people who play them, but it's the unfortunate reality that most dev's have to hook up with a publisher, who more time than not will see nothing but $. I salute CDP 100%, and in a perfect gaming world, the likes of them should be the at the top of the market.
I owned the Dreamcast game, and loved all the colorful weirdness. I would definitely buy this as a nostalgia kick, but I agree with some of the posters below. $20 for a cleaned up version of 12 year old 2D fighting game is borderline offensive. Not that it matters, but the game wasn't a big hit either, which makes their decision to make this version so costly even more confusing. Think I'll wait for a sale if there is one.
Really liked the first game, but agree with just about everyone about all the trite and bloated lore crammed into it. I'm 100% interested in a sequel, and would love to see some co-op and more emphasis on the elements that stood out in the first game. Combat, exploration, and item collecting. Still lame the way things went down with the developer, but here's hoping the legacy can live on.
We know it's in the works, and we know it's coming. I for one appreciate the apology, but find it really isn't needed based on who we're talking about. No one rushes Martin Scorsese to put out his next film.
I'm sad to hear the gameplay doesn't hold up. If it was a standard game, and not one with a monthly charge, I'd probably give it a chance just based on the concept, themes, and aesthetics which had me pretty interested.
The more I think about it, the more it seems like the dude is crying and making excuses because his company hasn't released a hit console game in awhile.
"NO! It's because our games can't look better, not because they are linear and archaic as f**k."
They've been synonymous with the "awesome rpg" for so many years that I personally believe the collective ego of the company is what REFUSES to step things up now that it's no longer the case. This concept is proven further by their undying necessity to attempt to cram overpriced, unchanged, nostalgia down our throats evrey chance they get.
Square has made a good amount of games I love, but the company REALLY needs to get their head out of their ass if they want gamers to remain interested in their products. Either that, or they should just become a movie studio. I mean really.
@ramonl2 @leimonides I think there is more to them than that, but like I said, I personally am not a fan of their games either. I was mentioning a comment the dev lead made about utilizing the technology at hand, which I appreciated.
I for one would always like to see more creativity and diversity in games rather than a lateral move to better hardware with the same tired exploits on the same tired genres.
DinoBuster's comments