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Elfor_Rocket Blog

Our hopes and expectations, black holes and revelations

Hey everyone!!
*sings* I can see clearly now the rain is gone!
Yes, things are working out better at the moment!:D My dad fixed my computer, by simply rebooting it. I love that it's fixed, but I am still grieving over the files/pictures/icons/songs that I lost in the process. I could save some things, by putting it into a USB, but it wasn't quite enough space to fit the complete works of the past 2 years of my life... but anyway, good news are cheerier! So, I fixed a new cell phone too. Yes!

A few days ago I ran the marathon.:| To be frank, it went way better than I expected. Just to keep myself from being tramped down into the ground is an achievement great enough:P And I didn't even need to get my heart kick started by House(Although I wouldn't mind that!) I ran the whole way and at the moment I am feeling a little over-confident and smug:lol: Don't ruin my moment:P:P

That was so normal, so let's just do this...


:lol: *does the 'I made that' dance*:P

House quote!
*about fat guy in coma*
House: Start treating "Jabba" for Pickwickian Syndrome. His 96ZZs are probably putting pressure on his chest, suffocating him
Dr. Foreman: His CO2 and oxygen stats are normal.
House: For you and me - what's normal for a hippopotamus?

It's almost like that's mean:lol::cry::lol:

... I am worried for mommy Suz and Kiks...
Apperantly I have been distant all day, according to my friends I looked really bad. I was, but, with worry. KIKS AND SUZZIE COME BACK HERE!:cry: I am going insane!

End of blog. Cheery one, huh? But I love you!*hugs**licks* Comment and spam me green!! And guess the song!:D


Have you ever felt like everything you touch just turns to crap? Like it just breaks by your mere presence? I have come to the conclusion that my phone and computer made a pact. First, my cell phone went lost. I put it in my pocket to avoid getting it wet; of course I lost it. It probably fell out of it while hiking back from the camp:roll: And now, my computer is acting monkey. First the internet shut off, and now the whole thing is dead. This isn't so bad, I am not that materialistic, this thing is what I do with them; talk to you. I can't know, because they'll both just rather commit suicide than be with me. But talking to you is something I'd like very much right now… See, this is my last year of school. Then I go off to the Gymnasium. This is a big deal. This year will affect my final grades which will in time affect the Gymnasium I end up at, which affects my whole future and carrier.

What? No, I am not stressed right now; it's only my whole future I have to decide for… :roll:

This is really freaking me out. We had a visitor yesterday babbling on about meetings and convents and stuff for the big choice and the importance and the process. And I just started this year! I have barely had the time to get used to the thought of worrying about the grades, and now I am starting to think about the choice of what school I'll be going to. I am sure I am overreacting; I know my grades are good enough right now for some of the schools, but that's not all. It's the whole growing up thing. After next year I won't even be obligated to go to school at all! I know I'll have to study a whole damn lot, but if I didn't want to, I wouldn't have to do it either… And then I want to study outside of the country, London to be exact, because that is something I have always wanted to do. Now that it's getting closer, with if it working as I planned , in 2 years, I am starting to look at it like it's impossible and that I'll have to re-do the whole year. Actually I wouldn't mind that, if it meant a year studying in London, but I am afraid of failure frankly.

And that became a ramble, great, pfft. Like anyone wanted to hear that! Well so yeah. And tomorrow it's once again, but last time this year, time for the bloody school picture day. Crap. I guess it's time for me to once again make myself look like a fool in the camera and watch as it is forever and eternally captured on the lens. Geez, cut me some slack would you? I don't to pictures, mkay? Now I'm off to being bored, because I can't want to read Eclipse, cuz I can't afford Breaking Dawn at the moment!:lol: So I am reading it slowly to make it last longer!:lol: Wow that is so sad it's funny!:lol::cry::lol:

I hope this will cheer me up a tad:)
Dr. Wilson: If you have the money then why did you need the loan?
House: I didn't. I just wanted to see if you'd give it to me. I've been borrowing increasing amounts ever since you lent me $40 a year ago. Ummm, a little experiment to see where you'd draw the line.
Dr. Wilson: You're…you're trying to objectively measure how much I value our friendship.
House: It's five grand – you got nothing to be ashamed of.
Dr. Wilson: Now, be a grown-up and either tell Mommy and Daddy you don't want to see them, or I'm picking you up at seven for dinner.
House: What do you mean? You just said…?
Dr. Wilson: I lied. I've been lying to you in increasing amounts ever since I told you you looked good unshaved a year ago. It's a little experiment, you know, to see where you'd draw the line.

:lol: See? That's why I love Wilson, he's the only one who can challenge House:P

Bye, comment and spam me green!!

back to normal...

Oh my! Back to school, yes, I started today. Like it couldn't get worse than that, the day began badly; I overslept and woke up in confusion, I threw down a cup of coffee and then I hurried there. So I arrived there with my tangled hair, I only had a few seconds to brush it:P, and I looked like, well crap. I was tired and still in my summer brake sleeping pattern...
But then my luck turned, first I saw little Johan, he starts school this year!:D He was so cute and his dad told me the most adorable thing ever; he had been talking about starting the same school as me the entire brake so I aww-d and it was very sweet. Then we went inside after laughing our asses off at the teachers in the school who always do some kind of performance on the stage. This year they sang, horribly I might add, and they had changed the lyrics and I was very fun seeing them making fools out of themselves, I never get tired of that:P When we were in the cl*ss room we got the news that we are going out hiking on Friday!:D It's going to be really fun; fun spending time and catch up with my friends, and fun looking at all the chavs when they're arriving in their high heels and then hear them complain about how it's wet. Ahh, so naïve. So I'll be gone on Friday and be back on Saturday. It's going to be fun, I can't wait to see when all the un-experienced cl*ssmates trying to put up a tent!:lol:

Oh the failure:lol:... I thrive in their misery:P

Of course I took the time to scare my friends a little on the way home, I have learnt that people who aren't ready adjusts better if they get a shock after not seeing me for a while, it's better for everyone really:lol:

I get my new schedule of Wednesday I think, so I'll show it to you then, I am sadly excited about it:P And to the WB, I still need your online time so I can put it in my diagram:D Oh, and the week-end times too. That was we can catch each other on the computer better when everyone has gone back to school and all! So yeah, any question? Just ask:)

Ahh, House quote:)
House: What would we do if this patient were not just a tadpole? Say it was an actual person.
Dr. Cuddy: He is a person.
House: Thanks for playing along.

So off I go, probably to continue read New Moon:P I love you poopyheads, comment and spam me green!*hugs**licks*

The nature is restless

Hello poopyheads!:D
TREE BLOG!:D I think we're taking our tree fascination too far by the way:| But meh, who cares:P


Aww! *loves it*

Look, it's all autumn-y:P

Rainy days...

Oh yay! Vancouver pic! *thinks about Sassy and TXF*:P

And just because this sorta scares me and Kiks and Feather wanted tree porn:P

House: You're comparing me to God? Nice. But just so you know, I never made a tree.

Bye y'all! End of tree blog! But first, Ir
You all very much!
Comment and spam me green! *hugs**licks*

Your time has come

The truth is out there!...Oh right. Not watching the X-Files, I am blogging... Yes, blogging...

Some of my dear friends could use a cheer up. Going around your blogs saddens me, so this is my attempt to bring a smile to your faces! I have composed a list of deaths. (It gets better, I promise! LOL!) A list of unusual deaths. So here, read and enjoy, it is actually hilarious!:lol: Oh yeah, creepy little me...:P

458 BC: Aeschylus, Greek playwright, was killed when an eagle dropped a live tortoise on him, mistaking his bald head for a stone. (LMFAO!:lol: )The tortoise survived though. (Yay for the tortoise!:P)

207 BC: Chrysippus a Greek stoic philosopher is believed to have died of laughter after watching his drunken donkey attempt to eat figs. (Oh wow, for someone with such a high status and intelligence, he doesn't have a very mature humour:| )

336: Arius, the heretical priest who precipitated the Council of Nicea, farted and evacuated his internal organs. (WTF?!:lol: )

1601: Tycho Brahe, according to legend, died of complications resulting from a strained bladder at a banquet. It would have been extremely bad etiquette to leave the table before the meal was finished, so he stayed until he became fatally ill. (See now girls why I randomly shout "Don't pull a Brahe" in the middle of our MSN convo's when you don't go pee?:P)

2007: Jennifer Strange, a 28-year-old woman from Sacramento, died of water intoxication while trying to win a Wii console in a KDND 107.9 "The End" radio station's "Hold Your Wee for a Wii" contest, which involved drinking large quantities of water without urinating.(:| ... But what do you expect from someone with "Strange" as a surname?:lol: )

2005: 28-year-old South Korean, Lee Seung Seop, collapsed of fatigue and died after playing StarCraft for almost 50 consecutive hours in an Internet cafe. (That's dedication!)

1973: Bruce Lee, a martial arts actor, is thought to have died by a severe allergic reaction to Equagesic. His brain had swollen about 13%. His autopsy was written as "death by misadventure." (Oh wow, the irony!:roll: )

1993: Garry Hoy, a Toronto lawyer, fell to his death after he threw himself through the glass wall on the 24th floor of the Toronto-Dominion Centre in order to prove the glass was "unbreakable." (He should have tested with a dummy first, huh?:roll: )

Yeah. That was weird.

Then we have the X-Files reference blog. Here I have the list of all the references:

  1. The song. "David Duchovny why, won't you love me?" - Bree Sharp. Listen here, it's very obsessive, why do you think I like it so much?:P
  2. Poopyheads. Mentioned by Scully in the episode"Arcadia" S6.
  3. Mr X. Mulder and Scully's secret informant in the earlier seasons. But only because Deep Throat died:( I miss him. Well Mr X dies too, but still you know. I liked DT...
  4. Samantha. Mulder's abducted sister. A recurring theme in the series.
  5. Gender bender. Episode in S1.
  6. Believe the lies. One of the many taglines. Also used "Gethsemane" in the theme sequence.
  7. 11/21. As Char said, many meanings but very X-Filish. I would include a list, but do you really want it?:P
  8. Sure, fine, whatever. Mentioned by Scully a few times, and then Mulder gets back at her and says it himself, very funny.
  9. Rat boy. Nickname for Alex Krycek. "Krysa" is also Russian for "rat".
  10. Sun flower seeds. Mulder's favourite snacks that he can be seen eaten on various occasions.
  11. The truth is out there. The most famous one of the taglines in the X-Files.
  12. Plane 9 from outer space. Mulder's least favourite movie. He uses it in his work when he can't come up with a good explanation in a case. He states that it is so horribly bad that it takes away all the common knowledge and logic and numbs the brain, and it makes him open his mind. But it works apperantly!:lol:
  13. Basements. The X-Files office is located in the basement of the FBI building in D.C. And Mulder spends a lot of time there and/or in other basements.
  14. Morley's. No, I don't smoke. CSM (Cigarette smoking man) smokes them. Fictional brand, but it has become a recurring theme in pop culture. It was actually used in an episode of CSI:NY recently. Ol' Smokey smokes them and it would be unfair to say that he smokes a lot. He does it in every scene he is in.
  15. Rain king. Episode of the X-Files S6.
  16. Deny everything. Tagline and used in "Ascension" in the theme sequence.
  17. I want to believe. The second most famous tagline. Also the name of the new film.
  18. Everything dies. Tagline and used in the theme sequence of "Herrenvolk".
  19. Elvis is dead. A recurring theme in the X-Files. Mulder believes he is still alive, the "only one to have pulled it (fake his own death) off."
  20. Trust no one. Tagline and theme sequence text in the episode "The Erlenmeyer Flask".
  21. The time of the blog being posted, 7.31. 731 being an episode in the 3rd season.

Here is the score:

Char: 16p
Jennie: 8p
Feather: 7p
Boo: 5p
GiX_MiX(I dunno if you realized that you got one just dropping in like that:P) Kiks:1p
Leila, Empire, Lil, Kiera: 0p (Now, go sit in the naughty corner:P I don't care if you don't watch it:P)

So, congratulations to Char!:D Very good work! Here is your price m'dear, steal away:twisted:
ga gadd ga dd msr

Mm hm. So yeah, House quote! House is in da house!:D:D:P
House:(about Jeff) Is he Canadian?
Dr. Cameron: He is a low priority.
House: Is that a yes?

Yes poopyheads, end of the blog. Going to mums tomorrow, well today technically, but whatever. I will miss you loads. *hugs**licks* Comment and spam me green!

So smooth and so smart, he's abducted my heart

Hello poopyheads!:D
Yes, Ellen is back from the cinema and seeing the new X-Files movie!
I am speechless. It was totally different from what I expected:| Not in a bad way necessarily, just different. From the respect of fellow X-Philes, I will now shut my mouth to keep me from spoiling you.

Anyway, so yeah, because of the movie and all I have been devoting my life to The X-Files for the last couple of weeks. You Wendy Bunchers might have noticed.:P Ok, so I have hidden 21 XF references in this blog for you to find, just because I am cool like that:lol: Here is a quiz, note that all of the answers might not be true, just references. Some are easier, some tougher. If you find some, answer in a comment or PM so I can see who wins!:D

What is your name?: Ellen.
Are you named after anyone?: Funny you should ask. I am actually. My mum's grandma's name was Ellen. My dad just didn't vetoed it.:P
What's your screename?: Ellen_Rocket here. But you don't know who I am *suspicious look* But most people just call me Mr. X.
Would you name a child of yours after you?: No. I think Ellen is a rather dull name. Plus, it would be confusing!:?
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: I always liked the name Samantha. I know someone called that...
Your gender: Hybrid.:P Can I be a gender bender?:P
Single?: Yeps. Want me?
If not, do you want to be?: I find it rather sad that that question is in this quiz. Proof that people suck. DON'T, believe the lies.
Birth date: 11/21-93
Your age: I just put my DOB right there! Do the math yourself.
Age you act: Well, one second I act old and wise, and the next I giggle pathetically much at the word "fart". I'm an age-act time traveller?
Age you wish you were: Oh, certainly older. 14 is a pretty horrible age actually. It is for most people I guess. Can I say I want to be 5 years older?:)
Your height: Rather not discuss it...:P
Eye color: Blue.
Happy with it?: Yes. The poop brown eyes are everywhere just because it's a "dominant color". Pfft:roll:
Hair colour?: Like dark blonde, it's very random.
Happy with it?: I guess. Sure, fine, whatever.
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: I am right handed.
Your living arrangement: Mum and siblings sometimes, dad and siblings sometimes.
Your family: Another corruption device.
Have any pets?: Well soon!:D I would like a rat too though. A little rat boy.:D
Do you speak another language?: Now if I wouldn't it would be weird considering how I live in Sweden. Pero hablo un poco de espanol tambien!:D
Have a favourite quote?: "Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever." - Ghandi
Favourite snack?: Sun flower seeds.8)
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: No, not at all. But I feel like there is no point when no one takes the time to understand and tolerate me.
Do you have any secrets?: Sure. Everyone have the right to secrets unless they concern other people than themselves. But the truth is out there.
Do you like your handwriting?: Haha, no.
Do you have any bad habits?: I am hostile towards new people.
Do you have a movie you hate?: Space 9 from outer space.
Are you a loner?: Yes, certainly. I hide in basements.
What are your number 1 priorities in life?: Oh really? Only one? But then I guess, travelling.
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: If this "another person" was like me I probably would, but if it was like the rest I would probably look at me with strange eyes.

Are you a daredevil?: Oh no. I am the most easily scared person I know. I couldn't even play in the monkey bars as a kid because I was afraid of falling down.:|
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: That's a good question. I don't think I have ever heard someone ask that question before. Let me think a while on that.
Are you passive or aggressive?: Haha, can I be passive-aggressive?:P

Do you think you are emotionally strong?: What do you mean? That I believe in myself? Because that I do.
Do you think life has been good so far?: I do, I can't think of something to complain about.
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: So far, that people with authority tries to use you more than you think.

What do you like the most about your body?: Hm. My eyes?
And least?: My nose. It's big.
Do you think you are good looking?: Overall? Meh. Sometimes, I have my days.
Are you confident?: I am in some situations.

Do You...
Yes, Morley's.
Do drugs?: No, what is rarer than never?
Read the newspaper?: Yes.
Pray?: No I don't. I don't believe in god.
Go to church?: No, I haven't converted to Christianity since the last question.
Sleep with stuffed animals?: No.
Take walks in the rain?: I take walks in the rain sure, I am the rain king.

Talk to people even though you hate them?: I would really want to say no to this question, but it's impossible. But you can define "talk". I don't have serious talks with them, but in school you can't avoid talking to them.
Drive?: Nope, it would be illegal.
Like to drive fast?: How would I know?

Would or Have You Ever...
Liked your voice?:
Singing? Oh god no! Talking, sure why not. It's not that important really. As long as I can say what I want to say, it can sound whatever it wants to sound like.
Hurt yourself?: No.
Been out of the country?: Yes I have. But it's my dying passion to travel so I hope to do it more!
Been in love?: Frankly, I don't know. I get pretty mad when I hear girls running around saying they're in love, especially seeing as how for most of them, they're vision of love is doing it on a park bench to get it over with. Ask me again in 10 years.
Had a medical emergency?: No.
Had surgery?: I removed my cuticle once:lol: My nail fell of a week later:| It was supposed to do that though.
Gotten beaten up?: Oh no, doesn't sound too pleasant...
Killed someone?: :| I wouldn't tell you if I had. Deny everything.
Been picked on?: When I was younger.
Been on stage?: When I held my speech I was.:D
Slept outdoors?: Yeah, you're not a regular on my blog are you?:P
Thought about suicide?::? No...:|
Pulled an all nighter?: yeah, but I suck at it though.
If yes, what is your record?: I made it to 8am like a few weeks ago:P
Gone one day without food?: Yeah.
Talked on the phone all night?: Nope, I don't like to talk on the phone.
Slept all day?: My record of sleeping is only 2.30 actually...
Made out with a stranger?: No.
Had sex with a stranger?: I am 14!
Thought you're going crazy?: I already am.
Kissed the same sex?: Nope.
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: What is all these questions? You're scaring me!
Been betrayed?: Yeah, kinda.
Broken the law?: I shoplifted a pen once, I also stole some candy. Yeah, I know, I'm such a bad girl!:lol:
Met a famous person?: Well sorta. I sat next to the Ipren guy on the subway once. Ipren is a Swedish aspirin, but you should watch the commercial, it's friggin hilarious. He looks so weird. Look:|
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: I don't think so.
On purpose?: I killed bugs when I was small. But I stopped at 9 because that's when I started watching CSI and I started loving Grissom.:D:P
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: No.

Been on radio/tv?:
Had a nervous breakdown?:
I can't say I have without a proper diagnosis. If I say I have I just makes the term meaningless.
Bungee jumped?:
NEVER EVER WILL I DO THAT!*hides in corner*
Had a dream that kept coming back?:

Believe in life on other planets?:
I want to believe. I do believe there is some kind of life, like a micro organism or something, somewhere in the universe, but the chances of us ever coming in contact with an extra terrestrial would be impossible. It's the distances, and even then if someone would be able to break all the laws of nature known to man to design an engine to take them out in space in the speed of light(which can't be done by the way), what are the chances of us even having developed life here? Maybe the time of their real shining came 20 000 000 years ago? Then we'd miss each other.

Miracles?: No. There is an explanation for everything.
No. Bullsh!t is what it is.
Nope. Oxymoronic without the oxy.
Satan?: No. Then you'd have to believe in God too.

No. Leila killed him. I have nothing to believe in anymore.:P
Ghosts?: No. Everything dies, and I don't believe in a life after this one.
Love at first sight?: No.

Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?:
No. Not really like Jin and Yang, but my pessimistic side tells me that bad can exist without good, but not the other way around:|
Easter bunny?:
No. hasn't he been killed too now?
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: I'd like to say yes, but statistically your mum and dad have been unfaithful to each other. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Do you wish on stars?:
And just for the record, I don't believe Elvis is alive either!:lol:

Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?:
A few.
Who is your best friend?:
The Wendy Bunch.
Who's the one person that knows most about you?:
The wendies:D
Thing you're picked on most about?: My geekiness. I don't care though. I know better than that.

Who's your longest known friend?: A girl named Amanda.:D She moved when I was about 6 but we still keep in touch. It's quite amazing now that I think about it.
Newest?: Here on I think it would be Jordina.:D
Shyest?: Kiks:P
Nicest: Boo:)
Funniest?: Jennie.
Sweetest?: Lillypad.
Weirdest?: Leila.
Smartest?: Feather.
Ditziest?: Char.
Friends you miss being close to the most?: No one, really...
Last person you talked to online?: Charcoal.
Who do you talk to most online?: Feather again, but only because she sleeptypes.:P
Who are you on the phone with most?: I don't like phones:?
Who do you trust most?: You all!:D

Who listens to your problems?:
You guys.
Who do you fight most with?:
My sis. She is the only person who can drive me to the end of nuttiness and back. I don't even fight with my parents.

Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: No. I'm 14 and my friends are girls.:P But you should see our MSN convo's:|:|
Who's your second family?
You are.
Do you always feel understood?:
No, I don't. Misunderstood is what I am.
Do you trust others easily?: No, it's hard. Trust no one.
Do your friends know you?: You guys do, RL not so much. Actually not at all.:(
Friend that lives farthest away: That would be Jennie I think. It used to be Sas.

What book are you reading?: Ehm, "The collector" by John Fowles, "1984" by George Orwell, "So long and thanks for all the fish" by Douglas Adams and "Post mortem" by Patricia Cornwell.
What's on your mousepad?: The mouse. Just like it's supposed to be.

I just realized how long this quiz was now!:| Holy sh!t. I had to take away lots of questions...
And I am doing an X-Files quote instead of a House one today, my House obsession is not gone people, it's just resting for the moment. It was tired.

*undercover as a married couple*
Mulder: Woman! Get back in here and make me a sandwich!
Scully:*throws latex glove at him*
Mulder: Did I not make myself clear?!

Comment and spam me green you guys! Oh, and guess the song! Love you!*licks*

Really? POKING?

Hey all!:D
Yes, Ellen is officially back from her trip!:D I had a lot of fun, as previously mentioned, but this is still going to be a rant. That's what happens when traumatic things happen on your way to something, and you have to re-live it again when going home...

So, we went by train, mkay? We normally don't, but it's better for the environment and, flying is a bloody robbery! Ok, the flight prices wasn't even what I was gonna rant about in the first place!:lol:

Anyway, train, right? Ok, so I get there, to my grandpa, and everyone is like "Oh yay! Finally here, let's go swimming!", except for me. They get pissed and accuse me of being a "happy mood destroyer". Well pardon me if I'm in a bad mood after THE NIGHT OF HELL!
After going to bed at 2am, only to find out that the guy you're sharing room with is a fat 50+ year old guy snoring more than entire Saudi-Arabia and with a bad case of sleep apnea. After falling asleep at 5am, but getting woken up at 6 by a scary lady, POKING YOU IN YOUR ARM WITH A FLIPPIN FILE GRUNTING "Uh, you, wake up, uh". After walking out of the "suite" with the good ol' "I totally slept in this ponytail" and the lovely "I only slept an hour because I was worried the apnea would finally gonna get to my "room mate"" look, you have the freaking RIGHT to be in a bad mood, aight?!
Give me a cup of coffee instead! And if it is so frikkin important for me to join, then I have heard they're having a syringe sale so I can shoot the bloody caffeine right up my effin arm! Ahh!

Then, 4 cups of coffee and a lot of curses later, I sit there on there frikkin blanket, reading my book, not even joining the swimming because you know what? I don't even like swimming! YOU KNOW THAT! And no mother, I do not get too little sun on me!! The reason why I look pale is not me sitting inside all the time, cuz I don't, it's because my body can't bloody create melatonin! Hey seen these BLUE eyes, and all this BLONDE hair lately, hm? Have you?! Yes, it's me! The miracle child who despite her dark hair parents came out totally albino! AHH!

*calms down* Ok, I'm fine now. I am not usually all grumpy like this, just that getting woken up by poking is not something I happen to like!:evil:

And oh yes. Ellen is dying from withdrawal. So if you excuse her, she'll just go away watching some X-Files, House and CSI. She needs it, she is shutting down! I AM GOING TO WATCH THE X-FILES MOVIE ON FRIDAY BTW! Yes, it doesn't come out until then... *Feels like ranting about how slow Sweden is in this sorta stuff too* Oh, and I changed my avvie to a MSR one just now cuz of the film and all, Wilson will ba back later though:twisted: )

But first I'll give you some quotes. These were bloody hilarious. You see, we were at my mums friend's(Let's call her L) and her husband's(S) house. My grandpa was there, and S had invited his mum(SM) and his aunt(SA) to dinner. See, the thing here is that my grandpa and the old ladies are all 80+ the aunt even getting close to 90, and they were all half deaf and blind.:roll: This is what happened:

*talking about hearing-aids*
SA: Oh yes. I have had mine for as long as I can remember!
Me: But you can't have had it for more than at most 20 years!
SA: But that's as long as I can remember!
Grandpa: So. How many grandchildren do you both have?
SM: *thinks they're still talking about hearing aids* Oh, I have one in each ear!
Grandpa: ...But mustn't it be very crowded?
*after a while, my grandpa finally getting they're still talking about hearing aids*
SA: So, how many children do you have?
Grandpa: I have only 1.
Sis: But how about U(my mum's bro)? *pulls shirt* U?
Grandpa: *can't hear* I use mine, but I can imagine that many of them end up in a drawer, just going to waste!
SM: In a drawer. How awful!
Grandpa: Yes, it is indeed a problem! I can't even talk to some of my friends these days!
SM: They do that? Oh no!


SM: No, you know what S? I am not bad at taking care of myself! I am... What do they call it...? Hm... What is it now?
Me: Senile?

Did I mention they drank like tons? Yes, they were drunk in the end. Their response to "You want some wine?" was "Oh god yes, you don't think I've turned into a teetotaller now, don't you?!". As stated before, being 87 doesn't stop you from drinking apperantly!:lol:

Oh and I have a few pics, not of the landscape and stuff which I am so fond of taking pics off, no this time it's just a few cuz I took them all on Mums cam, these were the only one I took with my phone:P Here is when we ate at "Resturant Leilani"!:D

(Imagine my squeeing! I was like, we're eating at THAT resturant! Period!"

And people are strange up north. Only there does the "fried moose" compete with Chinese food:P

And here is a pic of little bro. He should be lucky though, he only got a little red, and not swollen at all! Damn him...

And here is the surprise that isn't a surprise to Kiks!:D

(You know X is soo canon!)

Oh ok, this lovely blog is coming to an end. But as always, we have a House quote!

Amber: Hi, Greg. And I call you Greg because we're now social equals.
House: I call you "cutthroat B!tch" because... well, quod erat demonstratum. And I speak in Latin because I don't try to hide what an ass I am.
Dr. Wilson: Oh, and C'est la vie, and I use the French because you're an ass.

Aww, I missed you guys! I'm so glad to be home!
*hugs**licks* Comment and spam me green! Love you!


Hey all!:D
This will be a really short one, beacuse I am still on vacation:P Coming home on Tuesday though!:D Miss you all loads.:(

I'm just dropping in to show y'all what I look like. Here in the northern parts of Sweden there are a lot of mosquitoes. I mean, a lot. So when you go to bed, you have to kill all the mosquitoes in the room before even attepting sleeping. But of course, I did not. This is me:


Yeah ok. This is Gothmog from LOTR, but I would pay some serious money to the one who could seperate us apart. I look like I have been punched in the face and then stabbed with nails, beacuse my face is not only swollen like this, it's red too.

So yeah. That's what's up with me. I'll give you another blog when I get back:D And my House withdrawal is really bad, so I'm gonna do the the House quote even though I don't have time at all...
Stacy: Did you think I wasn't going to get married?
House: Not to someone so poorly endowed. This guy's pancreas is pathetic.

*hugs**licks* Comment and Kreather (and for those of you who don't know, that means to spam) me green!

Why, how, when and where?

I suddenly felt the urge to blog. Just like that.

Thoughts and questions are good...

- Blueberries are evil
- In a love song you shouldn't use the simile "Like a fish in the sea", because it sounds like "like a piss in the sea", true story. Click it...
- What purpose does butter really have?
- Why do I keep running even though I feel like I wanna puke when doing it?
- Why did my mum sign me up for the marathon anyway?!
- Everybody moves and runs away from the northern part of Sweden, except for us; we go there on vacation.
- Did I mention it's totally 21st centuary deprived there?
- Somtimes I feel like watching Nickelodeon with my little bro:lol:
- It took me this long to understand how obsessive I really am. I have been waiting for the new X-Files movie a bit over 40% of my life, that's sad.
- No Boo, that's not even highly dedicated, that's obsessive.
- According to my mum, I need to "Deal" with my obsessiveness and I can therefor not bring my House DVDs when we go.
- How will I cope with that!?
- My mum is going to be sorry when I freak out from withdrawal when I see someone with a cane.
- She is going to be really sorry when she realizes that everyone young has either moved from there or are staying inside to avoid the old-man-smell. Yeps, they're all old there. A LOT OF CANES!:D
- My sleep pattern is starting to worry me.
- I really want to go a library for some reason.
- I could go on like this forever, I should stop.

And I forgot the House quote last time beacuse I was in a hurry, I'll make it up to you by doing 2 now! (Feather has joined the dark side BTW, but Wilson and House are mine, no matter what she/you/they/someone/anyone say):P

("Airborne", because Feather wanted to know the origin of "Crickey mate")

House: Can you say "Crickey Mate"?
12 year-old Boy: Crickey Mate.
House: Perfect. Now no matter what I say, you'll agree with me, okay.
12 year-old Boy: Okay.
House: Nicely done. You,*points* disagree with everything I say.
Foreign Man: Sorry, not understand.
House: Close enough. (to random woman) You get morally outraged by everything I say.
Sour Faced Girl: (about House writing on the movie screen) That's permanent marker, you know.
House: Wow... you guys are good!

And ("You don't want to know")

House: Magic is cool. Actual magic is oxymoronic. Might not even be oxy.

Comment me green and *licks* I'll miss you, you butts!

The knights of royal blood

Hey all. So this is me writing a quickie.

I re-watched the Da-Vinci Code movie. The book is way better, but frankly, I think that the movie adoption is very good. I was a bit sceptical at first because from my experience these kinds of movies are usually pretty dull and are very different from like the books. But I must say I like it. But the thing that caught my attention was the music. I am a sucker for cl*ssical:oops: I really loved, listen to it.:D

I know, I usually don't click it either, but do, and listen to the whole thing. All I can say is: :shock: Me likey!

Comment me green and *licks* Now I'm off to my mum and I won't be on much. The first week I will, but after that I go to my granddad. He's internet deprived. Read the wendy bunch LJ for more information.*hugs*