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Elfor_Rocket Blog


Yes! I was jumping on the Feather-sleeptyping train! It was awesome... Until I got tired about 8.:P I'm glad Mommy Suz is gone though, she would ground me.:| I don't know if I can handle 3 more days without my books!*cries* It's a cruel punishment Suz, not fair, not fair.

Aha, so I have sold my soul to the devil I might add. I didn't even sell it, my mum gave it away. She signed me and herself up for "tjejmilen". This basically means we will be running a marathon, well almost. It's only 6,21 miles, 10 km, but still. You know how far that is in my eyes. I will die, no joke. I'm going to die from a heart attack in the middle of the track and the other runners will run over me like I was banana peel. (*Hopes they will trip*) Well, so if I mysteriously disappear from the boards after the 31st of August, it's because I am lying crushed on the ground somewhere in the city. That is all.

Am I the only one slightly freaked out by the new add, or whatever it is, on It just popped up in front of me saying "Suck on that". Then they showed a drink and it said something about it containing blood and I was like :shock:. Has anyone else seen it or is it just me being stalked by a crazy blood-sucking vampire business man.:?

I was going for spectacular blog today/ night/ morning whatever, but I don't feel like it anymore. I was gonna do random with funny pics, but meh. Tomorrow maybe. One is good enough.


Apparently I have also been labelled the "perv". I see why now. But in my defence, chinglish is hilarious.

House! Little happier today, still a little sad though. I am recovering as fast as I can. But it's still not safe to mention anything resin or tree related...
House: I didn't know people actually read emails--the delete button is so conveniently located.

End of terribly dull blog. But!... Yeah. I don't have a "but", wish I did though. So just comment me green!:D *licks*

OMG! Is that?!... Yes, yes it is!

Yes people, you will not be seeing visions. Ellen has stolen one of Feather's quizzes. This is the moment she has been waiting for since the first time I met her. But first, quote. I made it with pics.:D

Well, so me and dad decided to make cheesecake today. We have never done that before, this is how it went:

Dad: Hey, what's the difference between a paj and a bak?

Me: pajThis one is for making pies.
Dad: Well, then what is thisbak? A hat? dad

Yeah, he actually put it on his head. I worked my Paint magic to make it alive though.:P

Aaaand, quiz!:D

01. Do you own a box full of receipts? Not a box, I own a book though:D

02. Is Dory your hero? As in finding Nemo? She's cool, but being a hero is stretching it.

03. Did you own a ponch, during the craze? There was a craze? But no. I did not own one, I never own anything craze-y. I do the opposite, I curse it:D

04. Stripes or polka dots? Polka dots I guess. I don't really care, frankly.

05. Do you like taking pictures of yourself? Is Elvis alive? Hell no. School picture day is worse than finding out your grades. It's especially bad if they're only of me, I get shy. And I am not what they call photogenic.:roll:

06. Are Irish or Australian accents better? AUSTRALIAN! *goes to think of Chase*:P Irish is cool, but Australian is hot.:P

07. Would you prefer to be eaten alive by Lions or Vultures? Ehm, do you mind me correcting you? Vultures are scavengers, they don't eat live animals. They circle around in the sky and wait until you drop dead. So technically I wouldn't be eaten alive, and since I am not too fond of being eaten alive, I'll choose the vultures.

08. Muse or My Chemical Romance? I don't know. Does it matter? Will the world collapse if I don't choose?

09. Do you own any beads? Hm. I'm not exactly sure of what it is, so I'll say no:P

10. Hot pink or lime green? Lime green, because I don't want to fit in a girly stereotype. Plus, it's so much cooler.

11. Do you own your own mini library? :D ME LOVE READING!

12. Are spin-tops cool? Oh! I played with them when I was younger! I made my own sometimes too.:D

13. Do you have a Seal called Pickles? Do you have one? Can I have it in that case? I love seals:D They sound so cute! *claps flippers* Uoh ouh!

14. Do you prefer Dragons or Unicorns? Dragons. Dragons are too cool for the world, that's why they don't exist; because the world is not ready. They are like us, The Wendy Bunch. Dragon's breathe fire, what can unicorns do?

15. What the name of the little elephant in the Jungle Book? His name is Junior. I like him, but not as much as his dad, Colonel Hathi. "Elephants never forget":lol: Yeah, right!:roll:

16. Do you have Green eyes? No I don't. Mine are blue.

17. Do you have your lip pierced? No. I don't want to either:?

18. Are snakes cool? Yes. Very. They are incredibly interesting animals. Did you know that people who are allergic to horses can't get treated with antivenin when bit? Or that "sidewinding" costs less than 1/3 calories as when going normally?:D
It's a strange feeling petting a snake, they feel different from what you expect.

19. Do you know where Cyrenaica is? In Libya.

20. Who plays the Emperor in the film Gladiator? I have never seen the movie, but I think it's Joaquin Phoenix.

21. What's your favorite Disney film? Oh, toughie. I may not like Disney and what they are doing to all of the old, lovely characters and the movies made be them nowadays are just abysmal, but I love the old, REAL Disney movies. You might have figured out I like the Jungle book:P But I like The Lion King very much.:D Pinocchio is very sweet too, but my all time favourite is Dumbo. I watched it millions of times! Such a nice movie.

22. Tigger or Eeyore? Eeyore. He's just too cute.

23. Converse All Star or Vans? I really don't own any of them.

24. Did Amanda Burton star in Silent Witness or Waking the Dead? I don't know. Can I guess? Is it... Silent witness? I don't know:P

25. Which Harry Potter actor/actresses do you prefer; Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Tom Felton or Emma Watson? I only read the first book and I got bored so I didn't watch the movies. I still know who they are though, except for the "Tom Felton" guy. I can say him because he must be feeling all alone.

26. Are you a "Chav"? No. I am the opposite of it, whatever that is. But please, don't get me started on them, I'm not even half way through this and I can't get stuck here! Let's just put it this way: Ellen + Chav = Fight ending with Chav standing like a question mark from overload of words it can't understand.

27. Do you agree that Clacton is "Chav" central? It would be unfair for me to say something considering I have no idea where the flip that is.

28. Have you ever watched Complete Savages on Nickelodeon? No, I have not. However, I know that one of the guys who created it, is named Scully.:D Yes, I am that much of a dork.

29. Have you ever read The Old Kingdom series, by Garth Nix? No I have not. Is it any good?

30. Do you like the name Mohamed? It's pretty powerful I think, wouldn't like to be named it though.

31. Do you sleep with a comfort blanket/toy? No, I hug one of my pillows.:P

32. Do you think Dumbledore is actually dead? Again, haven't read the books and I am not interested in the films either. But if it says so, it's true. Get over it, worry about bigger problems instead. Unless Dumbledore held the key to world peace, stop obsessing and think about that instead.

33. Sid the Sloth rocks, yes or no? Wouldn't know.

34. The Snorks or the Smurfs? Smurfs I guess. Blue is a darn nice color.

35. Do you know anyone called Penelope? Do you mean know "know" or just know of someone called Penelope? It's a very pretty name though.

36. Dick Darstardly or Mutley? Dick, because I can't think of another name than that while taking this quiz.

37. Have you heard the theme tune to CSI: New York? Out here in the fields, I fight for me meals; I get my back into my living.

38. Do you often remember your dreams? No:( I want to though. I do it better during the summers when I can sleep until I wake up myself, so soon I might get some jackpots!:D

39. Do you like Anime? No, even less now since Leila scarred me with mental images of something very creepy. *shudders* Trust me, you do not want to know!

40. Do you like Pokemon? I did when I was younger. It's good I guess.

41. Horror, Thriller, Romance or Comedy films? Hm. I'd say thriller most of the times, but sometimes I feel for a romance or comedy too. I do not like horror though. They scare me, and I'm a chicken. I ran away screaming after 30 minutes of the shining, I swore never to watch a horror film again after that.:P All work and no play makes Ellen a dull girl.

42. Have you ever been labelled a "Nerd"? Yes, everyday since the first day of school. I am digging it though. It's funny how they make fun of me but keep crawling back for answers when it goes wrong. Suckers. They're not mean though, they know I'd just win if we got into an argument.

43. Have you ever called someone a word that they don't want to hear? Yeah. I'm a human.

44. Are you a Myspace addict? No. Lillypad tried but failed. I am happy with everything as it is. I don't need another addiction to distract me from my current.:D

45. Minnie or Mickey mouse? Mickey. Mickey is too girly already, we don't need more!

46. Do you agree with Abortion? I do. It's better to legalize it because it will happen anyway. Thousands of girls die every year because of post-op infections from illegal abortions; they would be alive if they could do it in a controlled and secure manner.

47. Do you have a favorite swear words, if so what? F*ck, f*cked,. F*cking, and everything else containing the word "F*ck"

48. What's your favorite thing about yourself? My curiousness and need to learn.

49. Money or Love? Love. Money corrupts.

50. Are you Bisexual? No.

51. Favorite make-up product? I don't wear make-up.

52. Most recent, embarrassing moment? Oh my. I do a lot of embarrassing things. Well most recent, let me check... Ok, I got one. It was when we were on our way home from Lidö and on our way there we had all this food, remember I told you about it not being a shop there? Well, now the food was out, but on the way there we had taken my bro's old stroller to ease the carrying. Well at night coming home from the city there are a lot of people, and you know how everyone just instantly moves if you have a baby? We took advantage of that fact.:P So I put the shade down and put a pair of boots and placed them so that they stuck out. It went great, Everyone gave room to us when we were coming. But then, I slipped. I slipped with the stroller and some ran up to us and was like "Is the baby ok!?" and then they saw there were just backpacks and stuff in there.:P I stood there like "sh!t". That was pretty embarrassing:P

53. OMFG! Murphy got shot! Do you care? Well, if he was a real guy on the street, yes.

54. Do you support a football team? No.

55. Do you know how to play Chess? Of course. You will brake my already let down heart if you tell me everyone don't know how.

56. Do you like the film "Miss Congeniality 2"? I haven't seen it and I have no intentions to either.

57. Do you like the "Whiskers, Oh So Fishy" Advert? I don't think I have seen it. Maybe in Swedish.

58. Do you reckon you have no friends? I have you don't I?:)

59. You like Smirn Off Ice? I am confused. What is that?

60. Do you like the song "Everytime we touch" by Cascada? No. Worst thing I have ever heard.

See. I even completed it!:P And with a push from Leila and Feather I am now pulling the Lil. Yes, I know. What a grand start on my quiz carrier! Well congratulations. You have now made me cry again. This is the 3rd night in a row.:| But because I apparentöy can't post a blog with more than 20 000 characters, I had to post it in LJ and link it. Hm, curious. Well, here you go. I love you all!

And House quote! I know I should be happy, but I just watched "Wilson's heart" and I am devastated.:(
House:(Talking about *gulp* Amber) I take it back, she's not like me! She's a needy version of me!
Wilson:... Hard to imagine such a mythological creature.

The end. Comment me green and *licks* for all of you!

I hope you had the time of your life

Hey everyone!:D
I am back! I had a lot of fun. It is so nice just getting away and forget about everything sometimes. It's those moments when you can just relax and enjoy. You know I missed you very much, but without the internet, TV and everything you have time to do things you normally don't have time for.

The last days I have taken several walks in the woods. The forest is amazing! It's really old and undisturbed. Here are lots of pics, some blurry, as previously promised:P








And here are some from the walk but not of the forest.




Pardon the horrible images, that's my bro and dad:P and a real canon:D



Woah! Look at his expression!:lol:


Oh, and this is the view from the terrace during the evening::D



One night we booked a sauna.:P We always do that while there. We always compete too:roll: I don't win, dad always do:P But when we are so hot we can no longer breath, we run down to the ocean and dive. It's a weird feeling going from on chock to another and the body gets pretty confused:P When it comes to who can jump in the water the quickest I win sometimes:D The screams can be heard all over the island though:P

We played a lot of games; cards, monopoly and scrabble. I have issues when it comes to competing, I mentioned that right? I wrote down a quote from when we played Oh hell:
Me:*Counts scores* I WON! Dad, you can go suck that sweet, sweet victory good-bye, because it belongs to meeee! *dances* You guys suck! I am the master! Bow people, bow! *laughs evilly* You lost! Suck. It. Up! Ha!
Dad: Wow, Ellen. You have got serious issues...

I won scrabble too.:D But Monopoly went straight to hell. It wasn't me fault though, I didn't have a chance! It was all bad luck! That's why I hate games that don't have anything to do with thinking, I always loose.:P Random pic from playing. My dad is... Speshul.


There were some animals and cuz I am loving the picspam, I will continue pumping photos:D






On the way home, on the boat, I found a pair of awesome sunglasses. I thought it could be the sunglasses of justice for H when he was small, because it was for children, but they were so ugly they were cool.:P


And here is with my bro being the model:P

I like his chocolate moustache:lol:

Here then, sexy gap, huh?:lol:


And on the way there you always pass this very creepy dead island. It's dead because of some bird, they poop on it and their faeces just destroy it for some reason. I have no idea why. Pics:



So that was my trip. What have you been up to? Something interesting happened while I was gone?:D Oh yeah, right. Tagging stuff. *sigh* Damn you Suz.

  1. I don't like loosing.
  2. I am afraid of pooping birds.
  3. I think Horatio should change his current SOJ to the ones I found.
  4. My dad is speshul.
  5. Sheep are awesome. Bah!


House quote! I think I'm gonna go watch some House after this, finally I can! Yay!
Dr. Foreman: Been looking for you!
House: Been avoiding you...

That is all my dearies, missed you very much. So good to be back! *licks* Comment me green!

Everything is not black and white

Hey you guys.

I am feeling a little, I wouldn't say down or sad, just a little... I don't know, mellow? I just talked to my freind on MSN. She was very sad. She had been in a fight with a freind of hers, I don't know this girl very good, but I know who she is. Anyway, my friend is one of those people who have to help and be nice to everyone. She can't say no, just can't. I have told her so many times to listen to what she wants for a second, told her to listen to what she is feeling instead of always wonder what all the others think and feel. She just can't and it always comes back and bite her, she's the one feeling like crap in the end. I have always wished she'd stop and think about it, and that's what she did today. She vented like crazy.
Have you ever held something in and adjusted to everyone else instead of listening to yourself? Or maybe listened to your heart and done something scary but you know it was the right thing to do?
It's hard sometimes. But that's what your friends are for. They are there to listen and comfort you. So here is to you. You are my friends.

This is what I'll do when I'm gone.m

Remember that.Love like you were to die tomorrow. Sorry for this sentimantal blog.

I can't forget the House quote. It was hard. I had to look for a while before I could find one that fitted.
Dr. Wilson: "Are you okay?"
House: It's a valid medical question.
Dr. Wilson: I have never heard you ask a patient that question. You've never asked me that question and you've seen me fall down a flight of stairs drunk.

I love you!:D *licks* And today, well you can comment me red!

Hi dee hi, hi dee ho

Hey all.

Feather was getting impatient and wanted me to blog. "Ok" I thought, it's only one thing. I have nothing to blog about!:lol:

I have some good news and some bad news about the online time. I had misunderstood eveything in the summer schedule, but in my defense, I am not the one making myself switch from home to home:P Anyway, I'll be going to my padre's on Sunday, or was it Saturday? I don't know, but the point is, it's not way too far into the future as I thought. That's the good news, the bad news (for you that is, or at least I hope:P) is that, that (Sunday or Saturday) day I'll be going away to Lidö. Lidö is an island in the archipelago my dad always takes us to during the summer. It is very nice, and very small! They don't even have a shop!:roll: So we have to buy all the food and carry it all the way on the bus and boat, It's VERY heavy. I'll be over there for about 4 days I think. God, how can I not kow any of this?! And I'll miss you all terribly. I will however bring my cell this time, so I won't be totally disconnected from you!:D it's gonna be fun, and this time I can actually take pictures by myself and I won't have to wait until my dad gives them to me:roll: I still haven't got the pictures from the canoeing!

And I have something to announce. This is pretty hilarious. Last night me and Feather came up with that we wanted to make a Wikipedia page about The Wendy Bunch.:lol: We will! Swear!
I'll link it to you when it's done, but that won't be on till like Saturday, at least, because we have to write biographies!:P It's gonna be so wendy and everyone will be amazed!:P I won't tell you anything more about it, it's funnier if it's a surprise! But I'd appreciate, if you Suz, could help me nag on the bunchers so that they have it in time. The dead line is Saturday. Sassy is the only one we won't be rough on, because of the whole moving situation. To you others: GET IT DONE!

And I won't pull a Lil, I think I'll do the quiz when eveyone has forgotten about it and you'll be like "Oh right, I remember this one! Everyone was pulling a Lil!". SO THERE!

- I am bored. Entertain me. The summer brake is getting longer instead of shorter right now.
- I posted Lillypad's letter today! Yay!
- I want tea but I can't have any because mum forgot to pick some honey up. It just isn't the same without it.
- Feather asked me to ruina pic of Ryan, I gladly accepted!:D Here!:twisted:




This is my only artistic talent, ruining people's life.:P

House qoute! House is the only thing keeping me sane at the moment. Amen to you Greg!
Dr Foreman: Been looking for you!
House: Been avoiding you...

Comment me green and entertain the crap out of me!*licks*

What's in your head, In your head?

Hey all!

Let's start of by saying how happy I am to be home again. I missed you so much, and the wendy bunch, why would we ever drift?! We will NOT drift! Just because we can't be online all the time doesn't mean we're drifting! I love you guys! We will NOT drift!
... About not being on the computer all the time, I am leaving for my mum's again tomorrow. That means 3 weeks away from my laptop. I will miss you so much! I get all depressed thinking about it so let's move on, shall we? Something funny, that get our mind of the bad things!

I came across this and I just couldn't stop laughing! Sometimes I wonder what's going on in people's minds! I found out that there is a city in Sweden called "Rövhålet". In English this means "The *sshole", this is true, people actually are this stupid. What were they thinking?! I looked around and found out that there are also not less than 6 cities in Sweden called "Rumpan"; "the *ss".*shakes head* Seriously?! I found a whole lot of funny named cities, look!

(I don't know which of these words are being censored, so I'll just put the stars everywhere:P)
B*stard (Norway)
An*s (France)
Diksh!t (India)
*ss (Ukraine)
Cond*m (France)
F*cking (Austria)
P*ssy (France)
Vag*na (Russia)
Sh!t' (Ethiopia)
D!ldo (Newfoundland, Canada)
D*ng Rac* (Thailand-Cambodia border)
Effin (Limerick, Ireland)
!ntercourse (Pennsylvania, USA)
Little Dix Village (West Indies)
Pis Pis River (Nicaragua)
S*xmoan (Luzon, Philippines)
Sh*g Island (Indian Ocean)
T!ttybong (Australia)
W*nk (Germany)
W*nkie (Zimbabwe)
Three way (Arizona, USA)
We!ner (Arkansas, USA)
Weed (California, USA)
Murder bay (DC, USA)
Ballstown (Indiana, USA)
French Lick (Indiana, USA)
Gas city (Indiana, USA)
Crab town (Iowa, USA)
Kickapoo (Kansas, USA)
H*ll for certain. (Kentucky, USA)
Vixen (Louisiana, USA)
Suckerville (Maine, USA)
Corpse pond (Michigan, USA)
Licking (Missouri, USA)
Lesbia (New Mexico, USA)
T!ttisee (Germany)
C*ckintake (United Kingdom)
Ballplay (Tennessee)
Bigadic (Turkey)
C*ckplay (Scotland)
Dickey (North Dakota, USAThree Cocks (Wales)
Blowhard (Australia)
T!tty Ho (England)
Big C*ckup and Little C*ckup (England)
C*ckburn (Australia)
Maggie's Nipples (Wyoming, USA)
Zip Down (Pennsylvania, USA)
Big but (North Carolina, USA)
Hook*r (Oklahoma, USA)
Cut and shoot (Texas, USA)

:lol: Why would anyone name a city like this?!:lol: Morons!:lol: I realize that all of them aren't English speaking countries, but it's still funny!:P

Leila thought I would post this, and then conveniently enough, Feather wanted me to take a quiz because she wanted crazy answers. I won't post a quiz, but that doesn't mean I can't answer crazy questions with crazy answers!:D On Leila's end-of-the-month blog, she asked herself if vampires could get AIDS. I, the crazy girl who has a hard time dropping things, found this question to be very intriguing. So, I put it on my mind and started to think. I thought and thought about it, and I finally came up with an answer.

- Can vampires get AIDS?
- No. A vampire can suck blood from a HIV infected person and contract the virus, but can't get AIDS. The vampire is dead-alive, and therefore doesn't have an immune system. The HIV virus attacks the body by attacking the immune system, and because the vampire doesn't have one, it can't get sick. But, because the vampire still has contracted the virus, it can pass it along to future victims. So to sum things up, it can have HIV, but not AIDS.

Was that crazy enough for you Feather? Oh, and did I show you the new picture I made of your alter-ego Gangsta' Featha'? I don't think I did... Ah well, I can post it now!:P


Look at that sick, psychopath murderer's smug face!:lol:

And as always, a House quote to end the blog!:D
Dr. Cuddy: Well, let's just say...your antidepressant theory does explain the fever. What about the heart? And don't say a building fell on her.
House: Okay. (Clears throat) A structure collapsed on her.
Dr. Cuddy: Shut up!

I'll miss you guys! And guess the title! I am getting along on the guess-the-title train!:D

*licks* Comment me green!

In the middle of nowhere

Hi everyone!:D *hugs*

I'm here a day earlier than expected!:D We were so tired so we just sat and paddled as fast as we could so that we could come home again!:D

I have missed you guys so, so, so much! Canoeing was really fun, but very hard! My arms and shoulders are like dead from exhaustion, my hips are sore from lying on the ground, my back hurt from sitting in the canoe way to much and I have been eaten alive by bugs.:P Despite that, I liked it, and even though my whole body is aching I had a really good time!:D We canoed about 9 miles (real miles for all you Americans!:P About 56 miles for you) The places we visited were so beautiful! I wish I had the pics here right now, but I don't.:( I can show you them in a later blog, if you want to that is.

We paddled through "Mälaren", a Swedish lake running through most of Stockholm. We were told it would be a pretty lousy weather, with rain, wind and cold. But it turned out OK sometimes. We got some sun at least! And no one died from gangrene so we're all good!:P But I have never been so happy to be home! You forget how lucky you are and you take running water, a warm bed and good food for granted. But, when you sit out there taking a piss in the woods with grass sticking up your butt, you remember. Trust me!:lol: The first thing I did when I got home was take a shower, wash my hair and brush my teeth. I'm not sure I ever wanna leave my warm bed ever again!:P

Whenever my family spends a lot of time together, strange things happen. It's a law of nature, I don't ask why, I just accept it. Here are some funny/weird things that happened that happened while I was gone.:P


• Put an ant in ketchup and watched it work it's way out
• Got fooled by a sign
• Cut myself on some Common reed
• Got attacked by seagulls
• Got chased by an angry swan
• Escaped an ant island
• Managed not to fall in the water while canoeing but tripped when trying to get out of it
• Thought oatmeal might just be the best thing ever for a second (I was THAT hungry)
• Got pooped on by various animals
• Understood why mankind invented the engine
• Fell asleep with the mosquito net open and woke up looking like a freak in the face
• Agreed on listening to the little sis talk about WoW for an hour to distract myself from the pain in my arms while canoeing
• Got farted in the face by little bro
• Hurt my head when a conifer cone fell on it
• Freaked out when little bro had been humming the LOTR theme for a whole day

*In the tent*
Little bro: I wanna sleep with Ellen!
Sis: It's "Sleep next to" not "Sleep with"!
Me and dad:*giggles*
Little bro: But daddy, I wanna sleep with Ellen! Why do I have to sleep with you?!
Me and dad:*laughs hysterically*
Little bro: I always have to sleep with you daddy...
Sis:*freaks out*

I'm to tired to come up with anything else!:P As I said I missed you like crazy! I wrote little hello's in my notepad to all of you, writing what I'd like to say to y'all, just to miss you less, but it didn't work!:( But now I'm here again!:D Yay!

House quote to end the blog with, as usual!
Stacy: I know you're not busy! You avoid work like the plague, unless it actually is the plague...

Hugs and kisses to all of you! I'll go catch up on your blogs now. It's so good to be back! You have no idea how much I missed you! (And my house!:P)
Comment me green! *licks*

I'll be blue in the face!

Hey all. :D
I am sorry for dropping out like that. First I had the prom night and then I slept over at a friend's house. Anyway, I have some good news and some bad. I will be leaving tomorrow, Friday, for canoeing instead of Saturday. I'll be back on Wednesday and by then I will be missing you like CRAZY! After that I'll give you further news on my summer brake schedule.

Anyway, being a waiter wasn't as hard as I thought. No spilled drinks or food dropped.:P It was fun!:D And now everyone, I am officially off school! Yay! A lot of tears were shed, cuz of frikkin pregnant teacher who we all love, but, goes and gets herself preggers.:P And no Leila, I don't care about "dissing the hubby's militant sperm". Careless man!:P And she cried too!

So tomorrow by this time I'll be sitting in a canoe in "Mälaren". I have a feeling that it will rain the whole time because that's my luck.:roll: I'll be living on "bruna bönor" and sausage for almost a week. Bruna bönor is THE most disgusting food ever to be invented, but it is easy to pack and hike with so that is the basic food we're eating!:lol: Here, doesn't it look just LOVELY!?

I won't be bringing the cell, I am sorry. I will miss you so much I'll be blue in the face!:cry:

House quote to light up the mood!
Dr. Wilson: (over a microphone) House, this is God.
House: (inside an MRI) Look, I'm a little busy right now. Not supposed to talk during these things. Got time Thursday?
Dr. Wilson: Let me check. Oh, I got a plague! How about Friday?
House: You'll have to check with Cameron.
Dr. Wilson: Oh, damn it! She always wants to know why bad things happen. Like I'm gonna come up with a new answer this time.
Dr. Cuddy: (comes in) House!
House: Quick, God! Smite the evil witch!
Wilson: (quiet)

House: Oh God! Why have you forsaken me?!

Bye guys! *licks* Comment me green!


Hey all.

Today was a happy day, despite the fact I thought that it would suck. I couldn't sleep anything during the whole night, and the day before I had only slept like 4 hours. So yeah, my sleeping problem is still going strong.:?

We're organizing for a prom in school so the days are very slow! It's nice now, everyone are so tired, but the summer brake getting closer by the hour!:D I am going to be a waitress so today me and the other waitresses got to learn how to do it! You know, which side to come from and how to act and memorize knives and forks and learn how to carry a bunch of plates at the same time and that sorta stuff:P It was fun! We got to quit early too:P So tomorrow it's time for the prom, I'm off school and begin at 5 pm(:shock: ) and so I won't be on tomorrow night! Then it's Wednesday, and that means: SUMMER BRAKE!:D I can't wait!

On Saturday I and the family are going canoeing so I won't be on for like a week or so! Don't know if I'll bring the cell either:( I'll miss you then!

Quote of the day! We got into the subjects of innuendo's (I KNOW! I thought of you guys!:D) and this is what happened...

*Me, Hanna, Erika and Michaela walks up to random guy in our cl*ss*
Hanna: We have too many hot dog buns and...
Me: We were wondering if you want to give us a hot dog...
Erika: We're having the ketchup time...
Michaela: And we were hoping you could contribute with some mustard!
Random guy: *WTF?!*

During the weekend I re-discovered my obsession for How I Met Your Mother, and subsequently watched it like 24/7. I found these quote icons and I made a RT scenario of them. :P Because I'm speshul like that.:lol: Im also bored a lot!:P

*At the airport*
Lillypad: SILLY
Jen: penguin
But Jen, we're not going to Antarctica, we're going to USA! There are thousands of animals there, just not penguins!
Char: Oh! Maybe we'll see Sasquatch!
Feather: Noo! Please! ... I mean
Sas: Hey! I'll see that as degrading!
Leila: I'm not afraid! awesome
Leila: bel In your faces girls! And Lil's neck!:P
Lillypad: You suck!:P suck
Leila: Ah, maybe you can do it... You just have to decide it, and thenlick
Everyone: *WTF face*
Sas: squared
Feather: Yeah! blog
Everyone: lala Heather, that is so typical!*rolls eyes*
Char: de
Me::lol:This is so much fun! Man, I love you guys! ever
*group hug*

Everyone: Woop! *dances* *boards the plane*

Random? Yeah...:P

House quote! :D

House: If you're particularly annoying you may see me reach for this. This is Vicodin - it's mine, you can't have any. And no, I do not have a pain-management problem, I have a pain problem. But who knows? maybe I'm wrong? Maybe I'm too stoned to tell!?

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Everything is not what it looks like

Hey all! I wasn't planning on writing a blog but the walk with the little brother turned out just plain weird!

My dad had to meet someone so I had to take care of my brother in the meantime. We went out and were shocked of how hot it was! It was over 30 degrees, and remember, Sweden is a cold B.F.E country! We have a forest just outside our apartment, so we walked on the paths there and we got further and further into the forest. We had never gone that far in that direction and it was really fun.

After a while we got to this like swamp and a small stream and I told my bro about how the mosquito larvae live there and stuff. The stream was so pretty! We stood on the bridge and just enjoyed the beautiful day and the nice weather!



Any way, we continued walking and after just a minute or so my brother was like "Ellen, look at all these mosquitoes here!" And I answered something like "yeah, see!"

I did not expect what was coming! More and more came and they were everywhere! Brother got scared and started clinging to my legs. The mosquitoes kept arriving and soon there were so many and we were waving in the air trying to make them disappear! I was like "RUN!" and we ran and Brother cried and it was hot as h*ll and we were sweating like pigs!:lol: After a while I was like"D'oh!" cuz yeah, we had been running in the wrong direction and had to go back the same way to get home!:lol:

So yeah. That was my "walk":P And I think I might start putting House quotes in the end of ever blog! What you think?:D

Cuddy: I was expecting you in my office 20 minutes ago!

House: That is funny, because I had no intention of being in your office 20 minutes ago.

Ah, House! You always make me smile!

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