Firstly I never thought 'next gen' would automatically equal an immediate high score. Better graphics, sound, precision, and more content as you quoted does not necessarily a good game make. Gameplay, and gameplay innovations, above all, are what make a game. No matter HOW advanced technology is, there will ALWAYS be titles which fall below standards. Gamespot, like all the other game reviewers, take the platform into consideration and judge accordingly. There's always going to be games which will just go with good graphics and the very fact that they are 'next gen' to sell themselves (genji: days of the blade for example!).
The next gen is still in its infancy, and the ps3 and wii still have the potential to be tapped into, and more importantly, more time for the game developers to tinker about with the systems and get the best out of it.
As for the wii going backwards, I hardly think that's fair at all, of the three systems it's the most innovative - if you're referring to the virtual console then that is merely a neat retro addition which is provely very popular - not the main selling point and purpose of the console. I'm fairly confident that given a bit of time eventually the wii will have a really amazing and innovative catalogue of games. Titles such as warioware smooth moves and wii sports merely touch upon the massive potential the console has - once developers have had their chance to fully get into the system I'm confident we'll be in store for something amazing. Same goes for ps3.
Xbox 360 may suffer from kind of being an 'in-between' generation console to some extent, but still you won't find me underestimating it's potential - take a look at Gears of War and Oblivion for example.
The PS2 didn't exactly have the most amazing launch year games-wise, but look at it now - the largest and most expansive catalogue of games in the history of videogaming.
Leave a little bit of time, wait for the cost of developing to go down a little, and let the developers really sink their teeths into the wii and ps3 in particular, and I'm fairly confident this current generation of consoles will have it's fair share of the mind-blowing.
Closing up by going back to my original point - no matter how advanced the technology - there will always be crap, non-original, generic tripe pushed out there to make a bit of money with minimal effort. It happens in the movies all the time, and they cost waaaay more to make than games, and it's a trend that won't be coming to an end in either medium any time soon.
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