Make everyone pay similar rates regardless of income. It's the only "fair" way to do it. Billionnaires shouldn't pay less than the poor, but the percentile range should be (nearly) equal for everyone. Essentially a progressive tax resembling a flat tax would be great and stop many people from bickering over this. Income tax in general has created more problems than it's solved and honestly needs some reform.
However then the government would be getting less money - which in the eyes of the rich politicians who live off this money (and the services it provides such as "free" healthcare) is a bad thing. If the government would stop spending so damn much all the time for no real reason, this wouldn't be a problem. Creating short-term programs that benefit people yet leaving them to run long past their usefulness is a drain on the economy and the funds of the government. Not to mention the absolutely inane conflicts in the Middle East...Saturos3091
A flat tax like that sounds good on paper, but then you realize that the higher up you go in the financial food chain the more you benefit from gov't resources. They benefit more from good infrastructure, stable institutions, protection of physical and intellectual property, a military to back up your shipping, etc. The bottom line is the rich benefit more from a stable US that the lower cl@ss. They invest and live here because the system is stable. Capital if very mobile. If tax rates were such a problem, the "rich" would have moved their capital from the US a long time ago.
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