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#1 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts

[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]Why are people confusing VERY SCARY GAMES with SURVIVAL HORROR? To be survival horror, doesn't have to be Silent Hill freaky or fatal frame scary. RE4 is a horror based game, due to enemies, atmosphere and setting, you have to SURVIVE the horror of it, with addition of great tension that builds up the surival aspect and anxiety to try and win it. Basic stuff, its why its labeled a SURVIVAL HORROR game by capcom...LOL. dream431ca

Survive is the key word. In Half-life 2, you must survive, there are people getting destroyed by vile creatures and some places like Ravenholm (I think that's how you spell it) have a thick atmosphere with a lot of tension and anxiety. Does that make Half-life 2 survival horror? No.

When we talk about survival in survival horror, it usually means that you must run away from most of the enemies rather than fight them to stay alive. RE4 is a horror based game, but so is Left 4 Dead and that game has a huge amount of tension and anxiety. Read my last post and you'll see what I mean.

and you think you don't run away and try and avoid certain situations in RE4? Take for example the big el gigante at one stage after the cabin, were you must run away and get past the place to obtain a key. Among many other examples....RE4 has them, people just have forgotten.
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#2 Eyezonmii
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[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]Why are people confusing VERY SCARY GAMES with SURVIVAL HORROR? To be survival horror, doesn't have to be Silent Hill freaky or fatal frame scary. RE4 is a horror based game, due to enemies, atmosphere and setting, you have to SURVIVE the horror of it, with addition of great tension that builds up the surival aspect and anxiety to try and win it. Basic stuff, its why its labeled a SURVIVAL HORROR game by capcom...LOL. Ragashahs
by your definition half life 2 is a survival horror game cause for the most part you are left completely alone and at times there zombies and other scary beings in the game

NOPE, because HL lacks tension and anxiety to go along with that survival feel (trying to survive certain obstacles to achieve something) ...HL is about blasting your way through it, with enemies in less numbers, you don't have the feeling of being chased, hunted, etc..there is no survival feeling. And i wasn't mainly using the SOLO excuse...since i was claiming RE5 was survival horror, even with a partner for obvious reasons.
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#3 Eyezonmii
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[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"][QUOTE="Saturos3091"] That's fine. I don't mind if someone loved the game (although I found it to be subpar for other reasons). I do mind when someone labels it as something it's not, and it is not survival-horror.Imperius112
Yes it is, its why it labeled, one..don't let the hate for the game blind you...you have shown little proof or evidence to suggest otherwise. So sit down, please.

I think you're the one who needs to sit down. He's not the one ignoring or skimming over reasonable arguments presented to him. You just retaliate with the same garbage that's already been disproven. Or you just say "don't let your hate blind you".

Don't make me laugh. Again.

and you have just ignored the evidence that i have proven, i even asked many of you to state what made the older re's more survival horror, which was such a weak argument, which i shot down and proved RE4 did it and did it better. all you guys can do is say, "FACT IS RE4 ISN'T survival any more because it doesn't have the broken camera system and less ammo" There are more meanings to the TERM survival horror...a simpler one. you guys are to deluded by the past games of there WEAKER scares and **** cameras (thinking it made the game more freaky) that you completly overlook what RE4 did in different and similar ways. Do i make my self clear? now tell me about, what made RE1 so dam surival over RE4? and do it right. Hurry up.
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#4 Eyezonmii
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wait a minute.... "So there would be a more Survival Horror oriented style and a more Action oriented style and maybe everybody would be happy. " So you need the broken controls and crappy SECURITY-like camera system to consider RE4 a SURIVAL HORROR? Because of the perspective change (more realistic) of being able to aim at specific body parts as chris would do in RE1 in REAL LIFE, yet it limited to the player with a crappy system...its NOT surival horror? boy have i heard it all.
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#5 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
Why are people confusing VERY SCARY GAMES with SURVIVAL HORROR? To be survival horror, doesn't have to be Silent Hill freaky or fatal frame scary. RE4 is a horror based game, due to enemies, atmosphere and setting, you have to SURVIVE the horror of it, with addition of great tension that builds up the surival aspect and anxiety to try and win it. Basic stuff, its why its labeled a SURVIVAL HORROR game by capcom...LOL.
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#6 Eyezonmii
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[QUOTE="Saturos3091"] Follow your own advice. You don't know what a survival game is. Tension and anxiety have nothing to do with it. And we're not the ones being close-minded here. We've embraced fact, understanding what RE has become and what it will continue to be. You're the one living in the past, thinking that the series is the same as it's always been. It's different now and we've accepted it, been disappointed, and moved on. So has every RE and survival-horror fan, hell even many RE4 fans have already accepted that it's not a survival horror. For some reason a remaining few RE4 fans think that the game is somehow a survival-horror, despite it lacking every survival gameplay element, like it needs to be one to qualify as "the best game ever" as many of them think it is.Saturos3091

RE4 may have moved out of the survival horror genre, but I was not disappointed in it at all. I loved that game.

That's fine. I don't mind if someone loved the game (although I found it to be subpar for other reasons). I do mind when someone labels it as something it's not, and it is not survival-horror.

Yes it is, its why it labeled, one..don't let the hate for the game blind you...you have shown little proof or evidence to suggest otherwise. So sit down, please.
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#7 Eyezonmii
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and i'm tired of people not knowing what survival horror actually is and what creates it. RE4/5 are SURVIVAL HORROR GAMES....FACT!

Resident Evil 4, Has more tension and anxiety moments, than any other RE game. Now i use these 2 terms to add to the SURVIVAL feeling of the game...because without those 2 elements, it wouldn't be a survival game at all.

That being said, Those 2 elements are presented better in RE4 in many ways....

1. The villages, parasite, las plagues you encounter in RE4, come in packs/numbers, they attack, run and dodge you, by this they introduce a fear of being hunted, preyed upon, you're always moving, this creates tension/anxiety at the same time, expecially when you have a chainsaw maniac running after you, any sudden stop or reload action, he will simply cut off your head with a loud SCREAM! (believe me, thats a tense moment) (do MERCENARY, and have 2 of those guys after you.)

2. Horrific enemies, this simply gives the game a horror aspect, common sense, Point being RE4 has more deadly and HORRIFIC enemies over anything the ****c RE's had. The Regenerators, are probably the worst as normal weapons won't do jack, unless you use a sniper and target specific points with a thermal vision, now doing this while the regenerator is creeping towards you creates tension, axiety, because once you miss, and then need to reload, he gets close and can attack.. This adds to the surival and needing to be quick and accurate to surive the horrors. Among others are the parasite dogs, Chainsaw women/sack man and the flying parasites.

3. Being alone, Most parts leon does his job solo, with no partner to aid him in combat, in certain parts of the game, you feel this more so, due to the atmosphere, and sounds of the levels, it sets a mood, the jail cells for example keeps an freaky music and you can hear sounds of breathing of the regenerators, this creates fear of what might be lurking in the rooms/cells. Thought out the game in many parts you get this feeling.

4. Button sequences, now i mention this with the addition of then factors above, since leon is being stalked and hunted, button sequences, adds tension and even more anxiety to SURVIVE the hell you are going through. being quick and timing your buttons right you can JUST make it out alive...this adds to the survival aspect of the game, easily. Something you don't worry about in other RE's.

lucky last 5.

On professional difficulty, more so, Ammo depleats MUCH quicker, mainly due to the many of the infected villages are attacking you at once, this MANY of them creates definite anxiety, being chased and needing to run and use your weapons wisely...needing to know when to shoots and wear to RESERVE ammo for later HARDER battles. RE5 adds more survival aspect due to needing to worry about your partner and her health..she dies, you die...so sharing ammo, helping out is a must, but with the many more enemies, odds are slim...running and gunning only doesn't work and stragedy is evolved.

point being, This ANXIETY, TENSION RE4 has, adds to its survival aspect of it, because its a game set in a horrific and fearful environment, with many lurking freaky enemies, since its a less of a true shooter (can't move and shoot, have constant dodge and quick movement buttons) it keeps true to the ****c re's with that sort of gunplay. Because its still a LIMITED SHOOTER, which require more skill in accuracy, stragedy and knowing when to shoot, move and reload. Unlke normal shooters, where you have a cover system, ability to reload and move, shoot and move, which kills the tension and makes things god easy.

As with Resident Evil 5, we haven't seen much in terms of locations....capcom are keeping that hidden to not spoil the good parts, because in interviews they have claimed that the game has many scary and DARK bits, which the retro re fans will enjoy. Already playing the demo, ammo is less off and you can run out and die much quicker, even with a partner.

Now while some shooters like gears and others can be somewhat be called SURIVAL HORROR due to the contents of the game and setting, its simply called action, because its dwells more on that side of things, since the combat is much more ACTION, due to the cover system, reloading and moving, jumping, dodging, etc...and all that kills the tension and surival aspect. Because it makes things easier, both RE4 and RE5, are different for those reasons, of not being able to move and shoot, dodge when ever you like..so the CORE gameplay is pretty much the same as the past ones. with the additions of Melees, camera perspective, etc.

The term puzzles are used a lot, to add to survival, which i have no idea why, since it does jack in preserving the survival aspect..RE4's puzzles while short and simple, had a few hard ones (ashley,graveyard puzzles).

you see the overall core gameplay of RE4 is still the same, just shorten, simplified..concerning weaponary, puzzles...but the tension and axiety, atmosphere is still there and better than before.

past RE's were NEVER scary, they were cheap scares, done by weird music, empty mansions....so why should RE4 be Silent hill all of a sudden?

Just because the past RE's were more solo based and being a lone in a empty and quiet/darkened environments, doesn't make it any more of a survival horrror than RE4. IMO.

People seemed to focuses on the many enemies and shooting aspect of RE4, that they forgot about the rest. Maybe you guys need to replay the game on PRO and come back and share your thoughts.


RE4 and RE5 are not survival horror....FACT!

OPINION, my friend...its called an OPINION. I know you're trying to tick me off.
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#8 Eyezonmii
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First off, I know you didn't mean realism that way. Just adding a bit of comedy to keep this argument from getting boring since you conveniently skip over anything that could ever be a possible threat to derail you laughable argument.

Second, when applying your definition of survival, apparently all games where you need to kill enemies to keep you from dying is survival horror. The game spoonfeeds you all the ammo you could ever need and more, and like someone mentioned early "Leon is a walking tank". Those two factors alone take away from the survival horror elements immensely because it takes away the fear of being killed or running out of ammo.

Thirdly, if you had thoroughly read my post (which I doubt you did) I was all for the camera change to make the controls less clunky.

This time, read, comprehend, THEN post.

Your turn.


Kinda hard with 20 of you sharing opinions on the matter, don't you think.... Lets forget the ammunition and weaponary, think gameplay..its limited and isn't like your known shooter, its kept to the point where, tension can be kept and anxiety when played...from reloading, movement,etc. That alone keeps the game a survival one. Since not everything can be shot through. Is the point i'm trying to make. The definition of survival is a simple one, google it. Same goes for HORROR, doesn't take much brain power to see RE4 as one. Just haters who have a grudge against the new mechanics of gameplay. RE4 on pro and even on normal, has you sometimes out of ammo and needing to reserve it and save shots, bosses, like Krause arn't easy to beat and guns isn't an option, since you have a time limit, surival is all over the game. using your knife plays a big role in the game too. I've mentioned all this before, read it good. then try and shoot them down.. i've admitted that RE4's version of what made the classic more survival has been cut in half, but RE4 has created a better level fo fear and tension with the enemies and this all adds to the survial aspect of it. Spin it all you want, but RE4 is a SURIVAL HORROR, it only wouldn't be if you could jump around anytime you want, take cover anytime you want, like gears or traditional shooters. play it on Proffessional, its much harder and limited to that of the classic re's. i'm done..repeating my self...just ***** me when close minded people say its full blown action.

Okay, now that I've stopped laughing I'm going to say this:

The gameplay is very much like a shooter (point, shoot, run to next area). The fact that game is very linear and there's almost not surprises just re-enforce this. I've beaten the game 8 times. 5 on normal and 3 on professional. I've never run out of ammo either. Like Saturos mentioned earlier, it's not hard as long as you know how to aim. Thus the atmostphere is never really tense unless you're scared of your own shadow.

Using a knife is absolutely pointless for most of the game as you can blast through just about almost everything. Conserving ammo would be the only logical use for it but because you have as much ammo as Bill Gates has money, that is never a problem. The issue of survival surfaces again.

If the game was actually challenging I'd give your argument more credit. Unfortunately, it was more like romping through a field of flowers while dodging the occaisonal and blatently obvious pothole thrown at you. And that's just solved by pulling out your RPG.

And I've reserved ammo/saved weapons in other games like Gears of War 2 and almost every other shooter I've played. Does that make them survival horror?

You also have introduced in your post that the concept of timed boss fights is also survival horror. Buh?! Your logic just absolutely baffles me.

Now, if you would so kindly ignore my well thought out points and regurgitate your points from the first post, I'd be very grateful. I'm finding it extremely entertaining to dismantle your feeble attempts at an arguement.

LOL, i laughed so hard at that nonsense. Sorry. so you've killed EVERY incoming enemy in the game, every area and never ran out of ammo? YEH RIGHT. i'm not talking about skipping a few. Unless he meant otherwise. "Using a knife is absolutely pointless for most of the game as you can blast through just about almost everything." that's absolute BS and you know it, krauser is a must with the knife. other its wasted ammo and time, same goes with saving ammo, using a knife is a must sometimes on pro. "And I've reserved ammo/saved weapons in other games like Gears of War 2 and almost every other shooter I've played. Does that make them survival horror?" you don't have to with all the additions of the cover system, dodging, killer exclusions....since it doesn't give you a chance too...And no that ALONE doesn't make it surival horror, LEARN TO DAM READ, its a combination of things especially the tension/anxiety elements i mentioned. I wasn't the one mentioning it, it was you retro fans who said, RE1 is all surival because there was LESS ammo, lol. why can't any of you close minded people read? "Now, if you would so kindly ignore my well thought out points and regurgitate your points from the first post, I'd be very grateful. I'm finding it extremely entertaining to dismantle your feeble attempts at an argument." you argument would have worked if the older RE worked that way, fact is, the way the classic re was built it never really was survival or horrific to the level you all put it if you think RE4 never gets tense full or anxiety packed when you first played it, your plain lying. I'm over this, your'll thick headed and haters. RE4 has enough elements to make it a survival game...tension is created for the fact that you can't move and shoot, you can't jump and doge when ever you want, you need to time your shots and constantly move around, reloading to later and having a guy kill you, adds tension too....its all there. Your just all use to it, since you've beaten it quiet a few times. Same with the classics, play it now and its nothing but a stale shooter. but the fact still remains its a surival horror game, YES..less of it, but still one, labelled by capcom. Go argue with them.
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#9 Eyezonmii
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[QUOTE="carljohnson3456"][QUOTE="one_on_one"]I believe the dumb AI they were referring to are your squad teammate AI. That's why coop would've been so nice.El-Visitante
Very true. Why is that partner AI seems to be always dumb? Or well... in most games anyway. Dom, I'm looking at you.

Oh my god, I can go on about dom for hours. He is officially my most hated character in gears simply because of his horrid ai. Every other squad ai was somewhat competent but Dom was a downright idiot at times. Like today I was downed by the locust and started crawling toward Dom (Tai and Carmine were too far) and not only was he not shooting or bother to run towards me for a revival as-per-usual, he just let me die right at his feet after letting me bleed out. I've got many more.

LMFAO!..so funny, yet so true...the guys a monkeys butt. i think it happens with most of the guys, depending who your close too.
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#10 Eyezonmii
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[QUOTE="cloudff7tm"]I'm not skipping the PS3. I just chose to get a 360 first because I believe it is better than the PS3. I loved the PS2 and didn't really like the original Xbox. Now I like the 360 more than the PS3. Things change. I still plan to get a PS3 though. cloudff7tm

Once you get your ps3, i guarentee you would like it more

Maybe, but IDK. I think Microsoft has me this time.

has you...better pucker up that butt hole. They don't play nice. Sooner or later you'll be filled with Red holes of death.