and i'm tired of people not knowing what survival horror actually is and what creates it. RE4/5 are SURVIVAL HORROR GAMES....FACT!
Resident Evil 4, Has more tension and anxiety moments, than any other RE game. Now i use these 2 terms to add to the SURVIVAL feeling of the game...because without those 2 elements, it wouldn't be a survival game at all.
That being said, Those 2 elements are presented better in RE4 in many ways....
1. The villages, parasite, las plagues you encounter in RE4, come in packs/numbers, they attack, run and dodge you, by this they introduce a fear of being hunted, preyed upon, you're always moving, this creates tension/anxiety at the same time, expecially when you have a chainsaw maniac running after you, any sudden stop or reload action, he will simply cut off your head with a loud SCREAM! (believe me, thats a tense moment) (do MERCENARY, and have 2 of those guys after you.)
2. Horrific enemies, this simply gives the game a horror aspect, common sense, Point being RE4 has more deadly and HORRIFIC enemies over anything the ****c RE's had. The Regenerators, are probably the worst as normal weapons won't do jack, unless you use a sniper and target specific points with a thermal vision, now doing this while the regenerator is creeping towards you creates tension, axiety, because once you miss, and then need to reload, he gets close and can attack.. This adds to the surival and needing to be quick and accurate to surive the horrors. Among others are the parasite dogs, Chainsaw women/sack man and the flying parasites.
3. Being alone, Most parts leon does his job solo, with no partner to aid him in combat, in certain parts of the game, you feel this more so, due to the atmosphere, and sounds of the levels, it sets a mood, the jail cells for example keeps an freaky music and you can hear sounds of breathing of the regenerators, this creates fear of what might be lurking in the rooms/cells. Thought out the game in many parts you get this feeling.
4. Button sequences, now i mention this with the addition of then factors above, since leon is being stalked and hunted, button sequences, adds tension and even more anxiety to SURVIVE the hell you are going through. being quick and timing your buttons right you can JUST make it out alive...this adds to the survival aspect of the game, easily. Something you don't worry about in other RE's.
lucky last 5.
On professional difficulty, more so, Ammo depleats MUCH quicker, mainly due to the many of the infected villages are attacking you at once, this MANY of them creates definite anxiety, being chased and needing to run and use your weapons wisely...needing to know when to shoots and wear to RESERVE ammo for later HARDER battles. RE5 adds more survival aspect due to needing to worry about your partner and her health..she dies, you sharing ammo, helping out is a must, but with the many more enemies, odds are slim...running and gunning only doesn't work and stragedy is evolved.
point being, This ANXIETY, TENSION RE4 has, adds to its survival aspect of it, because its a game set in a horrific and fearful environment, with many lurking freaky enemies, since its a less of a true shooter (can't move and shoot, have constant dodge and quick movement buttons) it keeps true to the ****c re's with that sort of gunplay. Because its still a LIMITED SHOOTER, which require more skill in accuracy, stragedy and knowing when to shoot, move and reload. Unlke normal shooters, where you have a cover system, ability to reload and move, shoot and move, which kills the tension and makes things god easy.
As with Resident Evil 5, we haven't seen much in terms of locations....capcom are keeping that hidden to not spoil the good parts, because in interviews they have claimed that the game has many scary and DARK bits, which the retro re fans will enjoy. Already playing the demo, ammo is less off and you can run out and die much quicker, even with a partner.
Now while some shooters like gears and others can be somewhat be called SURIVAL HORROR due to the contents of the game and setting, its simply called action, because its dwells more on that side of things, since the combat is much more ACTION, due to the cover system, reloading and moving, jumping, dodging, etc...and all that kills the tension and surival aspect. Because it makes things easier, both RE4 and RE5, are different for those reasons, of not being able to move and shoot, dodge when ever you the CORE gameplay is pretty much the same as the past ones. with the additions of Melees, camera perspective, etc.
The term puzzles are used a lot, to add to survival, which i have no idea why, since it does jack in preserving the survival aspect..RE4's puzzles while short and simple, had a few hard ones (ashley,graveyard puzzles).
you see the overall core gameplay of RE4 is still the same, just shorten, simplified..concerning weaponary, puzzles...but the tension and axiety, atmosphere is still there and better than before.
past RE's were NEVER scary, they were cheap scares, done by weird music, empty why should RE4 be Silent hill all of a sudden?
Just because the past RE's were more solo based and being a lone in a empty and quiet/darkened environments, doesn't make it any more of a survival horrror than RE4. IMO.
People seemed to focuses on the many enemies and shooting aspect of RE4, that they forgot about the rest. Maybe you guys need to replay the game on PRO and come back and share your thoughts.
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