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#1 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
Lets redo things, shall we.

Resident Evil 4, Has more tension and anxiety moments, than any other RE game. Now i use these 2 terms to add to the SURVIVAL feeling of the game...because without those 2 elements, it wouldn't be a survival game at all.

That being said, Those 2 elements are presented better in RE4 in many ways....

1. The villages, parasite, las plagues you encounter in RE4, come in packs/numbers, they attack, run and dodge you, by this they introduce a fear of being hunted, preyed upon, you're always moving, this creates tension/anxiety at the same time, expecially when you have a chainsaw maniac running after you, any sudden stop or reload action, he will simply cut off your head with a loud SCREAM! (believe me, thats a tense moment) (do MERCENARY, and have 2 of those guys after you.)

2. Horrific enemies, this simply gives the game a horror aspect, common sense, Point being RE4 has more deadly and HORRIFIC enemies over anything the ****c RE's had. The Regenerators, are probably the worst as normal weapons won't do jack, unless you use a sniper and target specific points with a thermal vision, now doing this while the regenerator is creeping towards you creates tension, axiety, because once you miss, and then need to reload, he gets close and can attack.. This adds to the surival and needing to be quick and accurate to surive the horrors. Among others are the parasite dogs, Chainsaw women/sack man and the flying parasites.

3. Being alone, Most parts leon does his job solo, with no partner to aid him in combat, in certain parts of the game, you feel this more so, due to the atmosphere, and sounds of the levels, it sets a mood, the jail cells for example keeps an freaky music and you can hear sounds of breathing of the regenerators, this creates fear of what might be lurking in the rooms/cells. Thought out the game in many parts you get this feeling.

4. Button sequences, now i mention this with the addition of then factors above, since leon is being stalked and hunted, button sequences, adds tension and even more anxiety to SURVIVE the hell you are going through. being quick and timing your buttons right you can JUST make it out alive...this adds to the survival aspect of the game, easily. Something you don't worry about in other RE's.

lucky last 5.

On professional difficulty, more so, Ammo depleats MUCH quicker, mainly due to the many of the infected villages are attacking you at once, this MANY of them creates definite anxiety, being chased and needing to run and use your weapons wisely...needing to know when to shoots and wear to RESERVE ammo for later HARDER battles. RE5 adds more survival aspect due to needing to worry about your partner and her health..she dies, you die...so sharing ammo, helping out is a must, but with the many more enemies, odds are slim...running and gunning only doesn't work and stragedy is evolved.

point being, This ANXIETY, TENSION RE4 has, adds to its survival aspect of it, because its a game set in a horrific and fearful environment, with many lurking freaky enemies, since its a less of a true shooter (can't move and shoot, have constant dodge and quick movement buttons) it keeps true to the ****c re's with that sort of gunplay. Because its still a LIMITED SHOOTER, which require more skill in accuracy, stragedy and knowing when to shoot, move and reload. Unlke normal shooters, where you have a cover system, ability to reload and move, shoot and move, which kills the tension and makes things god easy.

As with Resident Evil 5, we haven't seen much in terms of locations....capcom are keeping that hidden to not spoil the good parts, because in interviews they have claimed that the game has many scary and DARK bits, which the retro re fans will enjoy. Already playing the demo, ammo is less off and you can run out and die much quicker, even with a partner.

Now while some shooters like gears and others can be somewhat be called SURIVAL HORROR due to the contents of the game and setting, its simply called action, because its dwells more on that side of things, since the combat is much more ACTION, due to the cover system, reloading and moving, jumping, dodging, etc...and all that kills the tension and surival aspect. Because it makes things easier, both RE4 and RE5, are different for those reasons, of not being able to move and shoot, dodge when ever you like..so the CORE gameplay is pretty much the same as the past ones. with the additions of Melees, camera perspective, etc.

The term puzzles are used a lot, to add to survival, which i have no idea why, since it does jack in preserving the survival aspect..RE4's puzzles while short and simple, had a few hard ones (ashley,graveyard puzzles).

you see the overall core gameplay of RE4 is still the same, just shorten, simplified..concerning weaponary, puzzles...but the tension and axiety, atmosphere is still there and better than before.

past RE's were NEVER scary, they were cheap scares, done by weird music, empty mansions....so why should RE4 be Silent hill all of a sudden?

Just because the past RE's were more solo based and being a lone in a empty and quiet/darkened environments, doesn't make it any more of a survival horrror than RE4. IMO.

People seemed to focuses on the many enemies and shooting aspect of RE4, that they forgot about the rest. Maybe you guys need to replay the game on PRO and come back and share your thoughts.

(soz for any typo's)

thank you.
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#3 Eyezonmii
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Well then for the slow of wit please explain to us how Resident Evil 4 is packed with more survival, Horror, or Anxiety.Jynxzor
read my countless other posts i've done explaining it.
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#4 Eyezonmii
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[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]never heard of the guy....so NO! as for your explanation, that's total crock....RE4, has all those factors and does a better job and presenting them, unlike the classic CHEAP re scares. RE4 creates, a tense and anxiety atmosphere through out the game, weither its from the button sequences, stop and shoot gameplay, reloading, trying to kill an enemies (expeically the regenertors, parasite dogs, etc) your reasons with ashley among others, DON'T destroy the survival aspect, it actually ADDS to it, being alone doesn't automatically make it a true surival game..and people have that mixed up. S.T.A.R.S, from RE1, job was to search and find, much like leons, except in RE4, thanks to the much more improved dialog and abilities, it seems less of what RE1 tried to do, and this is where people think its lost that feeling. Its merely more realistic. because we all know how cheap the classic Re's dialog and overall cut scenes were. " Even if you want to call the game a "survival-horror," which it is not by any means, it doesn't save the derivative story. The story doesn't relate, isn't cohesive, and doesn't blend with the RE universe. This has led many fans to ignore the game or simply declare it a "spinoff" of the main series, which was essentially true but now with RE5 they seem to have split the universe in two." yes it is, RE4 has all those survival elements, to a less degree, but its still there, expeically HORROR. read the terms for god sakes. What is the RE universe? Cheesy dialog, with stiff and lifeless characters? just because you grew up on the older re's as a kid, doesn't mean its the true form...just because you remember the good old days and get all emotional. RE4, is much more of a realistic approach and still keeps the tension and surival horror aspect. its why its labelled it. PERIOD! spin it all you want. Saturos3091

RE4 doesn't have half of the ideas that comprise the decadent genre of Survival-Horror. Have you played the game or are you just valiantly defending it because of your blind anticipation of RE5? Their original mission was to search and find, but the explorative elements, as well as the more intellectual aspects of the gameplay helped make it feel like a survival game. Not to mention surviving was actually a difficult task to come by, since ammunition and health weren't given out like candy on Halloween night.

"Its merely more realistic." :lol:

So it's realistic to have ammunition for all types of weapons ranging from incendiary grenades to minethrower ammunition, as well as money drop from dogs, mutated farmers, and even crows? It's not anymore realistic than the older games (you can't even move while shooting, so don't try to argue realism). I'm sure you'd die from much less than 5-6 chops from an axe, and the old games got that part right. Every encounter was a tough battle, to the extent that you had to run from many enemies because of the lack of ammunition (plus you didn't have the plothole inducing, teleporting merchant who can magically make your weapons stronger and supply you with anything). This further gave you that "fear" or tension when you ran into an enemy. The old games had a shock factor that RE4 lacks in every regard.

The stiff acting and dialogue by no means was good, but it wasn't comedic so it didn't take away from the atmosphere. It gave it the traditional horror B-movie vibe, while the comedy lines Leon spouts off at every turn detract from the experience and atmosphere (of course Ashley does too). Having a companion with you for most of the game doesn't make you feel helpless and alone at all, both which happen to be prime staple goals of the Survival horror genre.

It's that last point that ticks me off, to think I grew up with the older RE's. :lol: Everyone always assumes that the people who don't accept RE4's misplaced genre of Survival Horror are "old school" fans. My very first RE was RE4. I liked it to the extent I went out and tried the other games. I realized what I had been missing out on. I realized what RE4 wasn't, and what it's not is Survival Horror. I suggest you try the other games as well.

wasn't talking about that, learn to read and using smily's doesn't make your post superior...just makes up for a good arguement. anways, in terms of dialog, gameplay, animations, moves etc...its much more realistic.
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#5 Eyezonmii
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[QUOTE="Jynxzor"]Oh thats funny, sorry I couldn't read past the part where you called Resident Evil "Survival Horror" I had to say thats silly before I even go ahead and read the rest of this probably informative post. anyways I did read the rest but had to type that first. I have no doubt in my mind Resident Evil 5 will be an amazing game...but Survival Horror? What do you base your argument on, I do pray it's more than. "He survives in a horrible enviroment!" Going this far I could call almost any gritty or Sci-fi shooter a Survival Horror game. Why do they call them First person shooters...I guess we should rename the genre Surviving in first person shooters. Dead space had alot of "Boo" moments but at least it got the horror aspect down somewhat. it wasn't just monster blindly marching or flanking you from the sides. making a game survival horror shouldn't be about playing it on pro, it should create a actually intense atmosphere. Whine about the controls all you want but you can't deny that not knowing what was around the corner while hearing it moan across the hall didn't create a tense atmosphere and the archaic control system created many players to curse there controler in a panic while trying to turn around. Not knowing when death was going to bust through a wall in a non diehard "Press A! Press A!" moment also helped many players hoard the most powerfull weapons in the game...and never use them until the game was over because they never knew what the next room had in store for them. [/link]http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=2J7_8irvZp8[/link] Now I can't say this is the perfect version of a next gen Resident Evil experience but at least it didn't feel like Leon turned into rambo over a few years outside being a ROOKIE COP. Hell I never did understand what people have against fixed camera angles they are great at setting the scene if done properly. Hell give it a third person angle, hell give Leon weapons, hell do alot of things you did with Resident Evil 4. But what was the point of making it a Third person action game when you had an established series, mix it up....but what was the point of making Resident Evil the gineu pig of the new TPS genre? Call Resident Evil series now an amazing game, but please don't call it survival horror.

guess you didn't read my 50 other posts, explaining it...oh well..
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#6 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts

Great post from the guy above me.finalfantasy94

Thanks. :) I don't think he's going to listen though, and nor will he read that great article by Kotaku.

Just let him live in his world. Theres jsut no point in trying anymore.

that the best you got? you giving up shows me that you can't prove me wrong, i've knocked down your and others claims of how the classic re's were more survival....posting articles of someone's opinion, won't help you out either. RE4 is more tension, anxiety and horrific built, than any RE to date...and thats a fact. You just don't get the same, elements from the older games, due to slow, simple and very EASY zombies, that can be walked around. SORRY. and the whole alone, erry music and empy mansion would only scare a 12 year old. (not calliing you that, but in general) they are cheap scares.
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#7 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
I can guarantee I've played more rounds of RE4 than you.
Multiple times across all platforms.

I'm really starting to wonder if your first RE game was number 4?
I wouldn't be surprised in the least.

I've also played the RE5 demo.

How about take your own advice and actually play the old games.
Not just watch videos to get your blind comparison. You like to say this, right?

What RE has evolved into is not is not Survival Horror.

Telling people to play RE4 on Pro is weak.
I completed my first run through of Pro, which you would know starts you back from the beginning, no special weapons, only dying once.
It's not that hard if you're not an idiot.

I'm being real nice here, not pointing out some discrepancies in your posts.
I just felt like addressing this one part of your post. Your boldest claim.
And, you've really already made yourself look stupid enough.

I can't tell you to quit while you're ahead, because you were never there.

Really, I find this article says it all:

Survival Horror is dead.
You can take your spoon fed label from Capcom.

Great post from the guy above me.violent_spinal
Sure you have, i won't guarantee anything, cause its usually the ones brag how they have done it more than others (even tho they have no proof) are the ones who really haven't done much, so they get defensive..like you. survial horror isn't just being alone in some empty mansion running around with a broken camera.....look up the terms, RE4 fits it well, if not better...FACT! i've shot down everyones excuses here. its getting silly, RE4/5 are surival horror, the game has horror elements and survival elements.
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#8 Eyezonmii
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Untill someone shoots this down as NOT surival with proof, RE4/RE5 are considered SURIVAL HORROR GAMES...(its even labeled that by capcom..so go argue with them)

1, especially on pro, you can easily run out of ammo. FACT!

If you're a poor shot and don't understand how to use the knife/suplex/roundhouse kick. Carry less guns and the game automatically scales ammo drops for you. Getting Mine Launcher ammo drops from a farmer? Priceless.

2.Enemies are aggressive and stay in packs...easily taken down if reloading at bad times or not using the right weapons. FACT!
Not true, unless you aren't intelligent enough to find an escape route (which there are PLENTY of in almost every situation).

3. timed button sequences, relys on speed and quickness to survive...giving the player more tension and anxiety.FACT!
Horror isn't as much in question (despite it being very miniscule and eradicated by other issues). The difficulty, enemies, as well as the atmosphere, poor lighthearted script, and derivative story are what tend to throw out the horror aspects.

4. REGENERATORS, require precise and accurate shots to the weak point to kill...tension and axiety can be felt as each shot missed gets you closer to death. etc etc. FACT.
You can kill them without using the scope. It's not even hard, especially on the default difficulty setting. Several shots from a BB or K7 takes them down quick, and ammunition isn't a problem if you're carrying only a few weapons.

5. Game requires skill and stragedie to take down some opponents, using a knife of certain weapons....FACT!

I did a knife run and got to the Castle. Wasn't hard, and took little skill. Knife one Ganado, kick, crowd is stunned, repeat until they're all dead.

People on systemwars don't even know the term SURIVAL AND HORROR.....AMAZING..then again, its a silly excuse to bash the game.


To start off I'd like to clear up that Survival-Horror is a genre of videogame. Survival-horror, by genre definition, doesn't mean "you survive and there's tension in the atmosphere." If that were the case any FPS, RTS, RPG, etc. would be a survival-horror. Survival horror games are characterized by strong exploration elements, horror elements, and of course the feeling that you are alone, the feeling of tension/anxiety, and the feeling of weakness. RE4 only succeeds (sometimes) at creating a feeling of anxiety/tension.

The fact the game scales and caters to the lowest denominator of player, as well as throws out all sorts of intellectual challenges in favor of more shootouts, make people ignore the horror aspect because quite frankly unless you're new to gaming you won't have any trouble with RE4. Sure you can see remnants of the old RE's and other survival horror games mixed in with the action gameplay, but for the most part they're drowned out by Ashley's senseless squealing and the overpowering presence of your character. Ashley was a huge issue with this. Her existence (and the main "objective" being to rescue her), made the game feel like a prolonged mission in a TPS. Not only did it destroy any sense of loneliness and danger to your character, it helped give the game it's lighthearted stigma that fans of the series lambast. Of course the irritating merchant and his upgradable (stock overpowered) weapons made the game a lot less "scary" as well.

Of course Survival elements (referring to the genre) are lacking. Ammunition dropping from enemies wielding pitchforks? Less focus on survival/exploration (to get by in a hostile environment) and more focus on shooting everything that moves? The huge inventory screens (that you can even upgrade to fit more in)? Of course it forsakes the puzzles and strategy parts of the series' past, but the help given to you by the game and other characters, the prompts, and several other aspects throw the "Survival" in Survival Horror right out the window.

Even if you want to call the game a "survival-horror," which it is not by any means, it doesn't save the derivative story. The story doesn't relate, isn't cohesive, and doesn't blend with the RE universe. This has led many fans to ignore the game or simply declare it a "spinoff" of the main series, which was essentially true but now with RE5 they seem to have split the universe in two.

Graphically the game was impressive for it's time. Great looking models, textures, etc. of that calibur were only matched/surpassed by a few other games on consoles. Atmospherically though the game had issues (especially with consistency). The Village was well thought out and was by far the most interesting part of the game. The Castle had a dull almost childish looking villain, and had some of the most repetitive sections of the game. The island was a mishmash of various sty1es and didn't distinguish itself very well. It just messed with the core atmosphere of tension and "horror" quite easily by having Leon be so mobile, and "powerful" enough to thwart what always appeared to be Saddler's right hand man (Mendez, Salazar) as well as having some laughable villains/enemies (ovenman anyone?). The RE4 script doesn't help at all either in this regard, with Leon making wisecracks like "having a senior moment?" (when Saddler won't tell him the name of Project U3) help give the game it's lighthearted atmosphere that ultimately destroys what miniscule horror elements are to be found in the game.

Now on the other hand the sound was fine, as was the replay value which was boosted with various unlockables (Handcannon, Typewriter, etc.) and minigames like Mercenaries. The core gameplay was where the biggest problems were. They aren't trying to fix them either for RE5. I have nothing wrong with the new camera, but the coop is a needless addition to what you call a "survival horror" game, ruining the atmosphere even further, and the sense of power you can see from the videos seems out of place for such a title. It'll probably be like RE4: a decent action game and nothing more.

PS: If you are Liquidsword's alt or something...we've had this argument before. :P

never heard of the guy....so NO! as for your explanation, that's total crock....RE4, has all those factors and does a better job and presenting them, unlike the classic CHEAP re scares. RE4 creates, a tense and anxiety atmosphere through out the game, weither its from the button sequences, stop and shoot gameplay, reloading, trying to kill an enemies (expeically the regenertors, parasite dogs, etc) your reasons with ashley among others, DON'T destroy the survival aspect, it actually ADDS to it, being alone doesn't automatically make it a true surival game..and people have that mixed up. S.T.A.R.S, from RE1, job was to search and find, much like leons, except in RE4, thanks to the much more improved dialog and abilities, it seems less of what RE1 tried to do, and this is where people think its lost that feeling. Its merely more realistic. because we all know how cheap the classic Re's dialog and overall cut scenes were. " Even if you want to call the game a "survival-horror," which it is not by any means, it doesn't save the derivative story. The story doesn't relate, isn't cohesive, and doesn't blend with the RE universe. This has led many fans to ignore the game or simply declare it a "spinoff" of the main series, which was essentially true but now with RE5 they seem to have split the universe in two." yes it is, RE4 has all those survival elements, to a less degree, but its still there, expeically HORROR. read the terms for god sakes. What is the RE universe? Cheesy dialog, with stiff and lifeless characters? just because you grew up on the older re's as a kid, doesn't mean its the true form...just because you remember the good old days and get all emotional. RE4, is much more of a realistic approach and still keeps the tension and surival horror aspect. its why its labelled it. PERIOD! spin it all you want.
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#9 Eyezonmii
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[QUOTE="finalfantasy94"]I have a strong feeling this topic is going to go nowhere and was just a waste of time. None is going to change thier views.Chutebox
Well, I haven't seen one person back the dude up. Anyways, I'm done.

Mcdonaldsguy, agrees and rest are angry retro fans....this thread attracted. besides, i've already shot down all your points on what made the classic RE's survival. time to accept what capcom have labelled it, a SURIVAL HORROR.
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#10 Eyezonmii
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I have a strong feeling this topic is going to go nowhere and was just a waste of time. None is going to change thier views.finalfantasy94
only wish your hate for the change to the series, didn't blind you so much. oh well....i'm done.