[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"][QUOTE="Ragashahs"]how does the horror/survial element stay when you have enough ammo to shoot anything that dares stand in your way? face is RE4/5 ARE NOT SURVIVAL HORROR games. i'm not saying RE4/5 are/will be bad just that they are more actoin adventure than survival horror. another note while some animations have been tweaked there are alot of animations that are complete copies from RE4 like when you shoot them in the knee and especially some headshot animations.RagashahsNO you don't have enough ammo to kill everything, especially on pro. I've run out of them so many times...same goes for health...stop lying. GO play the game again. in RE4 on pro i've never ran out of ammo once. i have played teh RE5 demo thought not on pro and i haven't ran out of ammo once. again even if there wasn't so much ammo that still doesn't mean is survival horror. i'm guessing you can up grade weapons and such in RE5 similar to RE4 which means action and gameplay are an emphasis. if you can thing back regular survival horror games combat is generally avoided as much as possible and when every you do engage in combat it mainly melee with exception to boss battles lol, your lying. I'm considered a VERY good player, unless your some obsessed pycho pro at RE4, i doubt you have never depleted ammo or had enough to kill everything every time. there are so many parts in the game you can get stuck on, due to the nature of progression, needing to first find and key then activate a panel, while you have 12 villages after you and a minigun running lunatic shooting at you....sorry. and play krauser...and tell me his EASY on pro. yeh right.
Eyezonmii's forum posts
Survival horror should make you turn on the lights more often because of fear. RE4 has no fear and neither will RE5. Survival horror is all about fear and not action. Fatal Frame is a prime example and so is the earlier Silent Hills. RE4 and RE5 are not survival horror.dream431cabut bu teh, past RE's games are considered TRUE SURVIVAL HORROR's according to people here...and it has no scare of fear..just cheap scares. btw, Survival horror, doesn't mean it has to be OMFG **** my pants scary. It just needs tension, anxiety and horrific atmospheres/enemies and limited gameplay.... Something both RE4/RE5 have.
[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"][QUOTE="Trigger_Hppy"]i know, its why i hate rpg's in general, why can't they go the way of actual shooters, with the realism in animations and gun play, while keeping it an RPG? why do RPG;s always have this stiff and outdated look to it? (not graphics wise)You just made me a sad panda...
Oh and inb4lolgunplay... it is an RPG ya know, not an FPS.
You're MS' dream customer...
I meant, ANIMATION-wise...since most shooters go for realism, why can't RPG shooters do the same? misunderstood.[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]because the wiimote/controllers are better? di_sgt_barberThey're not. Response time is noticeably slower for wiimote, and regarding FPS games, the joysticks are less precise than a mouse, and that's a matter of fact, not opinion.
1. Not everyone feel comfortable with a M/KB 2. It defeats the purpose of console gameing 3. How would I play wii sports or wii fit with a M/KB :?Gh0st_Of_0nyxDepends on the game, MP3 on wii is very responsive and feels so much better, natural and accurate than a M&K....sames goes with a controller, some prefer the movement of a stick, i know i do. besides the wiimote is getting an addon to fix most of the response time issues.
this is a response to barber...
how does the horror/survial element stay when you have enough ammo to shoot anything that dares stand in your way? face is RE4/5 ARE NOT SURVIVAL HORROR games. i'm not saying RE4/5 are/will be bad just that they are more actoin adventure than survival horror. another note while some animations have been tweaked there are alot of animations that are complete copies from RE4 like when you shoot them in the knee and especially some headshot animations.RagashahsNO you don't have enough ammo to kill everything, especially on pro. I've run out of them so many times...same goes for health...stop lying. GO play the game again.
[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"][QUOTE="Imperius112"]yep, misinterpret my statements, i didn't mean realism in that way. as for the rest, it changed from the original formula because it was STALE BORING AND OLD, it didn't work anymore. Survival in RE4 is much more richer and real, having to do what ever means necessary to survive....melee, throw grenades, aim at specific body parts and not feel limited with the broken gameplay and camera system that was done in the past re's.Have you ever stopped to think that maybe it won all those awards because it was a shooter made to appeal to the masses? It's strayed far from the original formula which is why I see RE4 and most likely RE5 as disappointments. While I wholeheartedly agree with you that the camera angle change is a large improvement from the earlier games, the fact that hordes and hordes of enemies are thrown at you ruins the survival horror feeling that the earlier games had.
Also, on the topic of realism, crows dropping incendiary grenades pushes this on way up on the realism meter LOL.
Like I said before, you fanboys make me laugh.
First off, I know you didn't mean realism that way. Just adding a bit of comedy to keep this argument from getting boring since you conveniently skip over anything that could ever be a possible threat to derail you laughable argument.
Second, when applying your definition of survival, apparently all games where you need to kill enemies to keep you from dying is survival horror. The game spoonfeeds you all the ammo you could ever need and more, and like someone mentioned early "Leon is a walking tank". Those two factors alone take away from the survival horror elements immensely because it takes away the fear of being killed or running out of ammo.
Thirdly, if you had thoroughly read my post (which I doubt you did) I was all for the camera change to make the controls less clunky.
This time, read, comprehend, THEN post.
Your turn.
Kinda hard with 20 of you sharing opinions on the matter, don't you think.... Lets forget the ammunition and weaponary, think gameplay..its limited and isn't like your known shooter, its kept to the point where, tension can be kept and anxiety when played...from reloading, movement,etc. That alone keeps the game a survival one. Since not everything can be shot through. Is the point i'm trying to make. The definition of survival is a simple one, google it. Same goes for HORROR, doesn't take much brain power to see RE4 as one. Just haters who have a grudge against the new mechanics of gameplay. RE4 on pro and even on normal, has you sometimes out of ammo and needing to reserve it and save shots, bosses, like Krause arn't easy to beat and guns isn't an option, since you have a time limit, surival is all over the game. using your knife plays a big role in the game too. I've mentioned all this before, read it good. then try and shoot them down.. i've admitted that RE4's version of what made the classic more survival has been cut in half, but RE4 has created a better level fo fear and tension with the enemies and this all adds to the survial aspect of it. Spin it all you want, but RE4 is a SURIVAL HORROR, it only wouldn't be if you could jump around anytime you want, take cover anytime you want, like gears or traditional shooters. play it on Proffessional, its much harder and limited to that of the classic re's. i'm done..repeating my self...just ***** me when close minded people say its full blown action.[QUOTE="2_Quiet_2_Riot"]You know, these kind of comments really piss me off. I dont know which one is worse, those who condemn a small independent ex-shovelware company's inability to create a self-financed project that competes with giants like Nintendo, Microsoft or Valve, or those who, after TWO YEARS, still like to act as if they dont know that the Wii is a supped-up last gen console hardware-wise. tell me about it, we should all know by now that the Wii is pretty much a gamecube...the best we will get on it is this game and Metroid prime 3, you can't push more than that..without making major cutbacks in areas, etc...the hardware is just too weak. it was already proved the Xbox 1 had better shaders and some hardware features than the Wii....so you won't see DOOM 3/riddick- graphics.As a Wii owner, I expected more. This is just disgusting. Apparently, Devs spent too much time on the Control Scheme. Not that it's a bad thing. But if you at MP3, MP2, MP, you would expect alot in the graphical department.
Like some have said, a 4 year old game like Half-Life 2 or even Doom 3 (both on Xbox) OBLITERATES this game by a mile. Hell, even Chronicles of Riddick looks phenomenal by today's standards.
Can't say much about the gameplay department.
[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]love it when people come in here expecting PS3/360 like graphics, when it looks stunning for a wii game, considering the majority of wii games look worse than PS2 titles. Trigger_Hppy
Indeed, I've been jaded by my HD. I can't look at the Wii without remembering to "readjust" my thinking. The Wii has good games and all, but man do I wish that next gen Nintendo actually tries to even compete in graphics, seeming as they have the cash to do so.
If the Next Nintendo console boosts up to date hardware along with the wiimote..that's an automatic win for me. Nintendo would also have more titles, due to multiplats, thanks to be able to port it from other console due to stronger hardware. Imagine a Metroid Prime game with HD graphics and the wiimote. ;)[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]how can ppl play games like FO3? the outdated and stiff unrealistic animations, horrid gun play that just looks stupid, uninspiring story development and characters. Can't stand these types of games. Trigger_Hppy
You just made me a sad panda...
Oh and inb4lolgunplay... it is an RPG ya know, not an FPS.
i know, its why i hate rpg's in general, why can't they go the way of actual shooters, with the realism in animations and gun play, while keeping it an RPG? why do RPG;s always have this stiff and outdated look to it? (not graphics wise)
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