You want to know what Survival Horror is? S/H is Silent Hill, Condemned: Criminal Origins and System Shock 2. Where the "survival" aspect is an important and deeply essential part of the gameplay. You have to keep your wits about you and if you don't, you'll end up with less resources than you need to progress easily or just plain dead.How would you know? post a pic of your RE5 retail copy. Resident Evil 4, is focused around horrific elements, enemies/atmosphere (MAKING IT A HORROR GAME)....your an special agent who has a mission and needs to surive the horrors of it, its plain and simple. Play RE4 on PRO. Its as much SURIVAL as the the classic RE's..for the fact that the classic ones you could just run around the zombies and most of the time avoid the enemies, besides the main ones. RE5 adds more to the survival by the buddy system, if you have played the demo, you will see what i mean...its harder and requires strategy and NOT mindless shooting to survive it. I can only imagine the many other levels/bits we haven't seen.
I bet RE5 is going to be a fantastic game... but calling it survival horror is just completely out of line. The game has moved beyond the genre it started in and into a more action-oriented mainstream. It is more of a horror shooter than survival horror.foxhound_fox
Eyezonmii's forum posts
How, when RE5 feels more of a surival game, thanks to the buddy system....needing to not just worry about yourself, but your partner, including the fact that the game has less ammo this time, and MORE ENEMIES!Resident evil 4 is a survivor-horror game
Resident evil 5 is more like a action-horror game
1. It's a SURIVAL HORROR game.(atmosphere, enemies, makes its a HORROR game, Leon has to survive it=Surival horror, don't think so?, play it on pro)
2. It's a SEQUAL
3. It has its UNIQUE own differences to RE4.
4. Animations have been tweaked and IMPROVED.
5. RE4 pretty much revolutionized the series (hell, the 3rd person shooting genre, and its only been used for 1 game)
That being said, i'm guessing the many that have critisized it, on this forum are the ones who haven't played the demo yet, and are going by videos, well VIDEO footage doesn't do it justice (expecially since capcom are showing the same stuff and don't want to spoil the many other differences RE5 has), the feeling of the game, when played feels different to RE4, thanks to the new controls and strafing system. Yes, it looks similar to RE4, but gsus..its a sequal, and ONLY i repeat ONLY 1 game before it used the system. RE1 2 3 code veronica..thats 4 games, rehashed the same system..and i quote Mikami-Sun that RE6 will need to reinvent the series again, so it makes sense for RE5 to stick to what made RE4 so DAM GOOD. ITS POPULAR, so capcom stuck with it. I guess with the many of you that have played gears of war and other shooters, RE4 inspired...suddenly RE5 looks stale, well hate to break it to you, but RE5 isn't an pure and FULL blown war action title. It needs to keep the tension and atmosphere.
Now about the differences i mentioned.
RE5, if you have played the demo, will notice the tweaked ANIMATIONS, that react according to the enviroments, punch one infront of a door or destructable object and BAM they break through it (very satisfying)...shoot one with, it will react to a wall and fall accordingly. Its much more aware of the surroundings, while some are the similar, some are different, depening where you shoot them. Keep in mind RE4 had some great animatiions, hell better than some of ones seen this gen. So using them makes sense, they WORK.
Now another thing, DESTRUCTABLITY ..this game supports much more, from smashing building walls to many other objects (market stands, etc) You can experience this with the axe weilding freak.
Next up is, BUDDY SYSTEM now this is something completly unique to RE5, you have a female partner (sheva, DUH) that is your buddy A.I or human (co-op) that helps you out through the mission, shes VERY good, adding to the survival, NEEDING to watch here health and equipment, helping her out if low, working as a team to surive, cause if she dies YOU die, its much harder and gives the game a new feeling of survival, you also communicate short dialog with the B button (360 version) guessing the O button is for the PS3, OR use the invetory with the Y button(PS3 triangle) to check EACH others ITEMS to share and ask for if low, etc. during these transactions there are dialog to thank them, ask them for a certain weapon etc, its very cool.....another thing is TEAM COMBO' can pull of MORE melees if you do it as a team, say big boy chris punches one of those ugly SOB's in the face and he steps back, sheva can then do here own kick, back to chris and chris can pull of a super (back hand slap, or kick) Sheva even has a harracurana, etc. ALSO, this game has more MELEE attacks, compared to RE4, for each character (depending on the position, say chris goes behind a guy, he can neck snap, in front punch, kneeled down oponents get an uppercut) and so on....and finally, you can interact with your partner to reach places or about to open a certain MAJOR doors...(example, if one is ready to open the next door, and the other isn' wait untill the other person applys with a button hit) very cool and gives a new perspective of team work...and IMO, this buddy/talk system is pretty revolutionary, at just how it works.
all that is what sets it apart and gives it a fresh and satifying feeling.
Next up, CONTROLS The game feels much different moving and shooting, due to the new controls of being able to strafe with the left analog sick, rather then spin around...turning your character around is needed with the right stick, Left trigger to aim, and right to shoot....similar to gears of war, and it feels much better, IMO due to the freedom, it does take time to adjust, if you can't you can move to the classic RE4 controls with control type D, in the opions...using the right trigger to aim and X to shoot...still the strafe is there so it isn't the exact same.
now, some small things....using a spray, you can now physically see chris heel himself by spraying it on himself or his partner...while nothing major, its a nice realistic addition, chris and sheva can now be seen grabbing or using things physically, unlike RE4, when flipping a switch..leon has NO animation, etc...explosions are MUCH bigger and leave huge fire trails, with dust effects, etc. Chris can have blood stains on him (while limited and does dissapear its a nice realistc addition).
Thats it, while long and can be taken as a mini gets my point across, really tired of the RE4 in HD. Because its more than that..and even if its similar it SHOULD be, its a sequal.
Look at HALO 3, its Halo 1 in HD....a 2001 game. (gameplay shoot, melee, grenade throw....) see what i did there?
srsly this needs to end.
Keep in mind this is all from the demo, RE5's final form should be much more appealing and different, since we have barely seen much of the game, besides the same stuff....capcom have assured us through countless wait and see.
[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"][QUOTE="skrat_01"]No GeOW2 simply looks better.Sorry, but you brain dead? Please, next time read comments, posted here before posting, better yet, look at the link in the TC's post. How many times do i have to say, Gears 2 looks great at a distance? YET you post a shot from Of screen and at a distance. Point of this thread is too show which game is techincally better, character model wise and uncharted WINS. SIMPLE! Unreal engine is great at covering low poly's and detail...zoom it in and it fugly. 1. Flaming? Your maturity shines again. Grow up.Shocking right?
Ucharted looked amazing, and of course it still looks great, however whats the hoo ha over GeoW2 being the better looking game?
With an updated engine, and recent release, why would you think otherwise?skrat_01
2. I really don't care what you have to say about either game. Your opinion in this comparison, means nothing to me.
3.To further enforce this; Why would your opinion matter at all to me? I dont have the clear persistent bias on the matter that you have, and I have both games, that I can switch between on the fly for a visual comparison - and by doing so can judge it, first hand myself, without a no-one on system wars with a bias agenda, telling me what to think.
geez, cut the "maturity" **** ....your not fooling anyone. FACT is Uncharted has higher quality character models...spin it all you want, post off screen shots all you want, but its been proven and the last batch of shots (ghost cam), clearly show it.

Well RE5 isnt perfect. It has no physics and it has a very flat lighting modle IMO. Different games focus on different things.TOAO_Cyrus1You have no idea what your talking about.
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