This is the game that many have been waiting for; The single player always online game that gets "Negative Nancy" elected President of the "We told you so" Club. The list of just about everything that could go wrong with a game like this has been checked off in less than two days.
Honestly, I think the idea of having another player designing their neighbouring city at the same time as me is pretty cool. But they didn't need to make it a requirement that limits me from playing the game by myself. Having MMO problems with a non-MMO game is not going to win you anymore fans. I do hope they get the problems fixed soon though, I really want to see if this game is worth the PC upgrade I'd have to do.
@surrealme No offence to you sir, but EA said this was a game that required online a long time ago. Most websites delay reviewing games like this because they can't accurately judge how the game will be once it hits the public. Why 12 critics (according to the pic) decided they knew better is beyond me.
"The scale of products and things that are being brought to market are probably a little bit richer when I look at..." followed by, "There's a certain level of technical and production competency that people have to get through because we're trying to curate great experiences..."
This sounds a lot like Nintendo from the 90's. And even though I bought a Wii U, and I still enjoy my 3DS, we see where that type of thinking can take you 20 years or less from now. The only advantage MS has over Ninty in this situation is that MS doesn't depend on the Xbox brand to survive as a company, while the Big N is mainly a gaming business. MS can afford to "fix" mistakes, like the RROD by extending the warranties. If Nintendo had released a system like the original 360 in 2005, they would be in serious trouble by now.
AC3 was the first AC game I owned, but I've played around with the others. Not bad, but I can see some parts that may not have clicked with fans of the series.
Been waiting to see what would happen with THQ's old assets, wondering in which direction they'll all go now that they have new owners. Good luck to all of them.
FallenOneX's comments