Mandatory Kinect would be a deal killer for me. I live in an apartment, and I don't really have the room in my gaming area (DAMN YOU HANGING CEILING LIGHT!!!).
Price drop welcome, but I'm still waiting for SE to tell me when I can buy the FFX remake. While I'm sure there are other games I could enjoy until then, it has a special meaning for me. I finally wanted (and got) a PS2 after being deployed and seeing the end of FFX. I'd seen the beginning right when it came out and wasn't impressed.
@shadowhunter0 @Bgrngod Yes, there is a sweet spot for the 3DS, but I don't ever feel myself "looking" for it unless I'm in a moving vehicle with glare from the sun. The 3D effects are awesome if the developer knew what they were doing with the game, same goes with the videos available to view. Movie trailers are the worst, but only because many of them look so damned good, and we still can't purchase 3D films.....
If the Next-box and the PS4 are pretty much on par with each other, I'm going for the cheapest system that has the least amount of accessories to buy later. Also, not going to be swayed by color choice again either. If the PDP HD for the Wii U been available at launch, I would have settled for the white one.
He said consumers, not gamers. While gamers are automatically consumers in some way, shape, or form, all consumers are not gamers. Ever seen the Mom on the phone in a Gamestop about to pass out because she's been spinning in a circle for 2 minutes trying to figure out which system she's supposed to be looking for? If my wife isn't with me, I let her spin for another minute or so, it's just too damned funny not to.
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