" "This is happening solely because you communicated your thoughts very loud and clear--and it made sense,"
So the other times gamers have voiced their opinion to you about certain aspects of certain games, you heard us, but they didn't make sense? Well, Mr. "Capcom", I thank you for your honesty. I may not agree with it, but thank you for clearing that up.
So, if I get to the end of the game, and some part just screams at me "why in the world would a villain that did this, this, and this, all of a sudden do something stupid like THIS!", I now have some understanding why?
Off the top of my head, i can't really think of too many more locations or periods in time that would make sense for the series. Anything more recent would just be Hitman.....
$299 might be magic, but it just ain't gonna happen. I'm prepared for them to offer some version at a Wii U killing $350, but nothing less. They're already bowing to pressure to put out a console, and with many of the first PS4 games being better ports of PS3/360 games, there's at least another two years between now and the first games from MS or Sony that truly show why you need a new console.
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