Though I cant stand the cheesyness of those books and how cliche they are, there is a vampire film out now in a few theaters that does romance and relationships in a way that is much more complex and emotional than anything in Twilight, and I recommend that anyone see's this film whether you like twilight or not. The film is Let The Right One In, it is the best dark fantasy film since Pans labyrinth and Tideland, and it is from Sweden.
It is tough to describe this film, but I will say that everything in it just works beautifully. It is one of the only films this year ashide from The Fall that I would call beautiful. Not in the traditional way mind you, this is a very dark and tragic film about a young boy who is always bullied who notices a new girl next door who only leaves her place at night. Both of these kids are only 12 or so, turns out she is a vampire and he wants to get revenge on the Bullies. Their relationship starts to get more and more complex and at times she seems to almost be controlling him. It is not a normal love story, because the love is only hinted at and not sexual at all. I would recommend this film to anyone who likes vampires or film in general, I don't know how many theaters it is playing at, but I do know that Hollywood is already going to remake. So I implore you to see this great film before hollywood makes their own crap version which probably has older teenagers to be more Politically correct. I would say that this is one of the best vampire films I have ever seen.
Overall I give it a 9.5 out of 10.
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