I envy your collection, very impressive indeed. I was expecting this to be a hate thread or something, but I'm pleasantly surprised!
I can add a few personal recommendations, though it might be tricky getting a hold of some of these:
God Hand:- By Clover Team, who made Okami and Viewtiful Joe (also recommended if you don't have it), among others. A 3D brawler that's actually GOOD for a change. Has a funny wacky sense of humour to it, an excellent combat system, and an awesome soundtrack. Highly underrated game. Very very hard though.
Psychonauts:- An original and enjoyable platformer by the maker of Grim Fandango and Day of the Tentacle. Basically, you play as a kid on a psychic's summer camp, trying to rescue your friends' brains. Seeing as all the levels are inside people's minds, you see some pretty awesome and unique level designs. Great dialogue and humour also.
Shin Megami Tensei (Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2):- Atlus' flagship series. Very different from most turn-based RPGs in the setting, you play as a demon in a post-apocalyptic society. Cel-shading and gloomy music give these games an excellent atmosphere. Nocturne allows you to potentially recruit any enemy as an ally, whereas the DDS games emphasise that you eat them instead. Nocturne in particular is much harsher than your average RPG, harkens back to the brutal 'old-school' games.
killer7:- By Capcom, a part on-rails shooter, part puzzle game. Description can't really do this game justice, but I CAN say that out of the several thousand games I've played in my life (yeah, I'm a geek :P), this is one of, if not THE darkest, most original game I've encountered. The plot is, in my opinion, tied with MGS2 for the best in a video game. A love it or hate it kind of game, but very highly recommended. If you have a Gamecube, preferably pick up that version though.
That's a few off the top of my head for you, hope that helps, and I hope you recover soon!
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