Quite ironic that Nintendo was the one that caused that 'fluke', eh? If they hadn't shafted Sony so badly, the PS1 would've been mainly a Nintendo console, and they'd probably still be the undisputed reigning champions in the gaming market. Personally, much though Nintendo is overall a great company, I think they really deserved that metaphorical kick in the pants. And to say that Sony never did anything for the gaming masses is just stupid. Heck, they just about MADE it 'masses', at least much moreso than before they were a factor.
But now, when it all comes down to it, though MS currently has the numbers advantage, it's anyone's guess what happens next. Sony ****ed up big time with the PS3 PR/launch. I hope that it's pretty much a close 'race' from now on, nothing like fierce competition to encourage companies to provide overall better quality products.
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