It doesnt cost the price of a PS3 to fix the 360 four times either way. So your just as ignorant as the poster. Second to even consider that I as a contributing member of society have to spend my hard earned money on all the 360's accessory's is just stupid. stupid. AND subtract $200 cause the PS3 is cool? lame. and you supported this
Very bad post. Worst than the pictures you post. What I have notice the moment someone disagree with you, you get all defensive and call them fanboys and delusional. You nothing more than a case of the pot calling the kettle black.shungokustasu
Hey guys, what is 'parody'? I hear it's quite popular these days, along with this 'sense of humour' thing. :?
Oh, and all bold text makes one's post more valid and logical, and should be accepted as the standard for making oneself recognised as a source of credibility. WHY, IT'D WORK EVEN BETTER IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS!!!!
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