It's going to have to be one hell of a console to go through even half of that adjusted shipment. I'm hoping Nintendo is confident and not just trying to hype it up with predicted sales numbers. I mean, the X1 hasn't even sold 20 mil yet.
@anonymous81: Having menus that are unintuitive is definitely a con but is one that becomes less of an issue over time. That is my biggest complaint about Fallout 4. Somehow they took Fallout 3's terrible menus and made them worse. It's an inconvenience and definitely a bad design choice, but you get used to it eventually.
@subsided94: Sub par means below average. Average game scores hover somewhere around a 7. Sub par would be more like a 6. This is an 8, which by IGN's standards means "great". Not even just "good", but "great".
@subsided94: 8/10 isn't a bad score by any means. It wasn't hyped that much anyways unless you mean all the attention its getting as the sole AAA Wii U game coming out this holiday (aside from Yoshi).
@tacoman32x: I don't play FIFA but I am really liking Syndicate so far. It's definitely an 8, not sure about a 9 yet. I trudged through unity just for the story but this is a breath of fresh air. The missions are actually fun this time around. Also, I'm partial to Victorian London so maybe I'm biased.
@razik: It wouldn't have been considered ugly if it were a PS3 game. It's pretty much Fallout 3 running on Skyrim's engine. As a Year 2 current-gen game, yes it should look better. Honestly tho, playing Bethesda games for the graphics is like playing Mario for the story.
@NiteX: I have no problem with that at all. That's what I loved about the Souls games. It's one of those games where you can talk with people to figure out secrets and how things work.
KahnArtizt's comments