I tape a straw to the end of my vacuum cleaner, then just suck all the dust and crap off it. works pretty well.
Kamuikankatsu's forum posts
Iv been playing the closed beta for afew months, and it is fun as long as you can find people who are actually playing the game properly. I kinda miss the old locations from the beta years ago though. But yeah, its defiantly worth a look, it can be a very fun game.
Hey guys just a quick question. Does the steam version of spore have the installation limit like the retail copy did? I really wanted to get this game when It came out but was put off by the limitation of installs. I figured if its on steam then perhaps the limit is no longer present. Anyone know?
Oh god, I finally got it working. Turned out the jumpers on the back don't do anything. I had to force the drive to 1.5 with software on my computer. Now I can finally get a break from the constant nagging of my girlfriend. :) Thanks for your help guys.
I am in desperate need of some help here. I made a topic a few days ago trying to get help with this problem but the two people who replied couldn't seem to help fix the issue. So here's my problem. I bought my girlfriend a new hard drive a few weeks back because she has been complaining to me about not having enough space for months. So I went and got a 1Tb HDD and just figured it would be an easy install, just like any other HDD, but for some reason her computer refuses to recognize the hard drive in Windows and BIOS. I have tried every thing I can think of. Checked all the cables, checked its getting power, checked the SATA ports on her motherboard, checked the hard drive is actually working, and updated her BIOS, also tried forcing the Hard drive to run at 1.5 instead of 3, although I'm not exactly certain if the jumper on the back did what they were meant too...
So can anyone give me a few suggestions, even if its something Iv tried that has the possibility that it could have been done wrong, as long as u let me know how to do it right.
Now I'll let you know what the hardware is so you might be able to look it up and find any incompatibility issues if there are any.
HDD: SAMSUNG HD103SJ, Website: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822152185
Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-K8VT890-9, Website:http://www.newegg.com/product/product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128288
Ok, so the Bios is now updated, but still no 1TB HDD in the bios... This is ridiculous, would love for more suggestions on what to do if anyones got any ideas.
Looks like Im running v.F3 of my bios so this should update it correctly, Hoping this works. I just tried 4 other HDD's in the computer and all but one wouldnt work, and the one that did work, was the exact same model as the HDD Iv got windows installed on. God I cant believe how much trouble its taking just to install a damn hard drive. lol
Ok, need alittle help, what exactly am I supposed to download from this site? This is my Motherboard, but Im not sure which of the files I need.
I'd try another data cable and make sure its getting power. Captain__Tripps
Yeah, I gave that a go already. Iv got Windows running on an 80GB sata drive which is working fine on her computer, So I swapped the cables around and it still booted windows with the 80gb and still wouldnt reconize the 1TB. Im just looking for a guide to flashing Bioses now, Hopfully that will work.
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