Thats something Iv never done before so I Might need abit of help with it if you'd be able to willing to give me a step by step guide, or a link to one.
Well, I tried forcing it to 1.5 but it still doesnt seem to be working. Iv never come across anything like this before, I honoestly have no idea what else to try. Iv messed about with every option in the bios which was related to IDE and SATA, Iv formated the HDD, also tried to install an OS on it but again just wouldnt be reconized. I Tried to install the raid drivers for the Motherboard hopping that might help detect it, but still nothing. I really have no idea. Is it possible that this Motherboard just cant support 1TB? It just seems odd, as this computer is only 4-5 years old, and identical to my computer apart from having cheaper hardware in it.
The HDD is a Samsung HD103SI 1TB if that helps with fixing this.
The disc has already been formated to NTFS, and Iv put files on it and they show up on my computer and the HDD in my bios. On my girlfriends computer however it does not show up in the bios nor windows. We're both using XP Home SP3. When in her bios if I try to detect the HDD it seems to find something but appears to be some kind of glitch.
I recently bought a 1TB HDD for my girlfriends computer, and for some reason I just cant get the computer to recognize it. It appears on my computer with no issues. So Im hopping someone here may be able to come up with a solution.
Her Motherboard is a Gigabyte GA-K8Vt890-9, its got 2x Serial ATA ports from VT8237R Controller (Sata0, Sata1) and 2xIDE connections. Ideally I want to have windows installed on an 80Gb Sata HDD and have the 1Tb Sata drive connected as a 2nd HDD. When I have the two plugged in only the 80Gb will show up and when I take the 80Gb out nothing will show up at all. Iv Tried swapping the sata ports hopping to at least get the 1Tb to show up on its own but for some reason it just refused to work. I know the drive is working because it has no issues with my computer.
so anyway, would love to get some help here, my gf is driving me nuts about getting it fixed for her.
the demo is available in AUS, and it is the censored version. Although, I downloaded my demo when I had the game pre-ordered, but because the game is so censored I canceled my pre-order still having the demo installed.
Im from Aus too and getting it from steam will give you the censored version, unless You happen to know somebody who doesn't live in an area this is being censored in, and get them to buy the game for you over their steam and gift you it. Thats the best way Iv read at how to get around the censoring. I per-ordered the game on steam a few days ago, and after playing the demo a few times got a refund. The game just doesn't have the same feeling with all the censoring and I wont be buying it until they at least stop bodies from instantly disappearing. Also, Im pretty sure if you imported a hard copy of the game it would work, PC games are region free.
Its got nothing to do with the gore, I assumed when the game was being censored it would just be cutting down on it. but in a game where your trying to survive zombies you would at least expect to see some blood, or even a dead body or 2, but there is nothing, Its like playing GTA, but without the city. Just walking around an empty desert. Theres no atmosphere in this game. I just want to get what the developers meant the game to be and not be restricted from what the feeling this game was supposed to give.
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