My girlfriends mother has just bought a new computer and her old one is going to my girlfriend. She's got a sapphire x800 card in the computer, and I have my old HIS x800 card sitting around doing nothing. Im just wondering is it possible to set them up together even though thier different manufactures?
Kamuikankatsu's forum posts
Just bumping myself off page 3. would love some help. My girlfriends not happy about me using her computer to post. :P
Ok, so i was planning on just getting some cheap card but decided to get something decent. I picked up a HD4870 and Im in the middle of installing it now, however, Iv got a quick question Im hoping someone can answer. The cards got 2 plugs for the PSU and Im wondering do I need to plug something into both of these or just one? and are there certain cables which I need to use for them, or is it ok to just plug in the ones that fit the socket/s?
well, the main issue is, it might be 6-8 months before I could afford anything new, and even then its only a small chance I'll have the money by then. I havnt had alot of issues running things now with my current card, other then some games not starting because my pixle shaders only 2.0. I think the card Im planning on getting is 4.0.
Just a quick question im hopping someone can help me with. Iv currently got a ATI x800 graphics card (link here) and was thinking of getting aRADEON HD4350 (link here). Too me it looks like an inprovment, but Im just not sure. I dont want to spend more then AU$100 for it because its only supposed to last me till ATI's new cards come out and I can pick this card up for AU$70 from my local computer store, so it just saves the hassel of ordering and waiting for something else. Also, I was thinking of adding another 1gb of ram to my current 1gb, would it be worth it?
Hey everyone
I was just wondering if its possible to connect 2 wirless router/modems together wirelessly. I'll give you abit of an idea as to what Im exactly trying to do.
Iv got a wireless router modem (D-Link DSL-G604T) connected to my phone line. I want to try to connect it wirelessly to another wireless router/modem (Netgear DG834G), which will be connected via cable to 3 PC's and my 360.
At the moment I have cables running all over my house and its becomming anoying, so Im hopping I can at least limit the cable mess to only a few rooms.
ok, the computers been running for about 7-8 hours now and the temps are:
Motherboard 32 °C (90 °F)
CPU 36 °C (97 °F)
GPU 62 °C (144 °F)
GPU Ambient 51 °C (124 °F)
all Im really interested in is what to do in the bios, without frying anything. First time overclocking so its all new to me. :P
Heyas, Im trying get abit more life out of my computer before I finally go ahead with an upgrade. Iv been thinking of overclocking for the last month and have been looking around for guides, but its starting to confuse me. Wondering if anyone here would be able to give me a hand. I can give you what ever details needed.
Iv currently got a AMD Athlon 64 3200+, Venice core running at 2010MHz and my motherboards an Asus A8N-sli Premium. Im not sure what else you need to know, and also is it possible to OC video cards? or even RAM, and do I require better cooling. I live in a pretty cold area so Iv never had heating issues before that I know of.
Hey guys, Im been steering clear of games that have installation limits, cant really say Iv missed much other then spore. But Im really curious about the sims 3, and Im hopping that it hasnt been given the same thing spore got. So are there installation limits for the game? also, what kind of protection does it use? are EA still ruining thier games with DRM?
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