well, I still seem to be having this problem. I formated my computer earlier today ( Nothing to do with trying to fix this) and after reinstalling Opera its still showing up as a white screen. I had alook at the above links and it does look like the same thing, but after trying what ever it was someone said to do it still didnt seem to fix it. I guess GS just doesnt want to work with opera which is abit of a pain. I'll just have to use IE whenever I want to look about on GS. Also, every so ofter the site will load correctly in Opera, but other times for no reason will mess up again. If there's been anyone else using opera and having the same problem I'd like to know. Or even if you arnt having the problem, what version of Opera are you using?
Kamuikankatsu's forum posts
for the the last 3-4 days Gamespot hasnt been working correctly for me. It looks as though it doesnt load fully. I get a horrible white background and all the text is all over the place. Its making reading the forums almost impossible. I tried deleting my cookies, cleared Temp internet files, and even unistalled and reinstalled my Browser. Im using the latest version of Opera. Also tried loading the site in IE and it seemed to work fine. Is there a compatability issue with GS and Opera?
if its "downloading" and "installing" and the original game is installed already, then you should be fine to just cancel it and install BC. I know when I install my wow every so often I just install each game one after the other without worrying about patching. Saves me time and download qouta.
you might want to install all your expansions before you hit the play button, otherwise you'll be downloading and installing the patches that your expansion discs will already have in them. If you have both BC and Wotlk you'll have about a 1.2gb download to do of patches. I know its alot but thats just part of playing an mmo that gets content updates regually.
So in the last few months Iv been noticing my computers getting old :( . So Iv started looking into my next build. Im planning on spending around AU$1900 max, maybe even $2000 if its worth it, but for the hell of it, dont take the price into consideration with your answers. Iv got afew questions about the parts Im thinking of getting so here we go.
Im thinking Of getting 2xHD4890's, But Im wondering about the OC version because its $20 cheaper then the regular version. I assumed the OC'd one would be alittle extra, anyone able to explain why the price difference?
For the CPU im looking into a Phenom II X4 Quad Core 955 Black Edition, wondering if the AM3 sockets going to be around for awhile or at least stay compatible with future stuff. My current computer was a 933 socket, and well as soon as I got it, it seemed outdated.
And for my Motherboard Im thinking Asus M4A79T Deluxe. Seems to be the only board I can find thats specifically designed for the AM3 sockets and Crossfire. But Im alittle confused about the RAM for it, which brings me to my next question.
The board supports DDR3, 16GB. So Im wanting to make sure I get DDR3, with at least 8GB of RAM. But what Iv noticed is most of the RAM is sold in 3's with a max of 2gb per stick. What I'd like to know is how would I actually get 16GB of RAM if they only come in 2GB.
Last thing Id like some help with is the PSU. What type am I going to need and does anyone have any sujestions on one?
Thats pretty much it, feel free too recommend other things, although Im set on an AMD CPU and ATI card.
Well, I know this isnt really a racing game, but you did say you didnt want a racing on. You could maybe do GTA4 multi and just drive around with your friends in that...
Yeah, Iv also been trying to find a "real" scary game for ages. Nothing seems to be like it used too. I loved RE before it became just people possesed more then zombies. Silent hill used to be great too, but from what I read about 5, its taking the same route as RE did. I really cant think of anything I could sujest for you. I know this isnt really a scary game, but have you tried vampire bloodlines? That had a "spooky" theme and was alot of fun.
Hey guys, Iv been having a problem with my 2nd hard drive for about a month now. About every 3-5 days when I turn my computer on of a morning the 2nd hard drive wont show up as connected once the computers fully booted up. If I open up the computer and fiddle with the sata cable, then reboot it seems too show up. Sometimes I'll have to do this afew times but eventually it shows up.
So is this my HDD dying or a problem with the cable? The HDD is a 200gb, seagate Barracuda 7200 or something and its about 2-3 years old. My first hdd is the same brand/model but only 80gb and its about 4-5 years old but I have no issues with it at all.
Thank for any help. :)
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