A few days ago a heap of my games and programs installed on one of my hdd's started running really slow, Im worried that somethings gone wrong with it and its not transferring at the speeds its meant too. Iv checked the sata cable and there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with it, so Im wondering if anyone knows of a good free program that I could check the performance of my HDD's?
Kamuikankatsu's forum posts
kinda hopping I could get this done without having to buy anything new. Iv got an 4gb SD card here, a LAN, and maybe a USB stick somewhere. Hopfully someone knows and can help me do this without having to buy anything.
Iv got an Eee PC netbook with windows 7 and it really seems like it should be running it so I was going to install an old copy of XP Home Iv got laying around. The problem is the netbook doesnt have a cd drive, so Im not sure how I could install it. It does have an SD slot, UBS and Ethernet ports though, and was wondering if there any way to install XP using one of those? And if so, how?
You should be fine, give it a shot. No point buying a new psu that you dont need. although, if you have the money in the future may aswell upgrade that psu to something a little better.
Im running a HD4870 + 3 HDD's + 2 DDR3 Sticks + PII 545 on a 430 Watt PSU. I was completely amazed when It all worked, and Iv never had any issues with it before. I think it really dependson the quality of your PSU.
Not sure if this belongs in this board, but figured you guys would know the most about it. Im thinking of upgrading my OS from XP 32bit, to Win7 64bit, but not quite sure if there is any major differences between the versions of 7. So is there any real benefits of getting any other version then Win7 Home Premium?
Last bump before I give up. Iv installed the game about 5 times now, on 3 different HDDs, used different install discs for the game, and still, im getting the same problem. I find it hard to believe that no one on this board has any idea on how to view error logs on why a computer would be rebooting itself. Help if you can please.
It never worked after installing. It used to work before I upgraded a few things in my computer about, 1-2 months ago. Iv uninstalled/reinstalled it once since initially installing, Iv tried running without patching it, and after patching it. And Im in the process of installing it too a different HDD too see if that works. Basically everything I have tried so far though, seems to just do the same thing.
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