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after 16 years of gaming, still pushing buttons to win.

well guys come to think of it,its been along time since the very first game that i played.which was
the super mario bros and ,duck hunt.the whole NES was a gift to me and my bro.
i remember i couldnt play and i used to watch him play play play.
he was good at the mario game.i remember after he went to primaryschool,be cause i was
the younger one,i was home at that time and i started playing that game mario and the
duck hunt.i did become a pro at the game why?we had no other game,you could not find any
other NES game over here,i kept on playing the same game.and after 7 to years later when the
sony playstation came to the markets we still had NES.no body was playing that game
anymore.it was all about sega genesis and saturn,and playstation.
most people played football games on PS.then came along CTR(crash team racing)a game
developed by sony for PS.
we still owned the NES...going out to the markets and see the playstation and sega didnt help the
fact the we still had NES.
after a while like afew year later my dad bought a PC.
:Pwe could play some of the sega games on that and some soccer(football)games,
then we got doom on PC,i think it was for windows ,yes.the mortal kombat was the thing on PC.
then i played the coolspot on pc,after that we played fifa98 on PC.
and there was all this different games we could play.most of the 2d games.there was this other
game called glider,that was windows based and was pretty cool.
there were other new games of the time such as prince of persia old one,and prince of persia 2.
afew other 3d games aswell,there was one i dont remember what the name was but was FPS
that happened in the wild west.
ohh yeah i played the hercules for the PS on the PC and the graphics was amazing.now that i
think of it.I WAS LIKE WOoooooooooooooow.lol
so then my dad sold the PC...:(
it was the NES again,but another game came in,it was called digger for NES.
i beat that game like a game pro of my time.if im not wrong there was 8 levels to that game.my
neighbout at the time he came from over seas he had NES and he lend us super mario 3,
when we got mario 3.i remember waking up early on the weekends and start playing this
game,untill my thumb on my left hand had a callus.:)u remember the hardness of the NES pad
especially the "joystick i mean the left and right up down"button.
then we went over seas.
for the first time i got to see the new PS2,Gameboy colour,and dreamcast,nintendo 64.
i didnt know what they where.but all i can remember was that i wanted one.the cool thing was
that i bought the NES again.but not a brand knew one.you couldnt find something like that brand
new anymore.the year was 2001 at the time.you could find alot of game where i was.i bought the
kirby,ninja gaiden,donald duck and afew other ones.can you imagine seeing PS2 on the market
and still playing NES.i couldnt afford the new consoles.
bought a sega master system not brand new,you couldnt find brand new anywhere.yea the sonic
game was really amazing.
then we bought the new PSone second hand.i was really proud of that console.it was amazing
considering i was playing the NES for a long time.
yea alot of games came along since we had friends who had alot of PS games we swapped
games and borrowed and so on.i can mention that one of the greatest games of that time was GT and GT2.
so i played alot of games on the PSone console,i dont regret that for a second.
time went on and on, along the way i bought a nintendo gameboy colour from a friend.
time was going and goin.i did get away from games mostly,another great title me and my brother
played was syphone filter series.
we spend a lot of time over seas,we went back to where we came from.well atleast i did.i was 14.
we got 2 ps2s there.one for my brother and one for me.yes it was the first type of ps2 and it was
silver.the most played console of my life time ever has been ps2,my collection is genuis.lol
he(my bro) didnt play as much.i had maybe 75% of the games released on ps2 from unimusha,to
GOD of war1 and 2.prince of persian to resident evil and so on.
years passed...
no good games came out for PS2,i sold my ps2 honorably.
but kept the collection.
bought a PSP,then sold it after a while because i was not playing with it.
after a few years,university yearsi bought a PS3.and the first ever game i bought was GTA4.
he sold his PS2.my brother that it.(he never looked at another console again-aparently he hates video games.and i love video games)i bought xbox360 a year after buying PS3 and bought DS a year after buying Xbox360.

My first strategy game ever,Tom Clancy's Endwar Review*****blog UPDATES*****

i dont really like strategy games and i dont play them.
i somehow got this game and to be honest i didnt really know that it was a strategy game.LOL
i finished it today and saw the credit and i was playing as russia in normal mode.
the game is a strategy game like others and needs a great leader to control and tell the forces to
move where and to attack what and which hostile.
first off the graphic looks amazing you can move the camera from each forces to other ones but
you dont have a special camera that you can see,and move freely.there is one feature that allow
you to see everything as they are happening by pressing the select button.
you will see the battle in some kind of virtual battle field and you can see what is where and so
on.this feature helps a lot during the game.
the graphics are amazing the sun light and the modeling of the whole battlefield and when you
move on you will see paris at war,very amazing graphics,i liked it.

you can upgrade your military forces by the points you get after each battle,victory will give you
more points and losing doesnt give as much,you can also win medals for special things you do in
each battle.
there are a lot of achievements for you to get.well you might not know but the game happens to
be world war 3,that USA, EU,and russia are involved which seemed a bit our of hand,come on
in 3rd world war atleast Middle East countries are involved in some way,but tom clancy's end war
doesnt think like that.

the thing that you always have to remember is to increase the number of your uplinks and secure
most of them in the battlefield,if you lose an uplink then you have to attack back and secure it
you are able to upgrade you abilities after you secured an uplink.the abilities are for
example,airstrike,a place to land you reinforcement and so on.
you will get paid after each battle and you can spend your money on the upgrades as i mentioned
above.if you are in the middle of a battle you will get the feeling that the war is actually happening
and you are in charge.great feature here, basically you are the commander and you are
responsible in every way.

(you can clearly see that the PC version is much different you have a map on the left and also you have the upgrades on the right and all the forces in the buttom middle,way different)

the unique feature that this startegy game gives you is you can voice command every thing in the
game,from the movements of the troops and attacking comands to attack a specific hostile to
airstrike and using the WMDs.

at first you have to do a voice tutorial that teaches how to use it and also there are something like
20 lines of command that you have to read ,and complete the tutorial. from there you can do the
commands with your voice and this seems to be really amazing you should try it,nicely done
the voice command should be like this *WHO*+*WHAT*+*WHERE*.
for example "Unit 1 attack hostile 2" or "unit 1 secure ALPHA" or "unit one move to ALPHA".
pretty interesting feature here, i did use this in most of the battles but after a while i got bored of
just talking in a room,it did seem a bit dumb and tiring as well,so i played the rest of the game
without voice command and using the joypad.
i do have a question here for those who have the game on PS3,you see a voice commanding
device came with my xbox360. i used that it was fine,so do PS3 owners need to buy something
like this in order to play with voice?does PS3 even have such a thing?i dont know TBH.
so the game didnt have an easy difficulty setting.all it had was normal hard and expert i think.
each battle if you get use to it will not take more than 15 mins or even less but if you dont know
what you are doing will take more time.
you dont choose your side at first,later in the game it will give you the choice to choose your
side.thats it i think nothing else to say in this review.oh some battles are very difficult IMO,for
example the "seige of paris".i tried it twice i think,could not win.
i thought you had to win all in order to beat the game but i was wrong for sure.

the other landscapes that it will allow you to play on are- paris-a lot of battle fields-something like
and oil field- mountains somewhere,and a lot more that i cant remember.
altogether i dont play strategy games and this one was my first.and i did enjoy it at some points.
i would suggest this to the Strategy freaks out there,the graphics help the gameplay and also it is a
nice experiment for those who always play first person and RPGs.
so go buy it guy and enjoy the long strategy hours.

from zero to hero in split second,#blog update_Split/Second Review#

OK there is not a lot to review in this action racing game but here goes.
the game is just a racing with fantasy cars and lots of explosives ready to be activated.
so you just race and get points the points allow you to activate the bombs.
basically thats all there is to it.

but it really isn't that simple,you have to drift,draft,jump & etc to get the points needed.
there are two types of explosives,
first the simple ones that can be activated at most the times, second types of bombs need the max points to be activated known as power play.
the first kinds are simple and effective in order to win the races and also change a little bit of the race track and mostly show fire or smoke in the race track.
the second type is much more fun, it will actually change the shape of the race track in a big way for example there was a big tower in the first episode i think, when you activate the power play
while you are racing along the tack you will see the tower explode and fall right on the track 100 meters ahead of you and if it is the first time you have done that you are amazed8):lol: lol.

you have to know that the powerplay will only be active and ready for use at some special time on the track,
i think this is because you have to be in a certain place in order to see the big explosion ,anyway you will really enjoy the power play i am sure,so that is one unique feature available in split second.
it had to be said that the game takes place inside a studio so you are playing an action movie series called split/second.

what i wrote above was just a normal race in split/second that can be 2 laps or sometimes 3 laps mostly.there are other races too such as helicopter air strike or time laps that you have to finish the race under certain time limits,there are more but i think it would be more fun if people unlocked the new features themselves.
i did read before buying this ,that the game is terribly hard,but now that i have finished the game it does not really seem that way,also it was a little difficult at first but did become easy in season 7 or 8.

the game is one of the most original racing games out there,it is a sad thing the cars are fictional and not real cars.

altogether i think split/second simply eats burnout series.
we just have to wait and see what EA's burn out is gonna do next,the game ends in a "to be continued" way so we will be seeing more of this action racing game.simply one of the most entertaining racing games this year.
thanks for reading my review on Split/second,
yeah and buy the game.

My Current gaming life...#Blog updated#

hi guys how are u doing?

yes if you care im doing good too.recently i have been playing alot different games from my new bought DS and also PS3 and xbox360.

on the DS today i played this...

it is a great game since im new to ds there are alot of hard things that i should learn before playing DS but i think im figuring all out,i should mention that i have also read the health and safety things that nintendo wanted me to know,:P

so there should be any problems but there is one.

my hands get sweaty while i play games,so in this case i did read on the safety notes that i should play when my hands are sweaty,will it damage the stylus or the console itself or maybe even both.

this aside the lucky luke game is amazing.

you might think that amazing is a big word for such small game on a tiny handeld console called DS but you are wrong it is worth playing,you dont know this untill you play,

so that aside iam also playing red dead redemption on 360 and i dont know is it me or what,when i play it ,it seems so heavy on the gameplay i think it isn not as sharp as GTA4,

talking about heavy

playing Heavy Rain too

OMG what a game Heavy Rain is,its like one of those unexplainable experiences.

yeah,heavy rain is heavy...

New comeback to P.O.P game,NEXT gen.shows off with reflection off the tiles.

welcome to the review of THE prince of persia the forgotten sands.
first of all i need to talk about the prince of persia games that came out before this for the

well as we all know the first ever prince of persia was created by Jordan Mechner.
and it was a 2d game that was really popular and successful in it own era.
i don't know if you guys have played the titles that came out before this one but we can say that it

has changed a lot compared to the first ever POP.
personally i have played all the prince of persia games except from the one called shadow and

the flame(the first 3d prince of persia game).
never mind all this, the release of the POP sands of time brought a new life to POP series and it

really started it all again.
from the sands of time till this one there are a lot of similarities and you can just see what i mean if

you compare them and look at them together,but i don't really wanna talk about these feature.that

aside we can start reviewing this wonderful game.
the backbone of prince of persia games:
you see guys,the thing with the POP is that if you play the first one it keeps forcing you to go

further to see what they are gonna give you next,for example in prince of persia the sands of time

the story is forcing you to go and see what is gonna happen at the very end and it does this by

giving other features such as new swords new abilities and also new levels and puzzles in them.
it is simply forcing you to go forward ,and you can see this in all the POP games after POP sands

of time.
the other feature it is giving you is climbing,as soon as the SANDS OF TIME started it offered

the ability to climb to the higher grounds.you can still see this feature in the" forgotten sands".
the other thing we could mention in POP games is the fights that can be simple and fun(POP

sands of time) ,can be hard and full of blood(warrior with in), also it can be clean and heroic(two

thrones),and this one the FORGOTTEN SANDS is a little mixture of all i think.

the character change:
in the old prince of persia game that was on sega and super nintendo the main character wore a

white shirt and had golden :P(blond) hair,is that really the Persians?
the funny thing was that he had to kill the dude with the turban on his head.
?!?!?!why ...,if you think you can get some real good stuff out of this theory i just gave you.
the main character in POP sands of time was a young boy maybe 18 or 19 years old or even

younger ,that wore a nice army looking costume that looked like a costume that aladin would

wear in one of his wishes.his face looked much older than his real age considering to what we
can estimate his age was back then,great costume.
the second character from warrior within had changed dramatically, he was much darker more

evil maybe.his costume was cool too i did not look like he is from a royal family,and his hair had

all grown.
in the third title the the Thrones his eyes just got smaller and it looks like he is not alone. another

big change is born at this stage.
then there is a big silence......
nothing is heard from our prince,suddenly we see another prince born with a new story and

character ,even the renderingof the game was different...
after that sudden move from UBIsoft,they had to comeback to our local prince with the story in

after the sands of time and before the warrior with in.
it seems that ubisoft knows what they are doing with the prince of persia series.

could POP 4 be a flash forward we dont know?

his left side is messed up in POP3 the two thrones below

his left eye and left hand is messed up and evolved some how below...

you can see more clearly what i mean below

the review of THE FORGOTTEN SANDS:
as a fan of P.O.P games i have to love this one it is a great comeback for our prince.
as i mentioned above this game takes place after the sands of time and before warrior within.
so we are given an opportunity to know more about prince and his life and what happened in

sands of time and all the story presented for the first time.
a great new feature i found in this one was that the characters speak FARSI the language of the

persians or rather todays Iranians.as a persian myself it is amazing to see this feature and
understand what the monsters are saying is really cool,on the other hand it is like they gave the

script to the wrong person none of the speeches that are in farsi are in great quality of Farsi it is

like they have been given to people who don't have a clue what Farsi is,so that is the bad thing

IMO,but definitely a great start in Farsi happening here.
the game has improved amazingly you can just take a good look at the visual designs and the

level designs and the texturing of the levels are amazing to me.
the relection of the tiles is new also we did not have them in the 3 POP games in the last

generation game.the precious pots that have tiles placed on them look so amazing, my first

was funny, i could not allow myself to destroy one in order to get some upgrades and life

at the very first of the game the climbing and moving forward seems to be really easy, i personally

thought to myself is this all that this game offers since it was just easy and basically the same as

the other POP games,i was wrong as i completed more levels and upgrades came in ,it was

rather different and it turned out to be really hard,and i repeat REALLY hard climbing.
fighting with the sword was fun a entertaining since you will get a lot of the enemies in front of you

it seemed so heroic to be able to kill all of them,and some of the fights will look like the matrix
movie scene,:P.
upgrades are available for this game and there are a lot to discover,but you will not change the

swords physics,it will stay the same.
they could have improved some of the storyline to reach perfection,but they just did not.
you will be introduced with the monsters as you go along.
a new monster called ratash that will look something like dahaka from POP WW.
prince's brother he will have a major role in this one.
a great feature that i found in this game is that you will never get lost.you will reach the destination

there was one glitch in the game while i was playing it ,the camera angle did not show where i

should have been going.
and after one special upgrade since i turned off the tutorial i had no idea how i should have

activated it,my fault really,keep the tutorial on,it will help you.
i thought the ending should have been better ,but it seems that UBIsoft has a lot to say about

POP and they will leave more for other POP games.
i have to talk about the same ability that rewinds time,OK i do not wanna spoil things but

seriously in the POP sands of time we rewind the time using the dagger ,here we don't have the

dagger,so something happens here that you guys have to look out for,and in POP warrior

within,if you remember you did not have dagger or nothing to rewind time so yeah.look out.

lights in this POP game are amazing they have been set perfectly the shadows are as good as

light,it is really shaded to look as real as possible,we will have a lot of corridors with traps just

like before.
running on wall is popular as ever,jumping on walls too.
i have already rated this game and IMO it is a 'must have' for POP fans. i really enjoyed playing

it,the ending could have offered more but if you look at it with the different angle it was perfect.
it did remind me of the POP games on the last gen.
well worth buying and playing.:D
thank you for your TIME hope you enjoyed.:P

**blog update**latest things covering my mind.

how are you guys doing?

i wanted to talk about afew things.

ok so my ps3 died afew months ago ,fixed yesterday it did cost less 100 USD they changed the lense and it happened to be one of those double lense thingies.(i didnt know that)apparently they are more expensive than the single lense ones,ohh well I had to fix my PS3 it was here dead for more than 3 months.yeah and it living right,

second thing is that yesterday as i started my 360 it gave me one of these

i was really shocked to see that,i never had any problems with my 360 untill then,so i restarted the console and nope it was still this 3 red lights of death or what ever you call it,

so then i looked for it on wikipedia and afterwards i plugged the ac adaptor to another plug and it was OK again,


so with the 360 fixed i played the POP the forgotten sands which is a really amazing game,i really like it,

maybe it is because i have played all of it since the first one,maybe!:P


i got the nintendo DS lite too,YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAH:lol:

this handheld console is amazing,and the game libarary is awsome how many games did you say you can buy for this handheld device?OHH YEAAAH.

Yes i got the silver one,it is awsome...


ok as i mentioned above iam playing POPTFS and also split/second

i remember people saying SP is hard,its just not that hard to me,maybe i have to play till the last episode and then talk about it :)

i will be writing reviews on these two games and also maybe a review on the DS Lite too,that would be good.

hopefully i will be getting heavyrain...

i have heard great things about heavyrain,what a game,looking forward to that.

how many endings did they say you can have on heavy rain?yeeees.

it is gonna be heavy...

take care all who follow my blog...:|:P:lol:

*blog updates* The Review Of Batman Arkham Asylum

wooow what a game...
i am looking at the credits and writing this review at the same time,
this games needs to win some kind of award for a lot of things it offers.
i am feeling great after finishing this.
absolutely amazing.

lets begin...

i would like to first say that batman arkham asylum has the best story ,great graphic and was
really one of those games that had potential.
it was one of those experiences that you cant have without the game itself,most of the features of
the game is 10 out of 10.
what i liked a lot about this game was the visual design and unlimited entertainment and variety it

offered.so yes the visual design stands out.
the lightning is 10 out of 10,
textures where 10 out of 10.
i completed the game with 65% and i do not exactly know how many hours i played the game but
roughly maybe 10 to 11 hours,
this game contains a lot of boss fights some are a little bit hard i think,but altogether the boss
fights are Awesome,there are upgrades for you to get ,some upgrades are really needed in order to
finish the game,
i did not manage to get all the upgrades,i played on the normal mode,on that it was easy at some
point and a bit hard on other.
you have an Xray vision that allows you to look for clues and enemies.
again it would have been better to have at least most of the upgrades at the very last minute but
that did not happen,if it had major upgrades and minor it would have been better.
the story is really good and the dialogs are perfect,the voices match really well with the
characters and the lip syncs were just right.
you do have a map to tell you where you should go but sometimes i was completely lost.
the last batman game i played was batman begins from the movie which i played on ps2,
and you cant really compare that one to this,why?
that other one was based on the movie and it tried to make the game look real,but making the
game look real is not everything you MUST have gameplay,
but batman arkham asylum offered everything,Gameplay,Graphics and a Storyline that was

it was a pitty not to drive the bat mobile:(
it was really cool that after each level and through the story little by little batman's costume was
torn apart,started to get scratches,his face gets scratches with blood on it,it showed how batman
cares to save gotham and capture his enemy.
at one part of the story we played as batman in his mind,when he sees his parent killed in front of
his eyes when he was little.

so then we take control of this little bruce wain as he walks in sadness
and confused of this mad world.
the nightmares and the scarecrow character was superbly done.

one of the bad things i found out playing this game was that you really had to get used to the
buttons you know in order to dodge,and also you had to get to know some patterns that was
hard at first in order to beat some boss fights.
after you die from a boss fight you will see that boss say a clever quote to you,and the joker ones
really annoyed me.
at one point in the story mode there seemed to be a little crash,the game just froze i wanted to
restart my console,then something amazing happened,it was like the game started from the
beginning but this time you played as joker,and it was just like the first scene that batman has
capture the joker but this time joker capture batman and they were taking him just like that first
scene.it was pretty interesting the joker shoots batman in the head and batman dies.then it said you
should have moved your head or something like that.
then we see the scarecrow character injecting batman,and created a madness inside batman's
head,that scene really played with my mind and still is...
i have to say that i never thought this game would be this long,the story mode is pretty long and it
will take maybe 10 to 15 hours or even more to complete so this is a good feature i think for
those who like games with long story mode.
the whole game takes place on an island i think.
i have to mention that the sound effects are really nice too.
i think this batman character is the exact one from the mortal kombat vs dc universe,i think the
joker is too.

picture below is from MK vs DC universe

little big of change but that is 100% the joker from MK vs DC iniverse (we first saw the joker and batman in this game then after a while arkham asylum came out)


apart from some bosses that can get really tricky there is not any other thing that i see wrong with
batman arkham asylum i really enjoyed playing this.
i think anyone would love this game.you really don't need to love batman to like this.
thanks for reading my review folks.hope you enjoyed my review.
my rating for batman arkham asylum will be 8.5 out of 10.

Alan Wake theories on the whole thing and ending, must read **contains spoilers*

the memories and the small flash backs still owns most of my brain.
i wanted to solve the puzzles and find out the truth,yet i knew that the truth does not exist,

so i wanted to create the truth and maybe add lies to it inorder to make my self believe what i know, exists.
alan wake is dead,he was never alive,thats if you call living being alive,
the only thing that is living is your mind.
alan wake was a symbol of conscious,rather human conscious.
the whole time you where playing the game alan wake was sitting and typing.
and the character that you where playing as ,was only a reflection of Wake,

the cabin that we saw alan and alice go to at the first of the game was the symbol of human mind that is surrounded by a lake that can join an ocean.
this place that alan wake is in or i should say bright falls,is truly human's brain mixed with thoughts that can be a madness or the reallity that we call real.it is streached with creativity,and placed itself on somewhere that only mind can truly understand.
alan wake is a writer,writers create.they have a magical creativity, that can reach Consciousness.
we all saw that alan went there only for vacation and to start working on another book,in the beggining of the game alan and alice used a boat,and the lake to come to bright falls.
alan wake conscious itself, the place in between humans mind and the brain.
i gotta say every one can create their own ending to this game,it depends on the state of your reality.
"it isnt just a dark lake there is a darker ocean beyond ".
we can even go as far as to say that alice is a symbol of love,she is not a living person,

the real questions that is left here is:
is alan wake dead or alive?was it all just imagination?
how come that girl at the very ending of the game could hear alan wake using that type writer?how could alanwake feel alice's present nearby?
the wall infront of alan wake and the very ending has two windows just like humans that have two eyes and there is a glowing owl on the top of the wall,alan is typing...he is typing and looking
manuscripts what are they?
in my opinion they where the reason alan wake was wondering in his countryside(bright falls) looking for them, he had them in his mind all the time,why where they pages after pages?
could it be because alan had lost them for a long time,Lost his reality for a long time?
there was just one reason for him to wonder in that countryside city to only find his long lost reality,
find him self,find love,and find the light and the dark.
reality-ALAN(himself)-ALICE(love)-light&dark are one reason altogether,that forces Alan Wake to look for his own Long lost manuscripts that he finds page after page in the countryside(place to go for vacation or basically to find peace).

in one of the last levels we played as alan without the scratches on his eye brow,the one cutsene before the ending.
afterwards we see words that have ben written in open space and when you use the flashlight on them you will find that the word is just like the shadowy monsters and after you use your light on the words the will turn in to what the word says.first of all the words are written in perfect font just like the font that we see in most books,what does that tell you?
second there is the word bird there too,and when you turn your flashlight light on them they turn to crows!
crow is a symbol of darkness.
Alan Wake died the momment he jumped in to the lake to save alice,it was what the darkside created for him inorder to bring him to the other side,
that was the reason why he couldnt find alice,in the end alice survived,alice lived and she is back to the brightfalls.but she was underwater for exactly 11 days,or rather 12 days,in the ending cutscene alan starts to write with thetype writer in exactly 12 oclock,and then we go back in time,and we see 11 mornings,
alice was under water 12 days?how can she survive?The Other Side Exists...

all things above are from my experience.hope u enjoyed what i had to say...


helllllo people

i was wondering a few weeks ago what would it be like to play an action adventure 1st person game.
i don't even like 1st person games,i don't play them at all,but i had to get singularity.
the rating where so good i had to play it,
i got the game 3days ago and after i started it ,it looked like a horror game to me,(i don't have a great experience on 1st person i could not tell).
since the monsters where coming at me and trying to scare me it looked just like wolfenstine.
i remember when i played one of the wolfenstine games,long time ago like maybe 7 or 8 years ago, i think it was the second one(and i played it by accident)it was really scary to me
NOW either i have grown older:D
or this was not suppose to be scary or anything.

but i think mostly the 1st reason is true.
so here goes.

the first glance:
as i mentioned earlier the game looked like a horror shooter at first to me.
but then as i played more and more into it,it was not a horror game at all,i would consider it 1st person adventure.
the game has a few basic things that you have to learn,
you are a soldier going to Russian field to look at some ruins that have been there on an island for a long time and nobody has visited that place.
so when you visit you will see that this place has been abandoned for more than fifty years,
has not been touched Joseph Stalin.

the good:
everybody knows that you are gonna find a device that can control time,
back and forth.
the great feature i like in this game is the variety.you can never get bored of any feature it offers.
why?because the moment some abilities are getting boring it introduces a new ability,
plus don't forget all the upgrades on weapons and ability that you can do.
no matter how many mission you play, the levels just don't get boring.
Singularity respects the player so much,that you cant say i don't want to play this game no more,at least it did that for me,i finished it in 2days :D without being tired in anyway.
you will get 6 to 7 weapons in the game from the beginning to the end but you are able to upgrade as i mentioned before.
the storyline will paralyze your mind,till the point you don't know which timezone you are in,(past or present).
the graphics design the textures,models and levels has been done the best way possible,it does feel that you are there.
i really liked the rains in this game it felt like real rain.
another ability you will have is to levitate objects and throw them around,this is a great feature,because you don't have to rely on Guns only.
the last thing i want to mention is that the game also uses text,notes,voices,that will effect the same way as the game does,for telling the story and that is a great thing we like in games like this.
all i can say is this is addictive for humans.

the bad:
well i don't have that much experience on 1st person shooter,but i know that in most 1st person shooter games you don't have to get health packets in order to heal.you just layback abit and you automatically heal.
it would have been so much faster and easier to just sit around and the main character heals itself and then you didn't have to go look for health packs.
i mentioned in the good parts that the game uses,notes,voices,and etc to tell the story best way possible but not all of us like reading notes,well i didn't like reading notes and it was a waste of time for me.just my opinion.
now that i am thinking i cant find anything else wrong with it,
mmmhhhhh.lets see....I really cant...
just one last thing,i don't know if it was me playing it for a long time without noticing or the game was short,either way i enjoyed it.HAA

i would like to say to all the fans that like 1st person shooter,this game offers a lot for your TIME and for your money,if you buy this you wont regret it,and you can thank me later.
thank you for reading ,my review on singularity.:P

the worldcup end 2010,spain won

wooooooooooooooooow YEAAAAH SPAIN DID IT,
yes did you guys watch the match,
i knew spain was gonna do it,but the amazing thing was that netherland had good opportunities but the messed it up.:D good good.

i really wasnt expecting for spain to play so bad:(:D

second half of extra time,what were you thinking?

anyways the good thing is that spain won.

so how are you people doing?:D

ohh yea did you see the golden jabulani?

it was nice wasnt it?:D

so what are you guys playing currently?

i finished singularity the other day it was a pretty nice game to play,but since i didnt like 1st person shooter i still played it,it was well worth playing.:P

thanks for reading.

i have so much to talk about.