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saw the video game needs improvment baaaadly.IMO

ok i played the game and today i finished it,lets review...
the game is mostly in an asylum and it has the scary looking design all the way.

the good:
the graphic mostly the level design is superb it looks exactly like in the movie,the light and textures and realism really works great in this game,
voices are as good as the level design its exactly right plus the jigsaw's tapes are all over the place you can hear him telling you what you have to do all the time,
the game can make contacts with the movie at some points,
torture devices are some from the movie and most of them new and you havn't seen,
some new ways to solve puzzles are to read stuff from mirrors and some but getting in a good angle to see what is happening,
some times you have to get you hand in a pile of needles to get a key,and move on..
at the end of each case you have to save someone (this needs a new torture on a different person
and you have to save them somehow)
oh yea that pig head costume was in used in the game.

the bad:
puzzles can be hard and basically unsolvable for some(not me!lol).
character models are bad,
weapons are bad and so are the fights,fights are terrible,boring and affects the game,
lots of blood everywhere,it is really scary at some points but them kills it with bad graphic,
the game keeps on going and going the same way it started no new stuff added on the journey,
the game has two endings,and you can choose between the truth and freedom,
i finished with the truth ending and it was hard to figure out what happened,and i still have doubts if i was right or not,very bad,
the freedom ending was even worse,what happened there konami?you used to make great endings in silent hill!
warning:it can be scary playing...
jigsaw never showed his face,
ending was baaaaad.

i had to play it in order to get the second saw game that is coming out,so don't blame me for reviewing this game.its not the best game around but it was fun at some points.
konami can improve the game i know it,but listen guys this was the first saw game,so there is time for improvements
thnx for reading the review i hope more saw games will come out,

splinter cell conviction review.see what you missed!

splinter cell conviction.

only campaign mode review-haven't tested the co-op
OK lets begin.
so the game was in develop for 5 years i think so what that did is bring up the expectation high.
this game that i finished 1day ago was really addictive seriously it was really fun as well,
the most important thing was the story, it was really nice & nice ending too.

good things:
i have to say the graphic was really amazing but better than the graphics was the lights, as always the lights caught my eyes the most,
the first part of the game you play as sam,you really don't have anything at all, not so good but playing as sam fisher with no gadget is like playing fifa with no ball.lol
but it showed that sam was still able to do a lot and its not the gadgets that makes sam fisher SAM FISHER,
the textures was really good too,good stuff there,
gameplay was OK,
storyline really awsome!
character modeling was seriously good ,great great,
voices really amazed me nice work on that,
great weapons and also great new feature that allows you to upgrade your weapons and gadgets,
new marking feature was new and really usefull and needed.
the level design is amazing,
the ultra sonic night vision goggle is superb.
you can really feel that SAM FISHER is out of the FBI,
writing the objective on walls is another cool feature,
seeing the things on SAM's mind like a projector on walls are also cool.

bad things:
the car models were bad,in 5 years develop at least some better looking cars in the street,i know this isn't a car game but come on a toyota camry looked like it was made by paper no smooth lines.
the black&white feature really wasn't that good for me,
the game is mostly in the dark and the black & white feature together is not that good IMO,
loosing and continuing for a long time in a specific scene is annoying this game offers a lot of that(you can change the difficulty so no worries),
the textures on some places are bad example the pipes that you climb,
you have less gadgets only a few compared to the other SC games,it can improve on a lot of other things(should have been better).i cant help but to say this, that SAM FISHER looks a lot like to// cruise,seriously sam didn't look like that before his eyes, nose and mouth are definitely changed(maybe not a bad thing but it is so obvious to me) i know that he has gone older but still you cant give a plastic surgery to someone who has lost his daughter and is depressed.
the story isn't long at all,IMO if i played it over easy mode,it would have been maybe 4 to 5 hours or less,
not being able to shoot some lights, gives you the feeling that you are being played.
you cant pickup trash and other objects like bottles to throw like you used to do(really bad)(gives you the feeling that sam doesn't care no more).
no heat vision goggles(i was looking forward to it but didn't happen).it is a bad that the game isn't coming out for ps3,i hope it does SC was never a exclusive!what happened.

all these bad things isn't trying to say that the game is bad,but i am personally trying to put everything on the table for better games sake.its because i care,don't get me wrong,

altogether it was nice seeing sam fisher back
I am really looking forward to other SC titles if there is ever gonna be more.i hope so.
nice cool SC game after a long time.
this game is for the SC fans, definitely get it.
nice one ubisoft.



gaming and obstacles

ok so ,i was playing my ps3 the other night i was playing LBP,

suddenly the screen went off,and i could hear the sound but no pictures:cry:you know what im talking about right?maybe.

so then i turned it off went i turned it back on everything looked ok no problem,

i put in a game,the blue light turns on and stays on but it cant read any games or dvds or cds,

i checked it on the net,and it turned out that i wasnt the first person,

so i learned that being a gamer costs you ,and you cant be one untill you have more than 1 ps3.


Uncharted2-Time & Money Well Spent

uncharted 2 :among thieves
OK lets start the review here,lets begin.
one of the best games that you can buy for Playstation 3,
the first thing you are going to notice is the amazing graphics,every thing looks so sharp with great 3d models and full of high res. textures,without a doubt the graphics from models to textures are 10/10,the next thing that amuses you is the lights,
i have never seen lights look so good in a game,definitely a new level of lights that i personally acknowledge in Uncharted 2,
also its not just the lights that gets your attention the shadows are as good as lights, perfect shadows too.

as i played the game more,i found out more about the gameplay which is really important,at first it was kinda heavy for me IMO,but then it changed it involved a lot of other stuff apart from just pressing button,you have do stuff in the right place at the right speed with the right timing,very new gameplay i have to add that it wasn't hard to get use to the buttons,so that is a good thing too.
this game is a real 3rdperson action/adventure/puzzle/fun,that i don't think you can find on any other game.

it kind of makes you wanna explore more and more and see what happens,it drags you along with it till the very end.

the game is not too simple although it isn't very easy either,Ill say its just right.

The soundtrack was really made for this game its perfect,
the voices cant get better than that,also the lips really matches the voices and again another great point for this,
you have a wide range of guns to choose and use in the actions from the desert eagle and granades to RPGs and machine guns to shoot from vehicles,also you can use your fist to fight the enemies

just cause is A+...

you know the first day that i got the game i tried it and it wasnt that bad but it didnt please me.

to day that i played it againe,it was amazing,it was actually compare and even better than some games.

so just thought i post this here.