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does any one have one of those Ipad tablets?

hi guys sorry for the late blog update its been a while.ok since the last blog update alot of things has happened,first of all my PC just died!yeah i think it has to do with the power inside the case,you know that thing that has a fan and is mostly above and behind the case.so yeah i havent realy fixed it yet so im usuing my brothers laptop.so yeah i have also considered buying Ipad but damn those are expenisve products since apple is the father.:D

im still not sure i will be getting them or not,but i have started searching to see what it exactly has,im talking about the main features.does anyone here have one of those?maybe a little advice on what to keep in mind,would be nice.

i have also been playing spider man shattered dimention and beaten it:Dhaaaaaaahaaaaaaaa.

it was a great game and alsot of fun,i really did like the way it was made just like a comic book,but basically made into a video game,it was nice.i have started playing dead rising 2.i like the originality in that game,very intresting.i still have alot of games to beat so thats actually nice,but not just play play play,i try and keep on studying as well as playing video games,but i think you have to consider reading and other activities is always thebest way to go.so yeah everything is going great and its cool,i think apple's Ipad is really amazing it has been developed to reach perfection and it looks amazing.i would be really happy if i could buy one and also get the best one for my money.

so how is everything going with you GS friends?ihope well.and also wish you all the best possible outcome in your day.

if i didnt update so much sorry you as i said its got to do with the lack of not having a computer around.sorry anyway,i will try and stay updated as much as possible.

thats about it for now.thnc for reading the blog.

the king of nothing-M3ran-

today is 10/10/10.

i dont know if you have noticed this by now but to day is the 10.10.10.and they say this happens only 12 times every thousand years and once evey century,its kinda cool isnt it?alot pf couples has set this date for marriage.

did you know that this day is also set on sunday?dont people go to church and get married on sunday?intresting

could something world wide happen on 10pm?

well thats it but have fun on the 10th day of the 10th month on the 10th year of the century

GTAiv & Halo Reach review

hi people yes another blog,i wanted to tell you guys i have done both Halo Reach and GTAiv review and here they are.

halo reach review:


GTAIV review:


thumbs up are always great:D:D:D

:pthnx -M3ran-

Gaming LIFE Update,The left out notes of a GAMER 8/10/10 - 1AM

ohhhhh hello my dear gamers,hows is it all going?i hope every thing in life is going good and you are happy,well its been a long time since i have posted one of these so i thought why not.i have been playing alot of games recently,well most of them bought,and any free time that i have i play them.i even played GTA IV again,but this time on 360 and beat the game again,it looks like i have also violated alot of laws that belong to gamespot,and i didnt know they existed:D,atleast i know what not to do on the future.:Pas i mentioned above i have mostly been playing the GTAIV for 360 and this time playing it,everything makes more sence,i didnt really knew that you could change the outcome of the game and even get different endings.intresting Rstar didnt give anychoice for the RDR,i dont know if i am right or not but i think al together there are only two ways to beat GTAIV.well listen to this i got castlevania lord of shadows tonight and since i have still got alot of games inline to be played,i tested it,and i was shocked to see what it had to offer,i mean it just amused me and im still amused while typing this blog,as i said i only tested it and just played a little in to the game maybe 5 mins or less,but from that experience i found out that,first it is a mixture of god of war,assasins creed,and even prince of persia,well maybe not prince of persia,but it looked soo gooooooood,is it true that it has been rendered at 1080p?well it sured is undrestandable if it is,it was really sharp and crisp,and yes it is 2 discs for 360 i dont know if it is the same for ps4,you know since ps3 has blu-ray.this castle vania game is assosiated by kojima production

this country doesnt just need me,iam honored to be alongside it.

hi guys ,how is every one doing?are we doing good playing games?i hope so.

well you see i wanted to talk about a little thing that happened recently on GS,one of my friends posted a little blog about how the country doesnt deserve him,and i was really shocked on what he had to say.so more or less im dedicating this blog to that one.

so he goes on talking about how, bad things have happened to him and blames it all and i mean all on the government :lol:

i want to ask a simple question from all of you guys.if you are from a country which means you belong to that country,would you ever turn against the government to an extreme degree?for example calling your own government words such as 'terrorist'?i can promise you all,that you just wouldnt do so.now my question is who WOULD?you can answer that one.

we all know alot about the mainstream medias affect on people,and maybe that is the reason we got in to games in the first place.do you guys know about propaganda out there?out there i mean the real world.i thought gaming was peace!and i shouldnt have ever made a blog that talks politics but in this certain situation i had to.why?because this country is alone.yes it is.standing on its own feet,trying to walk, little by little, but a minority of people and mainstream media out there more or less in western countries,trying to put obstacles in the way of my country.

what makes me ashamed isnt the mainstream media out there,why?cause they get paid to do so.but not thinking,and not looking at the bigger picture bothers me.people hearing different things and not reading about those issues and talking bigstuff about how or what can be done,or have been done.talking about how corrupt a certain government is without even nowing the basics to write about it and simply running theit mouth.im not gonna go against that person all the way and say everything he says is wrong but the way he said those things is wrong,we all have brains dont we?we can analyse different matters and afterwards think of the best way to put it and then we have a choice to edit words and act civilized.but when you say something you cant get it back,it keeps on going and consequences are born.

people talk about civilization that happened 2500 years ago,where is that civ.?i believe every little action have consequences either big or small.

what is the difference between animals and humans?is it the way we look?is it the way we talk?

it is simply the way we think and the ability to choose.

im honored to be alongside my country and i think all of you people will be along side yours.becarefull of the news propaganda machines.believe what you want ,have priority in what you like,analyse where or when to talk ,and of what to talk.in the end i will stand by my country islamic republic of Iran,now other countries might be against mine.but in the end iam the winner cause i stood by my country,didnt become the traitor,and the honor and dignity and glory is mine to be...

thanks for reading guys,

keep that in mind,

all love M3ran.

Halo Reach Done...review coming soon.

hello guys,as i have already mentioned and you guys just found out that i have beat halo reach,but there is something to say about it.first of all i played it on legendary mode,and MY GOD its hard.

you know what?i played it and why kill aliens when you can run:D.

i had no other options sometimes and it is just not easy to kill those elit,my legendary enemies had ninja moves and moved so fast and you had to use nearly 100 bullets to just break the shell,:(

i have a confession to make here,i played all the levels in legendary but since i couldnt beat the last one in legendarymi played the last mission in easy:D:D:D.

ohh yeah and did you guys beat it too?there is another mission to play to get the real ending.it is called LONE WOLF.

any way the game was great i hade alot of fun playing it,but that legendary mode was HELL.after i played it as easy i was like,im a fool and stupid person i should have played it as easy and then maybe if i was intrested more ,play it as legendary.what ever.

i have to say that halos ending are always pointless.dont you think.?it wants to creat a patriotic feeling along side it.

never the less,i enjoyed this game.i only got 59435 cR at the end.

will i be buying the next halo,100%:P

well thats it for now,thnx for reading and commenting.my next game spider man shattered dimentions with GTA4 both on xbox.

take kare and if you wanna comment tell me what you think of halo if you have played it or not.

cya around kids.

ps2 games that went beyond video game,with my reasons for it.

1-Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure,
Reason:it is revolutionary,and takes you to the birth place of NYC graffiti.

2-Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Reason:the first time big boss is introduced.

3-Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
Reason:2 great characters of all time born.

4-God of War,God of War2.
Reason:there is some special elements involved that forces you to say it is epic.

5-Gran Turismo 4
Reason:the amounts of cars and details of the exterior is just amazing.

6-Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Reason:first time ever in games history we see such a big world open space game.

7-Hitman: Blood Money
Reason:the last of hitman.

Reason:the amazing first person game that was ment to go to ps3 for the sake of FPS and SONY.

9-Manhunt 2
Reason:at the time of release no company dared to rate the game,it some point it wanted to be rated as adult,and a controvercy went on.

10-Obscure: The Aftermath
Reason:mental bothering.

11-Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Reason:prince of persia makes it as official game for its generation and generations to come,a great comeback

12-Resident Evil Code: Veronica X
Reason:the last of the original movement on the resident evil game.you know the old movement that resident evil offered.

13-Rise to Honor
Reason:first ever kongfu game,starring jet lee.

14-Silent Hill 4: The Room
Reason:another dimention into the silent hill.

Reason:the suprised feeling of WTF is going on,plus you cannot justify why you would make this game.

thank you for reading this and sorry if there is spelling mistakes,cya guys

gaming life update.been playing halo reach and modern warfare 2.

hi friendly gamespot users:D,sorry for not updating these days i just wasnt in the mood to write.and i hate afew things on my mind,

,so as i mentioned in the topic title,yes i have been playing MW2 and halo reach,well i dont play MW2 anymore because i got the achievements i wanted,i dont know if you have played that game on veteran mode but it is terribly difficult,but i can proudly say i did beat the game in veteran and it was extremly difficult.

that out of the way i have also been playing halo reach and guess what,im playing that in the legendary difficulty mode,:cry:it is way too hard,but somehow i like it.:D


i have also been working on this:

i think you get what i wanted to achieve in this but,this is not the best 3d render i have done.the main focus on this picture is the window can you see the realism,you know with the rain drops and the unfocused lights.

BTW if you have any new ideas for pictures that i make and want something to be rendered,you can name it,i can model them and maybe upload the pics later in the other blogs to come:)

thats it ,i should also say that you guys are great and thank you for the comments you write on my blog update.take care you all.

a simple update,few review links from me&how is everyone?

how are you people doing?everything good?

well i just wanted to say hi and thank you guys for reading my blog,the last blog was pretty good i think,nd most people read it:lol:at last haaa haa

i have been focused more or less on writing reviews of the current games that i play and also have been doing reviews of the old games that i have played such as modern warfare 2.

there are 3 reviews that i have done here and i want you guys to see it.and hopefuly if you liked it give a thumbs up to it.

well im gonna keep this one short ,thnx again and enjoy and have fun.:D

modern warfare 2 review:http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/modernwarfare2/player_review.html?id=736706&tag=contributions%3Breview1

tekken6 review:http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/tekken6/player_review.html?id=736009&tag=contributions%3Breview4

mafia 2 review:http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/mafia2/player_review.html?id=736381&tag=contributions%3Breview1

11funny facts that made mario,Mario note:im not a Fanboy**

11-Risking his life on eating poisonous mushrooms only to find out that he gets another Life 1up.
mario doesnt really have a degree on mushrooms and their effects but he knows which ones to eat.

10-Moustache,mario without his mustache is like a gamer without his hands.
his famous moustache is really giving mario the character he has to be,it would just be wrong to see mario without it.

9-His long career in pluming.
ever since we know mario he was a plummer,yet he doesnt have the tools that plummers have such as a hammer,but he understands that you can get inside pipes.

8-Italian origin.
He used to say "maama miaaa"after losing!i wonder if he could speak fluent Italian.

7-His competitive relations with his brother luigi.
luigi has always been competing with mario and always stood by him,he even went to find mario once,but yet again no one cares.

6-Sounds he makes when he loses or wins.
you see mario saying something clever after each level clearance or after losing.

5-The Love for mushrooms and mushroom land.
we never see a rain in any of the levels yet we find mushrooms all around.

4-Going from heavenly levels on the start and ending up in hell.
it always starts from a greenland and ends up in a place just like hell.why does he even go that far?princess peach or a simple adventure?

3-His suspicious relationship with princess peach.
after all these year we dont even know what kind of relationship they have.

2-His hobby,Cosplay and wearing different costumes.
he will wear anything aslong as it is usefull for him, and no he doesnt care what you think afterwards.

1-Looking for princess peach in wrong castles,that leads to rescueing unwanted servants who have mushrooms on their heads!
i dont really get the concept of characters that have mushroom on their head.what are they anyway?atleast mario likes his adventures,and doesnt giveup that easy and shouldnt he be king by now?he has rescued them more than 20 times now!