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ASCII Text and Picture Rendering.

hey people whats up,today i wanted to share something intresting with you,anyone knows what ascii art is?well it goes back along time since the very first PCs and the nerdy times of the century:D.

ok,i found a site that offers you the chance to render any pictures either from file or links on the internet.i also found another site that allows you to write anything you want with alot of different fonts and have it az text or simply known as characters.it is very intresting what you can do with this technology.im gonna shre afew things on this blog right NOW,lets see.

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neat huh?

what do you think guys any good?

i remember maybe afew years ago i saw these and my mind couldnt figure out how it was done,and belive or not,i still have doubts about.i have looked for ways for this to be done and see how it is doing it,i have looked at afew articles and all i saw there was a photo shop version of your pictures charachterized.

the first site that allows you to do these things with your pictures or links are:


it is very simple to use this site,after you learned how to do it simply changed the settings for better images.

as for the text site,here it is:


wellagain it is very simple to use,well thats about it in this blog hope you enjoyed it and it become helpful for you.

what a pitty just found oput i cant show you the picture in gamespot since i cant write a word over 80 characters.but guys be sure to check out the site to see what i mean.take care people,see you soon

level 16,what up people...

hey dudes and girls,how is everything?btw have you seen the latest fight night game looks superb,i might be getting that,i havent had the time to play anygames recently but all i have been playing is at the computer,there is this browser game called "travian",dont know if you have heard of it or not,it is pretty good,i have never been in to stratigic games,and i dont know if this is strategic game or not but it looks more like managing type something like that.me and my friend looked at he servers and MY GOD you can find servers for this game all around the world,any country you like,you can sign up for free and start playing it,to be more brief about it i can say it looks abit like the mafia wars we had on FB,but you can creat your village and upgrade your resources and i think you got the picture.its not a bad game im starting to get the hang of it,but i gotta mention that you need to have time to play this game for example you upgrade one of your soures and then to get a refill and do one again you need to wait like 3 to 4 hours and then you can upgrade again,it works pretty much like this.i suggest to you guys play it to see if you like it or not.find the server that fits your country and then get started.

so what have you guys been upto and new games you have been playing?i havent touched dead space for a week or two i think.dont know why...

im looking forward to crysis,i have heard great things about that game,sadly never had the chance to play the first one,they both look pretty good.thats about it about my gaming life,not alot with that except from travian network.is 3ds out yet?been getting alot of info on that,is it worth it?:roll:

im kind of happy with the non 3d ds lite that i have, i can imagine myself twisting my eyes trying to figue out of that is 3d or not ,on a little tiny screen,dont know man,nintendo was alway the freak of video games.from those gun pads that i used to play duck hunt with to these 3ds portables.when ever i think about the next product from nintendo i start to smile,i mean comon next would be a tv that you can stick your head in it and see the actual dimention of mario land :P.

i hope they take their path step by step so that they would not fall,i like nintendo no matter how much the games are aimed to brain wash the kids but i like it,i think it is a back bone of video games,so we like alittle bit of nintendo here and there.i just remember the news i saw about a year or two that the Queen of england had been enjoying playing the Wii over the christmass holiday so she liked it so much she ordered a golden one!!!:shock:

im sure she is delusional,so what if you have a wii that is golden plated,are you worth that much to be able to have a golden one,imean who are you to have a golden wii,i hope she accidentally breaks a chandelier from the royal family or accidentally break the royal HDTV:o or maybe she is just showing off money!huh?could that be true i mean seriously no matter how many times you teach your monther to play a simple video game,she wouldnt still be able to play it would she?never mind the granny!

wow i didnt know i had all that junk in my head!!!wooow:Datleat it is converted to text now :P cya guys & have fun

A Game That Had The Biggest Impact On Me Yet...BRAID BRAID BRAID.

deep mental impact on me is very difficult,its more of a challenge for the developers.a few games had that effect on me.but the latest one that had the biggest impact on my mind was a game called Braid.

you might laugh at me for that choice,but i really dont care.the impact of that game is as big as an Unlimited Dream as big as a simple mind trying to be opposite,as great as the first touch of a video game,as amazing as an elusive dream.OK enough converting feelings in to text..:P

i know for a fact that most people played that game didnt bother to beat it and finish it,but the end is just the beginning.Do you understand What im Saying?

it plays so well with you mind,like the start of an ending,beautiful like non else in video game.

i cant imagine the mind of the creators and the developers.

since im so in the mood for Braid,i will be posting a real detailed analyse on this very game.it will show you what im talking about there.

there will be alot of things that i will talk about in the coming blog or blogs i have to see.one thing for sure me and the creators share the same view i think.i think after i finished and posted my analysis on BRAID even the creator would be confused....

Afew Pictures I Took In Gran Turismo 5 **blog update**

I just wanted to mention here that you can use all of these pictures as wallpapers on the PS3 or on your computer so if you want to do that check out my images and get the actual size pictures which is much bigger than these.

a track known for the rally in tuscana,and the car is a suzuki made for rally.

a picture i took as you can see it is not a good one,it was the first picture i took and you can clearly see it isnt very proffesional.

bought my first car in the GT mode,and i spend all the money i had toa honda civic R type and these kinds of pictures that arent in the racing tracks are being taken by a mode called travel photo.basically your car is posing and you are the camera man :D

red bull hangar travel photo mode picture again its my Rtype.

Rome with My Rtype honda civic.

Still hanging around rome with my baby,My baby seems to be enjoying Rome:D:D:D

might make more if i had time,hope you guys liked it.see you around

really looking forward to NGP aka PSP2

hey guys how are you?to tell you abit about whats going on ,i would like to mention that latley sincei saw a few clips here on gamespot ,im actually impressed with the graphics that the psp2 and it looks very very good.you can really play ps3 games on it?very intresting indeed.im happy with the out come of the PSP2,i didnt really think it was gonna have all those features such as GPS and the graphic processor,also the second analogue stick,imagine playing Gran Turismo on that..woow.

talking about GT,i just bought the GT5 afew days ago and im suprised why it got 8 on gamespot?im still shocked with the amounts of work gone for this game,:).

my first impression was like woooooooow,look at all these premium cars.superbly modeled and it made me happy,plus i tried afew tracks that night and it seemed perfect to me ,lets not forget the dashboard view.i also tried a level at night and raining,you are not gonna believe it but it just gve me the feeling i was driving a real car,with all the buttons and lights turned on and the rain drops on the front window of my car it really gave the feeling that i was driving such a car in that weather ,what an awsome game,Shame on gamespot for giving it an 8 out of 10,it is definetly 10 out of 10 for me.

oh yeah i also figured out how to export pictures from the GT5 game to the XMB.maybe i will post some pictures here later,so look out for me...:D

#60 blog,The Confusing Life Of A Gamer!+2 Reviews

Hello guys yeh im so sorry its been along time,and sorry if i couldnt comment on your blogs,but honestly i tried my best to comment as much as i could,anyway sorry about this late blog.here are the reviews.

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2:


RDR Undead Nightmare Extention Pack:



official start...

fact is i was busy with life and when ever i had free time i was just tierd to check up on the internet and another thing was that,we changed the Internet connection and now it is much faster than before,im currently enjoying it.

im really confused guys,i dont know if you will laugh at me or not for the things im gonna say on this blog but since we are friends im gonna say whats on my mind.

have you ever had the feeling you are living 2 different lives?yeah sounds stupid,but seriously i think it is happening without us knowing it happens.for example we all know that history is the past and you cant change it,and present here is just present and you have the ability to shape it but the future is impossible to know right?what am i talking about.:)

if you could somehow get out of the timing zones you can shape the future in fact you are the future.so what this means is that future is future,past is past but what the heck is present?

lets get deeper,we are given choices as we live,if for example we talk about 2 different people...[rest on the next blog]

He Whom, Is Made from MEat Shall be the new LorD?!You must Obey!!!!!

hey friends you know these days i have been playing with that meat boy,yeah i know.. one annoying game that is,

the base and the point of the game is easy,but the playing and playing and playing is the fraustrating bit for some and rather beautifull point of the game for others.on one hand you get to die and learn more on the issue of dieing and atleast fix your playing style on the other hand,if you dont comeup with the strategy you are gonna be playing 1 level for the rest of your life....8):P

im hoping you understand what im talking about by now,yeah its that gme called super meat boy which has been played recently by alot of people,i have actually found something new in that game which will make you guys go crazy well atleast those who play the game know the plot.ok did you know :if you finish a level and get a A+ on that level after you got to the level choosing screen if you press shift on the keyboard the whole level design turns hell and it will allow you to play the A+ levels on much much harder diffuclty,i bet you didnt know that.

the game is seriously amazing,its not easy atall,byt rather hard that makes the game addictive.if you wanna know im at the Salt factory playing the last level,you know the boss level,im not worried about this salt factory nore the next one,im actually worried about the other two level that have "???" simbols on them,im worried they might take gaming to the next level,why?since the easy levels are extreme,and the medium levels are ultra extreme,im thinking very hard levels will not be playable,thats why im soo worried,i have played a game on DS known AS "n+" that had the same concept as meat boy,but all i can say is that at some point the human brain think its being messed around and its doing a pointless job and has stuck in a loop hole of regeneration,and at that point you have all the reason not to continiue playing,that is why im concerened.i hope all goes well,and i hope we wont be having the problems that i hve mentioned and eveything goes well.although i can see that it will happen and most people will stop playing the higher levels.

so do you guys play that game,have you liked it?do you think it is worth playing the higher levels of the game,and ofcourse im talking about super meat boy.

tell me what you think i total.i wanna know:Pthanks for reading the blog,

All Love Super meat bo,,i mean M3ran :D

some of my quick sketches!

well hello my friends of GS i have done some quick sketches of a few pictures around and the out come is bellow tell me what you think.i love to know.



i have already uploaded a pyramid head sketch but it has been up yet,maybe i will upload tht too.when its up.

love u guys see you all very soon