oh also there is this one below i did which looked good.
oh also there is this one below i did which looked good.
well you see guys i have changed thes tyle of colouring to anime styles,the line art has been done by ryouto which has a site on deviant arts,and i used his pictures .
what i did was i used different layers and before giving it colours i changed the levels of color and also changed the brightness and contrast so that it would suit the lines and make them more bolt and outstanding.
i used PS CS4,as you can see it looks pretty much like anime style i think.
what do you think?
the thing i like most on this art work has to bee the shading i did.just to make sure that the you can see what i have done,take a look at the original line art by ryouto.
thanx guys for reading the blog.
here is the blob review:
FightNight Champion:
tell me what you think about them,and what you think about the games them selves!
thank you for reading the blog...takecare youall.
ok so apparently i have heard that the new 3.60 firmware for ps3 has stoped the hackers from copying.it seems that two games (portal2 and operation flashpoint:red river)does not work as hacked or copied on the 3.60 firmware.
so this seems a bit unreal you know because the ps3 hackers got the master key and so on,but if this stops the hacking for two games why not apply the same features from the 2 games to all the ps3 games?that way no one would be able to play it the wrongway.
the problem sony is facing is that no matter what you do and what you create,human brain can create an idea that is smarter than yours.
so what do you guys think?3.60 firmware has done it?what will be the future?will there be more hacking of the console in the future.?
so if everything goes as sony plans from now on all the new games will need the 3.60 firmware in order to be played but the hackers are onestep back since they havent worked with the 3.60,by the time 3.60 is properly hacked.sony is waaay beyond that firmware and has improved security to a massive degree.
I think sony has done it guys....unbelievable
hi guys,i sketched raiden from MGS series.i sketched it from a rendered picture of him.
i had no scanner or tablet to do it proffesionally,but i think since i didnt have anything to make it stand out this is good enough result.i even took the photo with my camera and started editing the picture from that.
hi guys how are you?i hope you are doing all very well @ what ever you are doing,and i wish you all great success at ,all times.
here are two reviews that i did one for deadspace 2 and the other for Marvel vs Capcom3,
both games were fun and enjoyable,i got a fightnight champion review also coming up.
i wanna thank you guys for always commenting on the blog,sorry if i dont comment as much as you do,its just im so busy and sometimes the site just doesnt work where i am.i will still try and keep up with your blogs,sorry if i dont comment,i try and read it if i have free time and the site works.
ok here are the reviews i said.i would be glad to read your feed backs and if you have played it any of the 2 games i mentioned tell me how you see the game and what would you add or reduce from any of the reviews,thanks so much
DeadSpace 2:
Marvel VS Capcom 3:
hey people ,how are you all?today i got my trophy card fixed and i have it right here what do you think?
i rank 38,797 i think it is pretty good since i dont play for trophies.
oh also,those who have ps3 there are new themes called dynamic themes some you can find for free online and you can download them such as the one called heavy rain,it looks amazing since it is an animated like background which has a continius loop figure,and it looks wonderfull,you should try it out guys,it is the best,if you dont know how to do it just say so,that way i can tell you how to get it and what to do with it.
have a great week people,and take care
hi guys this blog is very intresting to some,and not very for others.
for along time people have thought that most of the phenomenal of life has been created by man.
most say the reason for that could be things such as to control people,to take over the power,to rule mankind and some just blame it all on the creative minds of humans.
**note following maybe hard to believe,but it should be said**
in the name of the creator, the most merciful-
there are things we dont know.there are things hidden from us.
humans have been going a direction not ment for them,they are being played by afew.
cant you see there is something happening?
something big.
OK,lets start.ok there are things known as stargates which exist all around the world,certain pinpoint locations through out earth.to be very limited on this,these stargate are locations that offer a great amount of energy flow out of earth.these are mostly stable,but afew months ago in yemen,gulf of aden opened as people say!to aftermath of the effect i just said is huge and also the timezone is huge too.altogher the effect happening is much much bigger.
so could the middle east crisis such as yemen ,jordan,bahrain,egypt and so on be linked to this?
why are the earthquakes and the volcanic erruptions are rising?japan!
hurricanes are yet to come,this will be one of the biggest things happening in out time,so watch out people.
lets wake up please let us wake up.
go to google and search "the arrivals".it is a documentary that is worth watching.50 episodes each about 10 mins.
-And if I can die having brought any light, having exposed any meaningful truth that will help destroy this cancer that is malignant in the body of the world then, all of the credit is due to Allah. Only the mistakes have been mine.-malcolm x
thanks for reading
here is bayonetta:
and here is burnout paradise:
i had to play these two titles that i missed out and more or less i did enjoy them but there where places broken in the game.so i could just see what the where doin.:D:p
c u guys
hey people,my friends how are you all,missed you guys alot!
so as you know Crysis 2 is coming on the 22nd this month and will be available on 360-ps3 and PC,the real question is are you gonna get the game or not??
i have heard that some sort of hacked version of crysis was leaked on the internet for PC.and i have also heard the game looks superb,i personally didnt have the honor to play the first one,but my friend also told me that there is no problem since they make the games so that if you havent played the 1st you can still enjoy the story of the second one.
been playing BAYONETTA and dead space 2 i got 3games untouched de blob 2,fight night champion and marvel vs capcom,i also need to finish god of war 3 on another difficulty and need to play more with my GT5,lets not forget the first proffesor layton game that i have started on DS,wow im kinda scared with all of these games.and all of these games are one side and exactly 8 days from now crysis 2 will be released!!!
i geuss its the gaming season for me.BTW i finished bayonetta today ,i was like jesus this game is way too long.the story was along one for sure,i did enjoy it but its uncomparable to DMC.but still a game worth playing.
weather:weather outside is raining heavily and its bit more cold today.time:7:21pm place:behind my computer and nervously waiting for i dont know what!
ohhh yeah i might play some heavy rain tonight,it would be awsome,i WILL.
sorry for yet another short blog,i dont think long blogs work nowadays:D
see you all soon friends...
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