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new fun thing in gaming known as multiplayer online for me!

ok you might not believe this but if you have followed the blogs i have mentione dthat i have played killzone 3 online and i successfuly played it and it was amazing.i also was in suprise because my internet connection was not as fast as most of you guys,but still it did and does work perfectly.well not perfectly ,but there is no problem 97% of the time i wasnt to play.

recently in another attept to play online with my ps3 i installed the latest software for uncharted 2 and started playing online!!

my god it is amazing,to play among real people and kill them if you like,the other day i was playing with these two french guys which kept on talking french and kept on talking and once in a while they said somthing in english so that i would understand what they are saying,it was a lot of fun,there are alot of different modes to play on multiplayer UNCHARTED 2 which is very intresting for me.and its like there is no end to playing multiplayer...

you keep on upgrading to different levels and you can buy things at the store im actually very proud to play on the PSN,and its FREE :D.

so yeah im having a lot of fun playing online,might as well buy on eof the COD games for my ps3 only to play online because i have beaten that game afew times on different modes on my xbox360,but im guessing multiplayer is gonna be a different thing right?maybe i should wait for MW3 .i dunno...uhhh.

another note i wanted to say here is that tommorow gears of war 3 is gonna be released which is very good,i have played both GW,and GW2,so the third one is gonna be good to play,i look forward to that.have you guys noticed how intresting things get when you have both PS3 and xbox360?its very weird ,you actually go beyond system wars and you just dont care about supporting consoles you just want to get the games and try em on :D he he he.and it doesnt really matter as long as the games are good enough.

im just a bit shocked at how many great titles i missed on wii,and should i get one or not?is it worth it?

well these are only afew lines i wrote from the disturbed mind of me about games and gaming.By the way why is multiplayer so much fun?...any one gonna answer that for me?

thank you all for reading the blogs and following.see you all very soon,and if you also play uncharted 2:gimme your psn id :Pthnks and sorry i havent spell checked this blog :Ptake care game freaks :D:Deasy now lets not go there

maxpayne3 trailer was bad IMO.

i just saw the trailer of maxpayne 3.what the ...

why is it like that ?what have they done?

i really like maxpayne games and i have played both that were released,and both were amazing.but to be honest it looks like they are killing it.ok at first view there was no need for another maxpayne game,but now that they are making it they shouldnt have made it like a sequel to GTA games,comon tyhe game seemed to look like the gta vice city after the gta3.

max payne was all about tall building,bitter cold story lines,ihope they have kept the comic like style of the game other wise its gonna get messy.max payne was all about a great story not a sequel like story i just saw in this trailer.im just hoping its worth making it like they are doing.

seriously guys,max payne3 trailer looks like a game full of stupid shooting action style game,no?

all i remember from the first one was the cold bitter game with emotional dialogues that runs through the mind of every person,which was nice,im still looking forward to the game,but please -Rstar- dont make it another gta iv for the sake of making a game.please :P

a short blog indeed ...

History Repeats Itself Well, Iran and Egypt.

yet again another weblog this week.im actually very concerned about the brainwashing techniques that has been used in the world media's view.if you have not heard this recent news its because of the so called mainstream media that you have not heard it.

on friday 9th of september after a huge fight between the military forces that are in power and the revolutionaries in Egypt's capital ,the people took to the Israeli embasy there and after breaking the barricade to the israeli embassy they went into the building and changed the israeli flag and did manage to bring down the israeli flag.but before they were able to get inside the building they had a huge clash with the military police which has taken power after the fall of the dictator Hosni Mubarak known as The Pharaoh of egypt.

history is a great thing you know.

As for iran, some of you dont even know where Iran is and maybe some have only heard about it in their news sources and maybe have read a few articles on Iran.

after the US backed dictator of iran (mohammad reza Pahavi) left because of the islamic revolution that happened in 1979.there where alot of stuff happening very quickly.one intresting thing that happened about 30 years ago was that the iranian people went inside the US embassy which was known for spying on the people and had been behind many of the assasinations that took place in those eras.the people succesfully took over the US embassy and after alot of conflicts between Tehran and Washington the hostages were atlast released and went back.

now after 32 years of the islamic revolution that happened in iran now we are seeing the fruits of the revolution from the success stories about Tehran's stock exchange which is currently the 2nd best stock in todays market with something like 26000 point to all the other indepedendent growth that iran is showing today,and becoming more and more self sufficient in most of its industires.

i can say that im really sad to see that there is barely any news on this event and i believe every one has the right to hear about it.

i can only warn all the people that there is a huge amount of things are happening very quickly and something big is really gonna happen sooner or later.

1979 revolution:Iran - Tehran infront of the US embassy

Egypt - Cairo:thats the wall that israel placed infront of their embassy

Egypt - Cairo 9/9/11 infront the Israeli Embassy

sep11th mega ritual.

guys bear with me ,till the end of the blog please...

The Sphere:

The Sphere is a large metallic sculpture by German sculptor Fritz Koenig, currently displayed in Battery Park, New York City, that once stood in the middle of Austin J. Tobin Plaza.

The artwork was meant to symbolize world peace through world trade, and was placed at the center of a ring of fountains and other decorative touches designed by trade center architect Minoru Yamasaki to mimic the Grand Mosque of Mecca, Masjid al-Haram, in which The Sphere stood at the place of the Kaaba.[2] It was set to rotate once every 24 hours

lets not for get that the ratio of the sphere is the pie number.

now lets start again.so this was mimicing the GRAND MOSQUe OF KABBA.and it was set to rotate once every 24 hours?

as you come up to 10 that is their god,HERMAPHRODITOS.but of you stop at nine,and you skip to 11 then you are a luciferian.

this is a kabalah diagram(yes you must have heard kabalah which is the jewish magic):

11 is the number of the magician its one step above god.once you complete the tree of life you are the magician you are one above 10.but they are doing it by skipping god "thats the simbolism of 911".

A sun cycle is made up of 11 years,the last solar maximum was in 1989-90 the next will be in 2000,2001,the speech that took place on 9/11/1990 was made by no other than george bush sr(g.w.bush's dad).here is the link to that speech


exactly 11 years later or one full sun cycle,this mega ritual takes place.

do you guys remember who was the grand father of g.w.bush?the grandfather who wrote the satanic "book of law" while possessed in the center of the giza pyramid?it was no one other than Aleister Crowley.so george w bush is the grandson of the aleister crowley.!!!

crowley claimed he had been contacted by a beam "Aiwas".

afterwards he cameup with a simbol that looks something like this ---> "OZ:"

which has a 77 in hebrew and a connection to the god "PAN".

crowly made this drawing of a nonhuman intelligent that he claimed to have see in the ritual.

(can you see the two pillars?)thats pan.

we have all heard the wizzard of oz story right?have you not wondered why the old guy in his palace always has this big head during the story?the picture below is taken from the older version of the movie from 1978.that movie has alot to say if you watch it.

so now things get a little bit complicated.

ok now the grand son of aliester crowly is reading "My Pet Goat" which is coinciding with the 9/11 mega ritual.it is infact dedication of 911 mega ritual to the great god "pan" by aliester crowly's grand son.

"My Pet Goat" has been banned because of its ritualistic undertones dedicated to the satanic entity "PAN"(the horned goat god).out of all the books on earth that was the one THE president was reading on that day?

the words of that book were the ones being chanted by the kids in that room,as the attacks was taking place.

the last but not least,remember satanists always use "reverse" or " upside down simbolism",so how was bush reading that book?

lets get back to the sphere...

the most important fact about it is that the architect of the WTC minosouru yamasaki intented the plaza itself to be a representation of the grand mosque of makkah,sphere in particular in the place of kaaba!so why kaaba?

are they challenging god once again? or are they signifying the future destruction of the kaaba(the sign of the end times indeed).the following information is also crucial.

if you learn the energy system,you will kotice that there are several key energy points on earth,when two lay lines cross or when energy is forming from the earth ,it flows in a spiral clockwise motion,how ever there is something very different about kaaba,the kaaba has the most amount of energy lines passing through it,making it the most powerful energy point on earth.but the kaaba energy point flows in different manner,it does so in a counter clockwise motion...

It Will Continiue Inshallah..


i also want to condemn this brutal and inhumane act by those who made it happen, those in power at the time in the USA and those which had nothing todo with islam but called themselves muslims.many lives were lost on that day,3000 americans and over 1 million abroad in the aftermath of this ritual.people in the USA should force their gov. to look through this event from an independet prespective and give the people around the world and US the real truth on 911.

My recent gaming life update

a very warm hello to you guys who have always been reading my so called blogs,and have always contributed to the blogs and commented here.

so recently i have been playing alot of games and i have to say im enjoying it all abit a too much :P.

in the ps3 lane i have been busy playing killzone 3 online,although i have played a bit of the campaign but you can say i dont have a clue about the story yet.

my connection is rather very slow but i can stream about 40 kb/s in the night time and about 250 kb/s in the daytime.the thing is that even though it gets to 40 kb/s connection at nights i can play killzone 3 online perfectly,im still confused...

is it even possible to play a game like killzone 3 with the slow connection i have?if anyone know anything on that please let me know and thnx.anyway i need to play killzone 3 more and im improving alot so its all good.another game im playing recently is the uncharted 2.i have already beat the game once and it took 11 or so hours to do it.this time im trying to reach the trophies such as the gold ones,in which you have to beat the game on the more difficult modes such as hard and crushing.im currently planning on getting the golden trophy for the hard setting and if i can beat the game in very quick time im considering playing it again on the crushing mode,which should be very seious :D.

i have also played 3 or 4 games on the xbox and have beaten them all,those games need reviewing i think which for now have been set a side.also on the 360 im playing LA noire just having fun,im not desprate to finish that game anytime soon,so im playing it slowly which is more fun for the Rstar games i believe.i did also beat two arcade games on 360 which was LIMBO and splosion man-both very amazing arcade games but limbo had some great puzzle to solve which was good.

anyone heard of machinarium?im also trying to get through that game which is puzzle based and is on PC.

however on the DS section if gaming life im finding it all a bit too difficult to beat some games such as "proffesor layton the curious village" and the "super scribblenaut".two very astonishing games in that handheld.well thats about it.

i was gonna get one android based phone aswell because my last phone is a Nokia N95 which is very old these days and its kind of hard to work with since it is still uses button to control it.anyone have a good suggestion on android phones?

i personally found samsung galaxy s2 a perfect android phone but it is was too expensive for me.i also went on to consider buying a tablet to use such as the galaxy tab.any one have any suggestions on that?see you later friends

Intresting Things About Scorpions.

the scorpion does not lay eggs but rather gives birth to them babies.

the female scorpion's back miraculously opens up and the babies come out alive.it altogether takes 3 days for the babies to comeout,which happens very slowly,and after its all done the back of the scorpion which opens up then goes back to normal self.

Scorpions have been wielding toxic weapons for nearly 400 million years. Its segmented tail is the scorpion's ultimate weapon. A pair of glands inside the tail pumps venom through the telson, or stinger, when the scorpion strikes. Scorpion venom can include several different types of neurotoxins, which shut down the victim's nervous system. Some scorpions are designed to cripple a single type of prey. Scorpions actually rely on their claws to capture most prey, resorting to their stinger only if the animal is too strong to overpower. They have unique, feathery organs on their sternum called pectines, which are covered in chemosensors. These are in constant contact with the ground, helping the insect locate prey by sensing chemical trails.

the studies show that if the scorpion is at peace when giving birth she does not harm its babies, but if she is stressed or more or less knows that it can be detected by others while giving birth it just eats some of its babies.

most of the scorpions are solitary and alone,and when the hungary babies dont find any food to eat they start to eat one another.the mostly feed from bugs they can find.

just to change the moods about the ways scorpions live and so on,heres a pic enjoy guys,and thnx for reading the blog.take care and have fun.

im on level 18

hi guys hows it going?ihope you are all fine and enjoying the summer.

recently i have been playing abit of the L.A Noire on 360 and also COJ:the cartel,

L.A noire is fantastic,you get to go around solving puzzles its so cool,i love it,simply one of the best games of this year,also the call of juarez which i do like but not as much as i should,i didnt think it was gonna be like that,i was hoping for something else like the last COJ game,this one is somewhat a little boring for me but still it is fun to go around and shoot :P.

im looking for ward to the game for this month such as "Bodycount" and games like tropico 4,im also gonna start my reviews on games such as bulletstorm,CODMW.

im not gonna right more stuff although im busy with more things im just gonna leave some pictures i did.hopw you enjoy.

Lesson #3 My Vision For You- is much better than your vision for you.

im gonna offer something not alot of people can offer to you.

its not that big of a deal,but yet most people dont know about it,

im gonna start it with a very simple question.can you as person stand in between your desire and the things you dont even want.do you thing there is a line in between?

us humans are born,most of us have grown physically into great people and at the end of the day,if we see everything as a physical form,we are just limited to a phisical state.

my suggestion to anyone with a different prespective to this world that we all share would be to wait 60 seconds before you do what you feel like doing,no matter what it is,can you do it?for example you are very thirsty after a workout,you need that water,because your body is telling your brain that you need oxygen and you need water and alot of other things.but your body or rather yourself dont know that you have a great ,huge,power in you.

you wanna know what that power is?

you have the freedom of choice...this is the only thing that sets us different from the animals you see everyday.

you wanna join me?you wanna see where this takes you?do you wanna see whats beyond?use your freedom of choice...

after all i can only show you the dooe,you are the one that has to walk through it.

TBC inshallah...may you go in peace...

3 Game review and abit about my gaming life**blog update**

hey guys,its been afew days and since the last blog i have been involved in playing alot of 360 games and i recently started playing the 3rd round of GTA IV this time again on PS3,ok the thing was that the first time i played GTA IV i used cheat codes and that was the reason i had 0 trophies the second time i played GTA IV was on xbox360 (witout the cheats) and the third time im still playing it on PS3 to get alot of trophies and update online.great games all of them i mostly liked the portal 2 which was excellent playing that game,on my now playing games list i have bulletstrom which is very fun and addictive.plus i have LA noire that i havent touched yet im waiting for a good time to start it.well call of juarez has also been released.im looking forward to playing.well below is my reviews if you have time and energy to start reading any of them please do so,and tell me what you think of the reviews because im dying to know.untill the next blog update see you guys and take care of your selves.:P

Operation Flashpoint: Red River Review:



Mortal Kombat Review:



Portal 2 Review:


Crysis 2 and Assassins creed brotherhood review**update**

hi guys.

well recently i have been playing alot of ACbrotherhood and im very proud to have all its achievements (except from the multiplayer ones) and it was huge fun to collect all the flags and so on,the story was ok to me it was as entertaining as AC2 but it was still on the same:Dck.

i did also finish Crysis 2 but it was along time ago but still it was amazing.so here i have both review if you want to take a look and dont forget to give thumbs up if you like it please.

im still looking forward to both call of juarez and catherine,

im currently playing ,Operation flashpoint red river,

im gonna be playing bulletstorm soon and also the L.A noire,well thats about it guys thank you so much for following me and my blogs,you guys are great sorry if i dont comment on your blogs i do when ever i have spare time.take care and see u.

AC brotherhood:


