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Games to look out for in this month.(july)

i think this month(july) offers two new games worth looking into,first one is another call of juarez game which seem to be taking place in this era not a history one like the last one.

Call of Juarez: The Cartel
Platform: Xbox
Release Date: 7/19/2011

im not sure if this game is 360 exclusive or not but im really looking forward to it.ihope it is good one.

second game im really looking forward is a game called "catherine" it seems to be more of ahorror game game but im still confused what it is going to offer.

Platform: Xbox 360
Release Date: 7/26/2011

both these games are to be released in july which is this month,so yay im looking forward.


ihope these two games bring out the best they are seeking,and i hope everyone plays these and enjoy.

see you all in the next blog friends.

The European Part Of The New Secular World Order...

hey guys i just thought there was something i needed to say at this verytime and it is again something you should know...

you guys know the UN right?united nations.


YES EACH STAR REPRESENTS a country in european union.

but heres the odd thing,in the last few years we have seen a huge change in the logo.

ill explain as simple as i can.

the changes started here.

it looks much better doesnt it with a curvy line at the buttom and a bold "council of the european union" text.

nothing special, simple lines trying to make a statement look more beautiful.

but it doesnt end there.it keeps on going and going see.

there we have it.

that line curved line brought the change and now one still believes me.

novus ordo seclorum=new secular world order.

haha funny how wikipedia translated this to "New Order of the Ages"????order of the ages?how ?

the fact of the matter is that they are trying their best to bring the change and every one of you people in here are a part of it.unless you wake up and see the truth.time is running out.im only here for the sake of you people writing this blog.

ihope we are the change we need otherwise god save us all.

To Be Continued Inshallah...

My last blog was considered as Offensive content,Ryan DuNN'd death.


i believe it will be filtered if i rewrite the blog so,

you guys need to look into this one your selves.

im just gonna say this.

If You Filter My Blog Again thats against freedom of speech "Gamespot".

And yes i think Ryan Dunn Was A sacrifice for the illuminati.

Lesson #2:see the things They dont what you to see.

This Is Your Last Chance...
After This There Is No Going Back...
You Take The Blue Pill,The story ends you wake up in your room and believe what ever you want to believe.
You take the red pill...you stay in wonderland and i show you how deep the rabbit holw goes.

can you see the eye?

thats the pyramic which is made up of little parts in order to grow.

flower?nope you are wrong,if you look closer at the three parts they are actually one part in a shape on an eye.(just look at how they are trying to hide the eye)

can you tell me where the birthplace of zionism and dajjals first empire was britain.

so you are telling me that this is all just a coincidence???

ok metal gear solid is a huge game,i like it very much.amazing stories and characters and so on.

but it is worth mentioning here.

forget the right picture,the left one is solid snake with a device called snake eye.

his father also.look at the eye patch.

both blind in the LEFT eye,not a signal yet.

kind of blind in the right eye(thats a signal)

ohh lets not forget the sentence drebin kept repeating."EYE own YOU".done


we can keep on saying alot of things about alot of companies.

heh its every where.

masons logo...

what is that to you?

any similararity to the masons logo?

see how cleverly they have hide the middle with stripes(we saw stripes before with the addidas)this time to hide the masonary logo.

look at the middle.

the logo has an arc and look at the z they can creat something.

look at the H it looks like the masons.

AND it goes on for ever.

*Note:im not saying all these companies are evil!infact i am saying that look how deep they have gone through the structures of our world.

If We Cant Change Our World Who Can?...

To Be Continued Inshallah...

Lesson #1 dont trust what you Hear,See and Say

well i have planned to release afew blogs on what i thing is necessary to know and i will refer to them as lessons if i may.

LESSON #1 Dont trust What you hear.

todays generation can hear literally anything and everything.lets start with the radio.

what does it tell you?news,stories,latest gadgets or what ever.latest songs.

if anyof that would be true 100% then you are hearing facts and that would be amazing.

im not even gonna talk about the other stuff such as news and latest stories and so on.

today i wasnted to focus more on songs that the media is releasing.some songs could actually be good and i believe that they are but others are just beyond what people should be listening.

lets start with Lady GAGA.below i have written the lyrics of a song called "judas" by lady gaga.

When he comes to me I am ready
I'll wash his feet with my hair if he needs
Forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain
Even after three times he betrays me

I'll bring him down

Bring him down, down
A king with no crown
King with no crown

I'm just a holy fool

Oh baby, he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby

I'm just a holy fool

Oh baby, he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby

Oh, Im in love with Judas, Judas

Oh, Im in love with Judas, Judas

Judas, Juda, Judas, Juda

Judas, Juda, Judas, GaGa

I couldn't love a man so purely

Even prophets forgave his crooked way
I've learned love is like a brick
You can build a house or sink a dead body

I'll bring him down

Bring him down, down
A king with no crown
King with no crown

I'm just a holy fool

Oh baby, he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby

I'm just a holy fool

Oh baby, he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby

In the most Biblical sense I am beyond repentance

Fame hooker, prostitute wench, vomits her mind
But in the conjugal sense I just speak in future tense
Judas kiss me if offenced or wear your condom next time

I wanna love you

But something's pulling me away from you
Jesus is my virtue
And Judas is the demon I cling to
I cling to

I'm just a holy fool

Oh baby, he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby

I'm just a holy fool

Oh baby, he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby

Oh, Im in love with Judas, Judas

Oh, Im in love with Judas, Judas

Judas, Juda, Judas, Juda

Judas, Juda, Judas, Gaga


im telling you that is a code for you people.

lady gaga is part of a bigger organization that feeds you this stuff.

ok basically she is playing all of us with those lyrics,saying she is beyond holy and playing with the two words jesus and judas.

there is a heck of a story behind what is talking about in that song.

she says "Jesus is my virtue
And Judas is the demon I cling to
I cling to"

why would any one say such nonsence?

lets see,now gaga,u think u can fool everybody huh?.

one eye?

still one eye?

one eye again?

he he he.are you starting 2 c?

oh it gets better...she(if i can say she to that thing)is evolving,oh yeah look at those nails...

now that you can see a little in to it lets open it up..

what is that wierd eye liner doing there?


you can stay under my umbrella!

a footage from umbrella by rhianna music video.

shall we get deeper?you ready?

on 911 wierd smokes where seen.

you dont know who that is?

thats the game of ANTICHRIST(Dajjal)

yes thats the exact eye you saw above.


it gets much better.have you seen the In God We Trust Sign?


So next time you take out a dollar bill you know who controls the money,the government,the media and the order.


To Be continued inshallah...

Legendary Sakura Haruno and afew other art works.

how are you friends?

ihope you are doing very well ,yes its time for another blog update i have also been doing another arty thing here.i have been playing alot of portal2 recently and it is pretty amazing makes you want to scratch you head :P

here is the recent art work.

i think compared to the original character it looks very close.the colors and so on.

hope you like it.

another character is the Amaing kakashi sensei,:P take care guys see u all soon.

miku hatsune Complete.take a look

hello my friends long time no see :P

ok you remember afew blogs back i did and post a skech of miku hatsune from vocaliods and did a rough colors on that.so now i had sometime and finished it and i have to say that im actually happy with this artwork i did.

so what do you think?any criticism?

thank you guys so much for reading the blog and commenting.see u all very soon.

sorry for blogging like hell but HOMEFRONT REVIEW here if you like.

ok im really sorry for updating this fast but since i did the homefrom review i thought why not post it here.

i hope you are all doing very well and everything is good.

here is the review.



take care people and dont forget to keep on gaming untill you die...

that isnt very nice is it?:D

im sorry..:P

Fight Propaganda with propaganda

ok so they are telling us that osama bin laden is dead!

did we have any proof of binladen being alive?i dont thinkso.

if someone posts a well prepared video which shows osama binladen being alive right now,who should we believe?the lieing government of USA,or some dude that posts videos online?exactly we wont know which to believe,its because we lack knowledge of this situation.

so what makes you believe that osama is dead?

"osama being dead or alive"the US created a chaos and a fear or terrorists,and why shouldnt osama be a CIA agent named Tim Osman?

let the war of knowledge start...