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M3ran Blog

survived a 5.5 magnitude earth quake!

well yesterday about 4:07pm local time there was a huge earth quake,and i was taking shower at the time...:P

i live in iran and my location is the nothern east part.the news is all over the internet if you search it even on the internet.

the good thing was that there wasnt a major damage to where i live and everything is back to normal like it never happened.

but to be on the spot was something amazing...

could every thing be linked to 2012?i dunno maybe.

have any of you guys been on any earth quake ever?the ground was moving man hahaha its just like the movies only there is no fantacy about it,its the real thing.im actually very very happy that it was only a 5.5 magnitude earth quake,and it wasnt one of those big ones like 7 or even 8.

anyway im really happy its over but im looking forward to the future and what it holds for you and us.

a short and quick blog indeed sorry.

just a simple question!

so he asked...

what really happens to us after death?its actually very interesting!what can possibly happen?

is there pain?or is it just the end.will everything fade in our eye!?does anything remain from us?im really confused,how i wish it'd be a better place.

he answered...

whether you like it or not it will happen.indeed it is interesting,i think it can be similar to the state of being born in this world,it takes a few years to know what is happening,eventually you know you are dead.and you bonds will start to disappear.

after you drop all these heavy chains then you would have the potential to move on.the interesting thing is that the definitions will start to change,what does moving on mean?does it mean to forget or be forgiven.another factor here is that,how can we grow in an unmaterialized world.as i said everything changes...maybe growing potentials mean becoming 1 no matter what it takes.

sorry for all the junk here.

call of juarez the cartel review**

hello guys i have afew games that needs reviewing ,you might ask why now!there are also afew other games left for the review.if you are interested please red and give any feed back you desire,i would be happy to discuss this game after you read the review,or even if you have played it i would like to know what you thought of it.

heres the link:


see you guys soon and have fun.

the phase is changing.

another day and another hello to my dear friends on gamespot.

in afew hours of my time zone we will be moving into the year 2012.

the time is near and i can feel it.dont get me wrong please im not talking about those stupid dooms day theories...

im talking about freedom of choice...

im talking about the freedom of mind in ourselves...

im talking about those cleansed souls who can feel what i can...who can feel the beauty of these very seconds...

im talking about those moment we shared as humans and those moments we felt happy and those minutes that me and you guys share as one.nothing can stop us from seeing our real selves.

im leaving you guys with a quote from ezzio auditore in these miraculous seconds...enjoy.

When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it. And I had love, but I did not feel it. Many decades would pass before I understood the meaning of all three. And now, the twilight of my life, misunderstanding has past into contentment.
Love, liberty, and time: once was so disposable, are the fuels that drive me forward. And love, most especially, mia cara. For you, our children, our brothers and sisters. And for the vast and wonderful world that gave us life, and keeps us guessing. Endless affection, mia Sofia.for ever yours

ezzio auditore

L.A Noire Review - please tell me how my writing is.

dear friends who follow the blog,i finished L.A Noire in summer but didnt get the time to review it so here it is,please dont forget to thumbs up if you think its any good.

i also have 2 other games that i review well here they are,and again thank you all for following and commenting.

L.A Noire:http://www.gamespot.com/l-a-noire/user-reviews/783551/platform/xbox360



man is killing the nature with a BAZOOKA!

i just found out that humans atleast most of them are trying to kill our beautiful world with the most cruel way possible.but yet no one is listening.

today is the 12/12/11.and time is running out...

why is that when ever we see these kinds of pictures we feel good and we feel the wrath of beauty?


and why is it that when ever we see these kinds of scenes we start to remember our everyday mechanincal ways of living and automaitcally we start to feel unsafe and nervous?

what is happening to this great planet?

where did humans go wrong?are we withnessing humans, defeated by nature over a simple ongoing of civilization?

this is the most simple example of how different humans are and how different humans can be?

Obey The Devil By Shepard Fairy...

hey guys,how are you all doing i found something interesting and i though i tell you all what it was.

i was messing around with the original andre the giant star logo by shepard fairy in photoshop and i found a really interesting thing.

here is the original star:

and then suddenly it changed into this:

i always wondered what he ment by OBEY.guess it ment obey the devil...no?one last thing why did he get to do the obama Hope poster?is he related to the system in any way?

hopefully on the next blog i will talk about some of his work which is clearly linked to other stuff.i want to know what you guys think about this blog.is it real or not?

thnx for following the blogs.and see you all very soon


P.S its not bread its Beard sorry my bad

The HollyWood Beard!

wasnt the west and hollywood known for the guys with shaved beard and those with the 70's look which really said it all,"all the actors are basicly a james bond looking dude",:P but no its not like that anymore,its like they are playing a different game with us.why in the world is hollywood filled with hobo looking dudes????!

take alook at what im talking about.

hehe look at him,his beard is not fully grown yet,look at the bumps:P

no offence but he looks like a ....!

what are you doingggggggggggg?!:P

ok there is a persian poet called "sohrab sepehry" on the right.he is cleary copying the poet..

this guy is a bada$$ i like his beard..seriously he does look great with the beard.

who ever said davinci was dead...

Omg !!That is mental...:)

there are a couple more pictures i wanted to share but thats enough for now,so guys any favourite ones?lol

anyone played that new tintin game?

hey guys so just though i give you a quick update on what im up to.

i have 3 titles waiting to be played beaten till the end they are,tintin,gears of war 3 and CODMW3,i just found out that saints row the third got 8.5 from gamespot that is a huge success i guess.no?

saints row 3 and AC revelations are on my wanting list so i have to get them.

i also think sonic generations might be a cool game to get!

any one actually played sonic generation can you please tell me how it is?is it worth buying or not?

i got 4 games on my review list which needs to be reviewed ASAP.

thats about it on my gaming update for now...

anything new guys?please tell me how you guys are and hows you gaming life going?

oh and by the way that tin tin game is kind of fun.both single player and co-op can be very fun to play.

ah yes and im on lvl 19,progresssing very much over time haha.:P thats it guys hope to talk to you guys soon.c u all and take good care of your selves in this cold seasons,try not to get cold and dont for get the Vitamin C in winter keep you mostly away from catching a cold and is a vital thing.

Time For Me Again!

hey hey kids,so its time...

yes another freaky blog by your favourite game blogger.:lol:

Ok so What if Battlefield 3 is banned in Iran.we still have modern warfare 3 to be happy about,no?

i have even heard that BF3 has to be installed and i dont have that much space for my xbox360,i bought my 360 with a 20gb HDD :lol::)

and i mostly install one game on it as i play it,in this case there was no way i could have played it without the install right?so im good since BF3 is banned over here.

why in the world did they have to build tehran?yeah i know its a game yes i can see that.but why make it drown in politics?is that good thing?to be honest im not always in favour of COD games but even they didnt make iran,you know what im saying?

i think it is obviously too much,to mess around other countries that dont work and get alone with you.i mean whats going on?

are the so called indepenedent game companies work with the governments?

oh yes i think i understand the US funds the developers to creat huge games such as COD and BF series.where does the money come from then?

EA is a rich company, that i know,but even then i think its still too much,how the hell did they get the pictures they want from the streets of tehran?spies?hahaha

i think countries are good to allow or ban video games,for example does saudi arabia like to play a video game based on invading Riyadh?i dont think so.

so again why iran?and not iraq or another afghanistan?or even saudi arabia or dubai or yemen or EVEN lybia?are they not proud of the wars they have already created?

sorry for not having time to read your blogs but i try my best to do so if i have any free time :D take care you gamers,our revolution has not yet started...