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COD black ops-Sims3-Medal Of Honor review

dear follower hi.i usually dont update as fast as this one bu i though maybe it would be good to give you guys My review of the 3 games i have beaten,anyway thanks for your time as always,dont forget the thumbs up,thanks ever so much.see you all very soon.

COD Blackops:http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/callofduty7workingtitle/player_review.html?id=748843&tag=player-reviews%3Bcontinue%3B1


Medal Of Honor:http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/medalofhonor/player_review.html?id=748850&tag=player-reviews%3Bcontinue%3B1


just beat the Medal of Honor on xbox360

hey people,whats is going on,how are you all, i hope you are all well and playing games like never before(what the hell am i saying???):P

anyway i have been playing medal of honor and i have to say that game is much much better than call of duty blackops in graphics,the graphic is amazingly good,mix that graphic with dynamic sun light plus you can destroy stones and wall structures,amazing game,im gonna keep plying this game and try and get more achievements if i can.

this blog entry was really short,sorry about that,see you all very soon:D

Princeofpersia FS soundtrack,Gaming Life,Pen that Scans its Color***BLOG update*

here is the prince of persia The forgotten sands soundtrack which i really like


as you might know im really into the prince of persia games and soundtracks and even movies,well not really the movies but the games are much better i think,i havent seen the movie which i will be soon,but i think the soundtrack of the prince of persia forgotten sands "main theme" is just amazing.

that was the first thing i wanted to talk about.

currently iam busy playing sims3 and the new medal of honor on xbox360 ,i beat the call of duty black ops which wasnt what i expected,well iam comparing the blackops with modern warfare 2,and i think modern warfare 2 was much much better.i had this debate with a friend and he said no black ops is as good as modern warfare 2,but i think it is just clear to all taht it isnt as good as modernwarfare 2.after beating blacops on hard difficulty i started playing it on veteran and i did make great progress but sudenly it felt so crap to play it.i dont know how to explain it but ,it just wasnt there you know the whole concept of war thing,you know that just my opinion i dont know about you guys.

anyway so i stoped playing blackops on veteran and to this day i think it is a waste of time to play that game again.modern warfare 2 was something else,Did you know:hanz zimmer was the composer of the Modernwarfare 2's soundtrack!

oh you dont know who hanz zimmer is?

Hans Florian Zimmer (born September 12, 1957) is a German composer and music producer. For nearly three decades he has composed music for over 100 films such as The Dark Knight,Lion king,Da vinci code,The last samurai,gladiator and so on,we all those movie had THE soundtrack if you go back to them.

i hope you are not bored by the time you read a little about hanz:P keep reading it get intresting...

i saw somthing amazing afew months ago and now i think it is good to mention it here.there is this digital pen,well it is called digital pen for a reason.ok so you get the Pen you scan what ever colour you want with it,and then it somehow creates that colour and then allows you to write with that colour on paper!how amazing is that?it sounds fictional dont you think?

heres a few pictures to proove it.

apparently it is ubder the concept and they are working on it.and it has been said that is being done by "jinsun park"

here is how it should work out.

imagine what you could do with this,it sounds pretty fun to me/

neat huh?i know,but we dont know the price or the time of the release,all we know is that they are working on it.

well i think thats about it,dont forget to listen to the soundtrack of the prince of persia the forgotten sands on the top of the blog.

sorry if there is wrong spellings havent checked.see you all very soon

thanks for reading te blog, let me know what you think.take care you all.

Find And Kill Dragovich Solved!

ok since we all have a little problem in call of duty blackops on the mission called "find and kill
dragovich",i know for sure that it was hard when i played it on hard mode,and i accidentally did
it,but iam playing the game on veteran,so i had to actually learn that level,so here goes.

ok i think
we are fine untill we reach a check point just before the L shape corridor,when two soldiers
attack inside the corridor.ok try and kill both of them, first one hides behind the boxes,and the last
one is actually at the end of the corridor mostly hides on the left hand side,but he sometimes
randomly comes in, after you enter the corridor,after you killed both of them,there are like afew blue
barrels on the right hand side of the end of corridor hide there,but be on alert enemies can come
in at you,from there try and keep a cover and still shoot the enemies that are inside the computer room,you have to be quick here dont wait untill there is nobody, you have to
move inside the room from the L shaped corridor and get a cover on the left hand side of the
table that one of the enemies turned around before the firing.from there try and kill any of the
enemies left at the end of the room mostly hiding under the desks.from there quickly move
towards the door at the end of the room but dont go anywhere stay on the right hand side so that
your team joins you,ok now this is the hardest part of it all,enemies will come at you no matter
what,but you need to have some kind of startegy to do this one.keep on killing the soldiers that are
trying to get in the room till you can see a clear space to the yellow crane thingie .take cover here but becareful they will throw granades at you randomly.
so by now you should have your team around you ,and you should be covering up behind the yellow crane thing ,ok so if you try and go to the room on the right you will 100% die,so thats not the way.you need to be really quick i should also mention that if you have somekind of smoke granade here at least one it would do just fine.so throw the smoke granade,and also you need a full round of ammo aswell,what you have to do is you have to run as fast as you can to the room on the left but there are like 3 soldiers there and if you not be quick enought you will die and you have to restart all the way back.so you need to run as fast as you can to the left room just before the corner and if you see any 1 enemie you need to also run towards him and use your fist to kill, i think in xbox360 system it is the right stick so it should be kind of the same thing in PS3,in the left room you have to stay there for like maybe 10 seconds and not die untill you will get a check point and after that you can keep on going i have mention that this left room that im talking about is like a room that has a lockers in it,kind of a red lockers.i really hope this helps you guys every one and even those who search the internet for advice on this specific mission.thanks for your time

Top 11 "WOW" Gaming Momments.

hi poeple i think it is about time to get a good blog update from me.

i was just thinking about the best times i had with my games and i did rather find great moments from some specific games i played and still play sometimes,besure to check out what im saying if you own that game or if you have had the same experience from that game i would love to hear what you think about it.

1-max payne,drug trip.

ok i think most people have played this one, i can never forget that feeling of maxpayne and specially when the drug trip happened for the first time,it was really amazing ,i still remember it,do you remember when in the drug trip everything changed to a black space and it was snowing red,and there was this line of blood that you had to chase down without falling,and there was a sound of a baby crying...

2-call of duty modern warfare 2 the washington war scene.

this one is one of my favourites it started somewhere underground and you could hear and feel the bombs above,and with each bomb that fell on the ground there was a great aftermath,celling was about to come off,and there was this great scenes that afew soldiers where at a corner afew where dead,and other where helping the injured,you followed your group out of the underground base,and it was night time you were in washington DS,and there was this huge war going on,that scene was just amazing seeing the war and the soundtrack was just right.

3-prince of persia sands of time first ever,reverse of time.

i still remember that first rewinding of time,it felt soo good.

4-call fo duty black ops "the truth" level.

im not gonna spoil it here,all i can say is woooow.

5-heavy rain the begining of the game,the confusion between gameplay and cutscene.

i remember starting that game for the first time,it just started so simple and i was just waiting and looking and waiting,and then i understood that this is actually the game

6-metal gear solid 4,the corridor and button tapping.

it still hurts when i think back at that individual scence in MGS4,but what an amazing scene that was!

7-GTA IV,afew seconds after using the RPG.

for the first time it seemed very real the lights were at the perfect place the graphic and also the particle system,they all held hand and created a woow moment for me.

8-assassins creed 2,after a few hours of playing you notice the amazing building structures.

after you get used to running and climbing and so on,you understand that there is amazing detail on the buildings,such as the reflection of the windows,the random places to put your hand and climb up,and the amazing feeling of joy

9-God of War 3,helios.

that scene in god of war 3 still hunts me,i was so great in from lights to sounds and graphics it was al 10/10 to me.

10-uncharted 2,being chased and then seeing some slow motions.

the slowmotion of time when there was a chasing scene was just perfect,i was like wooooow.:P

11-Heavy rain,forcing you to depression.

it as if the creators wanted you to get the feeling of depression,well i did,and i thought it was the best describer of depression.

thats it thanks for reading the blog, hope you enjoyed it.

007 Blood Stone,Castlevania Lords of shadow Review.

hello GS friends,how are you all i hope everything is going as planned.

here i hve finished both Castlevania LOS,and also been playing 007 Blood Stone which was amazing,very good games in deed,here is the link.

CastleVania Lords Of Shadow:


007:Blood Stones:


hope you like the reviews dont forget the thumbs up.thanx people,see you soon.

I Was Amazed when I Saw These Two Items!

sorry for not posting in a while now,iwas busy busy busy.kinda!

i was looking at technology stuff out there,and i saw something amazing,i have some pictures below but before that i think we have come along way,you remember those days we didnt have mouse for out PCs?we use to run MS-DOS,it was althose commands that should have been used to run a simple DOOM game,you remember the first doom?hahaha,at that time i was like 6,(i think) but it was like that MS-DOS and commands,then later when i saw a mouse for windows i was amazed to see something wierd as that.:P

below is a picture of a gaming mouse system for PC users,they are from Mad Catz,and is called R.A.T.7.it has a laser sensor of 5600 dpi,and also uses a lithium battery that is rechargable,and you can use it upto 9 hours of good use.this mouse only works on windows XP,vista and 7.also has 3 different modes for different functions.each button on this mouse can run 15 different programs,it costs 150 USD .see for yourself.



did i mention its wireless?

it looks more like and assassination tool:P,seriously look at it.

Yes that is a Mouse,

Just look at this beauty!!

well guys thats it hope you had funtime in my blog territory.c u all

PC fixed for a fare price,spiderman,deadrising2,7wonders of the world REVIEW!

wooow its good to be back on gamespot with my own PC,feeeeeeeeew that was hard man,its soo difficult to live in an era in which you feel left out if you dont have a PC.well im glad it was fixed.now i can continiue my jorney in the gaming world along side my GS friends,you guys are great,thank you all for the great comments that you always leave on the blog,now that the PC is fixed i have more time to read your blogs,anyway i have been playing games as you know:P and i did beat spiderman shattered dimention ,dead rising 2 and a DS game called 7 wonders of the ancient world,you can read them on the link.and tell me what you think about the review,and i would be really happy if you give thumbs up as always,you guys are great,see you soon...

spiderman shattered simention:


dead rising 2:


7wonders of the ancient world:


YAAAWN,ehhheeermm im alive,thnk god,geez long time no posts here:D

ok wooow,its like i have been sleep for along time:D.

ok im not officially back but i will be in afew days.i think the PC has been fixed,the guy said...

yeah wow,how are you guys im sorry i havent been here in along time.i did try to read the blogs that i could but sorry again,the PC has been broken for a 3 to 4 weeks now ,OK maybe less:D:P

today i read something intresting on this so called gamer,who has 500,000 xbox points,yeah i know.how did he do it?well aparently he has got 683 games.yeah still pretty much good i think,well he atleast has like 700 points on each game thats alot.well i got 15000 roughly,

so how are you guys.everything going good.??i hope so.

well these days i found this guy in the university,my friend he had god of war 3 that i didnt have:D:P:P:P woooooooohooooo!!yes and i did start that game but dont worry i will play it alot.so i offered my friend resident evil 5 for ps3,its a little change going on,dont worry we will get out games back in the end.but my god god of war 3 is amazing better than what i expected.much better indeed.

i have afew reviews todo well i did the spider man review but i wanted to do afew more then post the links.sorry about that.

been playing the castlevania lords of shadow on the xbox360,it is a great game yes,but isnt as great as god of war.yes iam allowed to compare them since i got the going on at the same time:P

abit busy in the uni someweeks more than others.yes also got the sims 3 for the 360 it looked amazing but i just dont have enough space to install it yet,so no sims for now,im also playing fifa11 and got alot of achievements on that.so its going down pretty well!!:P:P

:) yeah thats basically most of what i do.i will try to be more onlint ASA i get the fixed PC.yeah hopefully.

hope you guys are all good and tell me what you guys are doing currently anything special and intrestinggoing on?

oh yeah and by the way this is the link to that 500,000 xbox360 guy:D

take care.


if you listen carefuly,it is calling...

ever stayed quiet for along time?

you have to start listening to the silence of your own voice,it talks so much,in a hope to share some words with you,but you ignore it so much.sadest part is that it never gives up on you.it is in a way like a parent taking care of you but from a long way back,some where,somehow,here but you cant see it.its like it is saying things that is comforting,like an experience without the experience in the equation.its like it has been erased from us long ago,but never gives up.

the more you listen the better the quallity of sound,and thats when you realise it isnt just a voice its close to describe it as music notes.like trying to touche you emotionally,but it isnt exactly like notes more like beats coming from a deep love from somewhere else 100% not this world.

the more you describe it, it seems you are destroying the goodness of it.in order to get it right,you must lose it for along time,thats the only way to see it for real,no body understands it,even those who,took action and choose the path of its destination,the end only describes you not it.

the rest is only for the ones who actually went forward with it.

listen it is calling...