hi poeple i think it is about time to get a good blog update from me.
i was just thinking about the best times i had with my games and i did rather find great moments from some specific games i played and still play sometimes,besure to check out what im saying if you own that game or if you have had the same experience from that game i would love to hear what you think about it.
1-max payne,drug trip.
ok i think most people have played this one, i can never forget that feeling of maxpayne and specially when the drug trip happened for the first time,it was really amazing ,i still remember it,do you remember when in the drug trip everything changed to a black space and it was snowing red,and there was this line of blood that you had to chase down without falling,and there was a sound of a baby crying...
2-call of duty modern warfare 2 the washington war scene.
this one is one of my favourites it started somewhere underground and you could hear and feel the bombs above,and with each bomb that fell on the ground there was a great aftermath,celling was about to come off,and there was this great scenes that afew soldiers where at a corner afew where dead,and other where helping the injured,you followed your group out of the underground base,and it was night time you were in washington DS,and there was this huge war going on,that scene was just amazing seeing the war and the soundtrack was just right.
3-prince of persia sands of time first ever,reverse of time.
i still remember that first rewinding of time,it felt soo good.
4-call fo duty black ops "the truth" level.
im not gonna spoil it here,all i can say is woooow.
5-heavy rain the begining of the game,the confusion between gameplay and cutscene.
i remember starting that game for the first time,it just started so simple and i was just waiting and looking and waiting,and then i understood that this is actually the game
6-metal gear solid 4,the corridor and button tapping.
it still hurts when i think back at that individual scence in MGS4,but what an amazing scene that was!
7-GTA IV,afew seconds after using the RPG.
for the first time it seemed very real the lights were at the perfect place the graphic and also the particle system,they all held hand and created a woow moment for me.
8-assassins creed 2,after a few hours of playing you notice the amazing building structures.
after you get used to running and climbing and so on,you understand that there is amazing detail on the buildings,such as the reflection of the windows,the random places to put your hand and climb up,and the amazing feeling of joy
9-God of War 3,helios.
that scene in god of war 3 still hunts me,i was so great in from lights to sounds and graphics it was al 10/10 to me.
10-uncharted 2,being chased and then seeing some slow motions.
the slowmotion of time when there was a chasing scene was just perfect,i was like wooooow.:P
11-Heavy rain,forcing you to depression.
it as if the creators wanted you to get the feeling of depression,well i did,and i thought it was the best describer of depression.
thats it thanks for reading the blog, hope you enjoyed it.
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