so yes iam playing RDR and i saw the ending,it was great i will talk about it later in the review but the thing i want to talk about right now is the 100%,you see i was actually trying to beat the 100% how stupid of me.
i dont even have Xbox live and even if i did,my internet's speed wont allow me,to play online.
and some of the achievements are considered to be won on multiplayer online game.:shock:
Marstone you did great...
But Why the Hell did they do that ending:cry:,yes i knew something like that was gonna happen.but comon he was the same character from red dead revolver,that was just wrong in afew ways if you look at it.
great game it was.and right now i can say that i did finish it in 89.5%completer with 1day, 9hours,13 minutes,36 seconds,..79days of the game days.longest pursuit by local sheriff.1min,15secs.biggest bounty on my head was$155.the rest of the crimes done by me is 0.
you see my version of john marstone was a good man,the ending should have been 2.
and i dont think i will be back to complete the 100%,why?i cant ,i dont have xbox live and afew of the achievements need that.
yes 89.5% complete means that,there isnt any missions left to play...HAHA
igot 24/48 acheivements.i know exactly,half,dont know how that happened,my hole point of completing the 100%was the outfits that i tried to get from the very beginning of the game,but i think they went too far wi the last 2 outfits.
which was getting level 10 ranks on the challenge thingie and the 100%complete for the government outfit.
but hey i got all,except 2.that is great for me i think,morethan enough.
well there it was,RDR finished,i will be starting lynch and kane,soon.
but i have to mention again that the ending could have been totally different,and this ending just didnt do it for me,it was too fast and kinda boring to me,dont you guys think so?
i would love to hear you r comment on the RDR if you are playing or have finished it and so on.
thnx for reading guys take care,i will post the review soon,whatch out.
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