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3D Pictures I Made,Long Time Ago,**Must See**trust me you will enjoy

Dear GS friends,Long time age i used to do 3d stuff and i still and doing what i do best,hope you enjoy.

Arts And Companions:


Little Big Civilisation:

Brinnen's wheel:


The Heavy Rain Effect:

well thats it,you people enjoyed the pictures, i would love to hear your comments on the pics.

Unique Camera Just Not Enough.K&L2 Review

i have beaten the game long time ago,but didnt post the review until now. First off i have to say that the main story line isnt really a long one at all,and it has a short story mode.That is bad these days in gaming.You may be able to beat the game in less than 5 hours. K&L2 offers a few unique features that you havent seen anywhere else.Im gonna start with the graphics first,it amused me that they have reached this kind of graphic,it is just wonderful,the camera that is behind the character and allows the game to become RPG and 3rd person,is constantly moving around and looks as if a camera man is following our two DOGs,:D kane and lynch.The game takes place in China.Although there are many political views on this subject but i will skip my political views on this whole thing. The main story is just not right.you do understand a bit,but there are alot of things not said while you are playing.So gives you the feeling that kane and lynch know what they are doing,but you dont.you are just a camera and dont need to know anything else.The story could have been a lot better than what we saw. There are no upgrades for you in this game,your main purpose is to get a gun and kill anything that is in front of you. The game play isnt bad but isnt perfect either,specially trying to get cover behind objects are sometimes not happening at all,and also there is one feature available that allows you to get a cover and move wall to wall,but guess what, that sometimes dont work either,and just moves away from the object and gets you out of your cover. The great feature i love about this, is the lights in the scenes,and the great modeling of each level,it feels that you are actually there, in China,good going on that. I dont know if you guys played the game called Manhunt,the graphics remind me of that,but i can honestly say K&L2's graphics is a lot better.There is a feature that allows you to press a button and see all the guns on the floor,and pick it up,you can carry 2 guns at the same time,you can reload your gun,you can aim and shoot or simply blindfire.There are 4 difficulty levels you can set and are easy,normal,hard and extreme. on the extreme level its way too hard i think.however on the normal mode that i played you can get shot until you drop on your legs,and then you can get up and cover yourself,so basically at anytime when you get hit a lot the screen turns kinda red with effects,and if you cover for like 5 to 10 seconds then you recover,simple as that. The variety of level is good,enabling you to see different parts of the city and again it feels good to see that. A lot of discussions and dialogue are traded between Kane and Lynch,about the situation that they are involved in, but there is no humor in the conversations they have,and that maybe boring to some. The game just puts you on the action zone from the very start,until the end. it takes place mostly in dark rooms and corridors and at night so i suggest,you to set the display option at the beginning of the game. I have to mention that the movement of the character is pretty sharp and a bit fake and unnatural.You can also run,but while running the camera angle seems to get worse,since it looks as if the camera man is holding the camera behind you. so altogether the features that i liked alot on this game,is first the unique camera and second the visual design of each level,and both of the features above are needed to creating realism.Sadly thats not enough for a game. Well thats it think,nothing is left out,hope you enjoyed My review,well if you did give me a thumbs up:D, thanks so much.Enjoy the game.

Building Structure+Climbing,Like No Other Game Before,Assassins creed 2 review

ok since the first ubisoft's assasin's creed,we have seen another release of the game,basically called assasin's creed 2.this one is a lot different than before,the comeback is somehow great and
there are so many elements involved in the greatness.
as you may know in assasin's creed 2 we are playing as a new character called Ezio Auditore da
Firenze,and it all takes place in Italy and starts with the small town called Tuscany(that is where
L.Davinci was born).so this game brings a new kind of genre to the gaming world,in my
opinion.and what that genre is,is a kind of history action adventure RPG with skepticism
i mean,if you play this game you will understand what i am talking about,it kinda looks as if
maybe the developers where trying to change history,or simply Polish History in a way that
amuses people.although it has been said that it is just fictional events and characters,but i think
they have accomplished their goal with this title.
well the main character doesnt really have a special power or anything,and you are just playing
the history.there are upgrades as always available,you can upgrade your assasination tools for
example the knife that is hidden inside ezio's wrist.you will mostly change different cities along
with the story and you keep going forward.
the best and the most amusing parts that i can mention in this review about the assasin's creed 2 is
the outstanding architecture designs done in each city,there are places to visit that are actually
part of our History and they look 100% real and just wonderful to observe.modeling the normal
houses and tall building has been done wonderfully, absolutely amazing.even the windows look
real,i really cant describe the greatness of the buildings but you have to see to understand what
iam talking about.
the other feature that i wanted to talk about here is the ability to climb any building you like.
it offers the best and most entertaining climbing ever.well at first it could be a little bit difficult to
climb the buildings because you are not used to the buttons,but when you get the hang of it,its the
best fun ever.when you get skilled enough you can even try and climb the unique tall
structures,and find amazing hidden stuff there.
there is actually a storyline involved too,but the main focus of the game IMO is based on
i can promise you that you will experience some mental issues when playing this game,i dont
really mean that in a bad way but trust me, it will play with your mind for a while,well i can open
up this subject and talk about it for like 2 to 5 pages but lets be professional, we are just
reviewing the game and this is just a review.
there are different ways to do assassination here and different tools are involved as well,but IMO
its just plain fun and plays well with the story.i think that the main purpose of the game isnt
there are codes,difficult puzzles,certain information told like never before and also some baseless
information involved.what is it trying to say?
the graphics for assassin's creed 2 is 10 out of 10,i think they have pushed beyond the limits to
reach this beautiful graphic.
a little concern that i would like to mention is the hand to hand fighting,i mean it could have been a
bit better by reducing the tension in the fighting zone, but still im giving the close fighting 8.5 out of 10.
you can upgrade your armor too and by doing this you can take hits and not get injured when
you fall from tall building.when your armor is damaged you can fix it and buy a new one and even
change its appearance and texture by getting a leather one and so on.
if you search around the big open world landscape, you will see that there are so many puzzles
and Junk information you can find, i am thinking that reaching 100% complete will be really difficult.the last thing i unlocked was the costume thing that Altaïr ibn La-Ahad(the AC1's main character) left behind for ezio.The main character 'ezio' is a likable guy,thats why they are making the next assassin's creed game, again with ezio as the main character.
that pretty much explain the whole game.
thanks for reading my review on assassin's creed 2.
essential note: If you can sustain and hold on to your believes after playing this game,i would
consider, you have a great faith,keep that in mind.
that is how strong i feel this game is.8)

hi guys how is every one doing?

ok lately i have been playing K&L2 and also i did finish heavy rain but it seems that no matter what i can still change the out come of the game if play again,and by this iam planning to play heavy rain again from the start:D.

K&L2 isnt bad atall.

i think i will be getting mafia2 soon,and i promised a user:D i will be getting a crysis too, i havent played the first one.and i think most of you people played it.

any other recommendation on xbox360 games?

so what have you guys been up to these days.what are you playing currently??

A Test Around Mitchelin Track With Different Weather Conditions PGR4 Review

im getting ready to test this game ,right now i am trying to install it on 360.
OK done.so i am just looking at the intro video of the game that explains the different cities and

tracks that you will see in this game and also introduces different cars and even bikes that you

can ride,from shanghai to germany and new york,mitchelin track and nurburgring and a lot more

are introduced.
i have chosen a customized match in the mitchelin test track "the short test".
its amazing how many different weather types you can choose from,there are 10 different

weather settings
in here to choose from,im gonna go for the light rain.
numbers of lap is set to 3.in the advanced settings you can choose the camera and choose if you
like the collision to be on,and also settings for transmission and so on, there are a lot of settings to

set but you can just skip and not even touch them.afterwards you can choose your car,now
you can choose,from all Cla$$es cars and bikes or you can simply choose from Cla$$ A to
Cla$$G,i am gonna go for all Cla$$es.
wow there are i dont know, like maybe 200 or even more cars here to choose from,you can

choose any car
you like,well if you know cars a little bit more,then you know what fun you gonna have testing

different cars with different weathers and so on,i am gonna try SLR McLaren the black one.while

the game is loading it gives you a little tip too,that is really helpful.it counts down from 5 to 1.and

here we go.
i just did the first lap and it seems that it is a bit hard to control the SLR,the car feels so

heavy,and while i cant control the car in a straight line it keep giving me drift points,the second lap

is just done here,and i got to know a bit more about how to control the car, you have to use

brakes at certain point in order to keep the car in perfect balance,there are 5 different camera to

choose from in the race,and one is from the inside of the car like the eyes of the driver i think it is

known as cockpit view,im on the 3rd lap and the light rain is pouring on my front window of the

SLR and from the inside camera it feels nice and real enough,its not the exact effect but i can feel

the realism that they wanted to achieve.3laps done.its definitely not a simulator game but the

arcade ****of the game is nice.you can watch the replay and save it if you like.there are many

different cameras to
watch the replay in,from inside of the car you can look around while in replay mode. you cant
directly look back,but just the front seat observing is good,
im testing it with a different weather and its clear sky,well now you can see the inside of the car
much more clear,the inside of the car feels like you are inside of a coffin,when you change back

to the
first camera angle,you will see that the out side looks better and have better colour,if you look

close at the modeling done for the
inside of the cars you can see that isnt perfect and it looks unfinished,the SLR that i am
driving now looks like doesnt have a working gauge,and looks turned off right now,dont know

there is a feature here that you can take a photo of the car in the current paused position of the

car that you are driving in any race,you can move around your car freely and edit the picture that

you are gonna take. there are alot of different effect that you can do for the picture you are taking

for example you can add focus depth or you can change the amount of vehicle blur,there is an

effect called tunnel and looks as if you have change the camera lense ,i can say that the photo

editing tool is good or even perfect for now.i have just taken a picture with most of the effect on

it and after taking it, it looks more rendered and perfect to me.you can save it and even upload it

im also trying that track in snow.yep definitely unstable due to the snowing on the track.i wonder

if the stability is different compared to the icy weather.you cant go in a straight line you have to

keep it straight,but great for the drift.when the weather is stormy with heavy rain.the stability is a

lot different than the snowy weather you can go in a straight line but when you do a drift or do

corners you may slip,and feels different,these are the great stuff that the PGR4 can do.well i tried

the custom match for you guys, there is time attack,gotham career and arcade mode available

there are a lot of hidden features in the career mode.you can change your garage and walk

around it in a 1st person camera,you can unlock a 3d feature for the game.and then you have to

wear one of those old blue and red glasses.
at the end the thing that was amazing to me was the collection of cars here and the weather

thanks for your time.

Great Game,Outstanding Visual,Best Game play,Controversial ending, RDR Review

red dead redemption is the second game made by Rockstar which has a western theme in it, and
takes place in the old western days.killing,blood,swearing,is the everyday life in red dead
so basically it is made for 18+ gamers.
the main character is john Marstone,he was once an outlaw who was chased by the government
and finally he got cought.so it seems that the government have made john go after the other gang
members that were once close friends with john,but they stabbed john in the back,so now john
has every right to go after them.
on the other hand john's family is at risk,somehow john is forced to go after his old friends and
gang members,dont forget john WAS once an outlaw.
OK, we have to be honest if we want to have a great review here,the game starts so dull,that at
some point i had to rethink of playing at certain times.but as we go forward it offers a more
intensive and exciting gameplay and more things to be happy about.
there are a lot of missions and side missions in red dead redemption,and this on its own is a
thumbs up for gamers.the graphics that we are seeing in red dead redemption is close to GTA IV
but if you look closer and maybe compare both of these games you will see that,red dead
redemption has a much better graphic on,and has been worked on, maybe a bit more than
as we all know Rockstar is a game developer company known for its sandbox types of
games,and it started with GTA and made a revolution by bringing the GTA into GTA3,then
worked on its sandbox games such as bully.
the first time rockstar made a western title was the red dead revolver, that was not a sandbox
and was mostly testing out the featues possibe to make an open world game made in the western
days.this time they came back with red dead redemption,a sandbox like old western around 19
hundred.history aside i wanted to focus more on the storyline of the game and maybe more about
the features.
the story has a lot of twists in it,and is not similar to the GTA titles that are in the same category
known as sandbox.you can see that they have worked so many hours on the design.also the
gameplay can keep up too,the design is done amazingly and feels so real.the sound effects are as
real as it gets,now if you try out all the different guns and just listen to each one,they all have
different sounds when shooting,that shows how much they have worked on this game.
each gun also has its own individual characteristic.you can even try them out your selves and see
if i am wrong.great work on guns in here.
you even have a lasso that allows you to get hold of people and tie them up or even get horses
and so on.
there are activities in every settlements and town,activities are,playing poker,blackjack,you can
go hunting and skin animals and then come to local stores and sell them,you can go find different
flowers and also sell them.there is arm wrestling,playing horse shoe game,there is a game called
liar's dice,there is also a 5 finger fillet game that you have to stab the knife in between
your fingers in a patter on the table.
all of these games that i mentioned you have to bet on and either win money or lose money,
there are around 14 different outfits that you can either just get them by playing the story
mission,or you have to do scraps on different tasks to win the outfit,the last outfit that you win
needs a 100% complete on the game and it is the government's outfit.
there are a lot of activities waiting to be done in this great game.like other game by rockstar you
can buy properties around different cities and places.you can get different types of horse fast
ones included.you can buy the newspaper and read about what is happening around the world in
the game.
the ending has alot to say,and it is the most controversial ending for a game i have seen.
Although some like the ending and some dont,it was really worth playing it,what a great game.

this game is available for PS3,Xbox360,and PC
if you are into the sandbox games, this one is made for you.
iam still concerned about the the ending...:|:shock::cry:

100% finish red dead or impossibe fact gone all wrong.

so yes iam playing RDR and i saw the ending,it was great i will talk about it later in the review but the thing i want to talk about right now is the 100%,you see i was actually trying to beat the 100% how stupid of me.

i dont even have Xbox live and even if i did,my internet's speed wont allow me,to play online.

and some of the achievements are considered to be won on multiplayer online game.:shock:

Marstone you did great...

But Why the Hell did they do that ending:cry:,yes i knew something like that was gonna happen.but comon he was the same character from red dead revolver,that was just wrong in afew ways if you look at it.

great game it was.and right now i can say that i did finish it in 89.5%completer with 1day, 9hours,13 minutes,36 seconds,..79days of the game days.longest pursuit by local sheriff.1min,15secs.biggest bounty on my head was$155.the rest of the crimes done by me is 0.

you see my version of john marstone was a good man,the ending should have been 2.

and i dont think i will be back to complete the 100%,why?i cant ,i dont have xbox live and afew of the achievements need that.

yes 89.5% complete means that,there isnt any missions left to play...HAHA

igot 24/48 acheivements.i know exactly,half,dont know how that happened,my hole point of completing the 100%was the outfits that i tried to get from the very beginning of the game,but i think they went too far wi the last 2 outfits.

which was getting level 10 ranks on the challenge thingie and the 100%complete for the government outfit.

but hey i got all,except 2.that is great for me i think,morethan enough.

well there it was,RDR finished,i will be starting lynch and kane,soon.

but i have to mention again that the ending could have been totally different,and this ending just didnt do it for me,it was too fast and kinda boring to me,dont you guys think so?

i would love to hear you r comment on the RDR if you are playing or have finished it and so on.

thnx for reading guys take care,i will post the review soon,whatch out.

amazing pictures from outer space#Blog update#enjoy

i was just looking at the pictures taken from outer space and there are new ones that i havent seen,just thought it would be good to share them with you.


cats eye nebula.


the bubble


the eagle nebula


Light and Shadow in the Carina Nebula


i dont know the name of this one,but my god look at that.



V838 Mon is located about 20,000 light-years away from Earth.

do you know what 20,000 light-years mean?it means you have to travel 20,000 years with the lightspeed to reach it..."

The Real Life Shrek Maurice Tillet.......**must see**

well we all know who shrek is right but did you know that the shrek itself isnt an original character ,it was created based on Maurice Tillet a professional wrestler.im gonna give you guys a short bio with pics below.

Maurice Tillet (1903 – August 4, 1954) was a French professional wrestler and was recognized as world heavyweight champion by the American Wrestling Association,His usual finishing move was the bearhug.

Born in France, he could speak 14 languages and was also a poet and actor.In his twenties, he developed acromegaly, a rare disease that causes bones to grow wildly and uncontrollably. Soon his whole body was disfigured as a result.

Seeking a new identity to fit his disfigurement, Tillet moved to the United States where he made a living on his appearance by becoming a professional wrestler, and was dubbed as the "freak ogre of the ring".

Tillet died in 1954 from heart disease at age 51. Wrestler Bobby Managoff asked Tillet on his death bed if he could make a plaster cast of his face.
Tillet agreed, and Managoff made three masks of his face.