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Last ever post on worldcup2010,just for you spain...:)

OK about half an hour ago germany won the 3rd place in the FIFA worldcup2010,and i gotta

say it was a great match but germany could have played better,and uruguay seemed to be on a

good form lastnight,nice match.

as you all know Spain is playing Netherlands in the finals tonight,:)

it should be a great exciting match to watch.:P looking forward to it,

as i mentioned before on my blog the ball that is gonna be for the finals is gonna be this golden

version of jabulani, which i really like.

this is the normal ball they have all played untill now

and this is the worldcup final jabulani below

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah i love this golden jabulani,8)

just before we move to talk about tommorow's final game i wanted to say afew things,

Diego Forlan the key player of uruguay,

did you know he has been in manchester united for about two weeks and then he has droped of


his shooting skills can make difference for the entire team in this case uruguay.

if he had stayed in manchester united he might have had the same chances as christiano Ronaldo.

BUT sadley for some reason he didnt stay with the red devils.

i can promise you guys that he is going to become more succesfull than before for playing so

good inthis worldcup specially this match with germany.

after MAN U. he moved to play for Villarreal,

afterwards itwas time to move to Atlético Madrid.

following the departure of their captain Fernando Torres to Liverpool, Atlético Madrid confirmed

that they had agreed a fee of around €21million.

Date of birth 19 May 1979 (1979-05-19) (age31)

Height 5'10

Playing position; Striker


Yes we have reached the final match between Spain and Netherlands.


Its gonna Be PRETTY :D8)

spains captain:


i really support him,i think he is one of the best goal keepers in the world.

ok so .watch the finals and look out for the golden ball.:D

and we are just gonna have to wait and see who is gonna win,

i personally supporting spain,

it would be good to read your comments on the finals.

thanks for your time,next time i write on my blog is gonna be after the final match.

take care.enjoy.feel free to comment.

Alan Wake Review,great game,great experience

well i just finished this game yesterday,and I have to say this is one heck of a game,really pleased with it. the goods: this game plays on your mind the whole time you are playing it and just addicts you to it, you really want to know what is happening in this game and what is gonna happen in the end, the idea of the game is really original and i have to say that this game will please all who buy it,

the game is not short at all it actually has a long storyline and you will be pleased with it, i can keep on writing good stuff about this game but it will spoil the game and i don't like that, but for a few more details on the game i can say that: you don't have a wide rage of weapons you only use a revolver and a shotgun or a rifle but as for other weapons you will get things that can create LIGHT! there are some basic things that you have to look for as you go on like for example batteries, so yea keep that in mind too, the graphic will blow your minds off,the mountains and the country side have been modeled the best way possible it looks superb the other best thing i like in this game is the details of lights and the way shadows look so real,not like other games that don't concentrate on these things Alan Wake has a lot to concentrate on, it does remind me of max payne and this is a good thing for me,all those memories coming back. at some points you can see time slowing down that is a great effect i liked, the bad: the thing that really gets me annoyed is that this game is xbox360 exclusive i own both 360 and PS3 so it don't matter for me but it is just one of those games that would be better on both consoles,just my opinion,never mind that, i don't really know what to say about the bad things on this game but i loved every second of the game and i really cant see nothing bad about it,its all good,:) so i am not even gonna waste time to think about some bad thing about it,cause for me it was good good, altogether: this game uses your imagination and says tells the story,so if you have a great imagination you can figure things out,if you don't you will see another dimension working with your mind, Trust me Guys you WILL like this game,i didn't want to explain a lot for this game that is why i kept it short,i have great taste in games and know people will like it. thanks again for reading this review

Latest things in my minds...

how are you people,

as you know spain and netherland went on to the finals.

germany lost from spain and uruguay lost from netherland.(the netherlend vs uruguay was awsome he he he):)

so what are you people doing?anything good happening.?

im currently playing alan wake,

Now that is game that first injects a dose of mystery into your brain:shock: then after you are addicted to it,:| it will go on and on for god knows how many hours.

the game is really fun to play so many things to findout and all those papers with text on them.and tells a side story,what a game,there is still a little bit left of the game,that i will be playing.:P

here is the NTSC cover

the soundtracks that end each episode are good too,you guys know what im talking about?:D


have you guys ever wondered how mario evolved?here's how along side his long time friends.

i always wanted to know what this costume was ,what animal basically,

what is that a racoon?bear?any one?:|

do you guys remember he used to turn mario into statue,and then the enemies just walk past him,those days were fun.

YEP just found out it is called TANOOKI,

"is the Japanese word forraccoon dog(Nyctereutes procyonoides). They have been part ofJapanese folkloresince ancient times. The legendary tanuki is reputed to be mischievous and jolly, a master of disguise andshapeshifting, but somewhat gullible and absent-minded."

the other game im looking forward to playing is split/second,i think it is going to be really good.

what are you guys playing right now?just interested.!

Oh yea besure to watch the FINALS for worldcup 2010 it is gonna be heavy.

take care all,

thnx for reading:D

M.U.S.H.A and its genre of spaceship shooter/looking back at NES

hi guys summer has begun,:|,

erm i mean for me basicaly...

yeah today i had my last exam at the uni and it has officially started:D.thank god for that.

so you guys will definatley hear more from me,:P

ok the first thing i wanted to put on was this game from the old school sega genesis,some of you guys might know this cuz it was and still is popular

M.U.S.H.A is the name:

this game is really awsome if you havent heard of it before be sure to check it out i dont know,but it should be one of those games that you can download from XBL or whatever...

we all love a little bit of the spaceshipshooter type no?i love them so much,but they can get pretty annoying for some people.

igotta say this game can get pretty hard at somepoints,but is well worth playing.

here are some of the screenshots,

thats the title screen

there is this mission that you do and it is really cool,at the near end of the mission before the final boss of that mission the tiles drop down and below there is a river of lava:D

there it is..

this is the picture of the coolest boss that you will fight.

i think the reason for this boss to be the coolest is that you fight him first time and after you defeat him he he leaves then he comes back again at some other time,but listen to this.when you try to beat him the second time his mask gets torn apart and you will be able to see his real face that is skeleton like creature,Pretty Cool hey?8)

fact:did you know the media that it was using was known as "4 Meg cartridge".

did you know that these kinds of games go under what genre?

they are know asscrolling shooter
(i have heard spaceship shooter).


i bet you all want one of those ahh?


i mean seriously guys is this stuff really good or are they just a waste of time?

:|whould you such a thing?comon are these guys trying to keep NES alive,?lol,what can i say?

i remeber when i had NES and on the box there was a picture of other controlers that you could have bought back then,one of then was wireless.

beautuful isnt it?

NO!he is NOT on crack.:lol:

without a doubt i love to have one of these below:

ithink this one and that guitar sega are cool dont you think?

anyway thnx for reading the blog hope you enjoyed it.

have fun ,take care...

Rocket Knight Adventure is awsome.

hello there...

how are you little fella?what are you?a mouse?i gotta say you and that hedghog look a like,

are you two?no didnt think so,

japanese rocket Knight adventures where big back in the dayz.

the game is really sweet if you play it,it is made up of different varieties of gameplay,

1-you can throw something*i dunno what it is*

2-you have a rocket to charge and either fly with it or you can let go and spin.

if you think about it that is a lot of abilities on a single game,for retro game.

konami was alive back then?Hell yeah,no wonder konami is so popular now adays,

yeah just look below

here is the old logo of Konami:

come to think of it, the first PES game on PS1 had this logo long timeago maybe more than 10 years ago

looks nice :)

here modest logo of konami:

heres somthing really cool,

did you know that konami has started building games since 1978!!!:shock:

so im thinking konami is much older than some of us me included,

40 years of creating entertainment for us makes konami one of the best games making companies.

we all know Mr.Kojima right?the "metaru gui sorido" creator8)sounds sooooo coool.

he is doing well in konami the picture says

i think that was the release of the metal gear solid 4.with him holding the game in his hand.

yeah we all love our hero solid snake,

but can we forget this guy??:|

think about it,how original can a character get?

a ninja/samurai mixture with the latest tech.then Raiden is Born...8)

MY GOD THAT character IS awesome...what can i say ???

look at his jaws they are carbon fibre,so that they are light and can be moved easily.

i will be buying this one when it comes out...


what football team do you support in FIFA2010worldcup

hi guys just wanted to post another blog the one i did just got deleted and didnt really allow me to post it gave me errors or something:(

i wanted to say a little about the worldcup,

as you know brazil is out too:cry:.and that made me really sad,i was looking forward to seeing them play in the finals but its not gonna happen,

so what is up with all the good teams beeing out?:?France,England,Italy,and soo on.

this world cup is really annoying:D

oh yea the thing that i wanted to mention was that did you know there are like two diffent soccer balls,

1-the one that they are using right now,and2-there is gonna be a golden version of this ball for the finals:Pwohoo.

so what team do you guys support,

i think personally i would like Argantina to win.if not then germany is good too:)

doesnt it look nice??i think so...

so tell me guys how many of you really watch soccer,or as we say football?are you guys even interested?

cuz i have a vision that most americans hate soccer,but in europe people do really like it.

and if possible what team do you support?

lost planet 2 has good part and bad parts,and is worth playing...

hi there,so here goes the review of lost planet 2.
the moment I began the menu it seemed like an online game menu.
so as i was gonna start the campaign mode.i could not it looked as if the game is only and online
co-op game.so i looked for it on the internet,what you had to do to play the game in single player
was to change the online to offline mode then you can change a few other settings there as well.
the game started....
the only problem was that i did not play the first lost planet before this.and i did not know what the
story or even the characters and costumes .it was all so new to me.
i kept on playing more...
i knew the first one was mostly on snow but lost planet 2 changed in 2 seconds and before you knew it was a jungle scene.
the visual design the did impressed me at first.the clearing each arena is like really simple you kill the enemy and activate a few Transmitter by pressing a button a lot of time(man that is annoying-you have to press the specific button for like i do not know maybe 20 -25 time in order to activate the transmitter).
there are altogether 6 different episodes if i am not wrong.each one has a boss.some are hard and
annoying to kill and others can be fun.
OK the weapon designs in LP2 is good i have to mention they are original.
the story is nonsence and is until the last bit of game.
another great feature in LP2 are the robotic machines that you can get on and attach or detach
weapons to them.they have this transformer looks if you look closely,the sound track i was not
really sure about it.it was good at some points but then it was the same thing again.
so the sound track could have been better if each episode had a different one.
the jungle scene isn't it at all, you are gonna go through a deserts a few rainy scenes, even the space.
the controls were not as good as the graphic.you are allowed to run for like 10 seconds or even less.but the the speed is not fast at all.you can jump.you can not load weapon manually i think*not sure if you can but i could not do it.there is and ability for the change or angle you can change 90 degrees to left or right.maybe usefull in online battles.
the other think cool in the game was the numbers of different characters that you are gonna play as,this feature was good because then you can unlock new characters and even customize each

one.(again good for online boring for co-op campaign).
what capcom is trying to do is that they have made a game with better story at some points compared to Gears Of War.you can just see the game is really close to gears of war series.
some of the monsters or rather the bosses where hard i have to say you cant really do it alone so
that shows the game was ment to be played online co-op maybe with friends.the mission that you
had to cool the ship load the cannon and aim and shoot the monster pissed me off playing in
single player.that was a big disappointment for me on this game.
this is not the only mission that you have to do all.
OK i don't really think this game is as big as other titles out there.but at some points in the game
you are gonna see that it is not that bad and at other points you will see that the game is really nice

and cool to play.
im, gonna give it a 6 out of 10

New Genre/Skate Simulator.

skate simulator?
i have finished the game last month if i am not wrong.i had a great fun with this game it reminded me
of tony hawks games i used to play on ps2,4-5 years ago like American wasteland.
can i just say before we begin i have found out that these skate games are not arcade like they
should be considered simulator,since when you do a move you assume that you have done a real
life trick on a skate board.it gives you that feeling.and arcade skateboarding is exactly the
tony hawks series with so much colors.
OK i am gonna review this game the best way i can and again i am reminding people i have not played
the skate or skate2.
before i was able to play the game i think it gave you a choice between two angles one exactly
behind your character and the other one was the ****c camera angle of skate kinda of behind
the skateboard near the ground.
you can create your main character to begin with.and you have a lot of choices of clothes jeans and etc...
then you can go do some tutorials with coach.he teaches you gr8 stuff during the game.
the game had a lot of cool features that i am guessing,skate and skate 2 did not have.so these feature
will only be for the best and you will see what i am talking about when you play the game,but just
for example apart from skate boarding you can let go of the skate board and just break you
bones and it is really life like feature and you can see which bones you have broken really really
if you have played Tony Hawks games before you will definitely notice that in order to do a simple
olly move in TH games you have to only press one button to do the olly.but in skate in order to
do olly you have to actually push the right stick down and the bush the right stick up,and with
that you can set the energy level for the olly.(how cool is that-it is life like).that been said you can
imagine all the possibilities of other moves and tricks and the way to do execute them).
in the game you can do a lot of activities such as photos,films,training,working with pros.and so
on.you have to get more reps to unlock new stuff and parks.and to continue with the career
the only thing that bothered me was the the frame rate and the cuts that they make are really
and thats all there is to it.
i still think this game is more of skate simulator and it is a great game.if you love skateboarding
then mu suggestion to you is that this game is a must have.
thank you for your time.


GRID-An experience or a simple waste of time?


the game was a lot of fun.
you are able to drive a lot of cars in this game,but not as much as lets say forza3 for example.
there are a lot of tracks to drive on but again not as much as Forza or PGR games.
but this game had a unique feature,the lights where amazing in this games compare to Forza3.
in GRID there are 3 types of races you can do in japan(Asia),Europe and America.
each one allows you to open 3 types of licence.to drive and you can get the different ones by wining races and getting REP. points.
you can buy cars for each individual race event ,the cars have different ****s,and types.
in each region there are specific race events just made for that specific region of racing for example there are drifts in japan(Asia)-touring car in Europe and so on.
i have to say that i personally do not like muscle cars,but in this game they looked super awsome,with goodyear tiers.

oh yea lets not for get that they made the smoke really good but some times it seems a bit too much because you cant see in the smoke,there is only one weather in the game and that is pure sunny,and sometimes a bit cloudy.and also there is a le mans races which is 24 hour races (happens much much faster in the game).
that the weather just changes a bit and it takes you to the night and a sun rise again.
le mans series just seemed boring to me,since it was not that real and it is very hard to control the car that you are driving in the night.
GRID gives you the ability to rewind time and for a few times you can flash back to certain time line in order to go back before you got damaged or before you destroy the car totally.
the rewinding in Forza is a bit different compared to this one.but nevertheless they are both boring and useless to me.they are not giving originality.
there are some tracks in different cities which i think are made only for this game for example the Washington track.i have not seen that track before.(nice circuit).
the feature to get a driving team mate is also no good.
your teammate can be good in races or terrible.you can search them with different filters for example the fee and so on.
in the game companies Sponser you as you move forward and the price keeps getting better and better until i got more than 1,000,000$just for the sponsers.
oh lets talk about ebay,when you are want to buy are a car you can buy new one or from ebay motors(come on what is that all about-so i think ebay has paid or is getting paid for this????)
cars will get damaged if you crash(happens a lot)and this will lead to, you not being able to control your car perfectly and then you have to rewind back,and all this can be annoying or sometimes you run out of the feature to rewind ... then you have to restart the race all over again.
you cant really customize your cars,you can only add decal and paint.that is a bad thing since all the racing games at least allow you to customize your cars.
you cant even change the rims on your cars!!!wonderful.
IMO GRID is a fun racing game arcade sometimes annoying,great visual design used in it.

i dont think GRID is a waste of time i think it opens your eyes to see that racing games in arcade can be fun.

and the start in racing games isnt always impressive,this one is...

thanks for your time.

so yeah i was playing the saints row2

the game is kinda @@@@ the graphic and everything.

you see there was something wrong with the game im trying to figure it out what it was there was some kinda hate with this game.the way he kills the bosses,comon.its like the leader of gang members did something to the main characters's MOM.

so yeah he is(we are)the main character i mean,is a jerk
