The thing is there will be no competition with hardware.
Think about it strong competition got our consoles.
3D (faster at least)
Analog Stick
Dual Analog Sticks
Even new cosnoles such as the DS and Wii
Competiton is good for the inustry. I mean if you think about it there will be no compeititon with hardware leaving the companies focus less on pushing their ideas and being better then the "other" guy.
I believe the main competition belongs with the software, not with hardware. Games are what rule this industry.
Besides just because there's a single console spec doesn't mean there won't be hardware competition. In fact, with a single platform there can be many more manufacturers just like with DVD players. Don't like Microsoft's questionable hardware reliability? Buy Toshiba or Samsung's hardware instead.This will also allow for a greater variety of hardware configurations too; like DVD players, there will be some withfewer extra features that cost less, and there will be others that offer lots of extra features for a higher price. But all games will work with all versions. With many manufactures there won't be console shortages either; No more waiting months after releaseto buy a new console (Wii). Also, a single design spec doesn't mean there won't be innovation. There's nothing stopping a company from creating specialized controllers for their games like Guitar Hero, DDR, or even the Wii Remote.
There won't be less competition with a single console spec, there will be even more. This will greatly benefit devs, consumers and hardware manufacturers.
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