IGN, Polygon, Jimquistion, Distructoid and eurogamer are all now politically aligned to the far far left / "pc" and "anti-American".
They are political and not actual game reviewers like they were pre 2014.
They push politics. They hate white and black men who have non "politically correct" opinions which were normal opinions 5 years ago.
Sorry but a guy telling his wife she has a great ass is not sexist. Him being a white guy is not racist, and him trying to survive is not selfish. She posted her real fealings on twitter and looking at that and the review you can see where she stands.
Intersectionality cult sjws are dividing the nation(or world) and causing bullshit division where there shouldn't be. Their authoritarian pc, mindset is cancer.
@hushed_kasket: I noticed shit like that too. Especially when Deacon commented on Copelands radio station. It was obviously a mockup of an Alex Jones type transmission. Whats fucked up though is that Tuckers camp is a forced labor camp. Copeland was a pro freedom camp yet it felt like Deacon had more issues with Copeland. Hypocritically as most of what Copeland said on the broadcasts actually happened in the game lore.
Kingdom Come was so historically inaccurate that the Chech government decided to put the game in schools as a history teaching aide...oh wait..
What's messed up is this all started from some sjw who posted photos of the 3 wise men, and Egyptians from bible scripture painted by 14 century Chech artists and used that as proof that there were black people in the 10 square km location of KCD.... And sjws and journos bought it up hook line and sinker. These people hate America, hate the west, and have no idea of what life is like outside their urban enclaves. Usually places like San Francisco, where identity politics and Marxism reign.
@fenbops: Yep.. and that word "poc" is divisive. it was made by hard left democrats to push none whites all in one "Basket" and to cause division that only they can fix. Sorry but I can't stand that term. We are all human and have different ethnicities or cultural origins.
@barcaazul: Aya maybe physically attractive but her attitude, as the game goes on, and the way she treats her husband makes her just as bad as the villains, in some ways. If they make a game where I have to play as her, I will skip it. As much as i love origins, that lady is not a good character. I couldn't play someone who I would be wanting to die during the game. That's just me, I couldn't stand her as a character, and it has nothing to do with her being a woman, just the attitude.
@DuskStrider: Are you serious? I knew the BBC was compromised but not by that much. This convergence is too much! Man I miss the 80s, 90s, 2000s, hell even early pre 2014 2010s.
If it's a historical game then it needs to be accurate for the most part. If a game like KCD is taking place in a remote part of Europe, I want to live it with that culture for the time I am in the game. If I am in the Warring States period of Ancient china, I don't want Europeans or Africans, or anyone else in that settings, and I don't want 4th wall breaking current day sentiments either.
I want it to show life as it was to some extent in that time period while also making the game fun. KCD did this. I also want the architecture and environment to be simulation like if they are going for that historically accurate setting and game.
Or you can have a game like Nioh that takes a real story and adds myth and legend from that culture, I love that.
Only sjws want "everyone to be represented in every game". Can't stand that types of bs.
@musalala: you don't need to be any race to be a voice actor. Kratos was played by a black man and so was Darth vadar. Bart simpson was voiced by a girl. It doesn't matter. That is another form of sjw philosophy... who cares just make a good game.
Midnightshade29's comments