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MightyBFan25 Blog

8log #375 / Over two months l8r........ ::::/

Ignore the typing quirk for this blog title...I just felt like doing's still me, MightyBFan25...heheh. :P Okay...I KNOW I said I was leaving this site forever and I honestly will NOT have any time at all once I go back to school this upcoming Thursday to be on this site and keep making blogs and stuff. So...uh...yeah...I can't help but just go back on this site two months later because I really miss you guys...the only reason I'm really leaving this site is because I don't have the time hardly ever and this site annoys me...I love all of's just that I was banned from and acts really stupid on my I can't read full conversations or any of your comments and crap...which is really annoying. ::::/ But uh...I love all of you guys and I'm so SO sorry for just leaving with no fair warning...but I know that if I didn't do that you woulda all tried to convince me to stay and I woulda felt really horrible. But...basically the reason I'm making this blog is because A: I feel absolutely terrible about ditching this site, and B: I loved talking to all of you and I wanna give you my email address and some other contact info if you ever wanna talk to me...heheh. :P Sorry...I know you probably all hate me for ditching this site like all summer and you probably wanna strangle me because I don't like the Mighty B! new obsession is this awesome webcomic called Homestuck and if you ever have the time and need a new obsession just google "Homestuck" and start reading's amazing! =D

Oh, and this summer's been pretty's been really chill and I've just gotten some time to relax and stuff. :P I've spent a lot of time working on my first two cosplays (Homestuck first one was as Vriska Serket, and my second one as god tier John Egbert with the Warhammer of Zillyhoo). :P And I've got to spend a good amount of time with to. We actually broke up earlier this summer...heheh...yeah... =( I was kinda an emotional wreck for that time and it wasn't like there was a fight or was just time to move wasn't my was Jenna's...she didn't leave me for anyone in particular and she's not dating now and neither am I...I guess she just wanted to move on. =( Oh well...the thing is that we're still on very good terms and we're still friends...and I got her into Homestuck...she's almost updated now and she's gonna throw together her first cosplay soon and come to meetups with me...she said she'll either be Roxy, Kanaya, Terezi, or Aranea as her first one. =D Uh...yeah...I'm still depressed that we broke up...I still love Jenna and I definately won't be dating for a long time's gonna take a long time to get over her...heheh. :P And now I don't have anyone to make out with or to play in the mud with me...awww........ :P Just kidding...I'll still go over her place every now and again because even though we're not dating we got along amazingly and we can be really good friends and now we can be total immature idiots with each other since we're not into anything serious now. :P Yeah...aside from cosplay, Homestuck, and breaking up with Jenna...I haven't been up to too much this summer...just my usual stupid antics. :P Oh, and do you wanna see a picture of me in my god tier John cosplay (since it was my second cosplay it's better than my Vriska much better actually...I might go back and redo my Vriska cosplay now that I have more experience and I could do a much better job...obviously when I have the time though...maybe over Christmas break? :P )? Of course you do...I can't seem to put it in this blog but it's my profile pic for my Facebook and my Gmail account...I don't feel comfortable giving out my Facebook account stuff but I will gladly tell you my gmail and my tumblr and other stuff if you wanna see that pic and ever get in touch with I's that lovely contact info that I shall give you:

My gmail account:

My tumblr is aliciaSerket

My Pesterchum chumhandle is usually either doomsdayCatalyst or aliciaSerket (I prefer the second one though)

You're most likely to get a response on my gmail though...heheh. :P So...uh...yeah...if you ever wanna get in touch with me just shoot me an email and if you wanna ever have a long conversation with me or something maybe we could somehow organize doing something like that over a weekend via email and we could get on Pesterchum (if you're a Stucky) or some other chat site at the same time! =D That's about it...and this is probably the last legit blog I'll ever EVER make...for reals this time...heheh. :P I don't like this site but I love all you peoples and I wanna talk to you again so if you don't all hate me and think I'm a terrible person you can get in touch with me on some other awesome websites! =D Oh, and if you're also a BETTER shoot me an email my fellow Homestuck! :P Farewell...forever now. Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #374 / I'm Leaving This Site Forever

Before I say anything else...I can legit assure you that this is NOT a prank. I know I normally would so something like that but I am honestly leaving this site for good now. And I'm sorry but nothing anyone can say or do would make me go back on this site. I haven't been doing much on here since like March because I've been really busy with school and stuff and towards the end of this schoolyear when I wasn't that busy anymore I decided to go on and see what's been going on but no one even seemed to care that I had been gone for months...which is a good thing I guess because it makes me feel less bad about leaving this site. At least no one will actually miss me...and no one will probably read this blog anyways which is good...I just kinda wanted to make it official. So...yeah...I'm leaving...I've just gotten kinda bored with this site and I have other things that I either need or want to spend my time doing. I guess I should stop being so depressing though and talk a little about how things have been for me before I leave though. :P

All my schoolwork has been going pretty good and I managed to finish out the school year pretty strong and I did well on all my finals...even the ones for my horrid advanced classes and for History class. :P's over...I did well...and I've already done most of my summer work...I just haveta do my AP Chemistry work and then I have no work left to do. I'll probably do that on Wednesday and Thursday. :P's going well for me and it always will be...I'm smart and a hard worker. And I've pretty much managed to get over SS...we're not friends but at least we're civil with each other now...and I made some really good friends toward the end of the year...I dunno why...I guess I just wanted to make even more friends in real life and not just now I have WAY more friends than I already did. :P

What else...? Oh...GSA's been pretty good...we had a lot of fun this year and managed to get over 200 peoples to participate in the Day of Silence this year. :D And at our last meeting we had a party and chilled and thought about how to get more members next year! Next year we're gonna get WAY more members and do even more stuff and it'll just be so epic! :D :P

My afterschool tutoring went well...I managed to rack up 31 hours of cummunity service...that's about a third of the 100 hours that I need to if I keep it up I'll pretty much be all set to graduate by the end of my senior year! :D :P

Now something you probably wanna know more about is how things have been going with Jenna. Well...we discovered in May that Jenna is actually bisexual and had some feelings for some guy in our grade. At first I was a little jealous because it seemed like things between us chcanged a little...not much...but it threw me off. Then I grew perfectly fine with me stupid but I am scared of dating a bi female...just because I wouldn't be able to handle being left for a guy. But...anyways...we've managed to get over that obstacle and I'm glad that Jenna manged to find that out about herself and we can move on. :D So...yeah. :P We're still dating...I'm not sure if this will last forever but nothing bad has happened yet and I'm still in love with her. :D :P

What else...? Oh, I might as well tell you what I've been doing with my time besides schoolwork and my relationship...and this is stuff that I'm gonna waste my time doing over the summer. :P Well...lately I've been getting really into video games...I've always loved them but now I'm getting even more into them...especially a few games on the Wii console in my house...and I absolutely love playing Zelda: Skyward Sword. :D :P Right now I'mn exploring the Earth Temple looking for princess Zelda. :P I hope I eventually get a kiss from her in the game. :lol: :P Anyways...aside from playing a ton of video games...I've been really getting into this webcomic called Homestuck lately. I've been reading it since April (when I pretty much stopped coming on this site)...and now I'm completely addicted to it and I've read over 7000 panels of it and I'm completely updated. :D :P And it's an insane fandom...there's a clothing line, music, the webcomic, cosplay, tons of videos, Pesterchum/Trollian, etc... And I live in Boston which is the place with the most insane Homestuck fandom ever...there are big cosplay meetups every month in the Boston Common and small meetups every week at Prudential Center now that it's the summer and all us stucky teenagers have nothing better to do with ourselves. I'm actually putting together my first cosplay as one of the trolls, Vriska Serket, now...I got all the clothes online and now I just need to make my horns and fangs and get the makeup that I need and stuff. :P So...yeah. I'm gonna be spending a lot of time going to these meetups and making a lot of new friends and having fun with my cosplay. :D :P I'm getting a bunch of my close friends to read Homestuck now so they're not into it yet so I'm on my own with my cosplay for now...but I'll drag them into it later. :P As for Jenna...I've convinced her to read it but I think she's only in Act 3...she hasn't met the trolls yet...but when she does she'll be completely addicted to it and I hope I can get her to cosplay with me. :P I would love it if she would cosplay as Kanaya or Terezi...but any of the trolls would be awesome...even if she did Vriska as well. :D :P So...yeah...I'm gonna be wasting a ton of time with Homestuck-related things, video games, and of course spending time with Jenna. :D :P

So...yeah...that's really about it...nothing has changed and I guess this is the last time you'll ever hear from me. I might drop by in like a few months or something just to talk to some of you guys again though...maybe before my first day of Junior year. :) So...yeah...this is it. I've honestly loved talking to all of you guys and it's been really fun and I will honestly miss this site but I'm just not into it like I used to be and I have other stuff to do with my time...I've just lost interest. But...maybe when I put together my cosplay I'll make a blog and send you a picture...I don't wanna put a picture of myself in my blog but I'll be wearing makeup and weird clothes so you won't be able to recognize me in person anyways. :P So...farewell to all you peoples...this site has been AWETHUM but now I must go! :D Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #373 / Sorry For Leaving This Site For A While...

Before anything I just wanna really apologize for not really being on this site too much lately...I haven't done much on here in the past last blog was made on March 25th and now it's April a month. I'm really sorry about that...I've been caught up with a few things and either just haven't had the time, haven't been in too good of a mood, or it just kinda slipped my mind. I'm just really sorry about that and I feel like a probably think I ditched this site or something... But...I hope you can forgive me for basically leaving for like a month...if so I'd really appreciate it...and if not...I probably deserve your hatred toward me. But...I shouldn't be acting like this right now...I'm actually in a good mood even aside from that so I guess I'll get on with this blog and try to put that behind me...

Ooh...before I go on...PLEASE listen to this song! :D :P I've gotten into this strange metal-ish band called Dream Theater recently and I love this one song called "On The Backs Of Angels"'s the link for it: I know what you're thinking...this isn't really the type of music I like...but it's pretty cool in my opinion...Dream Theater is cool...they have a really unique sound...and this is why I love obscure metal bands...I find bands like this...and they still are metal in my opinion...and I like all types of metal music. :D :P *devil horns* MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Did you miss my evil laughter? :P I bet so. :P didn't?! :P I can't believe you! :P Oh...wait...sorry...I was just talking to myself there... :P This happens sometimes... :P Next paragraph. :P

Since it's been like a month since I last made a blog I could basically go on for hours typing this blog and it could be ridiculously long but it's kinda late and I don't feel like being on this site typing this blog for hours and I don't think anyone would care to read a blog that long. :P So I'll just go for the quick general overview of the most important things that have recently happened. :P Here's the list:

ULC: The Unity Leadership Conference (ULC) took place at BLS near the end of March and I was nominated to participate in it so I took up on that and chose to go into the workshop on bullying and LGBTQ issues which I was really excited about. :D I felt like I didn't really learn too much because we only had a few hours so we could only really scratch the surface of these issues but it was enough for people to get the idea of what's going on. :P And I had a lot to contribute to the discussion and I hope a lot of peoples learned something from this discussion that they can share with others and help make BLS a better place. :D

MICCA: On the same day as ULC BLS Junior Band (which I'm in. :P ) entered MICCA festival and last year we scored Bronze which is pretty good...this year we scored Silver which I'm SO HAPPY about...we did better than the freaking Symphonic Band which I'm so happy about! :D :P So...yeah...haha...we're the best band ever! :P

GLSEN: On the following day me and a few of my friends from GSA went to the GLSEN Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network) Conference at MIT and it was really fun...I felt like I learned a how parents feel when LGBTQ kids come out to them which I had no clue about, the legal side of transgender issues, what the Bible REALLY says about homosexuality, etc... And it was really fun to just be with my friends and whatnot...and we had this like two hour long break where we got to do whatever we we could just chill, talk with other people, we had free food there, and there was also a hallway filled with LGBTQ pride buttons, pins, bracelets, etc... and resources and people we could talk to and whatnot. :D I thought it was just so cool. :D :P It was one of those things that made you feel truly proud to be out and proud. :D It's hard to describe the's wierd though...a few years ago I had strong suspicions that I was a lesbian but I was almost embarrassed about it and didn't wanna express my feelings...and now I'm perfectly fine with who I am as a person...I know that I'm a lesbian and I'm out of the closet and I have a girlfriend and I'm just really happy with things the way they are. :D was really fun. :D :P

Family Issues: Well...recently my dad was in the hospital for about a week because he had this thing called an arthiritic attack...and there's no real cause of's the kinda thing that you can't prevent and it just randomly's not the cause of anything like smoking of drinking and it's not genetics or anything like He's perfectly fine now and he's back home...but this did stir up some emotion in me...the wierd thing was that at first when I heard about this I didn't feel upset but as I continued to think about it I began to feel REALLY upset...and I didn't wanna tell anyone this except for I invited her over to my place and explained to her how I felt and how I didn't wanna tell anyone else because I don't really like my dad too much and I felt almost like a traitor to myself for feeling that way over someone I hate. Jenna did make me feel a lot better...and it was good to get those feelings off my chest...I'm the type who wants to come off as being tough so I supress certain feelings of mine until I can't take it anymore and then I just need to tell someone or else it'll be a disaster for me...I remember with coming out to my mom I waited until the night when it was driving me crazy to the point where I couldn't get to sleep at all and I spent most of the night crying or worrying like mad. :P I really need to work on that...I need to be more open about my feelings to prevent stuff like that... :P Anyways...ever since that the wierd thing is that I feel like my dad seems to care about me more even though I haven't changed my feelings toward him at all...and he's seemed WAY more accepting of the idea of me being a lesbian...I dunno why though...maybe he had some big revelation when he was in the hospital or something...but since then our relationship has kinda improved which I guess is pretty good...I still am angry with him for his initial feelings toward me when I came out to him and how he has wronged me in the past though...and I probably always will be though... Oh well... :P

Schoolwork: Oh Zeus...I go to's been freaking HELL! :lol: :P I've been so busy with schoolwork lately...not fun. :P

One Year Anniversary: Jenna and I celebrated our one-year anniversary on the last day of March...after the GLSEN Confernece that day we went on a really nice date and then we went go Jenna's place which is where we gave each other our gifts (nothing too crazy. :P ) and then we began to reflect on what happened to us in the year that we've been together and it was kinda sappy but I thought it was pretty nice. :D :P And I think it's really wierd that I've been able to even have a girlfriend in high school...let alone stay in a relationship with the love of my life for over a's insane. :D :P was a super nice day. :P

Day of Silence: Yesterday was the national Day of Silence and I chose to participate in it for my own sake...the one at BLS is more to get across the message but I wanted to do the one yesterday for my own sake. :D Not talking is really hard but I managed and I'm really proud of myself for being able to do that. :D :P

So that's all the important stuff that I can really think about. :P I've been on Spring Break this week and I haven't really done anything too special...but it has been really nice outside so I have spent a lot of time outside and I got to play in the mud a few times...once with Jenna (we kinda planned that we both know that we enjoy's something to do if we ever get bored...hehe. :P )...and that was really nice in my opinion. :D :P No...I don't have a not a fetish for mud. :lol: :P That's sarcasm in case you're wondering. :P And no I'm not crazy...salirophilia is a pretty common fetish. :P (Yep...there's a fancy word for it. :P ) ...And I think mysophilia falls into kinda sorta the same category... :P Okay...enough of this... :P I probably sound crazy right now... :lol: :P I don't really have any plans for tomorrow but I'm going back to school on Monday which I'm upset about...I don't wanna go back to school! :lol: :P I have my Declamation on Friday though which I'm excited about. :D :P And this upcoming Saturday I'm going to the Devil's Carnival with a few of my friends which is gonna be really fun...I was invited to go by my friend, MH, and she said Jenna could come too so I invited Jenna but she said she doesn't wanna go to it...I don't blame her though...I'm sure she wants some alone time on the weekend and she is kinda religious so...yeah. :P I guess I should end this blog's getting kinda long...actually...REALLY long. :P Okay...I'll shut up now. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #372 / Can't Wait For Friday!!! :D

Okay...before I go anywhere with this blog...I just wanna remind you all that Blog #375 will be an epic blog party and you're all welcome to come as long as you don't bring peoples who aren't invited. :P Who isn't invited? :P Well...this is kinda a long you go: Vampires, zombies, mummies, pirates, Russian spies, members of the Sicilian Mafia, Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun, Kenny, Drake, Kolos, my evil math teacher from the seventh grade, my evil reading teacher from the seventh grade, my incompetent Advanced Geometry teacher this year, my homophobic Latin Prose teacher this year, my evil band conductor, SS, VD, Portia Gibbons, Ms. Gibbons, Gwen Wu...and uh...I think that's about it. :P Yeah...but none of you are any of those peoples so you're all welcome to come. :D :P So...yeah...just three blogs away! :D :P Just don't torture me too much... :lol: :P paragraph... :P

Oh...but before I continue I found out about this EPIC metal band from one of my friends called Watain...and they're all Satanists from what I know! :twisted: :P How cool is that?! :twisted: :P *devil horns* Just listen to this song: cannot deny Watain's epicness! :twisted: :P This is one of my favorite songs by them...but I also love Satan's Hunger and Storm of the Antichrist! :twisted: :P NOW let's get on with this blog... :P

Nothing too special happened this week...but I guess I'll just run through the entire week as I type this paragraph and see if I do have anything interesting to talk about. :P So this is kinda like a stream of consciousness right now. :P Monday nothing that special was just a normal day from what I remember. :P The same goes for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday but I had to take the English MCAS (it's like a state test thing in's really easy for us BLS students though...we always score advanced on everything. :P ) and I got to miss most of myperiods which meant barely any homework on any of those days so it was really relaxing and whatnot. :P And on Wednesday I had a GSA meeting and it was pretty nice...we talked about homosexuality in the media which led to some pretty good conversation...and this will be our last discussion for a while...all we're gonna be doing for like the next two months at GSA is planning for Kaleidoscope and the Day of Silence...which should be fun but not as fun as having discussions and decorating the bulletin board and whatnot. :P Oh well... :P Oh, and my friend, MH, brought in a few lesbian comic books called D*kes to Watch Out For and I read one of them actually on Thursday and they're absolutely hilarious...MH said that she has all the issues of them and she'll let me borrow them if I want...and I said I'd love have a new comic series to begin reading. :D :P And it's not like DTWOF is just for lesbians...there is some lesbian humor in it but there's also just a ton of dirty jokes and I think anyone would love reading them. :D :P So...yeah. :P I'm trying to convince Jenna to read some of them with me but she's never been much of a comic book geek like I am. :P Anyways...after GSA Jenna and I took the train home and went to my place, quickly did whatever homework we had and then we went on a date which was really nice. :D :P I wish we had like no homework more often... :P Then on Thursday I read a bunch of comic books because Jenna was busy with some stuff at home and I had legit no homework. :P And on Friday I was just finally tired from the week and I actually had homework so I just did all my homework and passed out at like 8 and didn't wake up until like 9 the next morning. :P Nothing special happened at school this week for the most part to be honest. :P Now I guess I'll talk about yesterday and my plans for today... :P Next paragraph... :P

Yesterday I didn't really do too much but Jenna and I did go on a date...we went to see the movie the Hunger Games at the AMC movie theatre near where we live and then went out to get something to eat which was pretty nice...and the Hunger Games was a really good was over two hours long but it didn't feel like it...and Jenna and I decided that we should read the book trilogy when we have the time...I believe it's the Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mocking needs to read those books when we get the time. :D :P Today I don't have any real plans and it's supposed to rain outside today so I'm just gonna stay inside in my room, blare Watain music, and draw disturbing pictures...I feel like I draw best when it's depressing outside's like the weather gives you emotion to feed off of and you put that emotion into your drawings...and I need that...and personally I do feel like the weather deeply effects my moods...during the dead of winter I'm always really tired and lazy and sometimes really depressed and then when spring comes around I'm extremely happy and just wanna be outside 24/7. :D :P So...yeah. :P Unless Jenna wants to do something with me today I don't have any real plans. :P Well...actually...I do wanna go into town and continue looking for the perfect anniversary present for Jenna...screw drawing disturbing pictures...I'm gonna be out today looking for the perfect present for Jenna...I know I'll find it today...I have an idea of what I should get Jenna...I just need to see it to know that it's perfect if you know what I'm talking about. :D :P And maybe when I get home if I have some time then I'll draw a picture. :P If not...oh well...I'll just listen to Watain music on my iTouch as I'm looking around. :P Tomorrow I'll be taking the train to school in the morning...great...I lose 30 minutes of sleep. :P Oh well... :P I can't wait for Friday...I have ULC and MICCA and then on Saturday I'm going to a GLSEN Conference at MIT...I'm so excited. :D :P Well...I guess I should end this blog right's getting rather long. :P So I shall leave you with another of my favorite Watain songs: -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #371 / Making Blueprints For A Castle... :P

Okay...I'll explain the title soon. :P I just wanna say right now though that I'm in a really good week was absolutely awesome even though I was busy and somewhat stressed out. :D :P I didn't get much sleep last night though because I couldn't stop thinking about something...but...whatever...I never get sleep during one week every month...I'm used to this. :P Okay...I'll just say it right now because I just type whatever pops into my head when I decide to make a blog anyways. :P Jenna and I's one-year anniversary is coming up really soon (we first started dating sometime in late March but we never remembered the exact date so we decided that we'll just make it the last day of 31st. :D :P )...but...I wanna get Jenna the perfect gift...and I dunno what that is... I've usually been able to get Jenna really good gifts (I know she doesn't just pretend to like them to be nice...I ask some of her close friends a few days later usually to make sure. :P I feel that in the beginning Jenna's really close friends thought that I wouldn't be a good girlfriend for Jenna...and I'm glad I've been able to prove myself and this relationship has gotten as far along as it has. :D ) but this one needs to be absolutely perfect...and I'm not sure if I can do that... I'm thinking that I could ask one of Jenna's really close friends but that feels like cheating to me...I don't wanna do that...I guess I would as a last resort but we've been dating for about a year now...I should know what she would like for this occasion... I'm so stupid! :P I'm like a guy...I don't pay too good attention to this kinda stuff and worry at the last minute...I know it'll come to me though...this always happens and I come up with an amazing idea...I'm sure I can this time. :D :P We already have our plans for March 31st actually...we haveta go to this GLSEN conference at MIT from 9 to 4 for GSA but after that we're gonna go on a date and maybe a long walk after (or go to Jenna's place if we're too lazy to walk by then. :P ) and just talk about sounds nice...nothing crazy...just a nice date. :D So...yeah. :D :P

Now before anything else I will say that for sure now Blog #375 will be a Blog Party and you're all welcome to come as long as you're not Kolos, Kenny, Drake, a zombie, a vampire, a mummy, a pirate, someone in the Mafia, a Russian spy, or one of my evil teachers. :D :P And none of you fall into any of those categories so you're more than welcome to come. :D :P Just don't absolutely torture me... :P

Oh, and now I shall explain the title. :P Last night I couldn't go to sleep so I began fantasizing about how I'd structure Hell if I somehow managed to take it over. :twisted: :P For the most part I kept it the same as Inferno with few changes...but the big changes were that Heretics go to heaven and people who blow religion out of proportion and cause harm to others because of it go to the sixth circle of Hell. :twisted: :P And instead of the futile going to the Vestibule the peoples who "repent" on their deathbed go there because I can't stand peoples who "change" at the last's bullsh*t that means nothing to them to give them ease of mind and that's just weak and if you do that you don't even deserve to go to Hell. :twisted: :P As for the Abominable Sands...all the gay/lesbian peoples get to go to the third sphere of Heaven...and the homophobs take their place and are all afflicted with Syphilis! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I love this idea! :lol: :P And everyone in Limbo goes to Heaven...but...who goes there now? :P No one! :P I gets to go there...I'm gonna build a massive six-walled castle there where I get to live and enjoy myself when I'm not busy personally torturing all the female homophobs in the Abominable Sands. :twisted: :P I'm SO evil! :twisted: :P now I'm drawing some blueprints of the castle and what I want it to have and look like and whatnot...and that could take a while but at least it'll give me something to do when I can't fall asleep for the rest of the night. :D :P I know I want a mirror to be on the ceiling in my bedroom... :lol: :P If you don't get the joke you're a good person. :P Next paragraph... :P

In all seriousness I can't remember anything special that happened this week so I don't have too much to talk about. :P Everything at school is perfectly fine and I've been in such a great mood ever since I've forgotten about SS. :P The only thing that kept me busy all of last week was this Math was just involved a TON of research on random crap like how to find the anothem of a regular hexagon and it took FOREVER! :P I mean...the math was easy...but you had to PROVE stuff which was so stupid...that takes forever. :P At least it's done and it counts for 5% of my grade this term and I think I did quite well. :D :P Oh, and on Thursday I took the was as easy as Hell...I probably didn't get a perfect paper but I DEFINATELY got Summa Cum there will be giggles about my last name. :lol: :P I can't wait to get my gold medal! :D :P Oh, and we got our report cards this's my grades:

Gym: A (it's gym class...who gives a crap?! :P )

Band: A (I deserve this...I actually practiced stuff. :P )

Declamation: A+ (Boom! :D :P I worked my *ss off so of course I deserve an A+! :D :P )

Conduct: A (I've been good this term...kinda sorta...hehe. :P )

Latin Prose: A- (I know...that's bad for me...but it's higher than any of my other grades in Latin this year so I'm proud of myself...poetry just clicks with me. :P )

Italian 3: A+ (Well duh! :P I'm the smartest person in my class and have the highest average out of anyone! :P )

History: A (Oh A?! :P In History?! :P Kidding...I suck at History but I actually studied for stuff and did well. :P )

English 10: A (I'm disappointed that I didn't get an A+ in English this term...but I know why...I did kinda bad on one of my research papers...oh well... :P )

Chemistry: A- ( went down from an A to an A- but I know why...I didn't show my work on the term test and got a 3 instead of my usual 4...I'll just work my *ss off this term to make up for it! :D :P )

Advanced Geometry: B (AGH!!! :P NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! :P This is my only B this term! :P Kidding...I AM disappointed but I really deserveda D or an F in Math this term...I did REALLY bad...I dunno how I managed to get a B... :P )

So...yeah...not too bad aside from my Math grade...and this isn't that bad...third term is always my worst term...I always am really busy and stressed out and don't have enough time to focus on studying and's a freaking disaster for me. :lol: :P At least that's over though. :D :P

Oh, and my English student teacher, Ms. Orlov is absolutely epic! :D :P She was the president of the GSA when she went to high school and she showed up to our GSA meeting on Wednesday and helped us plan our lesson for Kaleidoscope and promised us that she could show up to all our meetings but would haveta leave at 3:10 (20 minutes before the meeting ends) but we all said we were fine with that and would love to have her again. :D I'm so happy...I HAVE THE BEST ENGLISH TEACHER EVER!!!!! :D :P Oh, and she is super funny and nice and her favorite book ever is Dante's Inferno and she listens to Metallica music along with the other Big 4 metal bands. :D :P So...she's just insanely awesome. :D :P

Now...what the hell did I do over the weekend? :P Not too much...Jenna and I didn't really have any plans and Jenna was kinda busy on Friday night and Saturday...I think she has some really big French project to do (Jenna takes's apparently really hard and all my other friends who take French struggle with it but Jenna's insanely good with languages and anything that we seem to do English class...she's okay with History and Science...the only subject she struggles with is Math...but she likes Geometry this year. :P ) and she thinks it's really easy but it's gonna take forever...I think they haveta write a massive paper and poster about a famous French person in French...sounds hard... :P I dunno if she's still busy today though...I'll call and ask after I'm done making this blog...maybe if she's done I can come over and compliment her on her project (I know it's amazing. :P ) and maybe we can do something together...not a date or anything...but just spend some time with each other...maybe go to Starbucks and get a coffee or something...I dunno...I just wanna spend some time with her. :D :P And if she's busy maybe I can help her out with making the poster...I am rather artistic after all and she said that the poster would be the last thing she'd do because she doesn't think she's artsy...she just hasn't found the kind of arts that she's good at...there's a region of fine arts for anyone...wether it be Band, Orchestra, Choir, Visual Arts, Poetry, etc... There's a type of art for everyone...some just need to make more of an effort to find it than others...I have it easy...I love playing Band instruments and I love metal and drawing I know what I like to do...I always have. :P I've tried to tell Jenna this and she doesn't think she can do the kinda stuff I do...I disagree...maybe I can convince her that she's wrong though...I'd love to. :P I have nothing else to say so now I shall leave you with this song: Mob is such a good band! :D :P *devil horms* MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #370 / Can't Come Up With A Title... :P

Sorry about the title of this blog but I honestly couldn't come up with a title for this blog. :P Yeah...sorry about that. :P And I'm also sorry but I have no clue about what's going on with one of my friend's blog parties on this site but I don't wanna interfere with that so the blog party is still on hold...sorry. :P matter what happens I promise that Blog #375 will be a Blog Party...I absolutely promise that...I know I'm annoying you peoples with changing around things. :P Now I guess I'll get on with this blog...I havea few things to talk about... :P

Well...this was the first week of Term Four at BLS (we have five terms at BLS...not four like most schools have. :P ) and I made a few resolutions since it was a new term. :P Here they are: 1) To stop hating SS and just get over her. 2) To get up my Advanced Geometry grade since it was crap last term. 3) To contribute more to GSA. 4) To enjoy myself more and focus on the positive things in my life. And honestly...I've been in such a good mood since I've been able to put the incident with SS behind me and I've just been having a pretty good time at school all week and I feel more useful at GSA than I did feel awesome now. :D :P And when I told Jenna that I was getting over SS on Monday at school she kissed me and said she was proud of me for being mature enough to be the bigger person and get over her. :D So...yeah...I like it when Jenna kisses it was nice. :P But felt good to know that Jenna was proud of me...and my other close friends were too. :D :P So...yeah. :P Now I guess I'll just talk about the few special things that happened this week or anything worth talking about. :P I'll probably end up leaving something out though... :P Well...on Monday Jenna and I didn't really have any homework and Jenna was proud of me for my decision of forgetting about SS...after we did our After School Tutoring we decided to go over my place (my place is closer to a T stop than Jenna's place. :P ) and quickly BS our homework and then go on a date...which was really nice. :D :P It wasn't anything too special...but it was nice to know that Jenna was happy with my decision and it was nice to spend some extra time with her and just enjoy myself during a schoolnight. :D On Tuesday nothing too special happened...but Jenna wanted me to help her out with some Chemistry homework (she has Dr. Yu for Chemistry who is much easier than Ms. Markiewicz but she's hard to seems like all my friends who have her for Chem ask for my help when the hear that I have an A in Chem with Markiewicz. :P ) so we went to my place and I helped her with her Chem homework and by the end of it all she completely got it (it was on Stoichiometry...which I found insanely easy but it does have a lot of steps and it's easy to get something wrong and a lot of peoples struggled with I get why peoples struggle with it. :P ) and I was glad to help her...especially when it always seems like Jenna's helping me out with my Latin homework or something. :P And after we finished our homework we just relaxed for some time until Jenna's mom came to pick her up. :P On Wednesday Jenna and I didn't do anything after school. :P But...something REALLY funny happened in History. :P So my History teacher, Ms. Gomez was kinda stressed out because all teacher's grades were due on Thursday so she was kinda stressing out and trying to think which led to some kinda meditation thing and me and one of my best friends who I sit right next to, MH, were laughing hysterically because it was so funny...and we both sit near Ms. Gomez. :P And then Ms. Gomez noticed that we were laughing at her and told us to stop but I ended up just laughing even harder and then Ms. Gomez threw something at me! :lol: :P I don't even know what...but it was so funny...if that were any other teacher they'd be reported but Ms. Gomez is awesome and it was just playfully so I don't really care. :lol: :P At the end of class a few people asked me what I did to get on her nerves and if I was in trouble...I just laughed and said I didn't do anything. :P I'm one of Ms. Gomez's favorites anyways. :P On Thursday nothing special happened though...and the same goes for Friday...just tons of work...but Jenna and I made some plans for tomorrow and I can't wait. :D :P I guess this calls for a new paragraph though... :P

Oh, by the way, remember how I didn't know my Latin Declamation grade? :P Well...on Monday Jenna and I got our grades back...and...guess what?! :D :P We both got 100%'s on our Latin Decs! :D :P I'm so happy about that...we so deserved those grades. :D :P Oh, and random but in a few weeks from how I'm gonna be so busy and probably won't be online because of a few things. :P Well...on March 30th I have MICCA Festival (it's an MA music festival that BLS Junior Band goes to every year now. :P ) after school and won't get home until like 10:30 at night. :P And...on Saturday from 9 to 4 I have a GSA-related thing...there's gonna be an annual GLSEN conference at MIT and everyone in GSA's going and I think it sounds fun and awesome so of course I registered and I'm going. :D :P So...that'll take up most of my Saturday. :P And...during the school day on Friday...guess what? :P There's some special conference in New York on March 30th during the school day and a few peoples in each Englishsection have been nominated to go...and they get to talk about issues like civil rights, materialism, racism, etc... and will be gone all day. :P And...guess what...I was one of the peoples nominated to go to this conference. :D :P Why...? :P Teachers tried to choose people with diverse backrounds and have a lot to offer to discussions in English and/or feel strongly about those kinda issues. :P English I think it's pretty obvious through my work that I'm a my creative writing story I mentioned my coming out and the fact that I'm a lesbian and occasionally we've had discussions about civil rights issues and I've always had stuff to say about that and I'm a good student and contribute to discussions and I even declaimed an excerpt from the Hope Speech for my Term Two Declamation. :D :P So...yeah...I think that's why they chose me along with a few other peoples. :P pride gets me two makes me feel awesome about myself and it gets me out of school for the day. :D :P The only thing is that I need to get the details about when we'll be back...because I need to be back at school by 4 to go to MICCA Festival...otherwise me and most of the peoples nominated in my section can't go...which would suck...especially when I feel that I deserve to go to this conference based upon the work that I've done in English this year. :D :P So...yeah. :P I hope I can go... :P

Anyways...plans for tomorrow. :P Jenna's parents are gonna be gone pretty much all day (I think they need to do a ton of errands or just wanna get away for the day or something. :P ) so I'm gonna go over to her place and we can basically do whatever we wanna since we'll have the place to ourselves all day. :P I dunno what we're gonna end up doing but all I can say is that in the eyes of Zeus it certainly isn't gonna be "good". :lol: :P Don't worry...nothing THAT insane...but nothing that normal either. :P Oh well...we're not normal. :lol: :P At least...I'm not anyways...hehe. :P So...yeah...I'm excited about's gonna be really nice...and if it's nice outside maybe we can play in the mud or something. :P And random but a few days ago Jenna said that when it starts getting hot during the Summer when the school year's almost over...she wants to teach me how to swim (she knows I can't...I personally think it's just an excuse for her to see me in a bathing suit. :lol: :P Kidding. :P ) because she does have a swimming pool in her backyard, it would give us something to do, and she really thinks that since I live in MA I SHOULD know how to swim...and it's kinda wierd that I don't know how to. :P I remember when I was younger my mom made me take these stupid swim lessons and the instructor was such an *sshole and I didn't learn anything. :P my girlfriend will be teaching me how to swim and she promised that she wouldn't yell at me or anything and she'd be nice and whatnot. :P So...yeah...maybe I'll actually learn...and if not at least I got to see Jenna in a swimsuit. :lol: :P That's worth it, right? :lol: :P So...yeah...if I could learn that would be epic...if not...oh well. :P I'm not counting on learning anything though...I feel that if I set my expectations too high I won't get anything done or I'll just get I set them low I'll be fine. :lol: :P I have nothing else to say in this I shall leave you with this song: can't wait for tomorrow... :D :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #369 / Sending SS Down To Hell... :P

Okay...before I explain the title...I apologize in advance if I come off as kinda crazy...I'm beginning to come up with some kinda cold (no...not the virus that has been going around lately...that's some kinda stomach flu thingy...thank Zeus I don't have that. :P )'s nothing that major...just a sore throat and kinda stuffed up...Jenna had the same thing I do right now so we can see each other and make out and not haveta worry about getting each other sick which is good though...whenever I'm sick I never wanna see Jenna because I just don't wanna get her sick...and whenever Jenna's sick she feels the same way...but I usually see her anyways and end up getting sick but don't really care. :lol: :P So...yeah...we're both sick. :lol: :P I'll probably feel better in a few days though...I've had this cold for a few days now. :P Anyways...I might come off as crazy because mind's in an absolute gutter right now, I'm blaring Deathcore music, and I'm tired because I was just doing homework for like 6 hours, and I'm loopy from medicine...I just took some nighttime medicine actually so I'm getting really tired right now so I figured that Deathcore music and headbanging would keep me awake long enough to make this blog. :P So...yeah...sorry if I seem crazy or out of it as I type this blog in advance. :lol: :P So...don't kill me if I say anything stupid. :P

This week was crazy in terms of schoolwork but nothing too interesting happened in terms of my social life. :P This week I had three presentations in three different fun! :lol: :P I'm being sarcastic... :P On Monday I had my Italian presentation and I said the entire thing in Italian perfectly so it sounded like I was fluent and my poster looked pretty cool but peoples were absolutely amazed by the drawing I made of the Universe according to was insanely detailed...not just the levels and whatnot...but I remembered the stupid little the change in gravity at the center of the earth, the Hercules' Pillars, and the fact that the bridge in between the fifth and sixth bowges was broken during Jesus's resurrection. :P So...yeah...I obviously got a 100% on that presentation...which would bring up my grade...but my average in Italian class is already a 100% keeps it there. :lol: :P Then on Thursday I had my English Declamation...and since Jenna helped me out with it...guess what...? :D :P I NAILED IT...I GOT A 100% ON MY ENGLISH DECLAMATION...AGAIN!!! :D :P WOO HOO!!! :D :P I am forever ordained a Dark Priest of Satan... :twisted: :P Wait...what did I just type that for? :P I was beginning to type the lyrics to a song I'm listening to right now. :P I should speed up making this blog...I'm out of it...hehe. :lol: :P So...yeah...I got a 100% on my English Declamation and at the end of class Mr. Beyer even said to me that I did an amazing job and that Dante's Inferno is something really difficult to declaim fromand that if he could give me something higher than a 100% he would. :D :P I'm such an amazing declaimer with Jenna's help. :D :P I love Jenna so much...she's so cute... :P Oh, and on Friday I had my Latin Declamation...and I nailed that as well...I haven't gotten my grade back yet but after I was done everyone was clapping like mad for me because I actually did a good job unlike most of the peoples in my class and even Ms. Hausey said that she liked the way I interpreted the piece. :D :P Coming from her...that means a lot...seriously. :P And then she commented about the fact that my name wasin that piece so many times. :P I'll explain why...we had to declaim Alice in Wonderland translated into Latin ( exerpt from it) and since my name, Alicia, is the Latinized form of the name name was ALL OVER that it felt kinda was like I was talking in the third person about myself like Julius Caesar or something. :lol: :P Yay...Latin-y reference. :lol: :P And Jenna had her Latin Declamation the day before I did...on Thursday...I LOVED seeing her get all dressed up and declaim...she had on this really cute dress and whatnot and had her hair down and looked insanely hot...I couldn't help but stare the entire time...she looked so hot! :lol: :P Oh, and she did really well on her Declamation too...Ms. Hausey said she did a really good job...Jenna is better at declaiming than I am so she probably got a slightly higher grade than I did if we didn't both get 100%'s. :D :P But...I think we both get 100%'s...we felt really good about our Declamations. :D :P Oh, and SS declaimed on Wednesday...I didn't even bother to look at her as she was declaiming...she's not worth that. :P But...when I declaimed she gave me such dirty looks as I was declaiming...and in general when I declaim I scan the room instead of making direct eye contact...I only make eye contact with the teacher and a few other people...Jenna being one of them...obviously...I knew she wouldn't make me laugh or anything...she just smiled whenever I looked her way. :D :P But...I had to see SS angrily glaring at me a few times and that made be kinda angry...that she wanted to be a jerk and make me nervous and try to make me mess up my Dec...thank Zeus I didn't mess I beat her. :D :P And I made sure SS didn't do that when Jenna was declaiming...I kinda sorta threatened her before class and then when Jenna walked up to declaim I just gave her an evil glare and she looked down and that was that. :lol: :P No...that wasn't bullying...and if so...she's bullied me many times more than I have her. :P So there! :P After I was done declaiming I wanted to say to SS so many bad things and just strange her...but I can't...obviously. :P So...yeah...aside from that I haven't been up to much special this week. :P Next week I needs to turn in my Course Selection form on Monday, sign my Public Declamation Viewing sheet for my study teacher, and get ready for taking the NLE's which are on March 15th for me. :P So...yeah...not much...the term's officially over and I can relax. :P

Do I have any plans over the weekend? :P Well...since Jenna and I are both sickand it doesn't matter if we see each other because we're both already sick...I'm gonna go over Jenna's place tomorrow and we're just gonna chill and watch TV and lie around and do nothing all day. :lol: :P Yeah...we're just gonna sit around...but it'll be nice to be with each other...we can both complain about being sick. :lol: :P least we can make out with each other. :lol: :P Oh Zeus...I wanna make out with Jenna SO BADLY right now. :P I really need to go to Hell... :P Oh, that reminds me...the title of the blog. :P I'm absolutely sick of SS I think I'm gonna just forget about her...she's such a b*tch that she's not even worth my freaking her! I'm gonna be venting about her all weekend and I'm gonna write a metal song about my taking over Hell andpunishing SS in the Abominable Sands for all eternity...and then I'm gonna hang the song lyrics up on my bedroom wall to remind me of what this kinda hatred turns me turns you into a monster...a demon...and although I love is not anything good for a human to be. So...yeah...whenever I think about her I'll just look at the song'll be a nice way to vent and it'll remind me of what such strong hatred turns people into...which I need. Jenna said it was a good idea when I told her about it...or maybe she laughed...I dunno...I forget. :P I need to pass out now... :P I'm really feeling loopy from the medicine now. :P What does Xem Dietus mean? :P Does it mean dark gods or something like that? :P I dunno. :P Listen to this song:'t it an amazing song? :P It's either that or the medicine...but Satan's Host is a great I think it's the song. :P I have nothing else to say in this blog. :P I wanna see Jenna so badly tomorrow...I wanna make out with her...but right now I just wanna go into bed and m*sturbate for a little while until I pass out from the medicine and then tomorrow I REALLY wanna play in the mud like the second I wake up. :P I have issues... :P What does Xem Dietus mean?! :P Agh...screw it...I'm Googling it... :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #368 / I Should Be Locked Up In An Insane Asylum... :P

Yeah...I really should... :P One song that I'm absolutely obsessed with right now that I can't get out of my head is "Nymphetamine" by Cradle of Filth. :P If you wanna listen to the's the link for the music video...after watching it you'll probably get what it's about without even knowing what the word nymphetamine means. :P How do I know you don't know what it means? :P No...I'm not saying you don't have an amazing's legit not a real world..."Nymphetamine" is the cross between the two words "nymphomaniac" and "amphetamine"...and basically means that your addicted to s*x like you're addicted to this drug called amphetamine...which is highly addictive and once you do it you get this insane dependance upon it. :P So...yeah. :P My mind's officially in the gutter...before I felt that I didn't deserve to go to Hell because I shouldn't go to Hell because I'm a lesbian...but now I actually do feel like I deserve to go to Hell...I should go to the second circle of Hell...where the lustful are punished. :lol: :P Oh crap...I got off topic and didn't give you the link to the music it is: really am mentally unstable... :lol: :P It's a really good just sounds really cool with the female vocalist as an addition and it's a pretty cool sound in never hear this kinda music from Cradle of get spooky music but never this scary. :P I honestly feel that if I was an insane nymphomaniac I'd kill myself...I honestly wouldn't know how to deal with something like that...I can barely cope with my feelings with those kinda matters as it is. :P So...yeah. :P Listen to the's stuck in my head and my mind is in a total gutter at the moment... :P Yeah...a very dark place with tons of "thoughts"...I shall not elaborate upon that any further... :lol: :P

Okay...I'll get to some stuff that I just needs to talk about...I actually do have some serious stuff to talk about...I just feel like I kinda sorta need to vent but it's not really's just writing stuff to help clear my mind. :P But...before that I will talk about today. :P I didn't really do anything too special today...yesterday I was kinda busy and tomorrow Jenna and I have some plans so I just kinda figured that I should have a day to do nothing. :P I just stuck around home most of the day playing video games and random flash games on and whatnot. :P And I've been playing UR from time to time while blaring Cradle of Filth day but nice and relaxing. :P I'm gonna call Jenna once I'm done making this blog...I know it's kinda late where I live but Jenna said thatI should call her late at night so we can talk until we're ready to just pass out...not those exact words...but you get the point. :P So...yeah...I should hurry up and make this blog...I wanna talk to my girlfriend...screw you peoples. :P Kidding...obviously...I'm glad I've met all you peoples on this site...I accidentally stumbled upon this site like three years ago because I was bored since there was no school because of a swine flu outbreak at BLS. :P I'm getting all sappy...I'll just shut up now... :lol: :P plans I don't really have much to say about today becuase I didn't do much...I'm excited for tomorrow though...this is something Jenna planned for us to do and she won't tell me what it is...but it's a date...I know that for sure...she told me that...she said she wants to see me dressed up nicely again...the past few times she's seen me I haven't had to dress up nicely...and trust me...Jenna's not being controlling or anything (if anything I worry I'm that way at times but I'm not...I've asked peoples if I am and they think I'm just being paranoid. :P )...she doesn't expect me to get all dressed up...she knows I don't like dressing up and that I'm a by dressing up nicely she just means dress up so I look somewhat presentable and not like I'm gonna be playing in the mud. :lol: :P ( dad just made hot chocolate...dunno why...but I'm gonna go into the kitchen for a moment... :P Okay...I'm back. :P Did you miss me? :P No?! :P What is wrong with you peoples?! :P Oh...never mind...sorry...just talking to myself again. :P ) For not doing anything today I seemed to manage to ramble on for quite some time... :P I need to get a life... :lol: :P paragraph... :P

Now I wanna talk about yesterday...because it was really nice...I feel like Jenna and I went through something but it wasn't a big was perfectly fine and now wecan move on. :D :P I guess I should explain...and this might sound like something stupid that means nothing from an outside perspective but it actually meant something to us...I mean...we've been dating for almost a year...our one-year anniversary is gonna be in less than a month. :D :P Wow...I should start thinking about what to get Jenna...that's gonna be needs to be the perfect gift...well...I'm up for the challenge...I'll come up with it eventually and since it's for Jenna it's so worth it. :D It's amazing though...what's happened in the past year...two Decembers ago I met Jenna and we were just friends...and then we became really good friends and we realized that both of us had suspicions that we might be we started dating...just to "experiment"...which seemed like a really good idea. :D And I will say one thing...Jenna started talking to me first actually...and it was kinda like flirting at first...I asked Jenna about that a little while after we started dating and she said she had suspicions then about her sexuality and thought I was a lesbian (her gay-dar gun was right...she got me before I even knew it myself. :P ) but apparently I didn't catch on (I will admit that...I just though it was strange at first and ignored it. :P ) so then Jenna thought she might just talk to me and become friends with me...later on she might be able to find out what's up with me. :P So...yeah...Jenna came to me...I'm not sure if I ever woulda had the guts to start talking to her on my own actually...if it weren't for her I still might not know that I'm a lesbian. :P So...yeah. :P Anyways...that "experiment" of ours turned into a serious relationship...the first real relationship either of us were in...and you'd think it would turn out badly since we didn't have much experience with that kinda managed to work out really nicely...and I feel that as time's gone on we've just grown to love each other more and things have gotten even better. :D :P It's amazing to be honest with you...that my first ever relationship just started out with a friend of mine who began talking to me first...and she thought she was a we experimented and it turned into something serious and we've been dating for almost a's amazing...I just don't get it but I absolutely love it...even if everything else in my life might have its downsides...this is one part of my life that I absolutely love. :D :P I love Jenna and I'm so glad I got to meet her...she's just a really nice person, she has a great sense of humor, we have some of the same interests (and when others are different it's not a big deal), we just get along really nicely, other peoples at GSA say that we make for a cute couple...and honestly...please don't tell Jenna I said this but in my opinion Jenna is really hot. :P Don't tell her I said that...she'll slap me. :lol: :P Wow...this has been another random tangent of thought. :P NOW let's get on with talking about yesterday and some serious stuff that's not spewing out of my mind that's been in la-la land all week. :lol: :P Next paragraph... :P

Well...yesterday was really nice. :D :P The day before Jenna asked me to help her make that mudpit in her backyard...and I didn't get why...or why she wanted to play in the mud with me that day...I was rather confuzzled...but now I'm not. :P I'll just tell the entire story. :P This blog is already insanely longso let's just make it even longer while I'm at it. :P I'm a quick typer...I'll be done way before 10 when I'm supposed to call Jenna. :D :P Okay...yesterday I was gonna meet Jenna at her place so we could go and meet up with this lesbian couple we met at GSA who are going on their first date and we offered to go on a double date with them to take off some pressure if it would help them out and they said that was a great idea. :P I wasn't supposed to go over Jenna's place until like 4...but there was something I felt the need to tell Jenna...something kinda important that I just really needed to get off my mind. :P So I went over her place a few hours earlier than I should have...I think at around 1 or something like that...and I shoulda called in advance in case Jenna was busy doing something but I didn't because I just assumed that she wasn't...which was stupid of me...I shouldn't have done that... :P But...anyways...I went over Jenna's place and caught her in the middle of playing in the mudpit in her backyard...but she didn't notice me and I didn't wanna seem like I was interrupting something and being I just hid somewhere and planned to sneak off...but I ended up watching Jenna for a little while...I felt like a total creeper for spying for her for some time but I couldn't help it...she looked really cute and I couldn't help but stare...but eventually I just stopped myself and went home and got some some stuff and got changed and came back. Once I came back I felt the need to talk to Jenna so I felt that she had to know I was I had to tell her two things...both kinda serious and one that I felt horrible about. So I walked over to Jenna and called her name...and then she realized that I was there and seemed kinda nervous...I pretty much knew why...I could just tell. So...I kissed Jenna and said that everything was perfectly fine but I wanted to talk to her. Then we went inside and Jenna got cleaned up and then we ended up talking for a little first about nothing important...but then Jenna said there was something she had to tell me. Apparently Jenna did like it every time that we did play in the mud before...but she didn't wanna let me know that...she thought I'd be turned off or I'd judge her or something. And that she basically knew that I enjoyed playing in the mud and used that almost as an excuse for her to do she wanted me to think it was for my sake all those times so I wouldn't know. The second after I heard that I just kissed Jenna and said I was perfectly fine with everything...and that if she ever needs anything she can just ask or talk to me or whatever and I'll be there for her. :D And also that I can never judge her...I've done so many messed up things that if I were to judge anyone on anything I'd be a hypocrite...and hypocrites deserve to rot in Hell for all eternity. :P So...yeah...after that we hugged and everything was might seem likea stupid thing to make a big deal about but it was kinda a big deal for us...and now that's taken care of and everything's fine and now we have something else to do together if we ever get bored and it's nice outside. :P So...after that we went on our double date and it was just really nice and we had a lot of fun and before Jenna and I and the other lesbian couple we met from GSA went our separate ways we did see them kiss once. :D I'm really happy for them...I hope they stick together...they're a cute couple. :D :P that point Jenna had said everything she needed to say and that issue was taken care of and I'm glad Jenna felt comfortable telling me that and was being honest with me...I could tell that she seemed a little embarrassed by that at first. But...I had still not managed to tell Jenna what I had come over to her place in the first place to tell her. :P I felt that the issue with Jenna was more important though...which is why I just saved what I needed to say for later. :P So...after we finished our date I walked Jenna back to her house but before I left I asked her if I could tell her something I needed to get off my mind. She said of course I could...and we then went up to her room to talk. The first thing I told her was that when she was playing in the mud I hadn't talked to her right away...I saw her earlier and watched for a little while and then I went home to get some stuff and came back. I was honestly waiting for Jenna to kill me right then and there. :P She pretended to be mad at me at first and I legit believed her...I probably had this scared look on my face at the time...Jenna commented on that later. :P After a little while she just started laughing and said jokingly that if I wasn't so cute she'd slap me. :P And then I said there was one other thing I needed to tell her...that I felt like I didn't deserve her. I honestly feel this way at times...that I don't deserve Jenna...that she's too good for me. I mean...sometimes I just don't get what she sees in me...I'm just some crazed metalhead who's alsoa Satanist and watches p*rn and would serve so many punishments in Hell if I weren't limited to just one in the Abominable Sands. And I told her all of this this...and that I felt like I was a bad influence at I was just slowly but surely dragging her deeper and deeper into Hell with me and that she should just leave when she can still be okay. I know it sounds stupid...and I've never said this...maybe parts of it jokingly but I really mean it in all seriousness. And I think I was beginning to get a little teary eyed as I was saying this...yeah...I was...but I tried not to let it show. After I was done talking Jenna could tell that I was legit upset and she hugged me really hard and asked me why I never told her that I felt this way before...and I said that I thought I wouldn't be taken seriously and I was gonna tell her today which is why I came over early but I felt that the issue at hand was way more important and I could wait until that night. She kissed me and began playing with my hair and said that I did deserve to be her girlfriend...and all that stuff I said of that stuff was wrong...I might not be perfect but I'm the best person I can be and I'm not doing anything bad to Jenna...I'm not a bad influence on her. It made me feel so much better to hear her say that. :D I love Jenna so much...I'm glad that she knows where I'm coming from and can take my problems seriously and make me feel better. :D Then we just ended up talking about the day and how crazy it was...that we both had issues that we needed to work out with each other...and how nice it was that we did work things out and everything's fine...and then we talked about how nice the double date was...and then I said that I had to get home so we kissed and we said that if either of us needed anything we could call the other one. :D And then I went home and went to sleep. :P So..yeah...crazy day... :P I should finish making this blog and call Jenna's almost 10...I thought I'd finish this blog WAY earlier but I've kept rambling on and I am right now... :P I have nothing else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #367 / I'm Rather Confuzzled At The Moment... :P

Before I get to the title...I just wanna say that I absolutely love the word "confuzzled"...I'm not sure if it's a real world though...I don't think it is but if it is that's epis. :P It's just fun to say. :P Just say the word "confuzzled". :P Have you said it yet...? :P's fine...I'll wait...take your time. :P Said it yet? :P You did? :P Awesome...wasn't it fun? :D :P No?! :P What the heck is wrong with you peoples?! :P Wait...sorry...I'm just talking to myself...I guess I'm mentally unstable or something... :lol: :P I already knew that that's just insanely helpful. :P Well...anyways...I guess I'll get on with this blog. :P

I decided that the blog party shall be Blog #370...sorry for changing around things so much...but I'm just wicked bad at planning stuff like this...I kinda forgot that one of my friends on this site is having a blog party at the moment and I don't want to overlap things so...I'm just trying to be a good friend. :P But...I guess I'm coming off as being a jerk for changing around things twice. :P I'm can beat me up whenever you wanna. :P Here...I'll do some work for you... :P *takes off my glasses and punches myself in the face* Do you feel better now? :P I hope so...I needs to go to the freaking hospital now... :P I'm so stupid... :P Kidding. :P this music video: was gonna post a link for another one but it's full of Satanic stuff so I figured it might offend some peoples on this site so I decided to post the link for this music video. :P The video itself isn't that cool...I mean...there's lots of headbanging and the girl in the white dress walking through the "forest" is really cute...but...aside from that the graphics aren't that great and and snow is obviously fake. :P But...whatever...the song itself is freaking epic and you gets to see Dani before he cut his hair and stopped using all the heavy before Darkly, Darkly Venus Aversa. :P So...yeah. :P NOW let's get on with this blog... :P

Today aside from spending some time with Jenna I didn't really do anything too special...I got up and took a shower and whatnot...and then I went online and checked my email and blogs and played a little UR while blaring Cradle of Filth music. :P Later on I got a call from one of those girls fron GSA who started dating another girl and Jenna and I planned on going on a double date with them to help them out. :P Anyways..apparently they're going on the date Friday afternoon...probably around 5...which is a pretty good time for a date. :D :P So...yeah...I'm gonna be gone pretty much all day after 5. :P And I guess I shouldn't say "all day" since after 5 I'd only be awake for a few more hours... :P Anyways...after that I called Jenna to fill her in which was a fail since Jenna already got the call a few minutes ago. :P But...anyways...Jenna said that since I had bothered to call we might as well talk for a little we talked for a little while and then after some time Jenna asked me if I wanted to come over her place so we could do something. :P My response was that I'd love to...and then Jenna said not to wear anything nice over there and to bring a spare change of clothes. :P Why? :P At the time I didn't know...I lack common sense and honestly...I can't see the future...this was a hard thing to figure out anyways. :P So...I went over to Jenna's place...I took her advice and brought a spare change of clothes and wore some clothes that I would normally wear if I were going to play in the mud. :P I walked into the house and Jenna said that she called her parents a few minutes ago and asked them something. :P What? :P Jenna told me that she asked her parents if she could make a mudpit in the backyard basically...and her parents didn't completely love the idea of it but they weren't against it either so they said it was fine. :P And apparently Jenna wanted me to come over to help her with that...which is why she suggested I not dress up nicely and I bring a spare change of clothes. :P So...I obviously helped was kinda hard to dig up the backyard...but I managed to make a mudpit in my backyard by myself...and it was nice outside today...which made it not that bad. :P took some time but after the part of the backyard was dug up it was easy...just take the garden hose and spray the ground. :P Oh, and apparently Jenna's family has some lawn furniture that they never use for anything and they have a tent like thing that would be used to shade you if you wanted to like eat outside but it was really sunny or something...but...since they never use it for anything...we figured it would be nice to cover up the mudpit. :P Honestly...I haveta say I'm a little jealous...the mudpit in Jenna's backyard is really nice in my do I know this? :P Well...I made it and I'll get to why else... :P Well...after the mudpit was done Jenna kissed me and said thanks for helping her with that. :P And then she said that we should test it out (this is where I begin to get confuzzled... :P ) and obviously I agreed (any excuse to play in the mud will do. :P )...and we ended up playing in the mud and making out (4th time now...not that I'm counting. :P But I'm confuzzled... :P ) and it was just really nice...and I'm not sure if I'm crazy or something but I don't think Jenna did that just for my sake...she seemed tolike it...but maybe I am just crazy...maybe I needs to be locked away... :P And this is how I know the mudpit was epic...I got to use it on the first day it was made...and honestly...(please don't call me a freak...I already think I'm a disgusting freak for thinking this...but I can't help it...I think it's a fetish or something) all mud feels nice...but that mud felt really nice in my opinion. :P(please don't kill me... :P ) So...anyways...after that Jenna and I got cleaned up and changed into some clean clothes and we kissed and she thanked me again for everything today...she actually called me about an hour ago to thank me again. :P After that I haven't really been up to much...just online...doing some stuff and now I'm making this blog...reflecting upon the day's events... :P Now I shall explain why I'm confuzzled... :P

Okay...I will say one thing before I go any further...I have always liked getting dirty...dunno why. :P And at first I would play in the mud to spite my mom who's a neatfreak...but now I have a pretty good relationship with my mom and I don't feel like playing in the mud to spite anyone...I just do it now because I enjoy it. :P And now call me a freak butI think it's a strange fetish of mine... Yeah... :P This is why if I weren't a lesbian I'd be going to the second circle of Hell. :lol: :P So...anyways...I remember over the Summer the first time Jenna and I ended up playing in the mud it was when Jenna was kinda tricking me to think that she was mad at me for "liking" Jessica after that whole Dan incident and she pushed me in the mud pit in my backyard but then kissed me and said it was a trick. :P Then we just kinda started laughing and making out and playing in the just kinda happened I guess... :P And after that we got cleaned up and whatnot and Jenna said that was disgusting and she'd never do that again ina million years. :P Then later on in the Summer she asked me if I wanted to play in the mud with her and I said then we were playing in the mud and making out again...but that confuzzled me because she said she'd never do that again...apparently it was "disgusting"...and I asked her about that and she just kinda laughed...I thought it was just for my sake because she could see right through me and knew that I liked that the first time and she was just being nice. :P (Oh mind is in the freaking gutter right now...I really do deserve to go to the second circle of Hell... :P ) And then a little while ago in January we had this field trip to the Museum of Science and we didn't have any real homework that night so Jenna and I went to my place and I just kinda said out of nowhere that I wanted to play in the mud later today but Jenna said I didn't haveta wait if I didn't wanna...and then we ended up playing in the mud again...I thought it was just for my sake was, right...? :P But today...a forth time?! :P I don't get it...if Jenna thinks that it's disgusting why did she want me to help her make a mudpit in her backyard...? :P And why was it her suggestion to play in the mud afterwards...? :P And...why did it seem like she liked it every time we did play in the mud...? :P This is where I'm getting confuzzled...I thought Jenna could just see right through me and knew I liked that and just did it for my sake...but this couldn't be just for my makes no sense...I mean...not much in my life makes sense but still... :P But...if it wasn't for my sick and twisted sake...that means that Jenna likes playing in the mud and she said it was disgusting before and she'd never do it again in a million years... :P This is where I'm confuzzled...she said it was disgusting and would never do that again but then she ends up playing in the mud with me four times (all those times nothing had to happen...the first time Jenna didn't haveta push me in the mud...the second time Jenna didn't haveta even propose the idea...the third time Jenna coulda just ignored my ramblings...and the forth time...well...that was completely Jenna's idea... :P ) and wants me to help her make a mudpit in her backyard... :P I don't get it...I'm just really confuzzled...maybe I should talk to Jenna and see what's up with that... :P I have no clue but if Jenna does like playing in the mud that would make me feel much better...that she didn't just do that for my sick and twisted sake...and I guess it would give us something else to do if we get bored. :P can't be the case...Jenna said it was disgusting and she's too good to stoop down to something like that...she's too good to stoop down to my level... I dunno...I'm just really confuzzled and I think I'm gonna talk to Jenna tomorrow...maybe before we leave to go on that double date with another lesbian couple... :P I don't think I'm gonna be able to sleep too much tonight...maybe I can call Jenna instead...? :P's already 9 at night where I live...I don't wanna bother her...I'll probably just pass out at like midnight...I'll just do some random stuff until I'm ready to pass out... :P So...yeah...sorry I've spent a lot of time talking about this but I didn't really do much else today and I'm just really confuzzled and wanna figure out what's up with Jenna...I'm not worried or anything...just kinda confused (I've been using confuzzled in place of this word but it's time for a change in vocabulary, don't you think? :P ) and it's just one of those things that I'm not gonna be able to get off my mind. :P Well...I guess I should end this blog...I should get to doing random stuff to get me tired so I'll pass out before 3 in the morning and I'll find out tomorrow...well...if Jenna wants to tell me anyways. :P But honestly...I'd hope that she feels comfortable talking to me about this kinda stuff...I am her girlfriend and I really can't judge anyone...I'm just completely messed up so if I were to judge anyone I'd be a total hypocrite. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #366 / Sorry But I'm Putting The Blog Party On Hold For Now...

I wish this were a prank and right now I'd be all like: " you! :P "'s not because of anything bad but one of my friends on this site is having a blog party right now and I'd rather not have overlapping stuff because I can't wait for a few days. :P (See, Girlygirl24...I'm not THAT bad of a person. :P ) So...I dunno when I'll make the blog party...maybe Blog #370...sorry for changing all the dates and crap...I guess I'm bad at planning stuff like this. :P Oh well...I guess it's not that big of a deal and if it is I'm sorry. :P If it'll make you feel better you can borrow my pitchfork. :P *hands whoever is reading this blog my pitchfork* Oh Zeus...what the Hell did I just do?! :P I just gave a mere mortal a pitchfork! :P WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!! :lol: :P Kidding...obviously. :P Never mind...gimme my pitchfork back! :P *takes back my pitchfork* Well...if there's anything I can do please let me know. :P Now I guess I can get on with this blog. :P

Yesterday I didn't really do anything too special...I went over Jenna's place later on in the day so we could just hang out and talk about the Degrassi episode that aired on it was a nice day...I got to spend some time with my girlfriend and relax. :D :P And...I'm not really sure if I should say this but after a while we kinda got off topic and began talking about how in the future if we buy a house what it should look then I took out a pencil and Jenna let me borrow some paper and I began drawing whatever we were talking about...and the drawings were really good in my opinion...we had some really good ideas...some stupid ones too (I'll tell you a funny one soon. :P )...and I didn't think I could draw 3D real life crap too well...but I guess building are pretty easy. :P of the stupid ideas that I had as we began thinking about what we'd do with the bedroom was that where the ceiling should be above the bed...there should be a mirror. :lol: :P If you don't get why that's wrong on so many're a good person who's NOT going to the second circle of Hell. :lol: :P Anyways...after I said that we just both started laughing...I was worried Jenna would slap me or something...she probably wanted to but couldn't bring herself to do it. was a nice day...and no...we're not thinking into the future or anything like that and we're not in a hurry to grow up...Jenna and I just thought it would be something fun to do. :P And apparently Jenna thinks I look really cute when I'm sketching pictures...and playing the flute and piccolo for that matter. :P I have any plans for today? :P Not really...I think I'll call a few of my friends today and see if we can do anything together... :P If they're all busy or something like that I'll probably just stay at home and play Zelda on Wii all day and blare Satan's Host. :twisted: :P That sounds like a pretty good day. :P And I should call Jenna later today...I promised her I'd call later on today because she's busy writing a History essay today (dunno why she put it off until now. :P Oh well... :P ) and it's a research paper so that'll take a really long time. :P I'm upset about that...I wanna see Jenna... :P I guess I can wait a day... :P Anyways...aside from that I guess I don't plan on really doing anything today. :P Oh, but a few days ago I learned something...well...I already knew this but it didn't hit me until a few days ago. :P I can go on the internet on my iTouch...and this morning I actually posted on some blogs from my just needs to use wi-fi...and even though I'm not too good with computer's easy. :P You press a freaking button...well...tap something on the screen that resembles a button anyways. :P So...internet means that I can basically watch p*rn on my iTouch at like midnight in my bedroom and no one will know and I don't needs to worry about having to clear the computer's history afterwards. :P Yeah...if I could serve two punishments in Hell I'd go to the second circle of Hell and the inner ring of the seventh circle of Hell. :P Oh...that reminds me...there's this epic quiz thingy you peoples should's the link for it: THAT QUIZ and tell me where you're going in Hell according to the quiz. :P I've had peoples take the quiz and it's amusing to see the results. :P The quiz got me perfectly...I'm going to the seventh circle of Hell. :P I'll just tell you all my results actually from when I took it:

Purgatory: Very Low

Limbo: Very Low

Level 2: Extreme

Level 3: Very Low

Level 4: Moderate

Level 5: Extreme

Level 6: Extreme

Level 7: Extreme

Level 8: High

Level 9: High

Wow...I'm a really bad person. :lol: :P Thank Zeus you can only serve one punishment in Hell. :lol: :P Well...I know I'm not going to Purgatory, Limbo, or the Third and Forth circles of Hell anytime's just everything else that's bad. :P Well...I have nothing else to talk about. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)