In honor of the 40th anniversary of the Moon landing, I thought, what would be better than to disprove the BS about it never happening? So here are three things that are absolutely and entirely impossible without the Moon landing being true.
1. Moon rocks.
Specifically, the age of Moon rocks. Apollo Missions 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17, and Luna Missions 16, 20 and 24 all returned with samples of Moon rocks (842 pounds worth altogether) that are radiometrically dated to be between 3.16 billion years old and 4.5 billion years old.
The oldest rocks on Earth are dated to be about 3.8 billion years old.
Now, the very existence of these rocks should be enough to prove moon landing conspiracies false all on their own, but the age of these rocks can utterly dissolve any claims that they are fake. How did NASA create fake rocks that are dated to be older than planet Earth? Were they cooking up this conspiracy before life existed in our solar system? How else could we have gotten almost a thousand pounds of rock older than Earth?
2. Mars rovers.
We've been to Mars. Yet we can't go to the Moon. Anybody see a problem yet? If not, move on to 3.
3. Moon dust.
Specifically, the way Moon dust blows away when the aircraft landed. The dust blew off in a parabolic trajectory. In English, that means the dust made a sort of curve in the air before going down. Like how, when you step really far away from the toilet, your pee has to make an arch upward before going down into the bowl.
This is physically impossible on Earth due to our gravity pull. On Earth, dust just blows aside. Don't believe me? Take a fan and blow some dust with it across your desk. It won't go up and down in a parabola no matter how hard you try.
So how did Nasa film something that can't be done on a landside studio? Did they turn gravity off while they filmed it? Did they ask their ol' pal, Merlin, for some help?
These are, of course, three CliffNotes versions of dozens (if not hundreds) of incontrovertable proofs that we have been to the Moon.
One thing you always hear from conspiracy theorists and people considering the theories is that "there's a lot of weird stuff about the Moon landing that doesn't make sense." And yet they believe that we can defy the physics of time and space in a 1960's Hollywood studio.
One more thing that would prove conspiracy theorists wrong is the fact that the russians didn't say anything when USA landed on the moon. The russians were monitoring everything that USA did and the russians them self knew that USA has landed on the moon. If USA didn't land on the moon, the russians would have know about it and would have made sure that the whole world knew that USA is lieing.
Conspiracy theorists are bunch of people who don't have anything to do during the day and come up with this weird crap.
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