I thoroughly enjoyed this game and would highly recommend it to anyone with a 3DS and even a passing interest in action/RPGs and the Mario universe. The game is often quite funny, has a fantastic soundtrack, and Bowser alone is worth the price of admission, as he quickly became one of my favorite gaming characters because of his no-nonsense confidence and charm.
@merritt: Really enjoyed Castle Rock, too! Has a couple scenes that drag a little bit, but overall a great dread filled thriller/mystery honoring Stephen King's work.
@Egotte: I can understand, to a degree. The choppy/blocky animation of the older games were a major turn off to me, but having spent quite a bit of time with Injustice 2 and Mortal Kombat X, I feel they've really turned their engine around and come a long way. Both games play very fluidly in reaction to inputs, creating some very slick combos and move-sets that I wouldn't have expected from older Netherrealm. Not trying to change minds, but might be worth a revisit if you're interested!
I can appreciate everyone having their own taste in FPS's...through rose-tinted glasses, for me, the best shooter will always be Goldeneye 64, even if I know it hasn't aged well and doesn't hold up like some other classic shooters (Half Life, Deus Ex, Unreal Tournament). The Far Cry series has always felt a little too Ubisoft for me, meaning "fun and open" but eventually the seems and edges start to show and the repetition starts to set in, and then I can't see it in the same light as when I first started playing it. But hey, more power to those who love it!
As for Metro, I'm excited. I had fun with the build at PAX, and loved the last two, they really are woefully underappreciated.
@lonewolf1044: You make some great points, and as an avid PC fan, I understand the desire for local servers for both fastest connections and long term playablility, and the idea of a game kind of forcing multiplayer AND taking that customization away from you could be a turn off and a frustrating concern for future game design. I can feel that way too, ha, but I guess I'm just trying to ease your mind a bit, as single player is still very lucrative and not every developer is choosing to implement multiplayer just because it can seem like a low hanging fruit cash grab.
@lonewolf1044: I can understand a concern, but I would try to hesitate from worrying too much about the death of single player. Looking at sales from last year alone, God of War, Spider-Man, Assassin's Creed Odyssey all spiked MASSIVE sales, being many of the most acclaimed and successful games, and were strictly single player, on top of even Red Dead 2, which now has an online component, but struck financial gold long before that was even implemented. There will always be successful multiplayer games, many of which you will hear tons of news about, but single player is far from dead, and is actually thriving.
Ha, yes! I played WAAAAY too much RE2 back in the day (ya know, back when we all had endless gaming time), proud of my runs that net me 4th Survivor and Tofu, and was wondering if they'd be in the remake. Excited to see how this turns out!
GoW was a fantastic game, large enough to hold it's own without being so big that it became a slog, wrapping up it's story while teasing more. I had no problem that they didn't push out New Game+ out the gate, because I never expect that from any game, and it definitely never keeps me from picking it up to begin with. To be honest, New Game+ is too daunting when a game is more than 15 hours or so, I'd rather put that time into something entirely new.
As for the DLC, I'm fine with them shelving it to put those resources towards the sequel.
Solid games, and I'd argue that Zelda 2 is one of the few games that really deserves a revisit more than many older NES games in the current gaming climate, as it is a great historical entry point into the Action RPG of sorts, like an old-school SoulsBorne, though obviously not nearly as well detailed. I played it again recently and while a bit grindy, it actually held up pretty well.
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