It's pretty off putting for me for them to do any MGS remake without Kojima. I just don't trust them to do right by the game without the mastermind who crafted it.
It looks like this is a minority opinion among reviewers, so I suppose it's still worth a play. I don't plan to buy it, but it's on my list for GF, so no loss if I end up agreeing with this review. However, majority of reviews I've seen so far say it's better than this review is telling us.
Seeing this for free tomorrow, so however I end up feeling about it, it's no real loss. As entertained as I am by these movies, they have gone downhill since Endgame. It feels like a lot of the energy they were working with in creating the Infinity Saga died down. The MCU has always been a machine, churning out formulaic, albeit entertaining films, but that formula seems to have overtaken the entertaining aspect. I enjoyed Phase 4 to an extent, but it was also very much forgettable. Loki was probably the best thing they put out from that phase, which really says something. I expect I will enjoy Quantumania, but it's disappointing to see that the quality is shrinking. Though, I suppose as long as they keep making money hand over fist, they'll continue to put this stuff out just the same.
Pierce_Sparrow's comments