@Morphine_OD @redroach @kozakon LA Noir and Heavy Rain are comparable. But if you want to talk about emotion and caring about the characters, I didn't give two cents about anyone in LA Noir, quite the opposite of Heavy Rain. I could also say the same about ME and DA1. None of the characters in those games are nearly as well developed or as relatable. Are they well developed, sure, but that gets into a whole nother argument about player-driven character creation and characters created for the player. But again, these things are subjective. What matters is the design itself, of which Heavy Rain pushed several boundaries in how a story can be told on these machines.
@SeptuagintXXX @XaK2 @tachsniper Not a matter of opinion, a matter of how relevant Cage is. And with the way he is pushing the tech of the PS3, I'd say he is very relevant in demonstrating the capabilities of game design. You don't have to produce a lot of games to be important in the gaming industry and know game design.
@Morphine_OD I think he means the mindless violence of games where you just go around killing everyone and everything in sight, like COD, as opposed to games like Heavy Rain, where the violence happened sporadically and you actually cared about the people who died.
@orbit991 Cage never said graphics weren't important. New hardware isn't about graphics. The entire point is that there is a lack of creativity in the industry and new hardware isn't going to fix that. It's simply a way for developers to create higher end versions of games that are already being made. This tech CAN be as old as it is cause it's still very capable tech. New tech is unnecessary when the current consoles have yet to peak. Developers need to explore other options, like creative storytelling, instead of simply repeating what they do. I know the industry is in a tough spot to make money, but how many COD games can they produce before it becomes old (of course, seeing the numbers for each new COD, I don't know if gamers will EVER get tired of that formula).
@redroach @Morphine_OD @kozakon There are other factors, like the emotional and human qualities. The facial expressions are beyond anything any game has done right now. The characters are real characters, grounded in reality. Perhaps it had a number of plot holes, but the story works overall. Of course, plot and character are something that are subjective, and that's why it's the kind of game that can't please everyone. But there is no denying the kind of production created and how fantastic it was. I'd LOVE to see some other companies create characters that were as relatable, realistic, and grounded as Heavy Rain had.
@Mbrans25den @muppen They do, in fact, have quite a bit more to offer. These are powerful machines with plenty of capability of telling fantastic stories and still playing incredibly well. New hardware is not the answer to the gaming industries creative stagnation.
@BillyColeman DVD will eventually go the way of the VHS. It's just the evolution of technology. And the same will happen with Blu-Ray when the next tech over takes that.
@redroach @Morphine_OD No, new hardware means more expenses. It's the same as trying to make a movie. The better you want it to look, the more you want it to have, the more it's going to cost. And games continue to push the boundaries of productions. Fantastic graphics, cinematic quality, voice overs. All this stuff costs money. The only thing that a new console will do is push the requirements for the next gen. Cheaper production costs have never come into the fold so much as companies have looked at gaming and seen where the best markets are and how they can get their money back as well as profit.
@Morphine_OD Ok, go looks at the numbers for how much the last Mass Effect and COD games sold and tell me that no one wants these games anymore. And you also forgot about his earlier game, Omikron, which was also radically different from most other games around it. And yes, Farenheit and Heavy Rain were quite different, not just in terms of story, but in terms of technology. The creation of emotions in Heavy Rain is like little out on the market today, and vastly different from most other games on the market today. Perhaps the game design was similar, but when compared to all other games on the market, they are in their own league. Again, if all he wanted was money, he'd be making games in another genre, not a niche one like the games he produces for.
@Morphine_OD @001011000101101 His point is that every new gen console costs more and more money to create a game on because of new hardware and software standards. The new gen console issue is the answer to industry stagnation instead of creative game design. So, instead of doing a FPS that doesn't replicate COD but is more creative, developers want new hardware to create better graphics and more realistic gameplay on. Sadly, this seems to be all consumers want these days, instead of creative games with great story and character.
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