@jinzo9988: Wouldn't trust wikipedia as a source on her career. This is the first time I've heard of her, but just from looking her up, it sounds like she's kept busy. She has quite a few games under her belt, so at the very least, she has the experience of producing games.
If TLOU2 makes it on the list, then I think MGS2 really deserves a place here. Not only did the game shock by giving us a new character very few ppl knee anything about, but it also seemingly killed off Snake.
@clockworkengine: And this is not the kind of thing that the CEO of a major company like Disney would get fired for. Not even close. People are blowing this situation way out of proportion and Disney, including the CEO, are used to this level of controversy. To them, this is a business decision. That's it. The people reacting to this have more emotion in their response than Disney did to firing Carano.
He only put this out because people keep fuming over it, so this is publicity. The truth: she didn't fit in at Disney, so they got rid of her. It's that simple. She has said what she has said, both with this comment and in the past, and Disney decided they didn't want her to be part of the Disney image. Happens all the time with many companies. They decide that the person working doesn't represent the company well, that they don't adhere to the COC, and they fire them. It's as simple as that.
@clockworkengine: Very highly doubtful they are afraid of anything. They're Disney. This belief that, somehow, "cancel culture" is going to make them shake in their boots is laughable. They are a billion dollar machine that will continue to be a billion dollar machine no matter the controversy because, despite the wants and desires of people raging over her firing, no one is going to boycott Disney and certainly not en masse enough to matter. They fired her because they didn't like her image with the company. She wasn't a fit with Disney, so they got rid of her. I guarantee Disney does this often and we just never hear about it. In this case, the only reason we hear so much about it is because ragers are throwing a tantrum over it.
This was, overall, a fun game, but I agree with the frustrations. The level of accuracy needed to pull of things that would make the game more fluid to play is hindered by it's ability to deliver that precision. But, I enjoyed it enough to get through it.
Seems kind of fun as a novelty and maybe as a challenge or for blind practice, but it kind of defeats the purpose of playing the game in the first place. What's Mortal Kombat without witnessing all the flashy moves and combos?
Pierce_Sparrow's comments