When is the SW franchise going to move on from the past? I wouldn't mind it so much if there was material enough to give us the future of the SW universe, but all we've gotten is a trilogy of films that most fans seem to hate. I would really love to see the post-Empire era explored as much as the past is. It seems like this franchise is constantly stuck in the past without plans to move the franchise forward, which is pretty disappointing.
Hopefully they examine these things closer than they did with MH. We've seen that games can make good movies and TV IF they are handled with care and made to be movies and TV and not just tie ins.
I still can't believe the original HL didn't get GOTY back when it came out. Grim Fandango was good, but Half Life elevated the entire genre at a time when it was stale as old bread. Also hard to believe that Alyx, a game that might be good but incredibly limited in accessibility, is GOTY. Not that it isn't good, but I do believe that a requirement for GOTY should be accessibility to the game. What's the point of a GOTY if most people can't play it?
Sinnerman is the one quest I've done in the game that has truly disturbed me. There's a lot of stuff in this game that is questionable and can be unnerving (the one with the cattle farm and the kids is disturbing), but Sinnerman genuinely got under my skin.
@RSM-HQ: @RSM-HQ: Early Access and mods aren't patches, they're additions to change the fundamentals of a game. NMS is a fundamentally different game than when it was originally released. Fixing bugs and parts of a game are different from changing pieces of a game that simply do not work or are not interesting.
All those games you mention were mediocre upon release, not simply broken. They were dull and poorly developed and/or designed. Objectively speaking, CP's design is fantastic. It does what developers seem to choose not to do much of these days: it fully develops it's world. You only have to play through the game's missions to get a sense of that. It's not simply that I enjoy the game, it's that, save for what in the game is broken, it's purely a well.made game. World, characters, dialogue, story and yes, even the gameplay, are just well designed and made, if they're not all functional.
But I'll put it this way, I've had Valhalla and Immortals waiting to be played but haven't touched them yet and probably won't for a while because I'm nowhere near finishing CP, even at 40 hours.
@RSM-HQ: I beg to differ. Both developers made promises they didn't keep. The difference is that, despite being a fully functioning game, NMS was boring and it took two years for it to be interesting. You can patch bugs, you can't patch boring. cP at least works on PC and it's a fantastic game with some of the best world building I've ever seen in a game. It's world is fully realized and nearly every facet of it you could want to learn about is explored. Even on just a technical level, it's very well done. The game will get fixed and the anger will die down because that's what ALWAYS happens. I'll take a game that is as well designed as CP, even with it being broken, over some functioning but dull any day.
I remember when everyone hate No Man's Sky as much as they hate this game now (CP2077 maybe less) and now it's popular and highly regarded. CDPR screwed up. No one can deny that fact, but they screwed up a good game. The world building is amazing. I fully expect them to recover. Certainly people will be cautious. And I'd like to think that CDPR will have learned their lesson. I consider myself lucky, I suppose, since I actually get to enjoy CP. I want to see CDPR recover from this because they make quality games and I'd like to see them continue to do so.
Personally have to say Ghosts would be my GOTY, though TLOU II is a very close second. And as much awfulness surrounding CP2077 there is, that is way up there for me too. I understand it's a black sheep pick, but I have rarely had more fun with a game this year.
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